I don't read much, don't lie to me

Chapter 3 "Doomsday Book Burning"

Chapter 3 "Doomsday Book Burning"


With all my strength, I slammed the fire ax out.This time the ax went right into the chisel of the young pine tree and chopped it down the middle.The top half of it lay flat in the snow.I put down the axe, quickly rubbed my hands together, then took out a coil of nylon rope to tie the tree trunk, grabbed one end of the rope, and dragged back step by step.Despite all my protection, the extreme cold still made me feel like I was wearing nothing.The cold wind was like a ferocious executioner, first bound my limbs with low temperature, and then sliced ​​off the flesh one by one.

After 5 minutes, I finally dragged the pine tree to the main entrance of the library.In just a short distance of tens of meters, my three-layer mask and goggles were already covered with hoarfrost, and my face and fingers were slightly blue-gray.If I stay for a few more minutes, it may not be the pine tree that falls, but me—no, maybe I won’t fall, and I will stand frozen in the boundless snow and become a human pillar.

I gritted my teeth, raised my almost frozen arm, and knocked on the door.The passage next to the main entrance opened with a "squeak", and three or four people wrapped themselves into rice dumplings stretched out their arms, dragged the pine tree and me in with all their might, and then quickly closed the door.In this short moment of switching, a large snowflake roared and got in through the gap, making a strange whining sound.

It wasn't warm at all in the library, only three or four degrees higher than outside, but at least there was no wind.On the floor at the front of the lobby, a fire was burning blazingly.The fire was not very big, and there were broken tables, chairs, and wardrobes inside, and it also exuded the pungent smell of paint and plywood glue.A dozen people sat around the fire, wrapped in various styles of clothes, all of them looked melancholy.I threw the fire ax to Xu Cong and Shao Xuecheng, and asked them to split the pine tree. Then I rushed to the fire, took off my gloves, and wanted to put my hands directly on the fire.People around moved their buttocks to make room for me.I brought back enough fuel to last at least four hours, entitled to some warmth.

Someone handed me a glass of water, which was melted from snow. The water was very warm, and there were all kinds of suspicious PM2.5 suspended matter floating in it, but I didn't care about it and drank it all in one gulp.At this time Xu Qi came over and asked, "Old Ma, how many pine trees are there outside?" I told him that this was the last one nearby.If you want to cut it again, you can only go to the Science and Technology Commission compound next door, where there are still a few landscape plants.After hearing this, Xu Qi was worried: "Then it's at least six or seven hundred meters away?"

I took off my boots, raised my feet and approached the flames, my stiff toes were licked by the flames, and there was a burst of numbness: "Yes, in this kind of weather, no one can last that far, let alone transport fuel back It's over. Let me tell you, we are really screwed this time."

"It's all a conspiracy by the government! Ever since the dog came into existence, they have planned to reduce the size of urban gardens in order to freeze us to death!" Zhu Jiayin poked her head out of the blanket and muttered.I glared at him, and he retreated resentfully, continuing to fiddle with the radio in his hand.The radio hadn't received any signal since a few days ago, just various noises.Only Zhu Jiayin thinks that these noises must hide special rules, and listens to the knobs nervously every day. None of us bother to talk about it, let him toss around-by the way, Zhu Jiayin is the only one among us who can say a word Not bad for singing the whole "Uneasy".

Xu Cong and Shao Xuecheng had already finished dismembering the pine tree and brought over dozens of firewood of different lengths.Xu Qi picked it up for a long time, picked up a short piece of firewood, and threw it into the fire. The fire made a crackling sound, and it was a little more vigorous, and there was a fragrance of pine needles.He looked around, saw everyone staring at him pitifully, sighed, and threw another long one.

It was an accident that our group got stuck in the library.To put it simply, on the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the cold snapped suddenly, and by the time the citizens realized that this was not an ordinary cold spring, it was already too late.The snowstorm has completely blocked the entire city.Both the airport and the highway were completely paralyzed.In a city where just a little rain or snow can cause traffic jams all over the city, you can imagine how much trouble a snowstorm can cause.Every car was slowly moving in the direction of leaving Beijing, and many people froze to death on the third ring, fourth ring or Xizhimen Bridge.Before they died, they still kept honking their horns while sticking their heads out of the window and cursing. Some people tried to get out of the car to cover their license plates, and they just froze alive with CDs in their hands, which was very tragic.More people chose to leave on foot, and their ending was unimaginable.

Several of our friends came to this library to collect materials for a project.As a result, procrastination broke out. We played three rounds of killing and five rounds of Three Kingdoms in the empty reading room, completely forgetting about the information check.When we came to our senses, the entire library was surrounded by heavy snow, and there were only thirteen people left in the entire building, including ten readers, two staff members, and a Nazarene... oh, say Wrong, it was a Chinese Jew named Li Chao.He is a Christian of the underground church, very suspicious, and always thinks that others will betray him.Whenever anyone approached him, he screamed, "One of you betrayed me!"

This library is a Soviet-style building, very thick, and the cold-resistant characteristics of the Russian nation flow through the reinforced concrete.Under its protection, we were finally temporarily protected from the severe cold and became one of the few survivors in the city.But as the temperature dropped further, the library began to become unbearably cold.We tried to leave, looking for another foothold, but were stopped by the snowstorm.The extreme cold makes any outdoor activity deadly.They had to go back to the library, get local materials, disassemble tables, chairs, cabinets and other wooden materials and ignite them as fuel.

No one knows how this severe cold attack came about and how wide it affected.The TV and Internet have been completely scrapped in this severe cold weather, only the radio lasted for a while.According to what Zhu Jiayin deciphered from the noise, the entire northern part of China has been engulfed in snow, and the government announced to move the capital to Sanya.He also told us that in the past few years, all kinds of high-priced rip-offs in Sanya were actually the government's secret fundraising for reconstruction.

"Everything is not accidental, it's all connected. If we read the "Global Times" and "People's Daily" frequently, we will be able to detect the strangeness earlier." Zhu Jiayin squirmed in the blanket and babbled , like Jabba from Star Wars.He said a lot of strange things like this. One day he said that he was a captain in his previous life, and the next day he said that he had been to India, but no one took it seriously.

"Fuck! It's useless to talk about it, hurry up and find a way to keep the heating on!" Shao Xuecheng shouted impatiently.Zhu Jiayin suddenly jumped up: "And you! There is something wrong with your name! When you were born, there must have been some signs! What department did your father work in in the country! He must have participated in some plan?" Shao Xuecheng was furious. Angry, he raised his hand to hit him, but was quickly stopped by others.

At this time, Sister Zheng said slowly, "Young man, what are you in a hurry for? There are plenty of things that can be burned here." She held a bag of potato chips and looked at Lao Wang with a smile.Our eyes all moved to Pharaoh.Lao Wang immediately became extremely nervous. He picked up a piece of firewood from the ground and used the "Welcome the Cangsong" technique of the Huashan School, and shouted tremblingly: "You don't want to pay attention to the book! Don't blame the sword in my palm for being ruthless! "

Lao Wang and Sister Zheng are both senior employees of this library. They were on duty when the blizzard came, and they were also trapped.Sister Zheng's response speed to survival, even us young people are ashamed.As soon as the blizzard broke out, she quickly ate up her lunch box, and then used a coin to take out all the snacks and drinks from the vending machine.If we want to eat, we have to buy it from her.She even got everyone's weight by insinuation. I occasionally saw her fat calculation formula written on a piece of paper, and I understood her deep meaning-by the way, my ranking is quite high...

And Lao Wang is another kind of person.He regards those books as treasures, and resolutely forbids anyone without a library card to touch a finger. Whoever dares to violate them will teach that ignorant bastard a lesson.The martial arts moves he yelled out varied, but in fact there was only one move: hitting head-on with the broom.No one knows how old Lao Wang is.According to Sister Zheng, Lao Wang is a senior man in the librarian circle. He worked with the chairman and repaired the floor for Marx. He didn’t know where he was when the Alexandria library was burned, but Confucius went to Laozi for advice. That day, Pharaoh must have been on sick leave.

It is understandable for such an old guy not to let us touch the book.In the case of sufficient fuel, we are happy to respect the elderly and protect the crystallization of human wisdom.But now that everyone is facing an existential crisis, how to choose is not so difficult.

"Old Wang, we understand your feelings, but human life is at stake. Look, we still have girls here. They are too weak to survive the severe cold." I comforted, pointing to a few girls huddled in a corner. Boy, try to arouse his sympathy.

"You can help them with your body temperature, why burn books!" Old Wang's counterattack was also very sharp, directly hitting the vitals of some people.At that moment, several unrequited love and fiery eyes intertwined, and everyone hesitated for a moment.

"That's not the point! In short, you have to get out of the way and open the library as soon as possible! The fuel is not enough." I said as calmly as possible.Lao Wang shook his head: "Unless you step over Xiao Zheng's body."

Sister Zheng jumped up and shouted: "Old Wang, don't get involved with me. I'm not an official establishment. It's not for me to post things during Chinese New Year. Now you want me to work hard, no way!" Lao Wang is gone. The reinforcements had no choice but to grab the firewood, and stepped back a few steps, with firm eyes and an uncompromising face: "Books are the ladder of human progress! They are the crystallization of human wisdom, you can't burn them! Knowledge is power!"

"France is Bacon." Everyone followed up habitually.Then I said bluntly: "For us now, knowledge is heat. Besides, it's not this library. Hasn't our government moved the capital to Sanya? They must have brought a lot of books there."

"Nonsense! Do you believe this assumption?"

Facing Lao Wang's question, I couldn't answer confidently.Seeing that my momentum was a little weak, Lao Wang puffed up his chest and sighed a long time: "Now the outside information is cut off, maybe the whole world has been destroyed now, and we are left here. You burn all the books, and we human beings are almost dead." The millennium-old culture has been lost and extinct. How will we explain it to future generations? We can't destroy a species for our own self-interest.

"What is there to say to him, a traitor in Xicheng District! Just knock him out and finish the job!"

Suddenly that person shouted sharply.It was Tian Xiao who said this.He works as a director on a TV station, but he is a fanatical Xuanwumen Zionist at heart.Since the capital announced the abolition of the establishment of Xuanwu District two years ago and merged it into Xicheng District, he has always felt ashamed and expressed his dissatisfaction on various occasions. At the same time, he has a deep-rooted hatred for people from Xicheng District.Lao Wang hurriedly said that he was from Haidian, but Tian Xiao didn't listen at all: "Haidian is also from the West!" It was on fire, and the two pushed and shoved.

In fact, I was a little hesitant, and everyone said to respect the old and the virtuous, but at this critical moment, who cares about a few broken books.Old Wang has lived for so long, even if he dies in a book, he is worth it.We are still the sun at eight or nine o'clock, and we haven't lived enough yet.At this time, a girl stood up from the corner and said in a soft voice: "Everyone, stop arguing. At this critical juncture, we should help each other."

"Same boat?" Zhu Jiayin immediately cheered up, "You are asking the right person, I know where the ark is, it is not in Tibet at all! This is a big government conspiracy!"

"Tongzhou?" Tian Xiao's face softened a little when he heard the name, Tongzhou is to the east.

I motioned for both of them to shut up quickly and let her continue.Her name is Liu Yue, and she is a female master who is studying for a Ph.D., but she still looks normal at the moment.Liu Yue adjusted her glasses: "I suggest that we practice democracy and set up a book review committee. When burning books, as long as a simple majority of thirteen people—that is, at least seven people—consent, they can be burned. Lose."

The suggestion sounded reasonable, and everyone agreed.But Lao Wang was still a little unwilling.Shao Xuecheng and Xu Cong stood on both sides of him, each holding an arm.I said sinisterly: "Old Wang, you can think clearly. Now we are still a democracy. Don't force us to practice democratic centralism. When the time comes, we will be whatever the organization says. You won't even have the chance to vote."

Old Wang thought about it for a while, and said that you have to agree to two conditions, or else you can kill me first.I asked him what the conditions were, and Lao Wang said that you have to go through the formal borrowing process to get books, borrow them from me, and then burn them. I will open the library and let you burn them casually, and borrow books from me and burn them again The nature is different. "

There was a burst of laughter at his request.Seeing his upright face, he also knows how to work around it.I asked him what the second condition was, and Lao Wang's face became very serious: "Never, never open the deepest library on the second basement floor."

There are at least 20 books in this library, enough to burn for a long time.So I readily agreed to his terms.

After completing the work of Pharaoh, we started the big migration.At present, our fire is too close to the front hall, the temperature will get colder and colder, and it will be very troublesome to move the books out of the library. We simply moved the fire to a place further inward, right at the door of the library.Probably to solve the big problem of fuel, everyone moved quickly, and quickly moved all the warm clothes and the fire.Zhu Jiayin walked last, still fiddling with his radio, talking to himself along with the noise.

Lao Wang stood at the door of the library, took my library card seriously, and asked, "What books do you want to borrow?"

I was taken aback.This question is well-asked. Before, I only thought about getting books, but I didn't think about what books to get.Ordinarily, it doesn't matter what kind of book it is, as long as the paper is enough and thick enough, but now that there is a book review committee, it must be fully considered, and it is necessary to choose those books that everyone thinks can be burned.

"Why don't we burn Mao Zedong's anthology first." Xu Qi suggested.But this opinion was immediately opposed by Tian Xiao.Tian Xiao said: "Chairman Mao is the great savior of our people, why do you burn his works?" Xu Qi replied: "The volumes are enough, and the paper quality is good." See, you are a rightist, an elite, maybe you still live in Xicheng!" Xu Qi retorted unceremoniously: "Damn five cents!" Tian Xiao raised his chest: "I am a five who brought his own dry food..."

Before he finished speaking, several hungry eyes focused on him, Tian Xiao quickly explained: "This is a metaphor, a metaphor, it doesn't mean that I really carry dry food, I only have two pieces of chewing gum and Tianfuju's elbow, didn't I donate it earlier Is it?"

"Let me use Tarot calculations." Another girl, Xiaoying, said, regardless of whether others agreed or not, she spread out a handful of cards on the ground, and quickly retracted her little hand into the sleeve, with a face Solemn.Li Chao, the only Christian here, looked at the cards in her hand, made a sign of the cross on her chest, and muttered softly, "Hmph, feudal superstition."

Xiaoying closed her eyes and concentrated, and quickly drew a card from the array, and it was revealed that it was a magician card in place.

"Okay, burn Liu Qian!" Xu Cong shouted.

"Idiot, how many books has Liu Qian published? It's not enough to burn." Xiaoying looked disdainful, "This card means speculative debate, obviously to burn a philosopher."

"I recommend Foucault, but I have never understood it." Xu Cong shouted again.


"It's too thin! Or Sartre!"

