Failed Boss

Chapter 6 Surprise

Chapter 6 Surprise
Then she poses in all kinds of cute or scumbag poses, and lets him take pictures of her.

Not to mention, Baili Hanchu really looked like that when he took a photo, "Yes, that's it, smile!" He pressed the shutter and praised, "It's so beautiful. Alright, let's change the pose again! Yes."

Just like that, Baili Hanchu took hundreds of photos of Xiao Guaiguai.

Then, he put his hand around her fragrant shoulders and let her lean into his arms. With the other hand, he pointed the digital camera at the two of them and pressed the shutter to freeze this romantic moment.

Withdrawing his hand, looking at himself and her in the camera, Baili Hanchu smiled happily.

With him like this, Xiao Guaiai couldn't help but lose his mind.

When we returned to the castle, it was time for afternoon tea.

The maids prepared Xiao Guaiguai's favorite orange juice and some French snacks early on.

So when Xiao Guaiguai, who was tired from playing, returned to the room, he threw himself on the soft sofa and blew on the air conditioner.

Then she stretched out her tender little white hand to pick up the orange juice and drank it, as if she came back from the Sahara desert.

Seeing her unladylike appearance, Baili Hanchu just smiled fondly from the sidelines.

"Hey... I'm really tired today, I really want to fall asleep!" Xiao Guaiguai leaned back on the sofa, her little face was full of exhaustion.

"Then do you want to take a bath first?" Baili Hanchu asked gently.The sound is like a spring breeze, making people feel that countless peach blossoms are blooming in front of them.

"Yes, yes!" Xiao obediently nodded, "But where is the bathroom?"

Baili Hanchu pursed his lips, "Over there, do you need me to wash it for you?" He whispered in her ear, his words were extremely ambiguous.

Hearing this, Xiao Guaiguai blushed immediately, and all the scenes in the bathroom that he had seen in the novels before came to mind.

"No need." She said coquettishly.Then he blushed and ran to the bathroom.

Looking at the back of the fleeing man, Baili Hanchu smiled dotingly.

This is so cute! It's so cute!

Xiao obediently walked into the bathroom, bursts of pleasant lavender scent rushed towards her.

It turned out that the cabinets in the bathroom were covered with bouquets of purple lavender, which made people feel like they had walked into a lavender field.

Xiao obediently took a deep breath, Baili Hanchu, what kind of man is he?
He said he liked her, is that true?
Did Prince Charming really fall from the sky like this and turn her, Cinderella, into a princess?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help snickering.

But Xiao Guaiguai immediately reflected on it, what prince charming is obviously the devil who kidnapped him!

She is so nympho!

But she can't be blamed, if you want to blame, you can blame this Baili Hanchu for being so handsome that people can't help but sink into his handsome face and can't extricate themselves.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?" Baili Hanchu's lazy voice came from the bathroom door.

Xiao obediently restrained his thoughts, turned around and looked at him suddenly, his whole body was on guard, but he still tried his best to maintain a steady voice: "What do you want to do?"

"Hehe," Baili Hanchu smiled lightly, his starry eyes shining brightly, "What are you thinking, you little fool? I'm here to give you a nightgown, huh?" black nightgown, dangling in front of her.

"Oh," Xiao obediently responded, raised his small hand to take the nightgown, and said in a low voice, "Then you go out."

"Hehe, it's possible that you want me to stay, um, the beauty is out of the bath, that scene must have a special flavor?" Baili Hanchu teased, but this kind of him doesn't make people feel obscene.

"Baili Hanchu!" Xiao Guaiguai became angry from embarrassment when he said that.

Baili Hanchu's eyes lit up immediately, and he said in surprise, "My dear, this is the first time you've called me by my name!"

"Understood, brother, you go out, I want to take a bath." Xiao Guaiguai was a little dizzy.

But just called his name, should he react so much?

Baili Hanchu turned his footsteps, and walked away gracefully on his slender legs.

Xiao obediently locked the bathroom door, then began to take off her clothes and take a shower.

Looking at the bathtub with pink petals floating, Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help being a little surprised.

Bathing in flower petals, isn't this too fragrant?

Don't those beauties on TV always take a fragrant flower petal bath before that?
Ok!She was taken aback, could it be that the devil wanted to eat her up after washing her clean?

Woooooo, don't!
It was already half an hour later when Xiao obediently walked out of the bathroom.

Baili Hanchu had already changed into a set of comfortable white home clothes.

A handsome guy is a handsome guy, no matter what he wears, he looks heroic.

"Honey, why did you take so long to wash?" He looked at the nervous girl sitting on the big bed, and asked softly, without being obtrusive.

Xiao Guaiguai remained silent, her two tender little hands tightly clutching the nightgown.

"Look at you, this little hand is wrinkled in the water." Baili Hanchu stretched out a long, slender white hand to gently hold her hand, looked at it, and said distressedly.

" really won't force me?" Xiao obediently raised her eyes, looked at his beautiful phoenix eyes, and asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course," Baili Hanchu assured, and suddenly smiled evilly, "Or, do you want me to force you?"

Xiao Guaiguai quickly shook her head, "No...I..."

"Okay, you're tired from playing today, take a nap now, and I'll call you again when it's dinner." Baili Hanchu said, got up, stretched out his ape arms, picked her up in the middle of the big bed, and pulled her up. With a thin quilt, he picked up the remote control on the bedside table next to him and adjusted the air conditioner to a comfortable temperature.

Xiao Guaiguai slowly closed her eyes, her thick eyelashes casting two fan-shaped shadows on her cheeks.

Today, she was really tired from playing.

Unknowingly, the sun sets on the western mountain, and night falls, and the moon slowly climbs up, hanging in the black sky, exceptionally bright.

People are prone to sleepiness in summer, and the more they sleep, the more sleepy they become, and the more they sleep, the more they want to sleep.

Xiao Guaiguai was half asleep and half awake, only to hear a click, which was the sound of the doorknob being twisted.

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and a glamorous woman in a long black dress slowly walked in.

The woman wore high heels up to eight centimeters high, had an oriental face, and her long black hair was neatly combed into a ponytail. She was slender and had a heroic and heroic temperament like a female knight.

Hearing that the young master brought back a little girl, Dugushuang was very curious about what kind of girl the young master could bring here from China.

(End of this chapter)

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