Failed Boss

Chapter 160 The Conspiracy Broken

Chapter 160 The Conspiracy Broken (2)
The last trace of strength was drained under Murong Jing's suspicious gaze for the first time, and Aqiusha fell powerlessly to the ground.

Ken looked at Murong Jing who was close to collapse and Aqiusha who was collapsed, and made a final conclusion slowly: "Mr. Murong, do you understand now? You have been fooled, your leftover pearl incident is a complete and complete scam! You The woman you love is not as beautiful as you imagined! The girl you love is not your biological daughter at all. The man named Awang has already said that Aqiusha is his daughter. As for the share The so-called dna proof... I believe you know better than me who it came from and why he did it!"

Ling Feng!The veins on Murong Jing's forehead popped up, like little green snakes, shocking, the big hand hanging by his side was clenched tightly and then clenched again, the knuckles turned white!

"No—" Aqiusha's mournful cry almost pierced the sky, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Murong Jing's trouser legs, tears and tears intertwined on her lotus petal-like face, and she put on makeup, "It's not like this dad Mom is not that kind of person, mom didn’t lie to you! These photos were forged by him! He is slandering mom! Don’t be fooled by him!”

Murong Jing looked at the girl whom he held in his palm as the jewel in his hand crying so pitifully, he couldn't bear it, he stretched out his hand to pull her up, but in the end he couldn't, and he clenched his fist even tighter.

Aqiusha cast her eyes on the indifferent and beautiful girl Murong Wan, and cried, "Miss Wan Wan, I know you hate me and hate me for stealing my father's love, but you can't let your boyfriend frame my mother like this Ah! My mother has already passed away. Doesn’t it mean that your slandering her like this will make her spirit in heaven unable to live in peace?” Then she cried with a look of being greatly wronged: “Mom, where are you? Tell Dad quickly , all this is not true! Mom..."

Don't cry without seeing the coffin!
Ken raised his big hand, and a man in black put a new DNA test on his big hand, and he handed the test certificate in front of Murong Jing: "This is the DNA test for Aqiusha and Awang that I asked to do. , Mr. Murong, if you don’t believe me, you can take Aqiusha to do dna again.” After a pause, he reminded very kindly: “You don’t want to find your old classmate again this time.”

Murong Jing raised his big hand and took the thin piece of paper, feeling that his hand was about to be crushed.

Looking down, the words with a similarity of 99% came into view deeply, and were deeply seared on Murong Jing's heart like red-hot iron.

Murong Jing gently closed his eyes, and the heart-wrenching coolness lingered on his heart...

Then, the 4A paper slipped silently from Murong Jing's hanging hand, and landed lightly in front of Aqiusha who was sitting on the ground. She stretched out her hand like crazy and grabbed the paper, tore it to pieces, as if wanting to Erase everything that just happened from the memory of everyone present just like this piece of paper.

The instigator, Ken, had already looked away, and nodded lightly at Liu's father. He was a dignified nobleman, "Chairman Liu, I'm very sorry to take up your time for the banquet. Let's go out?"

Only then did Father Liu come back to his senses, and smiled unnaturally: "It's okay, it's okay," and then looked around everyone: "Everyone, please go outside!"

Liu's father, who has always been tactful in dealing with people, naturally knows that Murong Jing needs a little private space to deal with their family's affairs.

A group of people left one after another, and some wives did not forget to look back, wanting to see what Murong Jing would do next, but they didn't want to make people feel that they were gossiping and disrespectful, so they left after all.

Ken took down the USB flash drive from his notebook, looked casually at Murong Jing who was standing there as if he had been struck by lightning, and slightly curled his lips: "Mr. Murong, do you want to keep this as a souvenir?"

Murong Jing's face was livid, and he didn't say a word.

Aqiusha snatched the white USB flash drive from Ken's hands in a frenzy, threw it on the ground and stepped on the USB flash drive with her high-heeled feet, as if she wanted to crush it, and cried, "Dad, Don't believe these things, these are all forged by him! He wants to frame my mother and me! Mom loves you so much, how could she do such a thing!"

Seeing this hysterical girl, Xiao Guaiguai, who hadn't left yet, was full of pity in his eyes, Aqiusha, why bother?Things are already like this!
Looking at the crying girl with her make-up and make-up, Murong Jing just looked indifferent, but from the blue veins on his forehead, it can be seen how angry he is at the moment.

Aqiusha felt isolated and helpless, don't, she managed to get to where she is today, don't want her to be beaten back to her original shape, and go to that kind of poor and hard life again!

There was a pink figure in the corner of her eyes, and Aqiusha made a desperate move and jumped in front of the girl who hadn't left yet.

But just a second before Aqiusha approached Xiao Guaiguai, Baili Hanchu put her arms around the girl and turned around beautifully, avoiding Aqiusha who was rushing towards her.

"Hey, let's go out?" Baili Hanchu looked down at the unhappy girl in his arms, said softly, and was about to leave.

Aqiusha rushed to nothing, and fell to the ground in a distressed posture like a dog eating shit.

Xiao obediently followed the man for a few steps, but felt that her skirt was being pulled by something. Looking back, Aqiusha who was lying on the ground was holding her skirt, and she couldn't help frowning .

Aqiusha cried and said, "Young Madam, didn't you say that we are friends? Please help me and explain to everyone that my mother is not like that!"

Xiao Kuaiguai didn't expect that Aqiusha would beg herself like this, and she didn't expect that she still didn't give up until now, she just frowned and didn't speak.

Ken sneered: "It's impossible for Xiao Guaiguai to explain it to you."

Xiao obediently reached out and dragged back her skirt from the girl's hand, "I'm sorry Aqiusha, I can't do anything about this matter."

"Xiao darling, you liar! You don't even consider me a friend!" Aqiusha shouted, which was quite different from her usual cautious appearance.

Baili Hanchu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "You don't deserve to be friends with Guaiguai at all!"

"Master! Xiao Guaiguai is a hypocritical woman at all. While she is enjoying your care, she is flirting with a man on the other hand!" Others dragged into the water.

Xiao Guaiguai's heart was inexplicably pulled up, and sure enough, Aqiusha heard all the words he said to Mo Junchi in the hospital that day.

Xiao Guaiguai unconsciously raised her eyes to see the expression of the man beside her. She didn't know why, why she cared so much about his attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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