Failed Boss

Chapter 51 Thoughtful

Chapter 51 Thoughtful
Jiang Yunhua only felt an invisible hand pinch her neck in the air, and her chest felt stagnant. It turned out that she had forgotten to breathe.

"Miss Xiao's childlike nature is really likable." Li Xueyin said with a smile, although there was some inexplicable fear in her heart, it was just that she had practiced a perfect smiling face that didn't change from place to place after being in the mall for a long time.

After being praised by Mo Junchi's mother, Xiao Guaiguai felt a little ecstatic in his heart, and most of the embarrassment he had just now disappeared.

Murong Wan looked at the girl with a changeable expression opposite, and felt that this girl was very straightforward, carefree and unaffected, very flattering, and she also had a feeling of wanting to take care of her.

"Since Mr. Mo is going to study at the University of Paris, my dear boy, why don't you go to the University of Paris too?" Baili Hanchu asked gently, which was actually a kind of temptation.

Murong Wan's crisp voice sounded: "Yes, Miss Xiao, I am also going to study at the University of Paris, so you come too, we can be regarded as a companion."

After finally meeting a girl she liked and wanted to take care of, Murong Wan couldn't help interjecting, but she didn't appear to be rude.

"In this way, I think it's good for the children to study together, but Mrs. Murong, when will you bring Mr. Murong out to let the children get acquainted?" Li Xue asked.

Mentioning that naughty son, Jiang Yunhua felt a little helpless, "Although Chong'er and Wanwan are twins, their temperaments are really different. This kid is naughty and mischievous all day long. How can he be as gentle and polite as your Xiaojun?" of."

"Boys are always not as gentle and demure as girls." Li Xueyin sighed, especially the gentle and generous Murong Wan in front of her, she was [-]% satisfied.

Murong Wan didn't care what the lady next to her thought of her, she just looked at Xiao Guaiguai expectantly, and all she wanted was to hope that she would agree, so that she would have a companion in the future.

Xiao Guaiguai glanced at the handsome man beside him with some trepidation. The afternoon sun streamed in through the glass window, outlining his perfect handsome face that made people obsessed, meeting his eyes shining like black diamonds, She subconsciously looked away, afraid that she would be sucked in if she was not careful.

"I want to go to university with Miss Murong, is that okay?" Xiao obediently lowered her eyes, her voice was a little low, maybe she didn't even know it, but every time she talked to Baili Hanchu, her tone was so soft that she seemed to be behave in a spoiled manner.

As if a feather had been brushed against her heart, Baili Hanchu felt a little itchy, raised her big hand to caress her tender little face, and said in a soft voice, "Well, as long as you are good and you are happy."

After all, Murong Wan is an elegant and elegant daughter of a rich family, she didn't show joy when she heard the news, but the smile in her almond eyes showed that she was sincerely happy.

Mo Junchi next to Xiao Kuaiguai couldn't help but curl his lips, it's great, this way he can study with Guaiguai again.

Baili Hanchu calmly took the small emotions of the three boys and girls into his eyes, and a strange color flashed in his deep eyes.

"Miss Xiao, can I call you obedient?" Murong Wan really likes this pure and beautiful girl in front of her, and she can't tell why, it's probably a kind of fate, but after all, obediently is the fiancee of Master Baili, honorable Where her identity is, she should not be too self-assertive.

Xiao Guaiguai felt that Miss Murong was not only elegant but also gentle, she didn't have the airs and self-important sense of superiority of ordinary rich daughters, she liked such an excellent girl very much, and said with a sweet smile: "Well, then I should Do you want to call you Waner or Wanwan?"

"Wan'er! This is the first time someone called me that, so Wan'er will be your exclusive title from now on." Murong Wan couldn't help but roll her eyes with a smile.

Jiang Yunhua has never seen her daughter so happy before, perhaps, Wanwan and Kuaiguai are destined to be destined...

Looking at Xiao Guaiguai, the strange feeling in Jiang Yunhua's heart came out again inexplicably.

Murong Wan stretched out her jade-like hand, gently picked up the honey citron tea in front of her, brought it to her pink lips, and took a sip gently, her gestures were elegant, it was just a simple movement that was pleasing to the eye.

Xiao Xiao, who is also a girl, looked at such an elegant girl obediently, and couldn't help but lose his mind.

Wan'er is so elegant, she looks like a lady from a famous family, but she doesn't give off a feeling of arrogance like those ladies who smiled without showing their teeth in ancient times, she is really a likable girl.

Murong Wan gently put down the cup, raised her eyes to meet Xiao Guaiguai's admiring gaze, bent her lips and said with a smile: "By the way, what is your mobile phone number, Guaiguai? Let's go shopping together when we have time!"

Xiao Guaiguai is a little embarrassed, her mobile phone is at home, and she doesn't have a mobile phone here at all.

Also, how could Baili Hanchu give her something as convenient and dangerous as a mobile phone!
Baili Hanchu's voice helped her out: "XXXXXXx0308, this is the number of Guaiguai."

Murong Wan's big eyes wandered around the faces of the uncle and loli on the opposite side, and finally fixed her eyes on the girl, jokingly said: "Hey, you are so confused, you can't even remember your mobile phone number." , Fortunately, Master Baili will help you remember."

Master Baili is really considerate, very suitable for a girl like Kuaiguai!Murong Wan sighed in her heart.

Mo Junchi next to him calmly wrote down the long series of numbers that Baili Hanchu read out, and said it silently in his heart, and it was firmly in his mind.

Baili Hanchu looked at the surprised girl and couldn't help but smiled helplessly. This little girl should have given her the mobile phone she had prepared earlier, so as not to be embarrassed when meeting new friends.

Murong Wan took out her pink and purple flip phone, pressed the phone number Baili Hanchu had just reported, and saved it, with a satisfied smile on her beautiful face.

Originally, the main purpose of today's meeting was to let my son go on a blind date with this Murong Wan, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened. The sudden intervention of Baili Hanchu and Xiaojun's classmates turned this blind date into a sisters' gathering. People couldn't laugh or cry, Li Xueyin secretly shook his head watching the situation.

Back in the castle, the first thing Xiao Guaiguai did was to find Huiru, and asked with a smile, "Aunt Huiru, do you have a beautiful little vase at home?"

Huiru didn't ask any more questions, but said respectfully, "I'll get it later." After that, she turned and walked out of the room.

Watching off Huiru in purple overalls, Xiao obediently looked down at the colorful roses that Aqiusha gave her before going out. Fortunately, the roses did not wither.

After a while, Huiru came in with an amethyst vase, which still contained some water, and smiled and handed the vase to the girl: "Do you need my help?"

(End of this chapter)

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