Failed Boss

Chapter 56 Alienation

Chapter 56 Alienation
In the room, Aqiusha sat down beside the bed almost thanks to Huiru who sent her ice cream away, looked at the gradually melting ice cream in her hand, and sighed.

Taking a small iron spoon and taking a bite, the cold, sour and sweet feeling slowly melted on the tip of her tongue, but Aqiusha's heart was full of sourness, and she made a decision at the same time. There was a flash of ruthlessness.

The sun was setting, it was still early for dinner, Baili Hanchu was working in the study, Xiao obediently studied for a long time, feeling a little tired, put down the laptop, got up, stretched his waist, and stepped on his slippers to go out. After leaving the room, he headed towards the small garden in front of the castle.

As always, Aqiusha loosened the soil, weeded, and pruned the branches among the precious flowers. Hearing the sound of small footsteps, the hand that was pulling the weeds paused, and then returned to normal.

Xiao obediently looked at the huge garden as if covered with a thin layer of chrysanthemum gauze in the setting sun, and couldn't help smiling, putting aside the fact that he was tied up here, in fact, in this beautiful place like a fairyland on earth, It is still a very beautiful thing. Sometimes she doubts whether she is dreaming, which is why she came to such a beautiful place. Sometimes she is intoxicated in this dream, and sometimes she hopes to wake up quickly. When I opened my eyes, I was still in Liucheng, a familiar city with a prosperous economy, where my father, Aunt Xu, and Xiangxiang...

Thinking of this, Xiao obediently smiled self-deprecatingly. Now returning to Liucheng seems to be a luxury. She is penniless, how can she go back?
Looking at the precious flowers in the garden, Xiao Guaiguai had an idea, maybe she can do this...

"Young Madam." Aqiusha's soft voice interrupted the girl's thoughts.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Xiao obediently looked back at the girl wearing a white T-shirt and sky-blue breeches. It seemed that she always saw Aqiusha wearing this outfit. She was 19 years old, and she was at the age when she should dress up well. Which girl is she now? She doesn't like beauty, let's take her as an example, even though Baili Hanchu has prepared so many beautiful clothes for her, she still feels that she is short of one.

But to Xiao Guaiguai's surprise, Baili Hanchu seemed to be able to see through her heart. Every week, she would personally pick out a batch of new clothes, which she couldn't even wear.

"Well, Aqiusha, have you eaten the ice cream? How does it taste?" Xiao obediently asked with concern, with a little expectation in his eyes. After all, it is something he made with his own hands, and he always hopes that people who eat it will find it delicious. She will also feel very happy.

"Eat it, it tastes very good, Young Madam, you are so skillful." Aqiusha's eyes drooped slightly, she did not dare to look directly at her, and her voice sounded soft.

Xiao Guaiguai was a little embarrassed, "Hey, I also read about it on the Internet, so I made it myself. I didn't expect you and Wan'er to join in, saying it was delicious, and I was very happy."

Aqiusha's eyes flickered slightly, and she continued: "Young Madam, has Miss Murong gone back?"

"Yes, she said that a beautician would go home to give her skin care in the afternoon, so she went back first." Xiao obediently said truthfully, Wan'er is really a famous daughter, and she doesn't need to go to a beauty parlor for care, let the beautician Just go home directly, so money is really a good thing.

Aqiusha was surprised for a moment as if hearing some new term, "Oh, Miss Murong is so happy to do skin care."

"Yeah! Who told her to be the daughter of a wealthy family! The wives and ladies of rich families are very good at enjoying it, such as traveling and vacationing, beauty care, or going to an elegant place for afternoon tea..." Xiao obediently said List out the situations of the lives of those noble ladies in novels and TV dramas.

These things, Aqiusha, who even has problems with her own food and clothing, can't even think about it, let alone live such a life.

Xiao Guaiguai once fantasized that one day she would marry a prince charming and turn herself into a princess, and then she could live a life like a lady like in the TV series.

A young girl who has not experienced the tempering of life, her thoughts are always dreamy, and her ideas are always unrealistic.

I'm afraid that when she really lives that kind of life, she will realize that being a noble lady is not so easy.

"That kind of life is indeed very enviable." Aqiusha's eyes were blurred, and her callused hand unconsciously squeezed a brightly blooming hibiscus flower next to her, and the juice flowed out from between her fingers. She hasn't noticed it yet.

Xiao obediently looked at her suspiciously, always feeling that today's Aqiusha is very strange, or that the recent Aqiusha is very strange.

Inadvertently saw the dark green flower sap between her fingers, the color was like fish gall, it made people feel sick, "Aqiusha, this flower is about to be crushed by you." Feeling, she said softly.

Only then did Aqiusha come back to her senses, she didn't care to wipe off the juice between her fingers, she lowered her head like a child who did something wrong, and murmured: "Young Madam, I'm sorry."

Xiao Guaiguai didn't say anything, which made Aqiusha nervous. In the afternoon sun, a thin layer of sweat broke out from her bulbous nose, and her small, wheat-colored face flushed.

Looking at the bewildered girl in front of her, Xiao Guaiguai's suspicion gradually dissipated. She took out a tissue bag from her pocket and took one to wipe off the flower juice on her hands.

Aqiusha felt that her hands were no longer sticky, so she raised her eyes and glanced at her quickly, and her drooping eyelashes covered those smart eyes again, "Thank you."

Xiao Guaiguai just smiled faintly and said, "You should be busy." Then she turned and left.

Chatting with Aqiusha doesn't seem to be as fun as talking with Wan'er.

As the sun set, Aqiusha stared at the pink figure, and didn't look away until she entered the castle.

In the study, Baili Hanchu watched all that happened in the small garden through the computer screen. Although he didn't know what they said, he knew that Aqiusha was not as weak as she appeared on the surface.

Dugu Feng stood respectfully in front of the desk for a long time. To be exact, it has been several hours since Xiao Guaiguai saw him step into the castle.

Except for Dugu Feng saying when he walked in: "Master, I'm back." Then he remained silent.

Baili Hanchu just stared at the computer screen intently, as if there was the most attractive thing in the world on it.

As a professional killer, standing for a long time is not a kind of corporal punishment to Dugu Feng, but he just escaped from that perverted man Xu Bin, and he still suffered a lot of physical damage.

Finally, the man in the white shirt said slowly, "Go back and rest, I don't care about Dugushuang's affairs anymore." He was obviously a devil, but Baili Hanchu showed the attitude of an angel forgiving all wrong things in the world , It is this combination of contradictions that forms a vortex, so many women go on and on, addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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