Failed Boss

Chapter 166 It's Just a Habit

Chapter 166 It's Just a Habit (1)
Jiang Yunhua tucked up Murong Jing's quilt, took off the gold-rimmed glasses underneath, and hung his silver suit jacket aside, only to find that one of his suit cuff buttons was loose, precariously there.

With a silent sigh in my heart, this man always doesn't know how to take care of himself.

"I'll ask the nurse to change the sheets for you." Jiang Yunhua said, walking outside.

Murong Chong shouted: "Mom, isn't there a nurse's bell here? Why did you run out?"

At the nurse station, Xiao Kuaiguai had just changed into her nurse uniform. Yin Ruolan walked over with a flattering smile, and stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Guaiguai's arm, "Guaiguai, you must help me."

Xiao obediently raised her hands to straighten her collar, "What's wrong, Ruolan?"

Yin Ruolan almost leaned on the girl, "Hey, you know, the young master of Murong's family was injured and hospitalized. Unfortunately, I have to take care of him. If you say he is so arrogant, who would dare to take care of him, so Can I switch classes with you?"

Xiao Kuaiguai thought to herself, Murong Chong is difficult to serve, and Ruo Lan may not have suffered less from his torture these two days, "But, I also have patients who are in charge of taking care of me, so it's not good for us to just change shifts like this."

Yin Ruolan said, "Don't worry, I've asked the head nurse for instructions, and she said it's fine as long as you agree and the patient you're taking care of has no objections."

Xiao obediently thought about it, is she going to take care of acquaintances all the time?But he no longer wants the people around him to be sick and hospitalized.

"OK then."

When Yin Ruolan heard this, she almost jumped for joy, chanting Amitabha, and finally she was able to get rid of that hard-to-serve Young Master Murong!

"My dear, you're so kind! I'm treating you for supper today!" Yin Ruolan said with a smile.

In the aisle, Jiang Yunhua, who was about to call for a nurse, met Xiao Guaiguai who was walking over, and said with a faint smile, "Guaiguai is on duty."

Xiao obediently nodded, "Well, I'm on the night shift, and the head nurse asked me to take care of Murong Chong."

"Oh, isn't that Nurse Yin in charge of taking care of Chong'er?" Jiang Yunhua asked a little strangely.

Xiao Guaiguai smiled and explained: "Oh, Ruolan has other patients to take care of, so from today onwards, I will be responsible for taking care of Murong Chong."

"That's right," Jiang Yunhua said clearly, "Then you can help Chong'er change a bed sheet first."

Xiao obediently nodded, "Yeah." After saying that, he turned around and went back to get the clean sheets.

When Xiao obediently walked into Murong Chong's ward with the bed sheet in his arms, he felt a burst of sour smell coming towards his face, and hurriedly put on the mask, "Wow, young master Murong Chong, are you bedwetting? The smell is so strong? "

Murong Chong's face flushed red, and he said angrily: "Hey, what are you talking about, you little idiot? How could this young master wet the bed? It's all that old man!" As he spoke, he pouted and pointed at Murong Jing, who had already fallen asleep on the hospital bed next to him.

It was only then that Xiao Guaiguai noticed that the bad old man Murong Jing was here, and unconsciously lowered his voice and asked, "Why is he here?"

"Who knows? He was drunk, so he ran here to get drunk." Murong Chong said with a look of contempt.

"Okay," Xiao said obediently, putting aside the clean sheet in his hand, "get up, let me change the sheet for you?"

Murong Chong asked strangely: "Why are you here to change the sheets, where is that clumsy Nurse Yin?"

Xiao obediently smiled: "Hey, Murong Chong told you some bad news." Having said that, she cleared her throat, "From today onwards, this nurse will take care of you. You'd better be obedient, otherwise , Hehe, I will prick you with a needle."

Hearing what the girl said was true, Murong Chong wasn't afraid at all, instead he smiled, "Really? My little idiot, will you be the one to take care of me from now on?"

Xiao obediently stretched out his hand to lift him up from the hospital bed, let him sit on the sofa beside him, spread the sheets neatly, and said, "Of course, so Murong Chong has to be obedient to you."

Murong Chong shouted: "You little idiot, do you treat me like a child?" Even though he said that, he was very happy.

Xiao Guaiguai had already made the bed, looked at the hanging bottle on the shelf and there was still a small half bottle of medicine, "Murong Chong, take a rest first, I'll take these to the dry cleaning room."

"Why are you so anxious, darling, talk to me." Murong Chong said like a child.

Helpless, Xiao Kuaiguai had no choice but to put those dirty sheets aside, and sat down on another sofa chair, "Yes, what do you want to say?"

"How did Murong Jing know that Aqiusha was not his bastard?" Murong Chong asked.

Xiao Guaiguai frowned lightly, "Murong Chong, are you so vulgar? Open your mouth and shut your mouth, you're so rude!"

"Didn't you say that twice in a row!" Murong Chong sneered.

Xiao Guaiguai smiled helplessly, "You young master, I really can't blame you," he said, then paused, "Come back to business, in fact, the old man can learn the truth and no longer be deceived, all thanks to your brother-in-law."

"My brother-in-law?" Murong Chong thought for a while before he realized, "You mean Ken's zombie face?"

"Well, that guy Ken found Aqiusha's biological father from somewhere, and also found out A-Jiao's previous information, which was disclosed at Liu's banquet." Xiao obediently said truthfully.

"Then what did Gillian do before? Could she really be a prostitute?" Murong Chong continued to ask.

"Well," Xiao Guaiguai nodded slightly, thinking of those whores felt vulgar, "I'm afraid she's still a famous prostitute!"

Murong Chong's face was full of contempt, and he snorted coldly: "Young Master, I know that Gillian is not a decent woman, otherwise why would she hang out with the bad old man without getting married, and give birth to that illegitimate daughter, hmph, bad old man How blind you are, to actually like that kind of whore!"

"Murong Chong, do you know what a prostitute is?" Xiao obediently asked with a smile.

"Of course, it's not that kind..." Murong Chong couldn't help but blush when he said this. After all, he is a pure boy, and he also saw these lewd words in TV dramas.

Xiao Guaiguai felt that Murong Chong, a perverse and unruly guy, was really cute, so he continued to tease him, asking curiously: "Oh, have you been shopping?"

Murong Chong became a little angry from embarrassment, and shouted: "Xiao Xiao, what are you talking about, you little idiot, how could I go to such a place?"

Xiao obediently looked at the medicine bottle on the shelf, it was almost finished, so he said: "Okay, I won't tease you, I'll get the medicine for you." After saying that, he walked out with the dirty bed sheet in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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