"Don't be an idiot, Sartre's books are not thick! Simply burn the set of 'World Chinese Translations of World Academic Masterpieces' from the Commercial Press. I remember that the series with orange covers are all about philosophy!"

"Facing so many masters, you are not soft at all? You are a sinner of mankind!"

"Bah! I'm almost freezing to death, so I don't care so much!"

"Then why don't you start with Nan Huaijin? Just thinking about burning the West, stupid!"

"It's better than adoring foreigners! I'm Chinese, and of course I want to save Chinese civilization for the last. I'm leaving my words here today, you little traitor. As long as I'm here, you can read every book on Eastern philosophy except Yu Dan." Don't try to burn it!"

"Down with the school boss!"

"Huh? There's no such book in the library?"

"This is my slogan!"

There was a lot of noise in the room. I never thought that these guys usually drink a lot of wine and eat meat, like a group of bandits, but they also secretly hide an academic kingdom in their hearts.At this moment, Shao Xuecheng came to my side: "Old Ma, it's not okay to go on like this. Damn, these little intellectuals are talking nonsense. They have their own little calculations, so we can't let them make up their minds." I nodded, also Aware of the problem.If they are allowed to choose by themselves, they will inevitably quarrel because of different ideas.The current solution is to leave the choice to God or probability theory.

I signaled them to be quiet, and then said, "I think we should stop looking for books by ourselves, and draw randomly, and everyone will vote to decide whether to burn it or not." I reminded them that this is a matter of life and death for everyone. To burn rationally, do not mix too much personal emotion.At this point the temperature in the room dropped a little more, and the fire began to shrink.Everyone realized that they couldn't be frozen to death because of such a ridiculous thing, and they all shut up.I saw a small cart next to it, which was full of books that had just been returned but hadn't been put back in the library.So I took out a copy from it and showed it to everyone.

"Will Yu Qiuyu's book be burned?"'

"Burn it", "Burn it!", "Should it be flammable?" Everyone chattered, but this time the opinions were quite unified, and there was only one opponent.This opponent is a thin and weak young man with a very thin neck but a big head. The one bigger than his head is his name, Long Aotian.Long Aotian is our junior, even more pussy than Super Girl.He timidly raised his hand: "Does it have to be burned?" I like Master Yu very much. When I participated in the new concept composition, I always imitated him. "

Xu Qi comforted him and said: "Now that such a big disaster has occurred, the master will definitely be heartbroken. Once he is heartbroken, he will definitely write a wonderful cultural journey, not bad for this one. Besides..." He flicked his wrist Turning it over, showing the cover: "This book's name is not very auspicious, it's better to burn it earlier." We went over to take a look, "Frost and Cold River", we all nodded and said that it would be burned soon.

So I went to Lao Wang to complete the borrowing procedures, and threw the book into the fire, and soon the pages were curled and burned to ashes.Zhu Jiayin said: "It's burning well! What kind of cold, frost, snow, and city are you bringing? It's not good at first sight. These things with unlucky words should be burned!" Shao Xuecheng gave him a hard look. Another set was picked up on the trolley.

"Tomb Raiders Note, will this be burned?"

"I haven't watched it yet." I said.

"What about the first seven volumes? Throw it into the fire first?"

"Keep it, Ba came out too late, I almost forgot about it, I have time to read it again." I put that set back and went to find other books.At this time Xu Qi came to my side and said softly: "Actually, I can teach you a trick of choice."


"Anything on the girdle claiming that the global sales volume is second only to the Bible can be taken out and burned, and there will be no mistakes."

A good idea came to my mind.I quickly jumped onto the table—because the table had been burned—and said to everyone: "I have an idea, let's burn all the books on the category that we learned successfully. They are thick enough and the number is enough." Do you have any objections?"

The proposal was quickly and unanimously approved by the committee, and even Lao Wang voted for it.So we picked out all the success stories, from Carnegie to the letter to Garcia, and threw them all into the fire.I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but the books on success studies are particularly vigorous when burned, warming everyone's heart.

"It will be fine if it stays like this." I looked at everyone's smiles with satisfaction, thinking in my heart, whether to focus on life care or horoscope divination next.Burning the former may annoy Zheng Dajie, who is a fan of various health regimens. She has tried swallowing loach raw and drinking mung beans; burning the latter may embarrass Xiaoying.In terms of thickness and paper, the two types of books have the same burning quality, so it is difficult to choose.

I was still hesitating, when I suddenly saw Zhu Jiayin curled up in a corner, not warming up with everyone, but fiddled with the radio by herself.He suddenly leaned over and put his ear next to the horn. A few seconds later, his eyes suddenly widened, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably, like a toad that had been electrocuted.


"What did you hear again?" I asked Zhu Jiayin, with a bit of sarcasm in my tone.In the past few days, he has "analyzed" a dozen possible reasons for the sudden drop in temperature, such as the alien invasion, the revenge of the underground people, Greece launching a nuclear war for repudiation, and the removal of the word "test" from Sina Weibo. One is more unreliable than the other.

Zhu Jiayin didn't make a long analysis this time, he handed me the radio nervously: "Listen yourself!" I put my ear to it.This is a shortwave radio, and theoretically it should be able to pick up sounds from across the ocean.In the last few days, it has not received a single station, and we speculate that perhaps America and Europe have also been destroyed.Now, however, I was pleasantly surprised and delighted to hear a recognizable human voice on the radio.

This is a man's voice, the pronunciation is very stiff, there is no link between the words, and there is no cadence or emotional color, it should be synthesized by a computer.He repeated only one sentence: "The country is facing a disaster that will last for a long time. The central government has started to study countermeasures. Citizens are asked to quickly carry out self-rescue and mutual rescue work under the guidance of the advanced thinking of the Three Represents."

I felt relieved, no matter what, the country has not forgotten us.But Zhu Jiayin was crying and bewildered.I asked him what was the matter, and Zhu Jiayin told me that as part of the national disaster warning system, the government has set up doomsday radio stations in the civil defense fortifications in major cities.Once a devastating war or disaster occurs, these broadcasting stations will automatically start and start broadcasting pre-recorded information on all bands.

"But if Doomsday Radio is activated, the country will definitely have relevant plans." I retorted.

Zhu Jiayin glanced at me: "What year did the three representatives happen? Last year! If it was this year, the words used would be so difficult to rejuvenate the country." I was enlightened immediately, and secretly relied One sound.Even the doomsday broadcast has expired, which means that there will be no one to rescue us at all.The next batch of people to enter the library is likely to wait for archaeologists hundreds of years later.

I quickly turned down the volume.This kind of news is great for everyone to know.I said to Zhu Jiayin, "Don't tell anyone about this." After thinking about it, I changed my mind and said, "Forget it, you can say whatever you want." No one believed him anyway.Zhu Jiayin nodded, lowered her head and continued to tune the band persistently.

I sat back by the fire, and everyone beside the fire was happily tearing up all kinds of success stories and throwing them into the fire. It was a bit like burning test papers and textbooks at the end of the college entrance examination. No one noticed the two of us. In the conversation just now, only Li Chao glanced at me suspiciously and made a threatening sign of the cross.Xu Cong came over with a book, "I'm looking for you, did Jobs pass on success?"

"Forget it." I hesitated.

"It doesn't count, what kind of success is this! This is a poisonous weed." Tian Xiao denied it.Liu Yue was displeased when he heard this: "It's the end of the world, what about the legacy of the Cultural Revolution. I think this is the study of success. The success of Jobs is undeniable." Tian Xiao's neck twitched: "I am an Android user."

When it comes to this point, it is not a debate of reason, but a debate of positions.So I stopped the discussion in time and put it to a vote.The result was 6 votes to 6.Liu Yue counted the heads and was very surprised: "I remember that there should be 7 people using iPhones here. Who voted against?" Deep hatred, but did not explain the reason.

The approval and disapproval were equally divided, and we all focused on Li Chao, the only one who did not raise his hand.He was reading Jobs' biography with relish. "Li Chao, vote." I urged him.His vote will have far-reaching historical significance.If the biography of Jobs is burned in the name of success studies, then almost all the biographies of historical celebrities—except for Van Gogh—can be used as fuel without censorship, which will be a great resource.

Li Chao turned a few more pages. Seeing that we were really pressed, he raised his hand and said, "May Jobs' body rest in peace, and may his soul enter the palace of the Lord. The writings of brothers in the Lord should be preserved..."

"Don't be an idiot, Jobs is a Buddhist." Shao Xuecheng interrupted.Li Chao's face changed, and he quickly changed his words: "Heretical! It should be burned!"

Seven to six, so the decision was made.We moved out more than a dozen Jobs biography, which is a bestseller, and the stock is not small.Xiaoying also added a few ios software development textbooks on top of this stack of books.According to her, it is better for these textbooks to be extinct as early as possible, lest people in the new century know that the old society still has such inhuman things as iTunes.We can probably guess why she voted no.

Starting from this, we successively took out books such as the biography of Buffett, the biography of Osama bin Laden, the biography of Li Ka-shing, and the interview with Yang Lan. We wore blankets and curtains on our bodies, and shouted in unison, "In the name of learning to succeed!" ", while throwing these books into the fire.Successive people have been reduced to ashes one after another. If there is a historian present, we will tell him that Christians are still to blame for the burning of books.

Success Science is indeed one of the best-selling book categories. This kind of book has been kept warm for two days. We are very grateful to the authors for their unremitting efforts.The second batch of fuel was similar workplace management books, especially "No Excuse", which was first torn to pieces and then burned, becoming the most fully burned book.Regarding the classification of "Du Lala's Promotion", some people think it belongs to workplace textbooks, and some people think it belongs to workplace novels. Xu Qi said that whether it is novels or workplace success studies, anyway, the first few batches will be burned. There is little difference in burning.

However, when selecting the third batch of books, serious differences occurred in the book review committee.

According to my idea, the next batch of books to be burned are books on life and health care.Most of these books are bound on coated paper, which is resistant to burning.This opinion has the support of most people.But Sister Zheng quit, she felt it was an insult to her:

"You young people don't take care of your body, but you will regret it when you get old. Now that we are trapped here, we should pay more attention to our health, right? These health care methods are all natural, left by the ancients, learning from nature, returning to the basics, It is most suitable for the current situation. If the fever is gone, if you want to take care of your health, you will have no guidance, and you must be in awe of nature and natural remedies!"

"It's good to be able to survive, why pay attention to health, what you said is too biased..." Long Aotian retorted unconvinced.Big Sister Zheng jumped up and pointed to his forehead: "You are so young, how do you talk? Just now, Big Sister, I thought you were thin, and I felt sorry for you. I gave you an extra piece of chocolate, why are you so ungrateful right now?" Long Aotian was very wronged : "I don't have one, but one matter is another matter. I can't eat your chocolate, so I don't care if it's right or wrong." Sister Zheng was furious, and scolded the little boy like a cannonball. Hanging low, not daring to say a word.

Sister Zheng couldn't get enough of her scolding, so she dragged Lao Wang in again: "Old Wang, you are from here. You were there when Shen Nong tasted the herbs and Hua Tuo designed the Wu Qin Xi, right? You said what I said, right?" , noncommittal, but glanced out the window.

When I saw that there was going to be a fight, I hurriedly said that we should vote and see what everyone thinks.Probably because Sister Zheng's behavior was too much just now, this time except for herself, everyone else agreed to burn life and health care.This is a democratic resolution, so we ignored Sister Zheng's yelling and dispatched Shao Xuecheng, Long Aotian, Tian Xiao, Xu Cong, and myself, a total of five strong men, to form a transport team and enter the library to transport related books and periodicals .Lao Wang stood in front of the library and prepared the library card according to the regulations, while the others gathered around the fire and kept adding fuel to ensure that it would not go out.

The structure of this library is very simple, as soon as you enter the door is the front desk, then the reading room, with offices on both sides, and at the end of the reading room is the library, separated by a long counter.The long counter has been dismantled and burned by us, so the library can be driven straight in.The library is huge, and countless bookshelves are arranged in an orderly manner, like a deep forest.Even in such a low temperature environment, I can still smell a faint fragrance of books.I suddenly recalled the feeling of pilgrimage to the library for the first time when I was a child. At that time, I never thought that one day I would walk into the library, pick books like a chicken from a chicken coop, and burn them to ashes one by one.

A small part of the library has been emptied. After we walked in, we confirmed the storage area for health books, and then we split up.Each person transported fifteen books each time and piled them at the door of the library.After Lao Wang fills out the library cards one by one, these books that are destined not to be returned can be turned into flames to gain new life.

I browsed all the way along the bookshelves, almost no need to choose carefully, as long as I saw things like "health code", "use of human body", "what you don't know", "water knows the answer", "secret method", "wisdom" and so on The keyword, even if it is taken down, it will not be wrong.Soon I gathered fifteen copies, stacked them together, and carried them outside.At this time, I accidentally saw Shao Xuecheng standing between two bookshelves, with his hands in his pockets and motionless.I asked what he was doing.He pointed to the right corner of the library, where there was an iron door, which looked thick, and an electronic lock hung on it.

"That's the underground library that Lao Wang said, and it's absolutely not allowed to enter." Shao Xuecheng smiled slightly, "I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, the more prohibited things are, the more I have to touch them, especially if they are locked. It's provocation."

"Forget it, Lao Wang will fight you desperately." I shrugged.Shao Xuecheng asked: "Aren't you curious at all?" I shook my head, in this kind of ghost place, all my curiosity has been wiped away by the cold, I'm not in the mood to ask gossip.Shao Xuecheng grinned, made a hand into the shape of a pistol, fired at the door, and blew the smoke from the muzzle of the gun.

This guy claims to be a veteran, and his demeanor has a chilling air, but no one knows what the origin is.Everyone was a little afraid of him and kept their distance as much as possible.He didn't mind either, and only occasionally talked to Zhu Jiayin and me, and others rarely paid attention to him.Much like a lone wolf on the prairie.

I was about to persuade him, when suddenly there was a quarrel beside me.I ran over quickly, and found that Xu Cong and Tian Xiao were on top of the bulls, with a pile of books scattered under their feet, and Long Aotian was circling anxiously beside them.

I asked them what was going on, and Long Aotian told me that the reason was that Xu Cong took a copy of "Discovering the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" and muttered that all books on Chinese medicine should be burned, but Tian Xiao said that I have no objection to burning Ke Yunlu's books. But I don't like to hear you say that all books on Chinese medicine should be burned.The two of them quarreled in the library with one sentence at a time, talking endlessly.I don't see it well. This topic has been discussed on the Internet for many years without any results. Now I am trapped in the library, and it is still playing overtime.I hurried over to smooth things over, and without saying a word, Xu Cong and Tian Xiao got more excited and started scolding each other.I was upset when I heard that, I dragged the two of them away, and shouted: "Everyone on Earth is about to die, why are you still arguing! Concentrate on your work!"

