Failed Boss

Chapter 175 Punish Liu Piaopiao

Chapter 175 Punish Liu Piaopiao (3)
Just like that, he went to the locker room to change his clothes, Xiao Guaiguai took Murong Chong's medicine for tonight, and walked to his ward.

I didn't expect that ugly old man Murong Jing to stand at the door of the ward, and he seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and his whole person was not as vigorous as before, with a faint melancholy atmosphere, like a poet who is swaying with words.

Xiao obediently walked over, looked at the man blocking the door, coughed lightly, and said expressionlessly: "Hmm, please let me go."

Murong Jing looked at the girl and frowned slightly, it was this face that he hated again.

When Murong Chong in the ward heard Xiao Guaiguai's voice, he struggled to sit up and shouted loudly: "Guaiguai, who is outside?"

Jiang Yunhua walked over with doubts, raised her eyes, and saw the man in a gray suit standing there with a melancholy expression, without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, this man would come here, Jiang Yunhua's heart sank a little bit somewhere.

"Mom?" Murong Chong's voice brought back Jiang Yunhua's thoughts.

Xiao obediently looked at Murong Jing, a bad old man, who stared blankly at Aunt Jiang Yunhua, and sneered in his heart, heh, you only know how to cherish when you lose it, what kind of character is it?
"Mr. Murong, do you want to go in?" Xiao obediently asked calmly.

It was only then that Murong Jing noticed that the girl was holding several IV bottles in her hands, she turned slightly sideways, and stepped aside.

Xiao obediently walked over, the hateful Murong Jing knew how to be a watchdog, if he had the ability to come in!
Gently putting the things in his hand on the side cabinet, Xiao obediently cast his eyes on Murong Chong who was on the hospital bed, and found that his wheat-colored face was ruddy, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, this guy is covered like a She's a mummy, but she still looks so good!

Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help being a little envious of this guy, he didn't look like her, but his face was terribly pale after not sleeping all night!
"Hey, is that bad old man Murong Jing outside?" Murong Chong looked at the girl with a rosy face and felt that she was extraordinarily beautiful today, so he couldn't take his eyes off her, so he found a topic.

Xiao obediently looked at the IV bottle on the shelf, there was still half of it, so he sat down on the small sofa next to him, leaned close to him, and muttered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Yes, every time he They all like to stop at the door of the ward, it's so annoying."

Murong Chong couldn't help being amused by the faint fragrance from the girl's body, "That's right, I'm so annoying."

At the door of the ward, Murong Jing looked at the woman in front of him who had shared the bed with him for 20 years.

She used to love him so much.

But now, she is so determined, just because he said that he never loved her and married her is a last resort, so she handed over the divorce agreement.

Ever since he learned that the woman he has always loved, Gillian, was so unbearable, Murong Jing has been thinking about it, does he really love Gillian?

If that's the case, then why did he regret it so much when he knew that Gillian was such a woman?

Don't they all say true love has no regrets?To love someone is to tolerate everything about him?

Why can't he tolerate Gillian at all, but only regret it?
"Yunhua." Murong Jing called out lightly, with a hint of hoarseness and tremor in his voice.

Jiang Yunhua had never heard him call her in such a tone, the ripples in her heart were only for a moment, and then she regained her stagnant calm, looking at him indifferently, "Are you here to see Chong'er?"

The neckline of Murong Jing's white shirt was clean and refreshing, his throat rolled, and he seemed to be having trouble opening his mouth, "I want to talk to you."

"There is nothing to talk about between us." Jiang Yunhua's tone was cold but decisive.

I really don't know what this man, Murong Jing, wants to do. She, Jiang Yunhua, is a woman he has never loved. If that's the case, why did he come to talk to her?
"Mom and Dad called this morning, saying that they will come to France in two days." Murong Jing's tone was calm, but he was sending a message.

Mom and Dad are coming?
Jiang Yunhua has never told her family about Murong Jing's illegitimate daughter and that she has filed for divorce.

Because Jiang Yunhua has always been a well-behaved, sensible and filial daughter, and never let her parents worry about her.

It has been like this for so many years.

"I didn't tell them that you filed for divorce." Murong Jing added.

Jiang Yunhua smiled coldly, ungrateful, "That's because you dare not say why I want a divorce."

Murong Jing never knew that the gentle and virtuous Jiang Yunhua would have such a sharp side.

Thinking about it, Yunhua is the jewel in the palm of the Jiang family, a pampered young lady, although she is gentle and virtuous, knowledgeable and courteous, but it is impossible not to have her own small temper.

Yes, in order to love Murong Jing, Jiang Yunhua gradually erased her little sharpness, and tried her best to be his gentle and considerate wife.

But she never expected that in the past 20 years, she had given all her love, smoothed out her little thorns little by little, and paid sincerely, but in exchange for him saying that she had never loved her before!
Such a result, how sad!

As early as when Murong Jing, the man she had loved deeply for so many years, said those words, her heart was already broken, dead, and cold.

"Yunhua, do you have the heart to watch your parents worry about our divorce?" Murong Jing frowned deeply, and a word "chuan" appeared between his brows.

It was the first time for Jiang Yunhua to see this man, who had always been indifferent to others, frown deeply because of her affairs, but kept silent.

"If you need it, I am willing..." Before Murong Jing finished speaking, Jiang Yunhua interrupted coldly, "Don't worry, I will naturally explain this matter to my parents."

Murong Jing's big hand hanging by his side clenched tightly into a fist.

"Is there anything else?" Jiang Yunhua's tone was cold.

"Chong'er..." Murong Jing's words were interrupted again by Jiang Yunhua: "Chong'er is very good," she straightened her back, she is a great mother, "For so many years, Wan Wan and Chong'er have grown up without your love gone."

Of course, all of this is due to Jiang Yunhua's more maternal love than ordinary people.

Murong Jing's tightly closed thin lips have an unfull curvature, and there is a kind of hopeless sadness entangled in his heart like a vine.

Taking a deep breath, Murong Jing said flatly, "I haven't signed that divorce agreement yet, and I won't sign it."

He meant that he refused to divorce her?

Jiang Yunhua's eyes flickered slightly, and a gray place in her heart seemed to have passed through a winter's silence, and the dead trees were in spring, but this feeling was only for a moment, and after that, her heart was still covered with snow for a thousand years, without any ripples.

(End of this chapter)

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