Failed Boss

Chapter 80 Elbow

Chapter 80 Elbow
Huiru's eyes were full of worry, "Young Madam, do you want me to rub your belly for you?"

Xiao obediently shook his head, and came up with an idea for himself, which was obviously a bad idea, "I really want to take a laxative, so that I can excrete cracklingly."

"Young Madam, you can't do this. Taking laxatives will cause you to become severely dehydrated. Would you like me to prepare food for you that can promote intestinal peristalsis?" Huiru asked.

Xiao Guaiguai was a little distressed, afraid that if he ate it, he would only get out, and the toxins in his intestines would increase, but looking at the concerned eyes of the middle-aged woman, he could only nod: "Okay then." Said After that, he walked towards the bathroom for half an hour, and Xiao obediently came out with a troubled expression on his face. It was obvious that the excretion plan was not going well, and he began to feel depressed.

Baili Hanchu walked in, looked at the girl whose eyes were full of resentment, and frowned slightly, because every move of the girl involved his emotions, and if the girl was unhappy, he was naturally unhappy.

"Hey, are you going to have breakfast?" The soft voice slowly moved away in the air, Baili Hanchu was always so gentle when facing the girl.

Xiao Guaiguai now panics when she hears about eating, but she doesn't want to get emotional. She thinks that she can excrete it by eating a little more, and then she nods: "Yeah."

Breakfast was coarse grains specially prepared for Xiao Guaiguai, just after eating half of it, Xiao Guaiguai ran into the bathroom, and when he came out again he was refreshed, with a long-lost smile on his tender little face.

Baili Hanchu's brows that had been frowning slightly loosened, and then he handed a bowl of white fungus and lotus seeds in front of her: "Hey, why don't you drink some white fungus?"

Now that his body was empty, Xiao Guaiguai felt very hungry. He drank a bowl of white fungus soup and ate a few pieces of whole wheat bread. He was very excited.

It turns out that the happiest thing in life is that He Hem runs smoothly!

Feeling better, Xiao obediently raised her eyes and looked at the unparalleled handsome man opposite, "Baili Hanchu, why do you say that classes abroad are all in English? These days, I've been doing abc all day, and I'm exhausted, so I can go home You don’t have to speak all English.”

Baili Hanchu was so happy that the girl was willing to talk to him. He didn't even care about her calling him by his first name. He just looked back at her with a smile and said, "Because English is the common language of the whole world."

"Well, it would be great if Chinese was the universal language of the world. Then I wouldn't have to learn French and spend abc all day long." Xiao Guaiguai couldn't figure out why English is the common language when Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. of.

"You little slob, if you don't want to learn French, just speak up." Baili Hanchu said dotingly.

Xiao obediently took a bite of the whole wheat bread, "That's not it, I think it's too tiring to attend classes and communicate in English all day now, you don't know, Ken, the noble man in our group, supervises Yunxia and me all day long, We are not allowed to talk in Chinese, saying that we need to use more English to adapt to English teaching as soon as possible.”

There was a strange look in Baili Hanchu's deep eyes. This was the first time the girl mentioned another man in front of him. Jun had the usual smile on his face: "Who is Yunxia?"

In fact, during this period of time, Baili Hanchu basically knew who Xiao Guaiguai was with, but he still wanted to hear the girl herself, because in this case, he felt that the girl was sharing some things in life with him. This kind of simple happiness is what he desires most at present.

"It's a classmate in the class. She is in a group with me, the noble boy Ken, and my high school classmate Su Tianle. The other girls in the class are very envious of me and Yunxia, ​​saying that there are not many boys in the class, but our group suddenly There are two boys." Xiao obediently smiled, and began to gossip with him.

Under the warm autumn sun, a very good atmosphere.

"Well, male nurses are very popular here." Baili Hanchu nodded.

"That's right. In fact, male nurses are a very good job. In the hospital, male nurses have more advantages than female nurses. Hehe, Murong Chong even joked that Su Tianle is a sissy. He is the one who has little knowledge." Talking about interesting things in school , Xiao Guaiguai is eloquent.

Baili Hanchu has been listening patiently and communicating with her quickly. Of course, most of the time he talks about topics that interest her.

"Do you want to work in France after graduation or go back to China?" Baili Hanchu asked innocently.

Xiao obediently replied without hesitation: "Of course I went back to China. Male nurses are more popular than female nurses here. Besides, I am more used to life in China."

After saying this, Xiao Guaiguai suddenly thought that she couldn't work wherever she wanted, after all, her every move was still controlled by this devil.

"But don't you think that a job like a nurse is too hard? My dear, you are so lazy, how can you adapt to such a hard day and night job?" Baili Hanchu wanted her to get rid of the idea of ​​being a nurse in the future and learn nursing It's good, but if you really want to be a nurse, it's too hard.

"As long as it's something you like, you won't find it hard." Xiao Guaiai's eyes were shining, as if he was imagining himself wearing white clothes, becoming a real angel in white clothes, and then doing his best to help others.

Baili Hanchu had never seen such a girl full of hope for the future. He stared at the girl affectionately, his eyes full of lingering love.

"It's like you, who never tire of doing those illegal things, but it's a pity that your domineering energy of never letting go is used in the wrong place." Xiao obediently said seriously.

Now Xiao Guaiguai seems to have won the gold medal for avoiding death, and she has become a little more courageous, because she knows from the previous few verbal provocations that no matter what she says, this demon will never be against her.

So gradually, Xiao Guaiguai became confident.

Sure enough, Baili Hanchu just bent his lips and smiled, "Oh, so, baby, do you think I like to do those so-called illegal activities you mentioned?"

Xiao Guaiguai said as a matter of course: "Isn't it? Otherwise, why would you be the leader of a dark organization? With your skills and IQ, wouldn't it be a better choice to be a people's policeman who eliminates violence and maintains peace?"

Although obediently Xiao knows that it is very unlikely that she can persuade this devil to change his ways, but no matter what, she will give it a try.

Who said that in this world, a smart villain is much more harmful than a stupid villain.

"Be a policeman?" Baili Hanchu repeated these three words, and then asked: "Be good, do you think that if I become Director Xiao's subordinate, it will be more legitimate to be with you!" At the end, he There was a bit of narrowness in his tone: "Isn't there a saying called 'the first thing you get when you are close to the water'?"

(End of this chapter)

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