"The way is different, we don't conspire with each other!" Xu Cong's eyes widened, and he threw the book in his hand to the ground.Tian Xiao also aggressively stated that I love braised cooking and I love truth more.Hearing what the two of them mean, even if the quarrel leads to the destruction of the universe, it is necessary to distinguish right from wrong.I regretted so much in my heart, why did I forget that when it comes to life and health care, I will definitely fall into disputes over the preservation and abolition of traditional Chinese medicine.If I had known this earlier, I might as well go straight to burn numerology and divination.

It just so happened that Shao Xuecheng came over, and the two of them dragged him to ask him to express his opinion. Unexpectedly, without saying a word, one of them punched him and knocked him down to the ground, his eyes were bruised immediately.They still wanted to say something, but Shao Xuecheng kicked their mouths again, their lips were completely numb, and they couldn't even speak.

"Old Ma, you can't do this. This kind of quarrel has no result, just block it." Shao Xuecheng shook his head, very disappointed with my weak reaction.I said it was too violent and contrary to the spirit of democracy.However, Shao Xuecheng crossed his neck with a hand gesture, without saying a word, bent over and grabbed more than a dozen books, and left the library.

People outside the library were waiting for us to bring out the books. They were quite surprised when they saw that our faces were not looking good and there were injuries on our faces.I slapped my hands: "Don't burn the life and health care class, keep it, let's vote, and burn the numerology and divination class first."

"Okay! I've wanted to burn this type of book for a long time. Those constellations are all lies! How can people's fate be determined by stars millions of light years away!" Xu Cong shouted excitedly.Xiaoying responded immediately:
"Of course, the only one who truly guides destiny is the Major Arcana, which has been tested for thousands of years!"

"Hey, Tarot is also nonsense, okay? Can Egyptians believe in things? They can't even count their own demise! The only one who can pry into the mysteries of fate is Zhou Yi."

"Zhou Yi didn't count the demise of the Zhou Dynasty, did he?"

"I don't have any education. King Wen of Zhou calculated that the Zhou Dynasty had 800 years of luck, which is very accurate."

"You see, it can only be calculated for 800 years, which is too rough. If he uses Tarot to deduce, the chariot in the right position, the tower in the reverse position, and the lover in the right position, three cards can accurately reach the princes of Fenghuo Opera."

Seeing Xiaoying and Xu Cong quarreling, Liu Yue shrugged and said helplessly to Xu Jia: "Scorpio and Sagittarius quarrel, that's it." Xu Jia nodded with deep empathy: "Well, I guess both of them are Type A blood is prone to superstition and is particularly stubborn."

My original intention was to put aside the controversy and divert everyone's attention.Who knew that the book review committee was more divided this time.Among the thirteen people, there are some who believe in Tarot, some who believe in Book of Changes, some who believe in blood type, some who believe in horoscopes, and others who believe in everything. They really don't believe in fortune-telling. On the contrary, only Christian Li Chao is the only one.

With Xiaoying and Xu Cong as the introduction, everyone quarreled fanatically, and the tacit understanding established by the study of success disappeared.Those who believe in blood type say that those who believe in the Book of Changes are superstitious; those who believe in the Book of Changes scold those who believe in constellations and forget their ancestors; those who believe in constellations say that those who play Tarot are devil worship, and those who play Tarot say that those who believe in blood types are statistical magic.No book gets more than half the burnt support after all the noise.

When I saw that the fire was almost extinguished, it was not an option to procrastinate. Let’s stand up, or let’s do this, and do an experiment, whichever fortune teller is accurate will not burn that kind.Everyone quarreled, but there was no better suggestion, so we had to agree and asked me what to do.

I said it's simple, let's do a scientific experiment.Several fortune-telling systems each found a masterpiece published last year from the library to see what they predicted for this year.Everyone knows the current situation, whichever is right, stay.

Xiaoying wondered: "This is not fair. Tarot is not a fortune-telling, but tells you an attitude towards life, showing the multiple possibilities of fate, and in the end it depends on yourself." Liu Yue also said: "Everyone's zodiac sign is different. You also have to consider the rising sign and the angle with the sun, such a general prediction goes against the original intention of astrology.”

"Blood type is not fortune-telling, it's a scientific classification of human personality." Xu Qi said without changing his face, while Xu Cong simply closed his eyes: "How can the secrets be leaked, it will be a lifespan."

No one is willing to accept the test if you say a thousand words and ten thousand words.I saw that they all shrank, but it was a bit tricky.At this time, Shao Xuecheng walked over and said relaxedly, "How about I give you a suggestion?"

Everyone looked at him curiously.

"I'll drive you out one by one, and then you can use your favorite fortune-telling method to divination for yourself. If you figure out that you can escape, it's not allowed, and you deserve to freeze to death; if you figure out that you are doomed, then you will be counted." It’s a clever plan.”

After he finished speaking, he picked up an almanac and flipped through it: "Hey, it's a good time to travel today, which one of you will be the first?" Most of the people felt cold all over their bodies, and immediately quieted down, no one objected to burning books .

Under the threat of Shao Xuecheng, all the books on fortune-telling and divination were moved to the fire, and every book on the fortune-telling system was personally burned by the supporters.Even I was assigned a copy of "Lejia Personality Colors", watching all kinds of humanity turn to gray.Sister Zheng picked up a copy of "Dragon Cave Sand and Water Complete Book", a little hesitant, saying that Feng Shui is not superstitious, and many foreigners also believe it.Shao Xuecheng said coldly: "Burn! Or I will choose an auspicious acupoint for you myself." Sister Zheng threw the book down and suddenly lost her temper. If you don’t allow it, you still want to burn it; now you want to burn Fengshui, why should you listen to it all! Why do you dictate and domineering! Are you all gods? Even if you are a god, you don’t necessarily know everything, right? "

After she finished speaking, she sat down on a Carrefour shopping bag.The bag is full of vending machines and her own snacks, and she stays with her day and night.Whoever wants to eat has to exchange something with her.So far, she has changed several mobile phones, notebooks and rings, and also received a Nokia to pry peach cans.

"Let me tell you, from now on, the commissary will be gone! You don't want to get something to eat from me!" Sister Zheng waved her arms aggressively, just like Obama who announced the embargo on Iran.

Everyone looked at me, and I quickly said to Sister Zheng, don't be angry, we have something to discuss, but she ignored her at all and turned her face away.At this moment, Shao Xuecheng patted me on the shoulder: "Old Ma, I have something to tell you."


"You are too weak to be a leader at all. You are just a peacemaker and papermaker who go around trying to persuade and mediate. In the current situation, I don't need you, but me."

"This team needs cooperation and trust, not fear." I replied calmly.

"As long as there is fear, the rest is very easy to realize." Shao Xuecheng's hand on my shoulder suddenly exerted force, and I suddenly felt a huge force pressing down, and I let out a scream, and was crushed to the ground by him.Shao Xuecheng turned his head and faced everyone: "Comrade Ma is unable to continue to lead everyone due to health reasons. He recommended me. I want to ask everyone, do I need to refuse three times?"

Everyone looked at me lying on the ground and shook their heads.

"Very good, it's an extraordinary time, all procedures are simplified. Don't worry, I will bring safety to everyone, as long as you absolutely obey." Shao Xuecheng walked around the fire for a few steps, called Xu Cong up, whispered a few words, Xu Cong hurriedly Run to the library.Lao Wang was about to stop him, saying that the formalities hadn't been completed yet, when Shao Xuecheng grabbed his arm.

"Comrade Wang, I'm about to announce the first order, that is, you must not obstruct or interfere with our process of taking books from the library in any way. Those red tapes are unwise at this time."

"How can it be done? Didn't we agree?" Old Wang wanted to resist, but Shao Xuecheng restrained him with only one hand: "New election, new atmosphere, I hope you can understand more."

Soon Xu Cong ran out of the library with a few books in his hand.Shao Xuecheng took the book and walked up to Sister Zheng: "Sister Zheng, these books are for you." Sister Zheng was a little confused, took the book and looked, it turned out to be "The Biography of Hu Xueyan" and "The Legend of Shen Wansan" , a copy of "Venice in the Age of Napoleon".She didn't understand what it meant, Shao Xuecheng said: "I suggest you read it carefully when you have time at night, it is very educational. It says that no matter how awesome a businessman is, as long as he lacks military support, he will be a fool sooner or later."

After saying this, Shao Xuecheng stretched out his hand, grabbed Sister Zheng, threw it on the floor, then picked up the shopping bag, and said loudly: "My second order, all the food of Sister Zheng will be confiscated, and everyone will eat according to the quota every day." Assignment." Sister Zheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly rolled on the ground, I thought she was going to show her original shape and turn into a lion or a white elephant, but in the end she just wailed.Shao Xuecheng kicked up and hit her waist. Sister Zheng was so frightened that she didn't dare to cry immediately, she wiped her tears and rubbed her waist and sat back beside the fire.

Shao Xuecheng smiled slightly and looked around: "Next, I will announce the third order."

Everyone held their breath, waiting to hear his third fire.

"The temperature is dropping day by day, and it will soon be impossible to stay here. So I announce that the fire will be moved to the second basement library here, and we will leave now."


Hearing Shao Xuecheng's request to enter the library on the second basement floor, Old Wang was extremely frightened and resolutely objected, "I told you that the library on the second basement floor is a restricted area, and you are absolutely not allowed to enter it!"

The more he objected, the more interested everyone was in the library on the second basement floor, especially Zhu Jiayin. For the first time, he turned his attention from the radio to the outside world and stared at Lao Wang expectantly.In the eyes of such conspiracy theorists, the old Wang with a secret is sexier than the black, long and straight girl.I bet that Zhu Jiayin has at least three or four theories in his head now, and I wouldn't be surprised if he said that the nine Standing Committee members are meeting at the bottom.

Liu Yue asked Sister Zheng if she knew what the second underground floor was. Sister Zheng curled up in her cloak, still not recovering from the shock of being suppressed.After Liu Yue asked several times, she shook her head in panic, expressing that she didn't know anything: "I'm just an ordinary librarian, I usually only stay on the first floor, and I don't know anything."

Everyone could understand what she meant.Shao Xuecheng frowned and walked up to Old Wang.We all thought that Shao would directly knock Lao Wang to the ground and step on another foot.But he just picked up a few books, threw them into the fire slowly, stared at the old Wang and said, "I don't really want to force others, if you can tell us what's below, we don't have to go in." Lao Wang thought for a long time , and then said: "The ventilation system of this library is no longer working. The library on the second basement floor is a closed space. If you move the fire down, you are asking for death. We will all be poisoned to death."

Shao Xuecheng was a little disappointed: "I asked you what's down there, not why you can't go down." Pharaoh waved his hands excitedly: "What else is there in the underground library, of course there are books, and they are all rare books. It must be well preserved. I am afraid you will burn those things too."

"If it was just books, you wouldn't be so nervous."

When Shao Xuecheng said this, he turned his face slowly, and said to all of us: "Don't you want to take a look? There may be food stored there, it may be warmer and more comfortable, and there may be a radio station that can communicate with the outside world. We can ask for help, and we can save others; if there is a God, this underground library must be God’s revelation.”

He summed up all the levels of Maslow's pyramid in one breath, and everyone's morale was aroused, and they all called for a fight.

I have my doubts about the storage of food or radio stations in the second basement of the library, but I don't want to disturb others' interest at this time-to be honest, I am also curious.Now our small team is in a predicament. If there are no new changes, we will wait for death sooner or later. Why don't we go and see what happens.Even if a big bomb inside killed us all, it wouldn't be any worse than it is now, even if it leads to the lake of fire in hell, at least it's still warmer, right?
Each of us—except Lao Wang—was given a M&M chocolate bean, which added a little heat.Then Lao Wang stayed to guard the fire, Sister Zheng guarded Lao Wang, Long Aotian guarded Sister Zheng, and the others followed Shao Xuecheng and walked towards the library.It was night and there were no lights in the library, so we made some torches using local materials.

Making torches is a very technical job.Ordinary books are too small, and they are glue-bound, which is not easy to roll up, and the feel is far inferior to that of magazines.The selection of magazines is not random. "FHM" and "Mina" are very suitable in terms of thickness, but almost every page of this kind of fashion magazine has UV varnish, and the coated paper is more than 90 grams, which is not easy to burn.After comparison, we finally chose some conscientious old magazines: "Reader", "Youth Digest" and "Friends".The ratio of the format to the number of pages of these magazines is moderate, and they can just be rolled into a paper tube, which is very comfortable to hold in the hand.Just one book is a bit thin, but because of their long history, they have accumulated a large number of issues, and there are bound books every year, which can effectively make up for this shortcoming.

We raised our torches high and followed behind Shao Xuecheng. These magazines were as condescending as before, illuminating the way forward for us.I also purposely tear out the joke page in each issue as proof that they ever existed.We came all the way to the end of the library, the mysterious iron door was still closed, and the small red light on the electronic lock was shining vigilantly, like the one-eyed eye of a cave-dwelling beast.

"Behind this iron gate is the road leading to the library on the second floor of the basement. We are finally going to open it." Shao Xuecheng's thin face showed an excited expression, under the reflection of a dozen torches, he looked like an ancient Greek hero . "At this moment, what do you think of?" He asked.

"Pandora." I answered honestly.

"Urashima Taro."


Everyone chattered, and Shao Xuecheng roared angrily: "Can you think of something auspicious?" Everyone thought for a while, it seems that no matter where the folk tales are, there really is no happy ending for those who owe money, so they all fell silent. down.Shao Xuecheng pointed at Tian Xiao: "You, go and open it."

Tian Xiao likes to do this kind of thing the most. He walked to the iron gate immediately, but stood there in a daze.This iron door is very strange, there is no door handle, and there is not even any protrusion, so there is nowhere to pull it. "Could it be by pushing?" Tian Xiao put his palm on the door and pushed hard, but it didn't move.He kicked it with his foot, but there was still no response, so he had to focus on the electronic lock.

The electronic lock is a square area pasted on the door, which is slightly darker in color than other places. Except for the red indicator light, there are no buttons or switches in this area.Tian Xiao studied for a long time, but couldn't find a way, so he had to tell Shao Xuecheng that there was no way.Shao Xuecheng went into battle in person, and kicked twice fiercely, with great force, but the iron gate still stood still.

"We still have to get Old Wang, he must know how to open it."

Shao Xuecheng sent Xu Cong and Wang Dapeng to look for them.Wang Dapeng was brought by Shao Xuecheng, he was taciturn, hardly heard him speak, and had no sense of presence.If Shao Xuecheng didn't mention it, I would have almost forgotten that there was such a person.

