Failed Boss

Chapter 91

Chapter 91
Xiao Guaiguai suddenly thought that since she saw Aqiusha go out last Saturday, she hadn't seen her again, because she was very busy during this time, so she didn't pay much attention to it, and it just occurred to her today that Aqiusha seemed to have not appeared in her presence for a long time. In front of my eyes.

"Why don't you see Aqiusha, where did she go?" Xiao obediently turned her head to the side, looked at the handsome profile of the man beside her, and asked.

At this time, Huiru came over with a bowl of millet porridge and a plate of side dishes, and said with a smile: "Young Madam, breakfast is ready, you can eat." Then she bent down and put the things in front of the girl. On the coffee table.

Xiao Guaiai was full of doubts, and looked at the man beside him, it seemed that he would not talk anymore, the things decided by the devil would not change, so he stopped talking, just drank porridge with meat floss in it, which was very delicious.

Twenty minutes later, Murong Wan arrived in a purple sports car, and seeing the girl get into the car, Baili Hanchu squinted, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Amusement parks are not only a sanctuary for children, but also a good place for couples to date.

France is a romantic and open country, and you can see men and women hugging and kissing everywhere in the crowded playground.

Xiao obediently took Murong Wan's arm, afraid of losing them, she looked shyly and curiously at the forgetful men and women beside her, and whispered, "Look, Wan'er, hehe..."

Today's Murong Wan is wearing neutral and handsome white boots and trousers, a pair of black Martin boots on her feet, a lace shirt on top, and a slim waistcoat. Her curly hair is casually floating behind her head. Wearing a black beret.

Murong Wan looks elegant and handsome, clean and elegant, and looks like a female knight in a fairy tale world, with a heroic appearance.

Sure enough, Murong Wan, who is as noble as a princess, can wear her own style no matter what she wears, which cannot be imitated by others.

Murong Chong who was next to him said loudly, "Xiao darling, you country bumpkin, what's so strange about this!"

Murong Wan, who has always been noble, elegant and quiet, had two blushes on her white and beautiful face, "My dear, people from abroad are the most open. In the French novels I read, they would kiss every time, and then..." After all, it was a girl , She couldn't say the rest.

Murong Chong, who hadn't realized it yet, said, "I really don't know what's so good about kissing. Don't you think your saliva is dirty?"

Xiao Guaiguai suddenly thought of that Chinese gathering, Mo Junchi kissed her gently on the cheek, and suddenly felt her face was hot.

"Honey, why are you blushing?" Murong Chong asked strangely as he was always eclectic.

Xiao obediently stammered and said, "Well, it's probably because the weather is hot..."

"Why don't I feel hot?" Murong Chong looked suspicious.

"Because I'm afraid of heat!" It was obviously an excuse, but when it came to this point, Xiao Guaiguai was quite confident.

"Okay, let's stop talking, let's go ride the Ferris wheel." Murong Chong suggested, pointing to the huge Ferris wheel soaring into the sky in the distance.

Xiao Guaiguai and Murong Wan looked at each other with a smile, nodded, and said in unison: "Okay."

The three walked to the Ferris wheel, Murong rushed to buy tickets, Murong Wan and Xiao obediently waited aside.

Because there were a lot of people buying tickets, international friends of different skin colors were waiting in line in an orderly manner.

Murong Chong, who has always been in a hurry, naturally couldn't bear to wait, and would not stand there obediently, with a pair of big black and white eyes looking at the crowd, wanting to see what kind of fun it is, for example, that person was squeezed and fell to the ground , or who stepped on whose foot, and then the two of them fought until they blushed and their necks were thick...

All in all, Murong Chong was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, but after watching for a long time, he didn't see anything interesting. However, a French boy in front of him who was queuing up to buy a ticket had already bought his ticket. Yes, the girls are very happy.

Murong Chong was about to look away and saw a familiar figure in the crowd, his heart was full of suspicion, how could the old man be here?Is he wrong?Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Murong Jing. He was wearing a sky blue casual outfit, and there was a woman beside him?The two were talking and laughing!
The woman lowered her head, so Murong Chong couldn't see clearly what she looked like, he could only feel that the woman was acting coquettishly and foolishly, leaning against the old man's arms in a coquettish attitude.

Murong Chong's big black grape-like eyes were filled with anger, almost bursting out to burn the couple in his eyes to death!The big hand hanging by the side was tightly clenched into a fist, and he was about to see more clearly. A dark-skinned boy behind him got impatient and took a step forward to cover his sight. He said in pure English: " Sir, do you still want to buy a ticket?"

Murong Chong only felt a dark object blocking him, and felt infinitely annoyed, so he raised his big hand and casually pushed the man's head away: "Go away! This young master is annoying."

The man felt puzzled, but he still reasoned with him: "Sir, if you don't buy a ticket, please let me go?"

When he looked again, Murong Chong saw that the bad old man in his family had disappeared into the crowd with his arms around the woman beside him, and he couldn't help getting angry, and shouted to the international friend loudly: "You black devil, it's all you , ruined this young master's good deed!"

The man had learned Chinese, spread his hands, and said innocently in not-so-smooth Chinese: "I just want you to hurry up and buy a ticket."

Murong Wan and Xiao Kuaiguai walked over hand in hand, seeing Murong Chong who was yelling at international friends and shook his head helplessly, this guy is always so impulsive.

Murong Wan smiled slightly, and said apologetically to the man: "Sir, I'm sorry, please go ahead." After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand to hold her younger brother.

Murong Chong was very dissatisfied, and protested: "I am in front of him, why should he buy the ticket first?" As he spoke, he was about to walk over, ready to cut in line.

International friends were provoked again and again, so they were naturally a little unhappy, and stood there refusing to give up their seats.

Murong Chong thought that the seat was his own, so he wanted to jump in line, and then confronted him, swords were on the verge of breaking out, he raised his big hand and grabbed his collar, almost fighting.

Not to be outdone, the international friends raised their fists and were about to throw them down.

Although Murong Chong was tall and big, he couldn't compare to Western men after all, and the international friend didn't have a single hair on his dark head, so he didn't feel like a kind person.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Murong Wan and Xiao Guaiguai pulled Murong Chong away with all their strength, and then nodded to the international friend to apologize, thus preventing a farce.

(End of this chapter)

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