Failed Boss

Chapter 164 Divorce

Chapter 164 Divorce (1)
However, Xiao Guaiguai already knew from Baili Hanchu's demon's narration that Liu's father is a man who is mercenary and has no loyalty, and seeing his face is shrewd, so Xiao Guaiguai raised his vigilance and said with a smile: "I don't know that Chairman Li is looking for me. What's the matter?"

Father Liu still maintains a proper smile, he is completely a loving elder, people can't see how much of his smile is real and what is not, "Miss Xiao must be hungry after being here for so long, why don't uncle take you there?" eat something?"

Seeing this cunning capitalist talking to him like a loving father, Xiao Guaiai couldn't refuse, after all, it is very impolite to refuse an elder's invitation, so he nodded: "Yes."

Father Liu took Xiao obediently to the refreshment area over there, and personally handed a glass of orange juice to her: "I heard from Piao Piao that Miss Xiao, you like drinking orange juice very much. This is freshly squeezed. Miss Xiao, try it." .”

"Thank you." Xiao obediently raised his hand to take it, brought it to his lips and took a sip with a straw. The taste was not bad.

Piao Piao beauty even knows this, it seems that she is also a person who is as careful as dust.

"Miss Xiao is still a college student, right?" Father Liu picked up a glass of red wine and took a sip.

"Well, I'm a second-year student in the Department of Nursing." Xiao obediently saw that the man was just chatting with her, drinking his favorite orange juice, feeling refreshed all over his body and mind, so he let down his guard a little.

"I don't know what your father does?" Father Liu continued to ask, with a feeling of finding out.

When Xiao Guaiguai heard this, she couldn't help remembering that she hadn't seen her father for more than a year, and her busy study life recently made her almost forget that she was kidnapped by Baili Hanchu.

Unconsciously, she lowered her eyelids, her curled eyelashes covered her pure pupils, "My father is the chief of the Public Security Bureau."

"So, Miss Xiao, you are still a child of a high-ranking official." Father Liu said, with a barely noticeable scornful smile on his lips.

"En." Xiao obediently responded.

"Miss Xiao, you probably don't know that nephew Baili is one of the top [-] richest people in the world by Forbes, and the subsidiaries of Baili Group are all over the world, so nephew Baili is a very successful and outstanding man. "Father Liu said leisurely, his tone was full of admiration for Baili Hanchu, and there was even a feeling that his father-in-law was praising his son-in-law.

No matter how ignorant he is, Xiao Guaiguai knows there is something in his words, "Well, you are right, he is very good."

Sometimes Xiao Kuaiguai would also think, how could a man like Baili Hanchu, who is rich, powerful, talented and beautiful, fall in love with the ordinary and ignorant her?It really made her unable to understand.

"Then Miss Xiao, don't you think that an excellent man like Nephew Baili should be matched with an excellent girl who is in line with him?" Father Liu half-jokingly said in a coaxing tone.

What the hell do you think the excellent girl who is right in the same family as Bailihan Chu is your daughter Liu Piaopiao, right? Do you think her, Xiao Kuaiguai, is a fool?
"Chairman Liu, what you said is very reasonable." Xiao obediently and tenderly blushed for a while, she was angry, and she didn't know why she was angry, after all, she was an ordinary girl, and she didn't know what to do It's a good way to hide your emotions.

She is really a scheming idiot girl. If such a girl hadn't been protected by Baili Hanchu, I'm afraid she would be eaten to the bone in this high society where people cannibalize her.

"It's a pity that in Baili's heart, only my obedient one can match me in this world." The one who said this was naturally Baili Hanchu who had just walked over. He smiled but his tone was unquestionable.

Xiao obediently raised her eyes, looked at the man who stretched out her ape arms and held her in her arms, her heart warmed, this devil always appeared suddenly like a prince when she was helpless, protecting her.

Father Liu was speechless and smiled embarrassingly.

Why did Baili Hanchu come here so quickly? That Ou Sunying is notoriously hard to get rid of. I didn't expect this kid to dismiss him in a few words. Now he wants that girl Xiao to be obedient to Baili Hanchu. I'm afraid that the plan of retreating despite the difficulties around me will fail.

Baili Hanchu said flatly: "Chairman Liu, then Baili and Guaiguai will excuse me first." After saying that, he left with his arms around the girl beside him.

Liu's father looked at them and squinted his eyes, Baili Hanchu, you are destined to be the Liu family's son-in-law in this life, as long as Piaopiao likes it, he, the father, must help her get it!

Xiao Guaiguai has always been thoughtful. Father Liu's words made her feel a little inferior. She unconsciously raised her eyes to look at the handsome man beside her. Really, it was his wishful thinking to say that she was his fiancee. What could she do?
I'm so annoyed, I will never come to this kind of intriguing capitalist party again, it hurts my self-esteem too much!
"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?" Bailihan asked softly when he came to a quiet place.

Xiao Guaiguai just looked at him with eyes full of resentment: "Your childhood sweetheart, Miss Liu Piaopiao's father said that I am not good enough for you! Who did I provoke? Why should I be judged by him?"

Baili Hanchu smiled helplessly, this guy is really a child with no intentions, "Okay, why do you care what that kind of person says, just treat him as nonsense."

"But what he said is the truth. You are a proud businessman, and I am just an ordinary woman. We are not on the same level at all. Let me go back and marry Liu Piaopiao, who is of the right family!" It can be heard that Xiao Guaiguai's tone is full of anger.

Baili Hanchu gently pulled her into his arms, "You're talking about children again, aren't you, why are you marrying Liu Piaopiao?"

Xiao obediently raised his hand and pushed him away childishly, and shouted aggrievedly: "I'm not joking, I'm serious, let me go home!"

Baili Hanchu bent down slightly, and hugged her horizontally: "Okay, let's go home now."

Xiao obediently raised her little pink fist and rained down on her chest: "I want to go back to China and Liucheng, I don't want to go to your house!"

Xiao Guaiguai's voice was a bit loud, which attracted strange looks from the guests who came out not far away to breathe, Baili Hanchu looked at them with a light smile, polite, like a gentleman: "Baili's fiancée is rude, I'm sorry. "

Those guests looked away knowingly, because they clearly saw a hint of warning in the man's eyes, it's better not to look at such trivial matters.

It's just that the person involved, Xiao Guaiguai, was angry and annoyed, "I'm just a person with no manners and no self-cultivation. Why did you bring me to this kind of party?"

"Hey, don't be self-willed." Baili Hanchu withdrew his gaze, lowered his eyes and said to the girl in his arms.

Xiao Guaiguai was so angry that he jumped off his body and ran forward. Before he knew it, tears were already streaming down his face.

(End of this chapter)

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