After the two of them left, the remaining people sat down around the iron gate to reduce their calorie consumption.Shao Xuecheng instructed to set up a small fire in front of this door, and I asked him what kind of books he planned to burn.Shao Xuecheng said that you burned books and burned too many literary youths, which is not enough.He came up with a new classification method: "There have been few good books in recent years, so I don't think there is any need to classify them. Just refer to the publication date, and read the recent ones first, and then the distant ones. You can't go wrong."

I am somewhat dissatisfied with this arbitrary taxonomy, but I can't stop it.So other people held torches and walked to the bookshelves everywhere, and took off books one by one.Just like the ancient Roman farmers in the Po River Manor, they picked delicious and juicy fruits from the fruit trees according to the year, and then sacrificed them to Vulcan, the god of fire.

According to the new method proposed by Shao Xuecheng, we have collected a large number of brand new books in a short period of time. These are all publications in the past two years.They all burn easily, but have one particularly nasty feature - girdles.The girdle not only affects the beauty and touch, but also burns very badly.We must tear off the girdles of all the books like weeds, and throw them into the fire.

When this work was done, I was so tired, and my stomach was empty and burning, that I lay down at random, stuck a torch in the shelf, and took out a few pages to peruse.These papers were torn out on purpose when I was burning the magazine just now, and they are the page where jokes are published in each issue.It wouldn't be a pity to burn up all the magazines, but these few pages are worth saving for an occasional look, maybe to forget about hunger for a while.At this time, a person next to me approached me. I turned my head and saw that it was Liu Yue.Liu Yue was covered with a thick curtain, a bit like a bathrobe.She looked at me with burning eyes, and whispered: "Old Ma, do you want some goods?" I was taken aback, not knowing what she was referring to.

Liu Yue gave me a charming smile, put her hands between the curtains and bathrobes, and slowly eased them away.I thought that something glamorous would happen, but I saw that there were more than a dozen books hanging on the inside of both sides of the curtains, all of which were about cooking and food, including Chinese, Western, Japanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian styles, with large full-color pictures.

"How do you have these things?" I asked in surprise.Now that the food reserves have bottomed out, everyone can only get extremely limited supplements. In order to prevent the morale of the army from being shaken, Shao Xuecheng has ordered all books about food and cooking to be taken out and burned.
"I kept it privately. How about it? Would you like a copy?" Liu Yue blinked, full of temptation.

"I'm sorry, I don't want it." I suppressed my desire forcibly. In this period, cookbooks are no different from drugs. It may relieve your hunger and thirst for a while, but you will soon have to suffer more pain. This is drinking poison to quench your thirst .I have very poor self-control and don't have the confidence to quit after getting the food book.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't everyone watching? If we are destined to die here, we can gain temporary happiness with just one glance. Isn't it greedy to go to heaven before death?" Liu Yue pursed her lips Come on, with a finger on my sleeve, I saw Xu Jia holding a copy of "Gourmet Map" across a bookshelf. He put his nose against the color map, gasped wildly, and trembled all over.Suddenly, he put down the book, collapsed on the ground and rubbed his stomach, then got up with difficulty, turned to the next page, and repeated the action just now.

In the darkness, there were gasps like this one after another. At least three to four people had already got the goods from Liu Yue, which showed that this small underground trading market was running smoothly.It seems that Shao Xuecheng was right in ordering the destruction of the gourmet book, it will completely destroy the spirit of this team like a plague.

"So what do you want from me?" I asked.I really can't think of anything of value on me.Liu Yue put her mouth close to my ear: "What I hope to get is your support."


"Yes, we don't like Shao Xuecheng, it can be said that we hate it very much. If you can support me, old horse, then we will have enough manpower to get rid of him..."

"Forget it, I'm not interested. Besides, I can't beat her." I rejected her, and I didn't feel disgusted at all by Shao Xuecheng replacing me, and I even breathed a sigh of relief.The responsibility of leading a team is too heavy and my character is too weak to really fit.

"Two copies? One of them is Zhao Heng's "Old Glutton Essays." Liu Yue offered a higher price, but I was still unmoved.Liu Yue gritted her teeth: "What if I'm added?" I smiled wryly, "Even if I have the heart, I don't have the strength." Liu Yue wrapped the curtains around her body again,

"What are you two doing?"

A shout came from a distance, it turned out to be Tian Xiao.As soon as Liu Yue saw him, she turned around and ran away, but she couldn't run like a mature man, and he tore off the curtains within a few steps, and the dozen or so books fell to the ground with a clatter.When Tian Xiao saw that they were all delicacies, his face sank immediately. He stepped on the book and grabbed Liu Yue from the ground: "You are committing a crime!"

Liu Yue raised her chin unwillingly: "You gave me nothing to eat, and I made cakes to satisfy my hunger. How could it be considered a crime?"

Tian Xiao ignored her and dragged her all the way to the iron gate, and I quickly followed.Shao Xuecheng sat cross-legged directly opposite the iron gate, his eyes fixed on the small gate.Tian Xiao told Liu Yue's story again, Shao Xuecheng frowned: "Didn't I say that? Don't touch those things, they will destroy your will."

Liu Yue laughed loudly: "Anyway, everyone will live soon, so it doesn't matter if the will is not broken." Shao Xuecheng said calmly, "When the underground library is opened, we will have a way to survive." Liu Yue sneered: " I advise you not to open it, if you don’t open it, everyone still has some hope. If there is nothing after opening it, then you will be finished.”

This sentence is quite sharp.Shao Xuecheng's current authority is based on the promise to lead everyone to open the library on the second basement floor to obtain a large amount of food or warmth. If this promise fails, his legitimacy will no longer exist.Violence can solve some problems, but it cannot solve the shortage of resources.The circulation of food, books and drugs is a typical symptom. When the food shortage reaches the point where the people are not afraid of death, it will reach the end of the collapse.

Shao Xuecheng was obviously aware of this, he didn't say anything, asked Tian Xiao to let Liu Yue go, and then called everyone together to carry out the investigation.It turned out that in addition to Liu Yue and Xu Qi, Xiaoying and Li Chao were also contaminated with drugs.The drug that Xiaoying smoked was Naoko Takagi's "A Person's Gourmet Journey", while Li Chao smoked "Food in the Bible". It is not so much an introduction to food, but rather a gift from the perspective of food - it seems that this is specially prepared by Liu Yue for devout Christians.

All the gourmet books were confiscated, making the fire burn even more vigorously.Xiaoying cried and threw herself into the fire, yelling for me to take another look!Just take a look!Wagashi is still one page away from being sucked!When she found that she was powerless to stop the books turning to ashes, she began to inhale violently, as if a gourmet book could turn into gourmet smoke when it was burned.She was so choked that she coughed and burst into tears, and it took several people to hold her down.

Shao Xuecheng crossed his arms and looked at the dancing flames with deep and melancholy, like Lin Zexu who was standing at the Humen pondering the fate of the Qing Empire.He told everyone else to leave except me.Shao Xuecheng leaned his body on the bookshelf, and said a little tiredly: "I know all about the conversation between you and Zhu Jiayin about the doomsday broadcast."

"Oh." I'm not surprised at all, Zhu Jiayin will definitely tell others.Shao Xuecheng said: "Surely there will be no rescue, right?"

"Yes... we may be the last surviving humans on Earth."

"Then let's make such a fuss, what do you think is the point?"

"I'm going to ask you that." I looked directly at him, "What is your intention to open the second basement floor so persistently? Is it to give everyone a hope of survival?"

"No, if that's the case, isn't it no different from taking drugs? Let me tell you, I really want to open it and see what happens."

"But what's the point of this? You and I both know that this is the second basement of the library. It's not a Carrefour or a large commercial building. It can only contain books, not food or radio."

Shao Xuecheng grinned: "Old Ma, if I tell the truth, will you believe it?"

"Let's talk and listen."

"As soon as I approached that door, I felt something calling me there."

Shao Xuecheng stretched out his palm, thoughtfully.Before I could reply, Xu Cong hurried back and said that Sister Zheng and Long Aotian had been thrown to the ground, but Old Wang was gone.We were all shocked, and Shao Xuecheng asked what was going on.Xu Cong said that Lao Wang suddenly made an attack just now, and knocked Sister Zheng and Long Aotian unconscious with the weapon, and then ran away without a trace. "

"What weapon was used?"

"Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. Natural Philosophy."

"So cruel?" Shao Xuecheng and I both knew how thick that thing was, so we gasped, "Is everyone alright?"

"It's just fainting, life is safe. After Wang Dapeng and I settled them down, Dapeng stayed by the fire, and I came to report the news by myself. As for where Lao Wang went, I don't know."

We were all lost in thought.Lao Wang has been working in this library for many years. If he wants to hide, we will not be able to find him.However, in this cold weather, how long can he last as an old man away from the fire?
I didn't expect that the answer would be known within two seconds.A black figure jumped up from behind Xu Cong, holding a long-handled weapon, shouting: "Little Li Flying Knife!" and slashed towards Shao Xuecheng.Shao Xuecheng reacted quickly, dodged it, subconsciously raised his hand to block it, and was immediately drawn a bloody wound.

With the light of the fire, I could barely see clearly that the attacker was Lao Wang. The weapon in his hand was an iron frame removed from the bookshelf, and a long sharp strip of ice was still frozen on it.At this time, he has changed from his original old age, and his eyes are bare.

"I knew you were not easy."

Shao Xuecheng held the iron gate and said calmly.Lao Wang shook the ice gun in his hand: "I told you not to burn books, but you didn't listen; I told you not to try to open this iron door, but you didn't listen. Now that the big mistake is almost made, you have to die for me." !"

"Why can't it be burned? What's behind the iron gate?" Shao Xuecheng asked.

Lao Wang didn't answer, he let out a roar, and stabbed with his gun.Shao Xuecheng quickly grabbed two half-burned books from the fire with both hands, and put them on Old Wang's ice spear.The two fought for several rounds, Lao Wang's marksmanship was unsurpassed, but Shao Xuecheng's calligraphy was also superb, dancing with the book in both hands, without losing the slightest bit.

Those two books are the first and second volumes of "Crossing the South and Returning to the North", they are thick and solid, Lao Wang's ice spear pierced it, but he couldn't pierce it, but was melted by the flames of the books.Moreover, the layout of this book is very chaotic, with small annotations. Shao Xuecheng opened it facing his opponent, flipped through the pages, and the words on the pages were interlaced.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shao Xuecheng flicked the book forward, and at the same time retreated quickly.When Lao Wang avoided the book smash, he jumped between the two rows of bookshelves in an instant, and opened a long distance.Lao Wang ignored us at all, stared at Shao Xuecheng and rushed over again, and after walking a few steps, he saw a small book flying over from the darkness.Lao Wang picked it lightly, and the book flew into the sky.Unexpectedly, three more books flew in, followed by a steady stream, as if a machine gun using books as ammunition was firing violently, and there were too many picks.

I picked up a book from the ground and looked at it by the firelight, and then I realized what was going on.It turns out that the two rows of bookshelves are all series of historical popular books such as reading XXX in one go and understanding XXX in 10 minutes. The books are small and light, and there are many of them.Shao Xuecheng grabbed it casually, and threw out a heavenly girl without any difficulty.Lao Wang was flustered by his throwing around, like a high favorite who picked a tackle.

Lao Wang couldn't attack for a long time, and he was a little irritable. At this time, the flying book came again. Lao Wang habitually picked it up, but the tip of the gun was deflected by the book. He staggered and almost fell.This time, it was Liu Yong's series of works that flew here.Liu Yong's books are babbling, and the content of each book is almost the same, and the weight is also the same.Old Wang was used to the weight of small books, Shao Xuecheng suddenly replaced Liu Yong and threw it over, he didn't adjust it all at once.More importantly, the number of Liu Yong's works is no less than those series. Shao Xuecheng mixed them together, suddenly "Reading the History of the Tang Dynasty in One Breath", suddenly "Love Wants a Lifetime's Amazing", and later, A few more travel books such as "One Hundred Places You Must Visit in This Life" were thrown over. These books are small and tough, with fewer words and more pictures, which can confuse people's eyes in mid-air.

When Old Wang managed to get close to him, Shao Xuecheng paused with his right foot, and stepped on Master Xingyun's "Between Between Enlightenment and Enlightenment" and jumped into the air.There are more than a dozen books in this series, from courage, prajna, open-mindedness, joy to adaptability, ties, reassurance, willingness, a whole set of life philosophy is stacked on the side of the bookshelf, the format is very large, the writing is as generous and peaceful as Buddhism, and it is the easiest to jump up and down .Shao Xuecheng jumped up high with the power of Buddhism, first kicked out a copy of "Being Willing", and jumped towards another row of bookshelves.

Lao Wang hurriedly chased after him. He saw the "Three-Body Problem" series on the bookshelf in a trance. He pulled it to the ground with a gun, calculated the height, and stepped on it.Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped on his toes, he felt something strange. He looked down and found that the one under his feet was not Trisomy 123, but an extra copy of X.The strength that Lao Wang used when he landed was considered good at first, and it matched the thickness of 123. With an extra X, the strength suddenly changed, and he staggered and fell down.These four books are all titled "Three-Body Problem", and the light was dim. Lao Wang didn't notice it for a while, but he fell into Shao Xuecheng's trap, revealing a big flaw. what……"

Before he could finish speaking, Shao Xuecheng shook his right hand and revealed the three volumes of Walsh's "Conversations with God", which was slammed down by Wind and Thunder.The cover of this book is hard, the paper is quite heavy, and it is a set of three. It hit Lao Wang's head all at once. If the thunder was furious, he immediately knocked him to the ground, and threw the ice gun aside.After Shao Xuecheng took care of Lao Wang, he landed lightly, clapped his hands, let out a long smile and said, "If I hadn't been a book critic, I might not have won this time."

"Have you ever done that again?" Seeing how aggressive he was, I couldn't believe it.Shao Xuecheng tore off a piece of white cloth, wrapped his injured palm, and replied: "Well, I worked for more than three months, and then she was annoying, so I broke up with her."


I was about to ask how to deal with Lao Wang, when suddenly there was a "beep" sound from behind.We all turned around to look, and found that the square area of ​​the electronic lock on the iron door was stained with a piece of blood cut from Shao Xuecheng's palm, and then the indicator light turned from red to green, and suddenly there was a click, and the iron door opened a gap by itself.

We looked at each other and turned our attention to Shao Xuecheng.Shao Xuecheng showed doubts, walked over slowly, pushed lightly, and the iron gate opened towards the inside, revealing a dark passage, without lights, but there seemed to be a section of descending steps.

Next to the steps, there is also a stone tablet, made of smooth marble, which is quite elegant, with three big red characters written on it:
Shaw Building.


