Failed Boss

Chapter 40: The Engagement Banquet

Chapter 40: The Engagement Banquet (4)
The band next to it changed to another melodious piano piece, and Baili Hanchu led the girl into the crowd slowly.

Mo Zhongtian greeted him with a glass of red wine, with a proper smile on his face: "Master Baili, thank you very much for lending the resort to the dog's engagement. Thank you Mo Mou." He raised his glass lightly as he spoke.

Baili Hanchu raised his big hand, picked up a glass of orange juice from the table next to him, and handed it to the girl.

This scene is very familiar, because last time at the Chinese gathering held by Mo Zhongtian, Baili Hanchu first settled down the girl next to him in the same way. Xiao obediently raised her tender white hand, took the orange juice lightly, and looked up. With a glance, he said softly, "Thank you."

Baili Hanchu curled his lips into a smile, his brows and eyes were full of doting, which made many women fall for him.

Baili Hanchu picked up another glass of champagne, raised his eyes and looked back at the middle-aged man in front of him, his smile became alienated, "Where, this time Miss Wang invited the classmates of Baili's fiancée, my dear!" I am very happy today!"

Mo Zhongtian didn't say anything, but just took a sip of the red wine in his hand.

"Thank you, Master Baili and Young Madam, for coming to the engagement banquet between Quan Zi and Miss Wang." Li Xueyin, one of the parents of the man, also stepped forward and said with a smile, paying attention to etiquette.

Baili Hanchu's eyes drooped slightly, engagement banquet?Hehe... "However, it seems that Young Master Ling is a little unhappy?" He glanced at the handsome young man not far away, as if he was a little worried about today's engagement banquet.

"Master Baili has a heart, I think Mr. Mo is a little nervous!" The short and fat Wang Jintian came forward with a beer belly, and said with a smile, one is to smooth things over, and the other is to save face for his daughter.

"I hope so." Baili Hanchu smiled half-smile, the curve of his lips was unpredictable, then, he lowered his eyes, and said softly to the girl in his arms: "Hey, you didn't seem to have anything for dinner just now, we Go over there and have some snacks." After that, he nodded slightly to Mo Zhongtian, he was polite but with his own personality, more like a refined gentleman, "Then Baili excuse me."

Mo Zhongtian said, "Please."

Wang Yudong on the side saw that his father and future parents-in-law were so respectful to Xiao Guaiguai, he was so angry to death!She, Xiao Guaiguai, is just the daughter of a mere district chief, why is she being respected by so many people!

Thinking of this, Wang Yudong clenched his teeth, and the glass in his hand almost shattered.

As soon as Xiao Guaiguai and Baili Hanchu came to the dessert area, Zhou Shiya greeted her, and looked at her up close, who looked like a Barbie doll, "Hey, darling, you are so beautiful! You are like a princess!"

"Student Zhou praised you, but my obedient is a princess." Although Baili Hanchu was talking to Zhou Shiya, his eyes never left the girl in his arms. Under the bright lights, the girl's curly hair was glowing green .

Zhou Shiya was a little surprised, how did this young master Baili know her surname was Zhou?She couldn't help being a little vanity, but more embarrassment, she seemed to have said something wrong, and what the man opposite her said made her feel inexplicable pressure.

Xiao Guaiguai is a little embarrassed, what is she supposed to be a princess?She is just an ordinary home girl who keeps her own life.

Snack shopper Yu Xianrou hopped forward with a plate in her hand, looked at Xiao Guaiguai happily, with a satisfied expression on her face: "Guaiguai, your snacks are delicious! I have never tasted such delicious food. Dessert!" While talking, he still didn't forget to stuff a piece of soufflé into his mouth.

"Since classmate Yu likes it, I'll bring some back when I go back to China." Baili Hanchu said again, this time even Xiao Guaiguai was surprised. How does this demon know her classmate's name?
"Hehehe..." Yu Xianrou was overjoyed, she swallowed her food and said, "My dear, your fiancé is really nice! If only my future boyfriend is also this good!"

"Who dares to associate with you, a snack like you?" Zhou Shiya joked.

Yu Xianrou doesn't care if she has something to eat, so what does she say?

At this time, Mo Zhongtian, Li Xueyin and Wang Jintian stepped onto the ceremony stage one after another. Mo Zhongtian stood straight in front of the microphone stand, looking around at the men and women in the audience.

Mo Zhongtian raised his big hand and signaled the band next to him to stop playing. At the same time, all the men and women in the audience turned their attention to the ceremony stage.

Seeing this, Wang Yudong in the audience was full of complacency on her charming face, so what if Xiao obediently stole some of her limelight?Anyway, today's protagonist is Wang Yudong.

"Thank you all distinguished guests for coming to the engagement ceremony between the dog Mo Junchi and Chairman Wang's daughter Wang Yudong in your busy schedule! Now I announce that the engagement ceremony has officially begun." Mo Zhongtian finished this sentence in one breath and took the lead in clapping his hands applaud.

The guests in the audience clapped their hands and echoed.

Xiao Guaiai lowered her eyes sadly, no girl could still laugh at the engagement party between the boy she likes and other girls.

The continuous applause not only hit Xiao Guaiguai's eardrums, but also hit the softest part of her heart.

Baili Hanchu did not applaud along with Daliu to express his congratulations, but kept staring down at the girl in his arms, his eyes full of distress. At this moment, he regretted a little, regretting that he had promised Wang Jintian to let them hold the engagement banquet here.

Baili Hanchu's big hands that were embracing the young girl's fragrant shoulders gently moved her to lean on his chest to comfort her.

The fragrance and elegant scent of men's perfume and masculine breath invaded the nose, and the steady and powerful heartbeat of the man was heard next to the ears. Xiao obediently took a deep breath, feeling a little sore in the heart.

Mo Junchi in the crowd kept looking at the girl in the man's arms involuntarily, his peach blossom eyes were full of deep heartache, and his thick sword eyebrows were tightly knit together.

Wang Yudong glanced this way inadvertently, and the smile on Meiyan froze instantly!It's such a time, Jun Chi is still staring at that woman Xiao Kuaiguai!Does he still have her as his fiancee in his eyes?

"Xiao Jun, come on stage." Mo Zhongtian on the ceremony stage said to his son in the crowd.

Xiao Guaiguai couldn't bear to watch the boy she liked get engaged, so she gently pushed the man away, turned around and ran out with tears in her eyes.

Baili Hanchu ran after him with long legs as soon as he realized it.

Wang Jintian on the stage waved to his daughter, smiling so hard that his eyebrows disappeared, "Yu Dong, come up with Junchi."

Wang Yudong looked proud, hehe, no matter what, at today's engagement banquet, she is the heroine, so be good Xiao Xiao, let's go aside.

Mo Junchi watched Xiao Guaiguai's beautiful back drift away, his eyes were full of pain, he subconsciously raised his hand to grab, but he couldn't catch anything.

"Xiao Jun, what are you thinking? The guests are all waiting!" Li Xueyin on the stage frowned slightly, a little bit puzzled that his son was still in a daze at such a time.

(End of this chapter)

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