Failed Boss

Chapter 181 Ling Feng is a Good Man

Chapter 181 Ling Feng is a Good Man (1)
She just wanted to be a conscientious nurse, but she was misunderstood like that by that bad old man Murong Jing?
Why is it so difficult for her to work so hard to do what she likes?

Subconsciously, her hands reached into her pockets and touched the phone. At this moment, Xiao Guaiguai really wanted to call Baili Hanchu.

The sky gradually darkened, as if a drop of black ink dripped into the water tank, and the darkness slowly faded away.

The lead cloud hangs low, and the gathered cloud seems to fall down at any time.

Faintly felt that something fell down and hit his little face, Xiao Guaiguai didn't care about it, but cried so sadly.

"Since you choose to be a medical worker, you should be prepared to be misunderstood." Ling Feng's gentle voice came from behind, and this tone was completely a senior preaching to a junior.

Xiao obediently sniffed, of course, it's not you who is being wronged now, naturally you don't feel backache anymore while standing and talking.

Although the girl thought so in her heart, she still listened to what the man said next.

In the drizzle, Ling Feng, who was wearing a white robe, walked slowly towards the fence, looked at the girl, and said gently: "Did you become a nurse because you like the profession of nursing?"

Xiao Guaiguai's small face was pear-blossomed with rain, she pursed her mouth, and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Ling Feng stared into the distance, "Angel in white is a very sacred profession, but because of this, we have to pay unimaginable painstaking efforts and endure what others can't bear, in order to take on this sacred profession."

Xiao obediently lowered her eyelashes wet with water, thinking about his words.

"Being obedient has not been an intern for a long time, so you haven't realized that in our line of work, you will meet all kinds of people. Not everyone in this world is your parents and will treat you so well. Now that you have entered this society, you should learn to face all setbacks and misunderstandings, so that you can learn to grow." Every word of Ling Feng is true.

Xiao obediently turned his head to the side, looking at the gentle and handsome man beside him, he felt like he was both a teacher and a friend.

Doctor Ling Feng is really a good man.

Although he was educating her, his tone was as if he was talking with a good friend, without the airs of an elder at all.

The rain gradually became heavier, and the grievance in her heart gradually dissipated. Xiao obediently lowered her eyes and said nothing, only feeling that there was no rain on her head, and then realized that Ling Feng used his big hands to prop up a clear sky for her.

"Doctor Lingfeng..." Xiao Guaiguai was very moved. This was the fifth man who treated her well besides her father, Baili Hanchu, Mo Junchi, and Murong Chong.

Ling Feng had a loving smile on his face, "Although we only have one pair of hands, we can bring infinite joy and touch to others. It doesn't matter whether others can understand it or not, as long as we have a clear heart."

Xiao obediently nodded, "Thank you for helping me, Doctor Ling Feng, no, Uncle Ling Feng, you are really a good man."

The raindrops all over his body shone like circles of light, a few strands of wet hair dangled between his eyebrows, but Ling Feng's rain-drenched face was so handsome, a kind of handsome that made people feel stable.

Looking at this man, Xiao Guaiai couldn't help but think of his father.

If Uncle Ling Feng had children, he must be a good and conscientious father.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Be good, you praised Uncle Ling Feng too much, Uncle Ling Feng is not as good as you said."

Xiao obediently understands that the most guilty thing in Uncle Lingfeng's life is probably tampering with that DNA, but in life, who can do nothing?

"Nurse Xiao, can we go down? If you are reluctant to leave, Uncle Ling Feng will be petrified." Ling Feng joked.

Only then did Xiao Guaiguai realize that Uncle Ling Feng was still in the posture of reaching out to protect her from the rain, and nodded hurriedly: "En."

Ling Feng smiled, and said with relief: "Guaiguai is really a well-behaved and sensible child, he can understand everything."

So, the two of them walked down the roof together.

Xiao obediently went to the dressing room and changed into a set of clean clothes, only to find that there was a big bruise on her waist, and she couldn't help frowning slightly.

Xiao, darling, you are so pitiful!She pities herself.

As soon as he walked out of the dressing room, he saw that handsome man standing at the door with distressed eyes. Xiao Guaiguai felt sore and wanted to cry, but remembered Uncle Ling Feng's words and held back.

Baili Hanchu looked at the girl with red eyes, stretched out his ape arms, and was about to hug her into his arms, but after hearing that Hao Ning said that he had been hit on the waist, he was afraid of hurting her, so he gently picked up her hand that was hanging by her side. Little hands, eyes full of pity.

Xiao Guaiai smiled faintly, "Han Chu, why are you here?"

Naturally, Baili Hanchu couldn't tell the girl that Yu Haoning told him that the man Murong Jing pushed the girl, and he rushed over to see her.

"I see it's raining, I'll bring you a coat." Baili Hanchu shook the pink shopping bag in his hand.

Xiao Guaiguai's heart is full of sweetness, he is so busy, but he always misses her!
Almost without any hesitation, Xiao Guaiguai threw herself into the man's broad and warm embrace, breathed in the breath that made her stable, "Han Chu, thank you."

Baili Hanchu gently put his arms around her shoulders, "Fool."

Xiao obediently raised her head and looked at the man's unparalleled handsome and delicate face. No matter what, this man would always stand by her side, protect her, and love her.

"The temperature may drop tonight. Be careful not to catch a cold when you are on duty, especially..." Baili Hanchu paused for a moment at this point, "Your aunt should be here soon, there are sanitary napkins in the bag , if you have a stomachache, drink some hot sugar water, you know?"

Xiao Guaiguai, who was originally full of sweetness, couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard this, "Han Chu, you are like my nanny!"

Baili Hanchu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this girl!
You must know that every time Xiao Guaiguai came to see her aunt, Baili Hanchu put his hands on her lower abdomen to relieve the pain. I only learned from the information that drinking some brown sugar water can also relieve this discomfort, so I asked.

Baili Hanchu lowered her head, gently took her little white hand, and kissed it, "My lovely fiancee, work hard."

Xiao Guai obediently smiled shyly, "Yes."

To be honest, Baili Hanchu really didn't want to leave the girl, but there were more important things for him to do.

Murong mirror!
Originally, Baili Hanchu wanted him to live a few more days of stability, but...

The devil's heart is so small that he can't tolerate anyone bullying his cherished girl!
(End of this chapter)

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