Shaw Building is a building donated by the famous patriot Mr. Run Run Shaw.

The problem is that there is not only one Shaw Building—in fact, you will never know how many Shaw Buildings there are in the whole country. In short, no matter which city you live in, you will come across at least one or two in your lifetime.Like Jiefang Avenue, People's Square, Victoria Community, and Provence wedding photography, it has become a standard landmark in every city in China and is everywhere.

Therefore, when the stone tablet engraved with the words "Shaw Building" appeared in front of us, everyone's first reaction was not horror, but warmth.At that moment, some people thought of their primary school days; some people thought of their middle school days; some people thought of their college days; The sad past of many stages such as love and love, everyone showed a nostalgic look of reminiscence.

"This library... is also the Shaw Building?" I was the first to regain consciousness and asked, and then realized that this question was a bit stupid to ask.Old Wang was knocked out there, unable to answer; Sister Zheng was still recuperating over the fire.At this time, a person behind me came out from under a pile of books: "I know, I know." When I saw a radio in his hand, I knew it was Zhu Jiayin.Zhu Jiayin sniffed her nose: "This library is a Soviet-style building with a history of more than 40 years, but it was renovated once 15 years ago. It was donated by Run Run Shaw and was later named after the Shaw Building."

"How do you know so clearly?"

Zhu Jiayin raised her chin: "Do you think the buildings in the capital are built randomly? Why is Xizhimen Bridge so complicated? Why is Line 13 set up in such a remote place in Beiyuan? Why hasn't Nancheng been developed for so many years? The central axis Why is it not allowed to build buildings higher than the Hall of Supreme Harmony? Let me tell you, all of these are connected! The bricks, tiles, trees, and alleys in the capital do not exist in isolation..."

"Where are so many nonsense! Let's talk first! We Xuanwu people are not as cowardly as Xicheng people!" Tian Xiao took the lead and was about to rush in, but was grabbed by Shao Xuecheng.

"Be careful, the truth and reality are unknown here, so be careful."

What Shao Xuecheng said was quite familiar.He realized our puzzled eyes, and rubbed his nose embarrassedly: "I don't know why, anyway, I just know." It was his blood stained on the door just now, and the electronic lock opened automatically.This can't help but make people think about the relationship between this Shaw Building and Shao Xuecheng.

Is it not a coincidence that we fled to this place?

I looked around and saw that Liu Yue, Xiaoying, Xu Qi, and Li Chao were smoking mental opium, and their minds were not very clear.Wang Dapeng, Long Aotian and Zheng Dajie were outside by the fire, and Lao Wang fainted to the ground.Currently, only Shao Xuecheng, me, Tian Xiao, Xu Cong, and a neurotic Zhu Jiayin are the only ones who can move. The ten stops have already gone to the six stops, one five three eight four, and I feel a little sad.

"Throwing them here, will they freeze to death?" Xu Cong couldn't bear it.Shao Xuecheng said: "Burn more books for them, it shouldn't have much impact for a while." We picked some literature books, especially a large number of modern poetry anthologies.This kind of book has more blank space, less ink, and has a light smell when burned, and no one will feel distressed.We made the fire lively, and put those people in positions to keep warm, and then we came to the entrance.

Shao Xuecheng was in front, Tian Xiao, Xu Cong and Zhu Jiayin filed in, and I was in charge of holding the line.After our group passed the stone tablet, there was a narrow downward passage in front of us. The air had a slight smell of decay, obviously it hadn't been ventilated for a long time.With the light provided by the torch of "Friends", I saw several faded movie posters on the brick walls on both sides, all of which were produced by Shaw Brothers, and the protagonists were all heroic Liu Jiaqiang in his youth.

To our surprise, the further we went down, the higher the temperature.We've spent days in the cold, and our bodies, suffering from hypothermia, are extremely sensitive to temperature changes.The current temperature change at least proves that the library on the second basement floor is a warmer place than the upper one, even if there is nothing in it, it is still worth it.

The passage is not long, but it is very winding, and we are turning almost all the time.I even had the illusion that we will go all the way to the center of the earth like this.Zhu Jiayin babbled all the way in front of me. I asked him what he was talking about, and he said he was calculating the depth based on the slope and pace.According to his calculations, we have now penetrated about 20 meters underground, which is already higher than the height of the ordinary second underground floor. Even the second underground floor of Wenyi cannot reach this deep.

"What do you think is going to be next?"

For the first time, I seriously asked Zhu Jiayin for advice.Zhu Jiayin slowed down a little, and distanced herself from the three people in front of her: "This question is not easy to answer. Ma, since the disaster happened, I have been thinking about it. Even if you think I am ridiculous, I have been thinking about it. Now I have a little understanding, the puzzle is not complete, but the outline is there. Will you listen to me this time?"

I remained silent and followed his steps down.A copy of "Friends" was almost burned out, and I replaced it with a copy of "The Beginning of Man", but this one has a lot of yellow marks on it, so it is not easy to burn.

"If you think about it, there are many people from Hong Kong and Taiwan who do charity in the mainland. Li Ka-shing, Fok Ying-tung, and Guo Taiming donate as much money to the mainland as Run Run Shaw, but why are there only Shaw Buildings everywhere? No, not everywhere. It is everywhere. Why is Run Run Shaw the only one who has such influence? Is he fond of fame, or does he have some deep meaning? At least one building named after the donor is built in every city, which has never been in the history of our country But why does the country allow this?"

"Maybe the country is playing a big game of chess." I said sarcastically, and then added: "I'm being ironic."

"No, this is not irony!" Zhu Jiayin paused slightly, "You guessed it right, the country is indeed playing a big game of chess."

"It's a commonplace..."

Zhu Jiayin stretched out her right index finger and swayed it in mid-air: "Yes, everyone has been saying that the country is playing a big game of chess, and their tongues are callused. But everyone has got the point wrong. The point is not the country. How to play this game of chess depends on what kind of chess the country is playing? Weiqi? Military chess? Or chess?”

"Uh..." I really didn't think about the problem from this angle. "What kind of chess did you say it was playing?"

"I didn't know much about it at first. But when I saw the word Shaw Building, all the dots and lines were connected, and I suddenly woke up. This game of chess that the country is playing is checkers!"


"If you think about the rules of checkers carefully, it is completely different from other games. The purpose of other games is to eat up the opponent's pieces, and sacrifice your own pieces when necessary, but checkers is different. Checkers is not about capturing words, Its purpose is to smoothly move all pieces of one's side to the designated position, and there must be no one missing. Compared with the ruthlessness of other chess games, don't you think checkers is in line with the most precious human spirit?"

"Well, I see what you mean. You're saying that the state plays this game of... er... checkers to get everyone through the disaster."


"But what does this have to do with Shaw House?"

"Actually, the answer has always been there, but you didn't look at it." Zhu Jiayin suddenly raised a torch and illuminated a photo hanging on the wall.This is a small five-storey building similar to a library, with the three words Douda written on the main entrance: Shaw Building.

"Look at this photo, and pay attention to the nameplate marked on the building."

Following Zhu Jiayin's guidance, I saw a copper nameplate hanging between the first and second floors of the small building in the photo.I remembered that every Shaw building will carry a nameplate, which will state that it was donated by Mr. Run Run Shaw.Zhu Jiayin asked me to look carefully, and I realized that there was a line of English under the Chinese on the original nameplate.

"When the vast majority of Chinese people look at this nameplate, they only read Chinese and ignore English. The answer is right in front of them without knowing it." Zhu Jiayin said with sarcasm.I widened my eyes with shame on my face, tried my best to look at it, and finally recognized it from the photo. It was Run Run Shaw's English name.

Run Run. Shaw
Shao... Shao Pao Pao?My jaw almost dropped, a detail I had never noticed before.

Zhu Jiayin said: "Run means to run, and it has been repeated twice. This is a clear and unmistakable warning. It is like the sign of the emergency escape route. It hints to everyone that if there is danger, run here. Or why? In every city, there are Shaw Buildings?"

"That means Shaw Building is an emergency shelter?" I held my breath.

"This is not an ordinary refuge." Zhu Jiayin sneered, "Shaw RunRun is just a superficial symbol, and it also has a deeper hint. The word Shaw Building, do you think of anything?"

"...Isn't it the name of the donor?"

"Think of these three words as a whole, and read them quickly."

"Shaw Building, Shaw Building, Shaw Building, Shaw Building, E-Flow..."

"Stop! Yes, that's it...Hong Kong people like to localize English words. For example, ShowHand is called Stud, Strawberry is called Strawberry, and Plum is called Bruin. In the same way, the meaning that Shaw House wants to express is E-Flow— — Note, because this is the mainland, the Mandarin pronunciation is used.”

"E-Flow? What the hell is this?"

"I've been wondering what this thing is, and when the door opened, I finally knew!"

His voice suddenly raised, echoing loudly in the corridor.The first three people turned around one after another and asked what we were doing. I said I was listening to Zhu Jiayin's analysis of the situation, and all three of them smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

I was dizzy by this plausible conspiracy theory reasoning, but Zhu Jiayin was very excited: "Run Run, is to avoid disasters, so E means extinction, which is a catastrophe enough to make human beings extinct!"

My footsteps stopped suddenly: "What about E-Flow?"

"As the name suggests, E-Flow of course refers to the relevant processes to deal with the catastrophe. For example, Doomsday Broadcasting is a part of E-Flow, and Doomsday Seed Bank is also a part of it. The Shaw Building itself is the most critical core of E-Flow What it wants to protect is the seeds of human beings. Mr. Run Run Shaw has worked so hard for the country and the nation..."

"You mean, in this underground, there will be a doomsday base?"

Zhu Jiayin nodded: "Before I entered the door, I was only [-]% sure, but now I am [-]% sure."

As he spoke, the radio in his hand suddenly emitted a high-frequency noise, like a human scream, and then disappeared.Zhu Jiayin's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly adjusted a few times, then raised his head and said, "There is nothing wrong, a powerful radio station has just started up under our feet..."

"If it's really the doomsday base, then the thirteen of us are really saved." I said happily.

But Zhu Jiayin shook her head: "You don't understand, if it's just to preserve the doomsday base of human beings, the country won't go around in such a big circle. Don't forget, only Shao Xuecheng can open this door just now, and we can't. Why? Yes, every doomsday base will have an on-duty officer. The on-duty officer of this base is undoubtedly Pharaoh. According to reason, Pharaoh should lead us in as soon as possible when the disaster occurs, but he does everything possible to stop it, at the cost of sacrificing Myself, this is why."

Zhu Jiayin narrowed her eyes, looked at the seemingly endless corridor ahead, and said softly: "There must be some other hidden intentions on the second basement floor, I can't figure it out yet."

"Good news."


"You've read too much The Da Vinci Code."

We continued to walk for more than ten minutes, and the three people in front finally stopped. Zhu Jiayin and I rushed over, but found that it was a dead end. At the end of the alley, there was an oil painting, and the oil painting was an old man. Kind and compassionate.We looked at each other, not knowing what to do next.

"Look, you guessed wrong, didn't you?" I whispered to Zhu Jiayin.Zhu Jiayin confidently pointed to the portrait and said, "No mistake, this is Mr. Run Run Shaw. I saw him on TV a while ago."

"But where is the doomsday base?" I asked.But Zhu Jiayin couldn't answer.

Shao Xuecheng frowned tightly, untied the band wrapped around his hands, pasted the wound on the portrait, and stroked it lightly.When all the portraits were dyed red, the entire frame suddenly turned over, revealing a small computer screen.A row of numbers is displayed on the computer screen: 20013/100000.The previous number is still growing slowly, but at a very slow pace.

At this time, a voice came from the ceiling:
No. [-], Shaw Building, start.

With a few slight gear rotations, the wall in front of us suddenly parted, and the fluorescent lights inside were turned on at the same time.What greeted our eyes was a spacious, bright and spotless pure white room. Its front was a super-large LCD screen, and there was something like a console, but there were only two buttons on it.At the back of the room is a large-scale warehouse. The standard Arabic numerals are written on the warehouse door, and it seems that there is a lot of stock.

Zhu Jiayin shouted excitedly: "Look! Look! I guessed it right! It's the Doomsday Base!" He was going crazy with joy.Everyone didn't have time to congratulate him, they couldn't wait to rush in, but they bounced back screaming.It turned out that there was still a glass wall between that comfortable house and us.

"You are still 79987 knowledge points away from entering No. [-], Shaw Building."

The voice on the ceiling hinted coldly.

"What kind of knowledge?" Xu Cong shouted inexplicably, trying to attack again, but it still failed.The hardness of the glass wall does not seem to be inferior to steel.There is nothing more painful than watching happiness but being unable to touch it. We tried all kinds of methods, Shao Xuecheng even bit his finger and smeared blood on the wall, but the glass wall remained indifferent.Angrily, Tian Xiao kicked the glass wall hard, screaming in pain.With nowhere to go, we had no choice but to hope for good news.This guy who was originally regarded as a psychopath has now become a savior.

Zhu Jiayin closed her eyes and thought for a while, then asked us: "Do you feel that the beating of this number is similar to a certain frequency?"

Tian Xiao said anxiously: "Don't be a fool!"

Zhu Jiayin said: "It's like the speed at which books burn in flames." We looked at each other, and Zhu Jiayin explained that it took a certain amount of time for each book to be thrown into the fire until it was completely turned into ashes. There are a large number of modern poetry collections in the fire. According to the format and material of these books, as well as the exuberance of the fire, the time for complete burning is close to the speed of the beating number just now.

"I have an idea, my God... If it is confirmed, it means that the designer of this doomsday base is really crazy..." Zhu Jiayin murmured: "Go back to the library and get me five travel books. For books like this, the ones starting with "Must Go to XXX in My Life", and then take three advanced mathematics books, one "The Complete Golden Plum", one "The Thorn Bird", and one "Ulysses", quickly go!"

Now no one dared to neglect him, Tian Xiao and Xu Cong hurried back, and reported a stack of books after a while.Zhu Jiayin picked up a magazine torch, and first burned a copy of "One Hundred Beautiful Views of the World You Must Visit in Your Lifetime", and the numbers on the screen increased by a few; then he burned another copy of "Linear Algebra", and the number on the screen The number has decreased suddenly, and it has decreased by more than 100.We all dared to intervene, staring at him for a while burning high mathematics, and burning travel guides for a while, very busy.

Zhu Jiayin was busy for a while, put down the rest of the books, stood up, and said to Shao Xuecheng and me: "I have good news and a piece of news that I don't know good or bad."

"Listen first." Shao Xuecheng remained calm.

"I have already figured out how to enter the doomsday base. The designer installed a knowledge assessment access system for this base."

"What the hell is this?"

