Failed Boss

Chapter 172 Finding faults

Chapter 172 Finding faults (2)
Xiao Guaiai is a little strange, how does this Liu Piaopiao know her number?Could it be that Baili Hanchu told her?

But in an instant, Xiao obediently denied this idea. How could that domineering devil Baili Hanchu tell Liu Piaopiao her number and let her take up her time!
Concentrating slightly, Xiao Guai obediently said: "I'm at home, Miss Liu, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's like this. After getting along with you the first two times, I think Miss Xiao, you are a very straightforward person. I don't have any friends here, so I thought of you. I can go to Master Baili's house to chat with you Is it?" Liu Piaopiao's tone was extremely sweet, as if she liked Xiao Guaiguai so much.

You really want to chat with Baili Hanchu, right?Why are you dragging us!Xiao obediently slandered, and then politely refused: "I'm sorry, Miss Piao Piao, I worked all night last night, and now I need to rest, so let's try another day."

"Miss Xiao, do you really hate me that much?" Liu Piaopiao seemed to be about to cry as if she had suffered some serious grievance.

Xiao Guaiguai is a little speechless, yes, a pampered young lady like Liu Piaopiao, I am afraid that since she was a child, she has always been rejected by the wind and the rain!
"Then you come." Anyway, being bombarded by Liu Piaopiao's phone calls for half an hour, Xiao Guaiguai couldn't fall asleep, so he had to agree.

"Hehe, I know Miss Xiao, you are the best!" Liu Piaopiao smiled like a flower, "Then you tell Butler Sara, let the people in the guard room let my car pass."

"Understood." Xiao obediently replied lazily, and then said to Huiru next to him: "Aunt Huiru, please ask the people in the guard room to open the iron gate, and prepare freshly ground black coffee, Liu Piao Miss Piao is coming."

Huiru's eyes are full of approval, this young lady is becoming more and more like a hostess.

"Yes, Young Madam." Huiru replied, then walked to the door of the room, told Yina these things, and then turned back, "Young Madam, do you need me to help you wash up?"

Xiao Guaiguai didn't need to look in the mirror to know that he must look like a ghost now, so he yawned and nodded: "Yeah."

So Huiru went to the cloakroom and chose a set of pink home clothes for the girl, which was generous yet elegant, and combed her a simple princess hair. Looking at the clean and fresh girl in front of her, she smiled and said: " Ma'am, it's all right."

Xiao obediently looked at himself in the mirror, took a nap, his complexion was much ruddy, but there were still faint dark circles under his eyes, and he was very hungry.

Huiru asked caringly: "Young Madam, would you like something to eat?"

Xiao Guaiguai nodded slightly: "Well, I'm really hungry."

When Xiao obediently walked into the restaurant and sat down, drinking red dates and longan porridge to replenish energy and blood, Liu Piaopiao walked in with high heels.

"Hehehe, Miss Xiao, why are you eating now?" Liu Piaopiao had a slender waist like a weak Liu Fufeng, and Ana sat down on the seat next to her gracefully.

Feeling the bursts of pleasant fragrance spreading in the air, Xiao obediently held the spoon in his little hand and paused, "I came back to rest after get off work, and didn't have breakfast. If I don't eat now, when will I have it?"

Liu Piaopiao didn't care about the girl's bad tone, "That's true, the cook at Master Baili's house is waiting 24 hours a day to make food for you, Miss Xiao, so you can eat it whenever you want."

Xiao obediently took another sip of porridge and didn't answer.

"Oh, Miss Xiao, why do you have dark circles under your eyes?" Liu Piaopiao exclaimed strangely as if she had discovered something shocking to the world.

Xiao Guaiguai gritted her teeth secretly, raised her eyes and looked straight at her, "If you haven't slept all night, you will naturally have dark circles, so there's nothing to make a fuss about?"

"But as a girl, isn't it embarrassing to have dark circles?" Liu Piaopiao continued to ask.

Huiru came over with freshly ground black coffee, and placed it respectfully in front of Liu Piaopiao, "Miss Liu, please use it slowly."

"What's there to be ashamed of! Pandas with dark circles under their eyes are still national treasures! Why don't they feel ashamed?" Xiao Guaiguai said angrily with a broken face.

Liu Piaopiao stretched out her slender white hand to pick up the exquisite coffee cup, brought it to her lips and took a sip, "Well, Housekeeper Hui, you have a heart, and you even prepared this black coffee for me."

Huiru said neither humble nor overbearing: "All these are ordered by the young lady, and the subordinates are only doing things according to the orders."

Liu Piaopiao cast her eyes on the girl, "Miss Xiao is quite good at arranging things, not bad!"

Xiao Guaiguai was a little annoyed, what exactly does this fluttering beauty want to do?

"What's the matter, anyone with a mouth will arrange something." Xiao Guaiai frowned slightly and said.

Sure enough, he is a guy who doesn't know how to restrain his mind. What is thinking in his heart is clearly displayed on his face. People who are expressive and angry are the easiest to deal with.

Liu Piaopiao took a sip of coffee, thinking to himself.

"Miss Xiao, do you know? My father has already bought the shares of Baili Group, and Liu's Group will continue to cooperate with Baili Group!" Liu Piaopiao changed the subject and talked about this matter with great interest.

What does it matter to us?Xiao Kuaiguai rolled her eyes inwardly, "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, yeah, huh, so I can often attend the parties held by Baili Group, and I feel happy just thinking about it." what to think.

Xiao Kuai smiled obediently, "What's so good about attending the party."

"Because Young Master Baili and I met at a party. He was just as handsome then as he is now." Liu Piaopiao seemed to be immersed in the good memories of the past, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

Xiao obediently twitched her lips, Liu Piaopiao, you are a rich young lady after all, can you stop putting on a nympho expression!

"Really." Xiao obediently said lazily, continuing to drink porridge.

Baili Group.

Baili Hanchu was not surprised that Liu's father bought shares to join Baili Group. This man is ambitious. He bought the company founded by his father at the beginning, but it was not enough. Do you still want to eat his company step by step?
People from the Baili family will never make the same mistake twice!

After the shareholders' meeting, Baili Hanchu had just walked out of the conference room when Liu's father stopped him: "Nephew Baili."

At this time, Baili Hanchu's cell phone rang. He made a gesture of please wait a moment, took out the cell phone from his pocket, and looked at it. It was his home number.

Could it be that obediently what happened?With doubts, Baili Hanchu slid his slender fingers lightly, and answered: "Hello, what's the matter?"

"Master, Miss Liu got Young Madam's cell phone number from somewhere, she woke up Young Madam by calling, and now she is chatting with Young Madam, Young Madam seems not very happy." Huiru on the other end of the phone said truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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