Failed Boss

Chapter 61

Chapter 61
Xiao Guaiguai is ashamed and annoyed, what is this Murong Chong talking about?But there is something sweet in my heart, does Murong Chong also think that she and Mo Junchi are a good match?
Mo Junchi's fair and handsome face flushed suspiciously, he raised his big hand and touched his straight nose, his voice softened a bit: "Well, anyway, in the future, don't say that you have any Electra complex, she also Forced."

Xiao Guaiguai's heart was surrounded by sweetness and warmth, and the little face under the mask was flushed, as bright as a peach and plum, bright and moving.

Mo Junchi is really the Prince Charming in her heart. When she needs help most, he will always appear in front of her with the most handsome posture and save her in trouble.

"You are very clear about Guaiguai's situation!" Murong Chong said meaningfully, his ambiguous eyes lingered on the faces of Xiao Guaiguai and Mo Junchi, as if these two people had some ulterior affair.

Xiao Guaiguai felt a little swollen in her heart. It was a young girl who had just begun to love and found that the boy she admired actually had the same feeling for her. That kind of pure and simple happiness was the girl's first longing for love.

Mo Junchi coughed twice: "Uh huh, I've been a classmate with Guaiguai for three years, so I naturally know her better." After finishing speaking, he glanced lovingly at the girl next to him. Such affectionate and gentle eyes were not the three-dimensional words in his mouth. Year students should have.

Xiao Guaiguai inadvertently raised her eyes, just in time to meet those peach blossom eyes full of tenderness, felt her chest heat up, and hurriedly turned her face away in embarrassment.

Murong Chong was like a defeated rooster, and said embarrassingly: "Okay, my young master can't compare to you, and I can't compare to you and Guaiguai who have been classmates for three years, but from now on, Guaiguai will be my young master's person, and no one else can do it." I want to bully her." He said this like a bandit bully who robbed the girl next door.

Murong Wan, Xiao Guaiguai, and Mo Junchi all looked at him in surprise.

Only then did Murong Chong realize that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly explained: "What I mean is, from now on, this young master will be a good friend obediently, so I naturally want to protect her."

Xiaoguai heaved a sigh of relief, she didn't want to fall into Murong Chong's wolf's mouth before she escaped from Baili Hanchu's tiger's mouth.

Murong Wan, who has been silent by the side, can tell that Mo Junchi is interested in Kuaiguai, even his perverse and naughty younger brother also likes Guaiguai, but also, who would not like such a beautiful and pure girl as Kuaiguai?Moreover, her slender figure made people feel like wanting to protect her.

Mo Junchi raised his big hand, and gently removed the black butterfly mask on Xiao Guaiguai's face, and carefully tidied her eyebrow-level bangs with his slender fingers.

Xiao Guaiguai didn't expect him to act like this all of a sudden, and she lowered her eyelids, her butterfly-like eyelashes concealed the embarrassment in her eyes, casting two fan-shaped shadows on her tender face.

Mo Junchi smiled softly.

A sound of footsteps came slowly, Xiao Guaiguai woke up like a dream, the whole person was startled suddenly, a pair of feet wearing black leather shoes appeared in front of his eyes.

Baili Hanchu's leather shoes were polished spotlessly, and the bright uppers could almost clearly reflect the large retro chandelier on the ceiling. He stared at the girl with a smile, and saw no one else in his eyes. His magnetic clear voice came from his thin red lips. Slowly overflowing: "Hey, let's go back."

After Baili Hanchu finished speaking, the ape arm stretched out to wrap around the girl's smooth, white and graceful slender arm, and without further words, he hugged her as the absolute owner and walked outside.

Xiao Guaiobai was slightly stunned, but his strength was just right, it would neither hurt her nor make her have to follow his pace.

"Uncle Baili, why are you so impolite? Take me away before my dance party is over, darling!" Murong Chong, a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, shouted at the handsome and slender figure.

Baili stopped coldly, but didn't look back. The clear voice floated over, with a bit of coldness: "Baili has already told Mr. Murong that Baili's fiancée is not feeling well, so I will leave first." . " After talking lazily, without further ado, he left with his arms around the girl.

There was a sneering smile on Mo Junchi's lips. This man is really domineering. He said repeatedly that he was unwell and then left the venue early. I really don't know what he was thinking about.

The long and slender hands unconsciously squeezed the mask in his hand, the texture is soft and comfortable, it can be seen how thoughtful the person who gave this mask was.

"Okay, Mo Junchi, the beauty has left, let's go in with my ugly sister." Watching Xiao Guaiguai go, Murong Chong turned to the boy who was still staring at the empty corridor at the end of the corridor. Said.

Murong Wan is not angry when her younger brother calls her "Sister Ugly", because her younger brother has always been like this, and she likes to argue with her the most. The most common thing is to call her ugly, and she is used to it.

Mo Junchi came back to his senses, carefully put the black butterfly mask in his pocket, then turned around, and walked into the still bustling banquet hall with Murong Wan and his brother.

When Li Xueyin saw his excellent and handsome son walking in with Murong Wan, he thought in his heart that Xiao Jun and Wan Wan were really golden boys and jade girls, a match made in heaven.

At this moment, Murong Wan was wearing a lavender knee-length evening gown, her white and delicate arms under the bulging lantern sleeves had a graceful arc, her ivory-white neck was as elegant as a swan on a lake, her alluring face It is half covered by a lavender mask, but it is still difficult to conceal the alluring posture. The elegance and nobility that comes from within can only be admired but cannot be imitated.

Mo Junchi next to Murong Wan, who is as noble as a princess, is not inferior at all. He is also a born prince, and he will become the focus of girls wherever he goes, especially his indifferent and alienated expression makes people feel hopeless Unreachable, he is the most shining and most eye-catching star in the starry sky.

Li Xueyin stepped forward and said to his son with a smile: "Xiao Jun, come here quickly." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and took the young man's wrist, and walked to Murong Zu, the host of the banquet. Concealed pride: "Old Mr. Murong, this is the dog Mo Junchi," turned his head and said to his son, "Xiao Jun, this is Mr. Murong, call someone quickly."

Mo Junchi was used to his mother's domineering, Jun's face still had that indifferent look on his face, he bent slightly, and his tone was the respect that juniors should have for their elders, without deliberately flattering them: "Grandpa Murong, hello, junior Mo Jun Chi, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me."

Li Xueyin is very satisfied with her son's performance today. He is polite and calm, and quietly looked at Murong Zu's expression. Although he still has that peaceful face, if you look closely at his eyes, you will find that It was a faint sign of approval.

(End of this chapter)

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