"To put it simply, the designer does not want the doomsday base to become a vegetable market. Only those who are valuable to the continuation of human civilization are eligible to enter the asylum. The test method for judging the value of these people is to look at their contribution to the human knowledge system. What a deep understanding."

"How do you understand? Who the hell is an all-rounder?" Tian Xiao was furious.

"You don't have to know all the knowledge, but you have to know which things are most important to the survival of civilization, which ones are not important, and which ones are not important at all. There is a ranking of importance." Zhu Jiayin pointed at the head:
"This Shaw building is built under the library, and all the books in the library are small weights. Our book burning is transmitted to the counter here by the chip in the book. Every time a book is burned Books that are not important for the continuation of human civilization will increase the corresponding points; every time a book that is crucial to human civilization is burned, the corresponding points will be reduced. If we want to enter the doomsday base, we must prove to the computer that we can Accurately judge which ones are important and which ones are not, until you get [-] knowledge points.”

"We've completed 20% now?" Shao Xuecheng looked at the numbers thoughtfully.

"Thanks for success studies and inspirational classes, but the few dictionaries we burned have deducted a lot of points. Under this system, the punishment for burning the wrong books is much greater than the benefits for burning the right books."

"The question is, what is right and what is wrong?" Xu Cong asked.

Zhu Jiayin picked up a few books left on the ground and talked eloquently: "I just took a few books to do an experiment. The punishment for burning advanced mathematics is very serious. It can be seen that science and engineering are very important to the survival of human civilization. This judgment is very important. It is in line with common sense, so this kind of book should never be burned. However, the next step is the most difficult part. According to the results of my experiment, burning "100 Beautiful Views of the World to Go in a Lifetime" will add 5 points to each book. Not too high, it shows that the designer hates this kind of books and thinks they are worthless; then I burned "The Thorn Bird" and got 7 points, and I burned "Ulysses" and got 10 points, which shows that the designer has a deep understanding of Australian literature and The stream of consciousness is fearful, but has no respect; but when I burned "The Complete Book of Jin Ping Mei", I was deducted 15 points, and the designer should like to read it..."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Tian Xiao was a little impatient.

"Haven't you understood? This means, we have to figure out the taste, habits, personality and personal preferences of this damn designer, and know him better than his friends! Then pick out from the 20 books His least favorite book is burned, otherwise there is only a dead end!"

Zhu Jiayin roared.


The criteria for judging books should be divided into two.

Natural science books are relatively simple to judge. They follow the same set of rigorous logic and can be judged by a universal objective rule. "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" and the periodic table of elements, no matter who scores, will not be much different.

But for things that are not natural sciences, the difficulty is much greater.Because they often lack objective standards, most of them come from subjective feelings.Everyone's taste, knowledge, and ideology are different, which leads to ever-changing criteria for judging these things, one's meat, my poison.In the eyes of a thousand people, Hamlet has a thousand different personalities, Xue Baoqin has more than 1 answers to the ten poems about the ancients, Han Han's team has more than 100 people, and there are even more than a dozen ingredients for tofu.

However, the stock of these books accounts for more than 70.00% of the entire library collection.Therefore, now we have to abandon our own preferences and standpoints, hold our noses, and explore the taste of this designer who has never met before, just like exploring the object of a crush.

The rules are simple: if he likes books, he will lose points if he burns them; if he doesn't like books, he will gain points if he burns them.

After listening to Zhu Jiayin's words, Shao Xuecheng decisively decided that everyone should evacuate to the top first and gather others together.His judgment is very clear. Now there are only five stupid old men, and any judgments are inevitably biased. The eight people upstairs include men, women, market aunts, and devout believers. They can ensure that the coverage is rich enough. In this way, the designer's personality can be grasped more accurately.

We went up, called the others together, and told what happened next.When those half-dead guys heard that there were warm rooms and plenty of food downstairs, their morale was greatly boosted. Even Sister Zheng and Li Chao, two extreme atheists and extreme theists, excitedly shook hands with each other.The only one who didn't express his views was Pharaoh.After he woke up, he was tied up by Wuhuada, tied up in a corner, rolling his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Everyone was excited for a while, Long Aotian suddenly interjected: "Then how do we burn it?"

"You don't need to ask, of course the deducted points are thrown out, and the extra points are burned!" Tian Xiao shouted excitedly, waving his fists.But Xu Qi stopped him: "Calm down, it's easy to burn the book, but if you make a mistake, it will be troublesome to restore the book. Our top priority is to establish a methodology and use the smallest cost to establish a designer's personality model .This step is completed, and the rest is pure physical work."

Tian Xiao always disliked Xu Qi, so he sneered and said, "What methodology, I think you are playing tricks. What's the problem? Doesn't he hate travel books? We burned them all; he hated C++, so he Has a torch burned all the programming textbooks, is it not over?"

Xu Jia pushed his glasses: "Classification is a way, but it cannot be completely risk-free. In the same category of books, the interests of designers may also be very different. For example, in philosophy, I like Wittgenstein, but I especially hate Hegel At this time Xu Cong poked his head over and echoed repeatedly: "Yes, yes, Nalan Rongruo's lyrics are graceful and moving, but I don't have much affection for Nalan Xingde."

Tian Xiao looked very irritable: "This will not work, and that will not work. What do you guys want?"

"It would be great if we could remember exactly which books we burned just now..." Shao Xuecheng said here, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he walked up to Old Wang: "At the beginning, you forced us to register before burning the books. , it’s actually for this purpose, right?”

His words reminded us all.At the beginning of the burning of books, Lao Wang put forward a condition that every book to be burned must go through the book borrowing process and be registered before being thrown into the fire.We thought it was pedantic at first, but now we think of the weird way to open the doomsday base, and then we realize that Lao Wang's actions have a lot of meaning.

"Why did you register to burn the books? Why did you prevent us from entering the base? Why can only my blood open the door?"

Shao Xuecheng asked three questions in a row, but Lao Wang sneered and didn't speak at all.Shao Xuecheng asked Wang Dapeng to go outside and get the registration card back.According to the classification of burning books in the registration card, the author's interest distribution can be roughly calculated.As a result, Wang Dapeng took it back and everyone looked at it, and found that there were only a few records, and they were all written down during my administration. After Shao Xuecheng seized power, he changed the way of selecting books and abolished the registration process, so there were no records to follow.

Shao Xuecheng frankly admitted his mistakes and called on everyone to brainstorm.Everyone racked their brains and thought hard.I suddenly thought of a good idea and clapped my hands: "Have you ever played Eighteen Guessing?"

"Played! Played! Reach out and touch my sister's face, and the dark clouds flew for a long time." Xu Cong sang happily.Shao Xuecheng kicked him unceremoniously: "Get out! You're fucking eighteen!"

"Eighteen Guess is a guessing game. You have a person in mind, we will ask you questions, and you answer with yes or no. Within eighteen questions, the questioner must guess what the person being asked thinks man of."

I briefly explained.In this environment, the designer is the person being asked, and his yes or no will be expressed by the increase or decrease of the score after the book is burned.As long as the books are chosen well, we should be able to guess what his interests are.

Zhu Jiayin reminded at this time: "There is a risk here. From the experiment just now, we can see that the points value of each book is different. It is very likely that a wrong book will be burned, and the deducted points will be higher than the points obtained before. All points are too high. You see, just now, I burned "The Complete Book of Jin Ping Mei", and deducted a full 15 points. I have to burn several travel books to make up for it. Mistakes will destroy all our previous efforts."

"Can you find out how perverted this designer is?" Shao Xuecheng asked.


Zhu Jiayin ran to the library, picked it out for a long time, and carried it out of breath.We arranged for Long Aotian and Xiaoying to go to the entrance of the basement, firstly, to report the changes of the numbers at any time, and secondly, they are too weak, so they are relatively warmer below.

Zhu Jiayin said to burn these books one by one, and then asked Xiaoying and Long Aotian to pass up the changes in the scores from the underground, as follows:

"Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua" +4
"Plum in the Golden Vase"-20
"The Complete Works of Jin Ping Mei" -15
"Jin Ping Mei Modern Translation Clean Version" +5
Everyone gathered together to study what this series of numbers meant.Zhu Jiayin analyzed:
"The author's orientation towards pornography is not much different from ordinary people. He is more interested in the full version of Jin Ping Mei than in the clean version; he is more interested in the illustrated version than in the written version."

At this moment, I interrupted: "I would like to add one more thing. This change in score also exposed the designer's ignorance in classical literature."

"What? Isn't this score normal?" Zhu Jiayin was surprised.

"No, you are all confused by the title of the book. "Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua" is the earliest version of Jin Ping Mei. It is the new version released by the people of the Qing Dynasty after the abridgement, which is the real first clean version. The designer obviously took the words literally, and thought it was just a collection of poems when he saw the words and words, and thought it was an illustration of erotic palace when he saw the real version of the drawings, so he put the score The setup is upside down—that is, the designers are ignorant of classical culture."

After I finished speaking, I found that everyone was looking at me. Finally, Xu Cong raised his thumb and said, "Old Ma, you are really good at it."

After using the Jin Ping Mei series as reagents, everyone was encouraged.After an agreement, we decided to test from the aspects of sexual orientation, political orientation, economic orientation and literary orientation.To judge a person's reading taste, these dimensions should be enough.

In order to be more accurate, we also found a few personality test books, including nine types and fourteen types. After reference, we burned them, and the score actually increased a little bit.

A person's sexual orientation is very critical, it is the fundamental source of almost all human nature.It's a pity that the library is too formal to have any strictly pornographic material.I suggest looking for Li Yinhe's "Their World" and Wang Xiaobo's "East Palace and West Palace". Liu Yue is more straightforward, saying that she can find out by testing a few danmei comics.We were arguing, Shao Xuecheng came over, unceremoniously threw away all the things we wanted to burn, and turned around to fetch a stack of fashion magazines.He first burned Wu Yanzu's CQ on the cover, and the score increased; he burned Zeng Li's men's clothing on the cover, and the score decreased. Finally, he threw a few danmei books in Liu Yue's hand into the fire, and the score increased by 20 multiple points.

We further tested his detailed preferences.Having said that, I have to praise the magazine business, although pornography is banned in our country, we can find almost everything imaginable in magazines of all types.The designer had nowhere to hide under the attack of his thighs and beautiful buttocks, obediently showing his true colors.We soon learn that he has slight M tendencies, pantyhose control, uniform control, especially swimsuits, and may even be a virgin-the last point we guessed by burning "Tram Boy" and causing a big penalty.

"Normal male." Shao Xuecheng patted the ashes in his hands and came to a conclusion.But Zhu Jiayin said: "I can't see..." After he finished speaking, he burned Lin Miaoke's Olympic photobook, and not long after, Long Aotian shouted in panic: "What are you burning, the price dropped by more than 30 points here! "

We looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking on the bright side, at least there is a small category of books that we don't have to burn.

The political test followed with results, thanks to Tian Xiao and Xu Qi.One of them was paid fifty cents and the other five cents. Shao Xuecheng arranged for them to be responsible for collecting the works of the opposing camp respectively.You must know that the people who know you best are often your enemies, and they have completed the collection of works with amazing efficiency.Tian Xiao found several works from Tocqueville to Liu Yu; Xu Qi collected more, but not as comprehensive as Tian Xiao. He moved several times just the things of Marx, Engels, Les Mao, and Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., etc., it is obvious that the leftist leaders have a very strong desire to express, which exhausted Xu Qi, an enemy of the class, and did not have the energy to look for the works of those leftist scholars.

First of all, "On American Democracy" was thrown into the fire, and the news immediately came from below: "The score has increased by 10 points." Tian Xiao was overjoyed: "I knew that the designer must be from our side!" Xu Qi sneered I threw in a copy of the "Communist Manifesto", and the score actually increased by 50 points.Tian Xiao showed displeasure, and threw in another copy of "Details of Democracy" as if angry, and the score increased by 3 points.Not to be outdone, Xu Qi threw in a "Concise Course on the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), and his score jumped by 25 points.

"He doesn't like liberals, and he doesn't like Stalin either. Could it be that he is a Trotskyist?" Tian Xiao was full of doubts.Xu Qi is also quite puzzled. In the books that have been burned so far, many viewpoints are tit-for-tat and contradictory to each other. For example, Hayek and Keynes, their works received the same bonus points, which shows that the designers of these books do not like them.

"Ya is an anarchist!" This is the conclusion that Tian Xiao and Xu Qi came to together.But Shao Xuecheng shook his head, turned to ask Xu Cong: "Do you like Hayek? Do you agree with Trotsky? Do you support He Xin's views?" Xu Cong shook his head blankly: "Who is this?" , I haven’t heard of it.” Shao Xuecheng pointed at Xu Cong: “Have you seen it? This is the correct answer. The designer, like her, has never seen these things at all. Just seeing the title of the book makes me sleepy.”

This is good news for us.This means that there will be a large number of writings, regardless of left and right, which can be thrown into the fire without distinction.

The real trouble is in the orientation of literature and art.Books in the categories of science fiction, suspense, military, and tomb robbery all lose their points after being burned, which is in line with the taste of a normal man.After we come to this conclusion, we can safely burn all the romance novels to earn extra points.It turned out that "Lover" and "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" deducted a lot of points, but they got bonus points for "Su Nian Jin Shi".

This seriously doesn't fit our growing mold of masculine taste and makes everyone nervous.If this model turns out to be wrong, then we will have to reinvent the wheel, and time will be very tight.Liu Yue stared at the ashes of those books, thoughtful, and suddenly asked, "Have the other books of Duras and Haruki Murakami been burned?" I told her that not only were they burned, but the score was positive.Liu Yue showed emotion: "What does this mean? It means that the designer doesn't like these two authors at all, he has only read these two works."

"Then he still thinks so highly of those two works?" Xu Qi asked back.

Liu Yue sighed and said, "Don't you guys understand yet? This designer once had a girlfriend who was a fan of Douban. In order to please her, he read many of her favorite books, and these books have become his fond memories. , including "Lover", including "The Wind-up Bird Chronicle"-maybe his girlfriend also likes Lin Shaohua and hates Shi Xiaowei-but when he started watching "Su Nian Jin Shi", she proposed to break up, so Only this book turned into a painful memory, causing him great pain. This feeling of loss is directly reflected in the increase or decrease of the score."

A lonely figure gradually appeared in our minds. He was crying all night holding photos, crying all night while facing the QQ in the computer, crying while making plans for the doomsday base, and crying while masturbating.Until one day, he stopped crying, finished masturbating, wiped away his tears, and yelled viciously at the mirror in the bathroom: "I want to make everyone feel bad!"

"Damn it!" Shao Xuecheng cursed fiercely, it turned out that this was the source of all these troubles.Other doomsday bases may already be having parties or watching movies together, but we are still in this freezing library, talking about books one by one.If we are really frozen to death, what will the archaeologists think of us hundreds of years later?A group of literary youths who never forget to read after freezing to death?That misunderstanding is too big.

