Failed Boss

Chapter 186 Li Hanchu sees his mother-in-law

Chapter 186 Baili Hanchu sees his mother-in-law (4)
"It's called those who are close to vermilion, those who are red and those who are close to ink, and those who are black, who made you so domineering!" Xiao obediently raised his jaw slightly, that was really justified.

"Okay, I just promise you." In the end, the big bad wolf surrendered unconditionally to the little white rabbit.

Xiao obediently got up, went to his room to get a notebook, put it on the coffee table, and sat down cross-legged.

Poor Baili Hanchu was also forced to take out her work netbook, ready to play games with her.

But at this moment, a piece of news caught Xiao Guaiguai's eyes, and the little pride on her face dissipated in an instant——

Dad, it's Dad!

Xiao Guaiguai opened the news with trembling little hands, and after reading the words on it, he realized that his father had brought those policemen to the United States.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Seeing the girl's uneasy expression, Baili Hanchu hurriedly asked.

Xiao obediently restrained himself, "It's Dad, I saw Dad was on the news."

"En." Baili Hanchu responded, "Is Chief Xiao doing good deeds again?"

Xiao obediently turned his head to the side and looked at him seriously, "Are those very powerful?"

"It's just a bunch of rabble who are spreading rumors and causing trouble." Obviously, those people are not worth mentioning in Baili Hanchu's eyes.

"Then will my father be in danger?" Xiao obediently regarded the man as an omniscient god, and kept asking him as soon as he caught him.

"Director Xiao has experienced many battles, so there shouldn't be any problems." Baili Hanchu's answer was ambiguous.

But Xiao Guaiguai's heart was slightly relaxed because of the man's words, and he had a sudden thought, "Han Chu, shall we go to America?"

"Are you going to find Director Xiao?" Baili Hanchu looked at her suspiciously, this sentence should be an affirmative sentence.

"Yes," Xiao nodded obediently, "I haven't seen my father for a long time, and you don't allow me to go back. I want to go to the United States to find my father."

"Hey, is that why you don't want to be with me that much?" Baili Hanchu would ask with a hurt face every time the girl said she was going back.

"But he's my father, I haven't seen him for so long, I just want to see him!" Xiao obediently acted like a wayward child, noisy.

"So, do you miss your mother?" Baili Hanchu asked tentatively, as a favor to Yu Guisha.

"I've never met my mother, I only have my father, and I'm going to find my father!" Xiao Guaiguai really said that the wind is like the rain, and once he had this idea, he must do it.

"Hey, don't make trouble, I promise you, we will go back to China this Chinese New Year." This is also the biggest concession of Baili Hanchu, a very possessive man.

"I don't want it, I want to go to the United States to find my father now!" Xiao obediently did not compromise.

"You're still an intern. Isn't it your dream to be a nurse? Don't tell me you want to give up halfway." Baili Hanchu wasn't angry, but just tried to persuade her.

"Hmm!" Xiao Guaiguai was angry and annoyed, but he had to admit that what this demon said was true.

"Then you let him catch the bad guys earlier, solve the case earlier, and then come to see me in France." Xiao Guaiguai has many ideas.

"Not good?" Baili Hanchu obviously felt that the girl's idea was a bad idea.

"Then what should I do!" Xiao obediently said in distress, frowning.

"Don't you just obediently trust Director Xiao?" Baili Hanchu asked rhetorically.

"Of course I don't believe it. It's been so long, and he still hasn't come to pick me up!" Thinking of this, Xiao Kuaiguai was furious.

Baili Hanchu raised his big hand and patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her softly: "Okay, don't worry, we have to trust Director Xiao, and we will definitely catch that person."

A white sports car is speeding down the road.

Inside the car, Jiang Yunhua leaned wearily on the co-pilot's seat, leaning her elbows on the window, resting her forehead with her small hands, and remained silent.

Wearing a light-colored T-shirt, Ling Feng drove the car intently, not speaking, quietly waiting for the woman to speak.

"Ling Feng, thank you for coming to pick me up to the hospital today." Finally, Jiang Yunhua turned her head, looked at the tired man with a handsome face, and said lightly.

Yes, last night, Ling Feng had another one-night operation, and came to pick her up just after get off work today, but he didn't expect to meet Murong Jing pestering Yunhua, and finally became a flower protector.

Ling Feng turned his head, looked at her and smiled softly, "Being able to take care of you like this is the happiest thing in my life."

The man's gaze was gentle and affectionate, and for a few seconds, Jiang Yunhua almost melted under the man's gaze, and she looked away in a panic. Such affection was the greatest luxury for her who was already covered in bruises and holes.

She like this is really not qualified to accept this man's affection.

"Yunhua... in the days to come, let me take care of you, as well as Wanwan and Chong'er, okay?" Ling Feng said every word, extremely serious and cautious, almost begging.

Looking at the man's expectant eyes, Jiang Yunhua said in a low voice: "Ling Feng, you should find a better girl, not a married woman like me."

"There is no better one. In my heart, you are the best." Ling Feng stretched out his hand and gently held her cold little hand by her leg, interlocking his fingers.

The man's palm is warm, Jiang Yunhua can feel the clear lines in his palm, the warmth is transmitted from the palm to the bottom of the heart just like that.

Jiang Yunhua was just greedy for a moment and wanted to take back her hand, but the man's big hand held it even tighter, "In this life, I just want to be good to you. We have missed it for so long, 20 years, how many 20 years can there be in life."

Jiang Yunhua didn't know whether it was moved or regretted, tears welled up in her eyelashes, and Ling Feng felt more and more pitiful.

"Why didn't you say this to me 20 years ago." Jiang Yunhua murmured, feeling, can they just miss each other?

"At that time, you only had him in your heart, and I only wanted you to be happy." Ling Feng didn't regret it. Perhaps at the beginning, he should have boldly confessed to her and wanted to possess her domineeringly. Then everything now, Will it be different.

"That's right," Jiang Yunhua sighed, "It's been 20 years, and everything has changed. Between you and me, it's already impossible."

The autumn wind blew by, but it felt like a knife was being cut on his face, and Ling Feng's heart seemed to be being cut by a sharp knife.

Seeing Yunhua like this now, Ling Feng really felt distressed, his eyes were misty, and the man's tears would fall when the love was deep.

(End of this chapter)

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