Failed Boss

Chapter 195: Ling Feng is Mighty

Chapter 195: Ling Feng is Mighty (1)
Ling Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and for a moment, he even wondered whether this Ken could see through everything so sharply after hearing Father Jiang's conversation with them.

"Will Baili Hanchu help me?" Ling Feng asked.

Ken nodded slightly, "Baili Hanchu originally regarded Murong Jing as his mortal enemy. Sooner or later, the Murong Group will be in his pocket. Helping you return to the Ling family is not good for him, but as long as Xiao obediently opens his mouth, He won't say no."

If possible, ken would naturally want to help this future father-in-law himself, but unfortunately his family is not involved in business, so he is powerless.

But Baili Hanchu is a man who is very emotional but not short-tempered. Being able to ally with him is definitely beneficial and harmless.

Ken stood up gracefully, the words had come to an end, and the rest had to be decided by Ling Feng himself.

"In short, I don't want a decadent man with no career to be my father-in-law in the future." After Ken finished speaking, he looked away and walked away with long legs.

In the castle.

When Xiao Kuaiguai woke up, it was already sunset, and he looked at his watch. Fortunately, it was an hour before going to work, so he hurriedly got up, washed up, changed into a comfortable skirt, and put on a knitted jacket , skillfully combed a playful braid for herself, and hurried out of the room, only to see Huiru standing there respectfully.

"Young Madam, you are awake, do you want to have dinner?" Huiru asked with a smile.

Xiao obediently raised her little hand and looked at the diamond watch on Hao's wrist, "No, it's half an hour before going to work." Then, he walked outside with a pink backpack on his back, "Is the car ready? ?”

Huiru followed and replied, "Well, I've been preparing."

Xiao Guaiguai was so focused on not being late, she hurried out of the castle and got into the private car, but she didn't want to meet a pair of gentle eyes.

It was only then that Xiao Guaiguai remembered that he hadn't seen Baili Hanchu since yesterday, and seeing him like this was a bit abrupt.

"Get up obediently." Baili Hanchu's tone was as gentle and pampering as ever. At this moment, he was wearing a neat black suit. Even after a day's work, he was still dressed neatly, showing no signs of fatigue. .

Xiao obediently sat down on the seat, lowered his eyes, as if he was a little afraid of him.

Bailihan's heart sank. The thing he feared most was that the girl would be afraid of him, but it still happened.

"Did something happen?" Baili's cold voice was low and soft, slowly overflowing in the car, like the air after the rain, refreshing.

"I saw Liu Piaopiao. Her whole face is now covered with gauze. Looking at it like that, she must be disfigured." Xiao Guaiguai didn't know where her courage came from. She raised her eyes, her watery eyes Looking straight at the unparalleled handsome man in front of him, he seemed to want to see why.

Baili Hanchu just smiled faintly, "Being obedient is pure and kind."

Xiao Guaiguai pursed her lips lightly, her voice was inaudible, "Did you ask someone to do it?"

Is there anything more heart-wrenching than being doubted by someone you love?Even though his heart was cut like a knife, the smile on Baili Hanchu's face did not change, but the smile was so sad, "So you are so afraid of me now? Because you think I am a devil who does all kinds of evil, right?"

Xiao obediently was noncommittal.

"That's why you are afraid of me, and even have some regrets, thinking that a devil like me is not worthy of a pure and clean you, but that handsome young man Mo Junchi is your lover, right?" Baili's voice was extremely cold. Gentle, even without the slightest questioning emotion, but it made Xiao Guaiguai extremely heartbroken.

Baili Hanchu broke her mind just like that, making her feel like she was standing naked in front of him.

"But what should I do? In this life, I don't intend to let you go." Finally, Baili Hanchu concluded.

It was this last sentence that made Xiao Guaiguai's uneasy heart return to its place.

For a few seconds just now, Xiao Guaiguai thought that Baili Hanchu would let her go, she didn't even dare to think about it, if Baili Hanchu really agreed, if that's the case, I'll help you, you go to Mo Junchi !So what should she do?
It was the fear at this moment that made Xiao Guaiguai suddenly realize that Baili Hanchu was already so important in her heart before she knew it!

Almost without hesitation, Xiao obediently threw himself into the embrace of the warm and spacious men's perfume smelling nice.

"Han Chu, I shouldn't think that way! Don't you not love me, I can't leave you." When Xiao obediently spoke, tears were streaming down his face.

Baili Hanchu gently kissed away the tears on her face, "The matter of Liu Piaopiao has nothing to do with me."

Xiao obediently raised her teary eyes and looked at him, "Well, I believe in you, no matter what you do, I will believe in you."

Seeing such a fickle girl, Baili Hanchu couldn't laugh or cry, "You, I really can't do anything about you!"

Xiao Guaiguai hugged the man's thin waist tightly with her two small hands, as if she couldn't live without him. Such a girl who loves first is the most true and pure.

Baili Hanchu hugged the girl with one arm, and gently played with the hair on the girl's cheek with the other hand. A strand of black hair was wrapped around the slender finger, which made the index finger white as jade, "If one day I am hostile to Director Xiao, If so, then who will be obediently help?"

"You are not allowed to be hostile to Dad, do you hear?" Xiao obediently said domineeringly.

Baili Hanchu just smiled and didn't agree.

"Father is your father-in-law, how can you disrespect your father-in-law." In the end, Xiao obediently lowered her eyes in embarrassment.

What is she talking about, she and Baili Hanchu are not married, what kind of father-in-law!

Baili Hanchu laughed heartily, "Hehe, my dear, can't you wait to marry me?"

Xiao Guaiguai became even more embarrassed, and simply buried her small face in the man's chest, twisting her body in shame and annoyance, "Baili Hanchu, forget what you just said!"

"But what should I do, I won't forget what I've heard all along." Baili Hanchu said apologetically...

"Hmm!" Xiao Xiaoguai was about to die of embarrassment, "But you just want to forget!"

"I want to remember this for the rest of my life, obediently tell me not to be disrespectful to my father-in-law!" Baili Hanchu's eyes gleamed, he obviously liked this sentence very much, and he naturally obeyed this order willingly.

Xiao Guaiguai was told nothing by the man, so she had to raise her hand to cover his bright red lips, but unexpectedly, the man grabbed her catkin with one hand, put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, that gesture was extremely charming Merry, but not dirty.

Xiao Guaiguai blushed even more, almost wanting to bury herself.

Just like that, unknowingly, when Xiao Guaiguai got out of the car when he arrived at the hospital, he saw Ling Feng standing next to his white sports car, and he was a little puzzled. Didn't Uncle Ling Feng be suspended for inspection?Why did he come to the hospital? Could it be that he returned to work so soon?
(End of this chapter)

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