Fortunately, such days don't have to last long.We did a lot of careful experimentation, and we settled on a few broad categories of books that he definitely wouldn't like.There are only 20 knowledge points to open the gate of the base, while the library has [-] books, and the scores are different, so there is a lot of room for error.

A book is thrown into the fire, and the numbers gradually rise, sometimes fall, but overall they continue to climb.Just when we were exhausted and the whole library was almost filled with smoke, the counter finally reached 99999.

There was almost no room for people in the library. Shao Xuecheng took everyone—including Lao Wang who was tied up—covering their mouths and noses with a piece of cloth dipped in melted snow, and filed down to the gate of the basement on the second floor.In his hand, he held a "Naked Makeup Bible". According to our personality profile, the designer will never be interested in this kind of female beauty textbook full of close-up facial features. As the last book burning, it is the safest .

"Then I burned it?" Shao Xuecheng asked everyone.Everyone held their breath—not because they were nervous, but because they were too choked—and stared at the thing in his hand.With no one looking away, there will be warmth and food soon, and none of us want to miss this historic moment.Shao Xuecheng lit the book in his hand, the flame first lightly licked the corners, the corners of the book suddenly turned up, he skillfully turned the book upside down, the flame rushed up, and soon the whole book was blazing.

The counter beeped crisply, but the faces of all of us changed drastically.I saw the number jumped from 99999 to 99899, ​​a full drop of 100 points.That said, the designers thought highly of the book and were particularly upset that we burned it.

"Why is this?! Could it be that he is still a hidden fake girl? Or a transvestite?" Tian Xiao shouted angrily.At this moment, Shao Xuecheng was also at a loss.Xu Cong grabbed Liu Yue, Xiaoying and Sister Zheng: "You are women, tell me, what's going on?" The three women shook their heads in panic. This kind of weird thing was completely beyond their imagination.Zhu Jiayin hurriedly opened the personality analysis we had written on the paper, muttered and restarted the analysis, then raised her head and said dejectedly: "No! We have ruled out [-]% the possibility that he is a fake woman and a transvestite, it is impossible for him to be so Love The Naked Makeup Bible. There's no logic to this thing, it's just so weird."

Everyone was in a mess, like rats on a sinking ship that was about to dock.Shao Xuecheng, who has always been the most resourceful, is also at a loss. He can't enter the base, and he can't go back to the library. We will be trapped to death here ironically.

Just then, a thought flashed through my mind.I grabbed Zhu Jiayin's arm: "Look at the designer's personality profile, did he mention his preference for pornographic text and pictures?" Zhu Jiayin nodded: "Yes, his sensitivity to pornography , because he has been suppressed for a long time, so he is taller than normal people." I asked again: "So he should have the habit of masturbating, right?"

"That's for sure."

"And frequent masturbation can cause blurred vision, right?"

"That's right!... But I only know it from the book." Zhu Jiayin added another sentence of explanation.

My heart beat wildly, and the mystery was finally solved.I found Shao Xuecheng and shouted to him: "I see, I understand why the designer, as a normal man, would have such a high evaluation of "Naked Makeup Bible."

"What's going on?" Shao Xuecheng frowned.

"First of all, we need to be clear about one thing. There are 20 books in this library. No matter how old the designer is, it is impossible to read all of them. From our political test just now, we can know that he rarely scores books by himself. I have actually read it, and most of it is judged by the title or brief introduction of the book.”

Everyone was drawn to my voice, as if I were the last piece of driftwood.

"The designer's eyesight will not be very good because of masturbation for a long time. He is an ordinary person, and he will make mistakes. He will also see mistakes." I said this, took a deep breath and said: "The problems we face, to put it bluntly In fact, it is very simple, he regarded "Naked Makeup Bible" as "Naked Women's Bible". Although he didn't read the content carefully, he was very interested in this title, so he gave it a very high evaluation."

"And because of this damn mistake, we are all trapped here, unable to get up and down." Shao Xuecheng's face was ghastly.If possible, I guess he would have picked out the designer and beat him to death.

The smoke billowed from above, and it was impossible to return. The "Naked Makeup Bible" was the last book we brought down.We can no longer find books worth 101 to burn.

In a word, we are dead.


Thirteen of us were trapped in the library on the second floor of the basement, helpless.

The ventilation equipment in the library has long stopped working, and we dare not open the doors and windows at all.The burning of books that lasted for several days filled the entire library with smoke.The smoke was so thick that it was difficult to see, and it was almost impossible to stay.We burned the wrong last book again and were caught between a rock and a hard place.

"It's just smoke, and it's not a big fire! Send someone to cover your nose and rush up to grab a couple of copies, won't that be enough? If you don't dare to go, I'll go! I want you to experience the integrity of the Xuanwu people!"

Tian Xiao waved his arms disapprovingly. Instead of turning him into a philanthropist, the end of the world fueled his arrogance of tribalism.Shao Xuecheng shook his head: "It's useless, the passage above has been closed."

"What's going on?" I asked, frowning.

Shao Xuecheng said that after the thirteen of us entered the corridor, he was the last one to enter.In order to prevent the smoke from entering the passage, he closed the door.It turns out that this door is a self-locking type, and it will be locked automatically with a "click" when it is closed.And there aren't any buttons or door handles on this side, just a bare side.In other words, as long as the door is closed, it is impossible to open it from the inside.

"Is your blood useless?" I asked.Shao Xuecheng smiled wryly and raised his palm. There was a new scar on it, and the blood was still there. It was obvious that he had already tried it.Since even his blood is useless, it seems that there is really nothing to do.

Now we are only 101 points away from success, but this step stumps us all.There are loads of books left to burn in the library, just above our heads, but we can't get back.Those collections of books are like license plates in Beijing. In the past, the resources were abundant and within easy reach, but no one cherished them; only after the gates were closed did everyone realize its preciousness, but it was too late.

"Did you happen to have any books with you?" I asked everyone, and the others looked at each other and shook their heads.In the past few days, everyone has been bored with staying in the library. Even those who love books the most can only classify books into two categories: "combustible" and "non-combustible". Not to mention secretly hiding a copy and carrying it with you.

"Li Chao! Aren't you a Christian? You must have sneaked a Bible from the library, right?" I clicked on one of them.

Li Chao looked like a martyr: "No, I was afraid you would be burned, so I hid all the Bibles under a cabinet, and forgot to bring them when I left..."

I turned my attention to Wang Dapeng again: "Dapeng, I remember you are a layman, right? Didn't you secretly carry two Buddhist scriptures?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a Zen practitioner, and our Zen school doesn't have words..." Wang Dapeng muttered.

"You believers are so devout when you should be wavering; why are you all wavering now when you should be devout!" Shao Xuecheng cursed angrily.

More than a dozen people touched their pockets one after another, hoping that they might accidentally carry one or two.In the end, I got nothing - after all, bringing books is not like stealing private goods, you can always get one or two if you intend to or not.

The dilemma we face is not only that we must find a book to burn, but also that the book must have a score of 101.This is the big problem.We already have a preliminary understanding of the designer's personality. His personality is distorted, and he has strong emotions for things he likes; but for things he dislikes, his hatred is not so extreme.So when he was burning books back then, he didn't get much bonus points for burning books he hated, but lost a lot of points for burning books he liked.

In other words, we have to have a book in our hands that he loathes so much to have a chance of getting out.This probability is almost equal to zero.

Shao Xuecheng and I looked at each other, and walked to the side of the heavily tied old Wang together.Lao Wang had woken up a long time ago, and had been silently watching us panic, but his cloudy eyes had no focus.Zhu Jiayin told us that although each doomsday base is fully automatic, it will be equipped with a special duty officer to monitor the normal operation, and to guide, guide and teach survivors to use the doomsday base in an emergency.According to Zhu Jiayin's deduction, Lao Wang is obviously the duty officer of this Shaw building, but he has gone crazy for some reason, and he ignored his duties and blocked us from entering the base from the very beginning.

"Tell us how to get in." Shao Xuecheng grabbed Lao Wang's finger and said calmly, "We are in a desperate situation now, and I don't mind using any method to torture you."

Lao Wang remained silent, Shao Xuecheng broke it hard, and with a squeak, Lao Wang's right little finger snapped off, and the old man let out a scream.Even the kindest person remained silent, watching Shao Xuecheng torture with complicated eyes.

"You still have nine chances. Say, how do you get in?"

Lao Wang finally said with a hint of sarcasm: "Burning books, haven't you always been doing this?" Shao Xuecheng was at a loss for words for a moment, burning books is indeed the right way, but this road has been blocked by ourselves.

"You are so familiar with this place, there must be other ways!" Shao Xuecheng asked again, but this time the momentum was much weaker.Zhu Jiayin chimed in and said, "Yes! Such an important base cannot have only one way to enter."

Lao Wang snorted coldly, closed his eyes, and did not answer.I put on a red face, and said kindly to Lao Wang, "Now everyone is desperate, and they are going to die anyway. If you don't tell us the way to enter the base, then forget it, at least tell us the reason why you don't let us in, and let us die." You know it, right?"

I tried to get him to talk, as long as he kept talking things would work out.It's a pity that Lao Wang didn't fall for the trap, he just tilted his head.I saw his lips suddenly turned up, clearly showing a kind of relief.My heart moved, and I followed his gaze to look inside. Through the transparent door, I saw that the big screen inside the base was actually turned on, and it showed a map of China, with many strange numbers and numbers beside it. Icons are changing.

"This old guy must be playing tricks again!" Shao Xuecheng couldn't hold back his anger, grabbed Lao Wang and yelled, his eyes flashed fiercely: "Since he won't say anything, then let him be fulfilled. I promise you, he'll be the first of us to start dying and the last to finish."

At this moment, a voice sounded among us: "Okay, you are enough, Lao Wang really doesn't know how to enter." We looked around and were surprised to find that the source of this voice was actually Sister Zheng.She has been silent since she was woken up by us after Lao Wang knocked her unconscious with the Encyclopedia Britannica.

At this time, she had changed from her former philistine, with a serious expression, and even a touch of sadness.We were all silent, looked at her with suspicious eyes, and automatically moved out of the way.Sister Zheng walked slowly to Old Wang, squatted down, and held his hand: "Old Wang, you have won." Old Wang looked at Sister Zheng with a calm expression, pulled out his hand and put it on his chest.Sister Zheng said: "You are doing your own work, your son will not blame you." Lao Wang shook his head with a wry smile.

"Sister Zheng, what's going on?" I asked.

Sister Zheng got up and said: "I am also responsible for the situation that has evolved to this point. I will give you an explanation." She stood upright with her arms folded, and said slowly: "First of all, I want to tell you. Lao Wang is not from this doomsday base." The watchman, I am."

Zhu Jiayin got up and stood up, her face livid: "How... how is it possible! According to my calculations, Lao Wang meets all the characteristics of an on-duty officer."

Sister Zheng smiled: "You are so good at conspiracy theories, haven't you ever thought that as a duty officer of the doomsday base, you must often appear near the base, and you must not be eye-catching. How can you do this? Give Just a reminder, the broom that Lao Wang used to beat people turned out to belong to me."

"You...you are..." Zhu Jiayin opened her mouth wide and couldn't help taking a step back.Shao Xuecheng grabbed his shoulder and asked him what's wrong.Zhu Jiayin said in a trembling voice: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I thought it was just an urban legend, I didn't expect these two things to be related. My practice is still not enough, and I haven't seen such an obvious connection." The more Shao Xuecheng listened, the more confused he became.Zhu Jiayin suddenly grabbed his arm: "Don't you understand? All the guardians of the Shaw Tower doomsday base are legendary sweepers! That's why they are everywhere, but no one pays attention to them; that's why they are like this." So proficient, but hidden!"

Hearing what Zhu Jiayin said, everyone looked at Sister Zheng completely differently.She smiled proudly: "My colleagues sometimes give advice to people around them and leave all kinds of legends - of course this is against the regulations and should not be encouraged."

Shao Xuecheng's face was gloomy: "Since you are on duty, why are you pretending to be a ghost? What's the matter with Lao Wang?" Sister Zheng's eyes were slightly cold: "My job, like the burning book system, is not only to guide survivors into Base, but also comprehensively assess the quality of survivors so that they can adapt to the complex environment of post-disaster reconstruction.”

"It's nothing more than the civil service exam. Do you even have to take the fucking survivor?" someone muttered.

Sister Zheng said: "The book burning system tests your mastery of knowledge points. What I want to test is how you, as a team, integrate order, optimize decision-making efficiency, quickly deal with emergencies, Internal conflict control and so on. If you take the civil service examination as an example, the book burning system is a written test, while mine is an interview."

No wonder she wants to grab all the food first, and she is very stingy. It turns out that she is testing our flexibility in resource allocation.

"Then we are unqualified?" I looked at the closed gate of the base and asked.

Sister Zheng hesitated for a moment, but changed the topic: "When the country was building this doomsday base, there were disagreements. Some people believed that this base should be used to protect survivors; It is used to improve the surrounding natural environment and save more human beings. The former is called Hinayana, and the latter is called Mahayana."

"It sounds like there is no difference. I don't read much, so don't lie to me." Xu Cong patted his head.

"The difference is huge." Sister Zheng sneered: "The number and energy of the base are limited. The energy of its design and planning can only meet the requirements of one direction: either become a completely self-sufficient doomsday base; A high-power heat source will increase the temperature of the surrounding environment and end the severe cold as soon as possible. If you choose the first option, the survivors will become a nest of happy moles, huddled in the warm underground for a lifetime, and the outside world will be boundless permafrost; In the second option, the survivors will lose everything and return to the original, but the duration of the ice age will be shortened."

Hearing this, everyone pondered in their hearts to see which side they were on.Sister Zheng went on to explain that the two factions had been arguing endlessly during the design stage, and the result of the compromise was to install a selection mechanism in each base.If no survivors enter within a certain period of time, the base will automatically switch from the survival mode to the heat source mode,

I pointed to the large screen that was turned on behind the glass door: "So what is displayed on this large screen now, has it switched to heat source mode?"

"Yes, the entire conversion process will be completed soon."

"Is it reversible?"

"Reversible." Sister Zheng gave us a meaningful look.

It seems that Lao Wang belongs to the Mahayana sect, and he is still extremely fanatical.He's desperately trying to stop us, just to allow the base to switch to heat source mode undisturbed.No wonder Big Sister Zheng said that he didn't need to know how to enter the base, as long as he didn't let others in, he'd be done.

Zhu Jiayin raised her hand and said, "But I have a question. No matter how powerful this doomsday base is, it can only improve a small area at most. It is too weak to fight against the power of nature. What is the practical significance of the heat source model?" ?"

