Failed Boss

Chapter 26 Disappointment

Chapter 26 Disappointment
At this moment, Baili is cold, and his black and flowing hair is clean and refreshing. He is wearing a white shirt and a pair of white slacks underneath. The sun has coated his whole body with a halo. The god of heaven is just a tall and slender back, and it is so handsome that it makes people suffocate.

"Abandoning duty without authorization? Or neglecting duty? Dugu, you've let me down too much." Baili Hanchu still didn't turn around, and although his tone was indifferent, Dugushuang fell directly to hell.

Disappointed?He said he was disappointed in her?Dugushuang staggered, almost unable to stand still.

These two words really hit her too hard.

"You should continue to deal with your unfinished business. Without my approval, don't come to France." Baili Hanchu simply ordered, raised his eyes, and squinted at the exquisitely laid out garden outside the window.

Overlooking the downstairs, various rare and precious flowers in the small garden are blooming heartily in this summer.

Faced with Baili Hanchu's decision, Dugushuang was very fortunate. Although she was exiled, fortunately, he did not completely expel her from his side. No matter what her status was, as long as she could return to him occasionally it is good.

"Yes." Dugushuang replied, cast a reluctant glance at the man who never looked back at her, and then left.

The air is filled with the soothing fragrance of lavender.When Xiao obediently came out of the bathroom, it was already half an hour later.

The pink sheets on the big bed had already been replaced by the servants to light green, fresh and pleasant.Just because of that blood-stained sheet, a lot of incidents have already happened, and that kind of thing can't be kept.

Seeing the girl with obviously red and swollen eyes finally come out, Huiru hurriedly went up to meet her, carefully helped her onto the bed, and asked softly, "Young madam, what do you want for breakfast?"

Xiao Guaiguai didn't take the woman's change of name to herself at all. After all, all of this was the wishful thinking of that demon.

Although her heart is full of grievances, she, Xiao Guaiguai, will never abuse her stomach with a self-abuse method like a hunger strike. After all, she is the one who suffers like that, because she has cried bitterly, so her voice is not hoarse: "I I want to have millet porridge and jujube cake."

Huiru couldn't be happier that the girl was still willing to eat. She never expected that the girl would not go on a hunger strike to protest. This young lady is really different.

"Good young lady, the pastry chef in the pastry shop just made some small snacks with Chinese characteristics today, and I'll bring them to you." Huiru said, then turned and left.

Xiao obediently raised her tender little white hand to pull the feather quilt, leaned on the comfortable cushion, and thought about some problems.

I need an ID card, passport, and air ticket to return to my country. It’s easier to pay for the air ticket, but the passport and ID card are more difficult. I don’t know if it will be difficult to get a replacement ID card in France.

Forget it, let's find a way to raise money first.

But the most urgent thing is to heal the injury first. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution.Thinking of this, Xiao obediently touched his neck subconsciously, damn it, just touching it lightly hurts like hell.

The breakfast was brought in by Baili Hanchu himself. The summer morning light came in. He was so noble and handsome in a white shirt and the same color slacks. The action of holding the tray with one hand did not damage his innate The elegant atmosphere, on the contrary, adds a bit of thoughtfulness and gentleness.

When Xiao obediently heard the footsteps, she was slightly puzzled, why didn't it sound like Aunt Huiru's footsteps?Looking for the reputation with doubts, I saw the elegant man in white walking towards this side, and then sat down on the side of the big bed.

Baili Hanchu gently placed the tray in his hand on the bedside table, picked up the slightly hot millet porridge inside, turned sideways, and gently stared at the doubtful girl in front of him, "Hey, come, have some porridge."

The devil's tone seemed to be coaxing a beloved woman and a child. Although he had the dual identities of a husband and a nanny at the same time, there was no contradiction at all.

Xiao obediently glanced at him sadly, it was all because of this demon in front of her that disrupted her comfortable life.

The girl's sad little eyes made Baili's heart ache inexplicably. Is she protesting to him?
However, Baili Hanchu automatically chose to ignore those things that he could not do. After all, if he wanted the girl to be truly happy, he had to let her go back.

Looking at the steaming millet porridge, Xiao obediently lowered her eyes, thoughtful, until Baili Hanchu handed a spoonful of porridge to her pale lips, she opened her lips slightly and took a sip.

The millet porridge melts in the mouth, it is fragrant and sweet, and Xiao Guaiguai's favorite red date meat is added in it, which is pitted and peeled.

Baili Hanchu was very happy that the girl didn't go on a hunger strike, and he fed her a few more mouthfuls. Seeing how she was enjoying it, he was satisfied.

"Have you had breakfast?" Xiao obediently asked this question not simply because he cared about him, but more as a performance that he was about to bow his head under someone else's roof.

Baili Hanchu slightly raised his eyebrows, and met her red and swollen eyes that were staring at him. He felt distressed in addition to joy, and never thought that the girl would care about him in this situation.

"No, you can eat first." Baili Hanchu said with a smile, and gave her another mouthful of porridge.

Xiao obediently raised her tender white hands, picked up the jujube cake on the plate, and asked, "Do you like this?"

Baili Hanchu scooped up a spoonful of porridge and blew gently on his lips. Such a simple action was so elegant that people couldn't take their eyes off him, "Do you like it?"

Baili Hanchu suddenly turned passive into active, and asked questions instead of answering.

"Of course." Xiao obediently took the pastry to his nose and sniffed it lightly, the sweet breath entered his nostrils.

The girl's wrist was slender and white as snow, and a blue diamond bracelet on her wrist reflected the perfect light in the sun.

Baili Hanchu narrowed his eyes slightly, then continued to feed her porridge calmly, and asked casually, "The blue diamond bracelet on my wrist is very beautiful, does my boy like blue diamonds?"

Xiao Guaiguai was unconsciously startled. Oops, the bracelet Nangongjue gave her was discovered by this demon, and the hand holding the pastry trembled.

Baili Hanchu fed her the last spoonful of porridge, put the delicate bone china lace bowl on the bedside table, drank some honey tea, and then said: "Although the blue diamond is very beautiful, I think Darling, you are more suitable for pink diamonds, pink diamonds are more playful and cute."

Xiao obediently lowered her eyes, but she didn't understand how this devil knew her preferences so well.

While the girl was thinking, she saw a pair of slender white hands gently holding her little hand holding the jujube cake, bowed her head, and took a bite of the jujube cake with her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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