Sister Zheng said: "Everyone gathers firewood and the flames are high. Don't forget how many Shaw buildings there are in the country. The choice of construction site has been carefully studied and calculated. If all the bases are activated as heat sources, then there will be a lot of heat for specific buildings. Atmospheric nodes play a disturbing role, thereby affecting the entire atmospheric flow and changing the conditions of the Little Ice Age."

Zhu Jiayin wanted to ask again, but was stopped by Shao Xuecheng. He narrowed his eyes and said, "That is to say, both you and Lao Wang are on duty at the doomsday base arranged by the state."

"In fact, every base in the country, in order to balance disputes, will set up two people: the duty officer of the Hinayana sect, and the Mahayana sect interferer like Lao Wang. Lao Wang has lower authority than me, but he can interfere in various ways You, I can't interfere, I can only watch and take it as a test for you. Whether the survivors can enter the base depends first on their own ability, and secondly depends on whether they can eliminate the interferers... What a pity for you, it's just a matter of That's a little bit." Sister Zheng showed a regretful expression.

"This old thing wants to make trouble, and there are so many reasons!"

"For Greater Good!" Old Wang raised his head and let out a weak cry, and was immediately punched back by Shao Xuecheng.Sister Zheng said displeased: "It's just that the views are different, you don't have to be so rude." Shao Xuecheng said: "He caused so many of us to suffer a lot. Even if I don't kill him, I have to beat him until his son can't recognize him. !"

Sister Zheng sighed quietly: "His son has passed away—did you know? The book burning system in this base was developed by his son. There was a conflict between their father and son, and before it was resolved, his son died of illness. Lao Wang felt guilty." , so he took the initiative to come here as a disturber, hoping to be closer to his son. You are actually burning his son by burning books."

"Well, these two fathers and sons are causing trouble for us, and both crimes will be punished together!" Shao Xuecheng shouted, punching him.Sister Zheng wanted to stop it, but was stopped by him: "You have the time to speak out, why don't you tell us quickly: how to open this door?"

Sister Zheng replied calmly: "As the sweeping lady of Shaw Building, I tell you that it is impossible to open the door above. The only way to enter this base is by burning books, there is no other way." Tian Xiao jumped up angrily: "Then it's a dead end?!"

Shao Xuecheng stared at her: "I don't understand, why didn't you remind us earlier? If we can't get in, you will die too. Lao Wang is a Mahayana sect, and he is not afraid of death. Your sister Zheng is a Hinayana sect, don't you?" Not afraid?"

Sister Zheng smiled contemptuously: "Do you know what qualifications are required to be a duty officer at the doomsday base? High-energy physics, precision mechanics, electronic engineering, meteorology, probability theory, psychology, organizational behavior, you have to learn at least You have to take it across multiple fields. I have read so many degrees one by one, and even become a female doctor. Are you afraid of death?"

When she said that, Shao Xuecheng lost the reason to act.

Liu Yue and Xiaoying suddenly burst into tears.Death is not terrible, the key is to die in a place separated from the warm world by a wall, which is the most frustrating.Others did not go to comfort them, and everyone was at a loss.Zhu Jiayin lowered his head and tuned the radio, Wang Dapeng and Xu Cong sat on the ground, holding their heads in their hands; Li Chao closed his eyes and recited the Bible, but he always recited it wrongly, and Long Aotian grabbed his clothes and recited it wrongly Tian Xiao patted Xu Qi on the shoulder: "Five cents, it's already time, I won't fight with you." Xu Qi squinted and said: "Who wants to fight with you, fifty cents." Tian Xiao laughed loudly Laughing: "You said, how much money can we get together?" Xu Qi said: "It depends on today's foreign exchange price, but it's probably gone now. Actually, my grandma's house is also from Xuanwu, and I have half of Xuanwu on me." Bloodline..." Tian Xiao held his hand, his eyes were moist.

In this gloomy cloud, Lao Wang suddenly raised his head and said again: "Did you misunderstand something? Even if you switch to the heat source mode, you will not die. You will just go back to the wilderness, back to the past, lost What you get is ready-made delicacies and warm and comfortable beds, but what you get is a whole new world! With the interference of the heat source mode, the Little Ice Age will soon pass, and you will be like burning books in a library. Find resources by yourself, collect fruits by yourself, rely on yourself, and work hard. The whole of China is your Nanniwan. It will undoubtedly be very hard, but you will survive, and your descendants will survive, just like our ancestors— —Instead of huddling in the base for the rest of their lives, and then the corpse fell into the cold darkness along with the entire human civilization...

"Damn it, you've hurt us so badly and talked so much nonsense!" Shao Xuecheng punched him again.Lao Wang became agitated this time, with a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, he raised his head tenaciously: "Are you willing to be like mice in the ditch without seeing a little bit of the future? Are you willing to spend the rest of your life in fear and despair without making any achievements? I abandoned my family, abandoned my ideals, sacrificed my son, and lurked here as a disruptor, not to harm you, but to help us all!"

Amidst Lao Wang's shouts, everyone fell silent, even the sobbing disappeared.This is probably the so-called "Mahayana School" point of view. To be honest, I agree with what Lao Wang said.At this time, Zhu Jiayin murmured: "What's the use of talking about it now? We can neither go back nor enter. There is no food or drink in the corridor, only a few posters. We can only wait for death. What ideals to talk about... ..."

Lao Wang calmly said: "Actually, I know a way to allow you to enter the base. But you must promise me that you will sacrifice your ego, fulfill your ego, save the whole of China, and not return the base to survival mode."

This time, Shao Xuecheng did not hit anyone. He stared at Old Wang for a long time, then suddenly turned his head, walked up to Sister Zheng, and asked in a weary tone: "Is there really such a way?" She shook her head blankly. Shaking his head, he didn't know.Shao Xuecheng thought for a while, and then asked: "I want to know, how many doomsday bases need to switch to heat source mode to completely change China's severe cold climate?"

"Almost all." Sister Zheng replied.

"In other words, even if we decide to switch to heat source mode, it may not necessarily work. If others choose to hide, the glacier will not ease, and we will die."


"Interesting, old Wang, this is a big gamble, and we have almost no bargaining chips..." Shao Xuecheng's mouth turned up slightly, and he leaned against the glass wall with his hands in his pockets: "Then, the last question: why is I?"

"What?" Sister Zheng seemed even more at a loss.

"Why are only the descendants of the Shao family able to open this base? Could it be that our Shao family is destined to be the savior in the last days!" Shao Xuecheng asked loudly, taking a step forward, with a strange brilliance in his eyes.

This time, not only Sister Zheng, but even Old Wang showed surprise.Shao Xuecheng raised his hand: "The door of the library on the second floor of the basement and the portrait at the end of the corridor can only be opened with my blood. What is the relationship between Run Run Shao and me, Shao Xuecheng? Could it be that the story of Mitsumasa Kido really happened?" gone?"

"That..." Sister Zheng was a little embarrassed, "Electronic locks and portraits can be opened with anyone's blood. It was originally just a detector to prevent other creatures from entering. You drip blood, confirm human DNA, and pass the test. Standard procedure, anyone can."

Shao Xuecheng froze all of a sudden, and the corridor fell into a terrible silence.When I think about it carefully, it seems that except for Shao Xuecheng, no one tried with his own blood.When we saw Shaw House, we took it for granted that the two of them were connected together, and then we always followed him, more or less because we thought he was The Chosen One in our hearts-we have to admit that even if you are a firm atheist Those who live in the world always have a fatalistic instinct lurking deep in their hearts.It's just that Shao Xuecheng suffered a lot, he really lost a lot of blood...

Hearing the news, Shao Xuecheng did not show the anger he expected, but instead showed a look of relief.He put down his right hand and let out a long breath: "Great, I thought I would be forced to bear some nasty fate or responsibility. It turns out that I am not your leader, and it has nothing to do with the Shao family in Hong Kong. You can do whatever you want now." .”

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I used to think that I was the chosen one and I had to take you guys away alive, but now I don't have to carry this burden." Shao Xuecheng looked around and said loudly: "From now on, don't listen to my orders, I don’t instruct you either, we only represent ourselves.”

After saying these words, Shao Xuecheng walked up to Old Wang and stretched out his hand to untie his rope.Old Wang looked at him in astonishment, thinking that this was some new method of torture.Shao Xuecheng said to him: "I still hate you, you have brought us too much trouble. But I think what you said is reasonable, to be honest, I don't want cats in this underground cave at all. Even if there are 24 Hours of heating, hot water and massage girls, I am not interested either. It is too stuffy, my heart is too broad, and no high-end birdcage can accommodate it. I would rather go naked in the snow to hunt the surviving older female youths and Tibetan mastiffs.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to adapt to this unexpected turning point.I was the second to stand up: "I agree with Shao Xuecheng's opinion. Even if other bases choose the survival mode and we die because of it, I will not regret it. At least there were a dozen people in China who were willing to work for the revival of the country and the nation. I chose to sacrifice. It’s more meaningful than trying to survive.”

"Xuanwu people always take care of the overall situation!" Tian Xiao was the third to stand up.

"Even for a righteous person, God will not destroy the city of Sodom. I hope I can be the reason why God still cares about this land." Li Chao solemnly made a sign of the cross.

"I also agree. When I watched "What to Do" before, I saw this passage: When I look back on the past, I don't want to regret because of mediocrity and wasting my life, and I don't want to regret because of being despicable and vulgar. Guilty. I only hope that when I die, I can say: 'I have dedicated my whole life and all my energy to the most magnificent cause in the world, striving for the revival of mankind.' Xu ​​Cong was the fifth to stand up.

"Count me in. By the way, this is a sentence from "How the Steel Was Tempered", you are really uneducated." Xu Qi said.

"That's an abbreviation!"

"Don't be stupid, "What to Do" was written by Chernyshevsky! Oh, yes, I also agree." Liu Yue said, and then took Xiaoying's arm.Xiaoying said in a low voice: "The wheel of fortune is in its right place." No one understood what she meant, and they probably didn't object.Long Aotian and Wang Dapeng nodded at the same time, expressing no objection.

Zhu Jiayin was the only one who didn't express his opinion now, and he was still looking down at the radio.Everyone looked at him for a long time before Zhu Jiayin raised his head: "Do you know? This is a non-zero-sum game. We are now in the prisoner's dilemma. Survivors in the national doomsday base are all in this dilemma. Choose the survival mode, Only oneself can be saved, and the country must be finished. If you choose the heat source mode, if other people do not cooperate, the country may not be saved, and you will definitely be finished. To achieve Pareto optimality, everyone must work in isolation and without communication. Just make the same choice as us, what do you think is the probability?"

"I don't know, and we don't want to know," I told him.Zhu Jiayin put the radio on the ground and raised her right hand: "If you want to achieve the most perfect result in the Prisoner's Dilemma, someone has to take this step. I don't want to be a tragedy in the Nash equilibrium."

We stretched out our hands and shook hands.In such a cold place, everyone's hands are actually warm.Seeing that we all reached a consensus, Lao Wang smiled with relief, and two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Look at the screen!" Sister Zheng suddenly shouted.We rushed over and saw through the glass door.A large cylindrical beam of light appeared on the right side of the big screen in the room. It changed from a cool color to a warm color, and changed from light blue to orange after a while.Even the most ignorant Xu Cong understood it. This meant that the heat source mode of the entire base had been converted, and it began to act as a gradually warming heat source, radiating heat energy around the capital covered by ice and snow.

At this time, on the map of China on the right side of the screen, a lone yellow dot suddenly lit up at the location of the capital. "Is this us?" Everyone was talking to each other, pressing their faces against the glass, unwilling to look away for a second.This is the imprint left by us survivors on the vast land of China, and everyone is extremely proud for a while.

The screen continued to read the information, and suddenly, I saw something flashing in Shanghai, and when I looked carefully, it turned out that another small yellow dot lit up.This means that after the cataclysm, someone in Shanghai made the same choice as us. "At least we are not the only ones so stupid." Zhu Jiayin murmured.

"Look! Guangzhou is too!"

"Chengdu, Chengdu is also lit up!"

"Urumqi! Urumqi!"

"Oh come on? Taiwan, Taipei is also lit up, what's going on?"

"Damn it, the Diaoyu Islands are also lit up, and there's Suyan Reef! There's Zengmu Shoal! What the heck! Okinawa and Vladivostok are also lit up, how much land has the country occupied behind our backs!!?"

The computer continued to read the information. Amidst the exclamations one after another, we saw that that little yellow dot seemed to ignite a wildfire. Soon, more yellow dots appeared in the territory of the whole country. It lit up the whole of China, and a golden rooster leaped onto the screen.It turned out that we were not alone. Survivors from all over the country made the same choice after entering the base, turning the base into a heat source.In the next few decades, they will prop up the greenhouse for the whole of China in the severe cold, gestating another revival.

We cheered through the glass door, Zhu Jiayin wiped his glasses repeatedly, and kept muttering: "The Pareto optimality of thousands of prisoners is a miracle, a miracle! Anyway, I believe it, I believe it It's..."

"Very well, the next reconstruction is up to us!" Tian Xiao shouted vigorously, as if he couldn't wait.

At this time, we heard a blunt impact behind us, and we turned around hastily.Old Wang lay limply on the ground, with a large puddle of blood on the wall.Just now, while everyone was not paying attention, he used all his strength to slam into the wall.I picked up Lao Wang and saw the bloody wound on his head, which was shocking. This man would not live long.

I called out his name loudly, but his lips only moved slightly.Shao Xuecheng also came over, his expression changed drastically.Old Wang is our only hope of entering the base. If he dies, we will be finished.

"Old Wang, what are you doing? You haven't told us how to enter the base yet!"

Hearing the voice, Old Wang reluctantly opened his glasses, smiled with all his strength, and said to Shao Xuecheng in a murmur, "My death... This is how you enter the base. I owe my son too much for my career, His mother also passed away because of this, and he has always hated me to the bone... This book-burning system was designed by him. There is also a scoring chip in my body... Huh, so now as long as I die, I will definitely get a lot of bonus points , must be able to exceed [-] points, and the door can be opened... Remember your promise... to live and open up a new future..."

Having said that, Pharaoh's head slowly drooped, and he died out of breath.At the same time, the scorer issued a rapid electronic beep, and everyone supported each other, raised their heads together, and looked up.The number on the scorer was changing, from 99899 just now, to 99799 suddenly.

What?Everyone thought they read it wrong, rubbed their eyes, and read it again. It was still 99799, which was 100 points less than before.




"What... what's wrong?" Shao Xuecheng asked repeatedly, and the successive unexpected turns made him restless.

"If my guess is right..." I lost my composure for the first time, and had to desperately press my temples before I could continue to speak: "...if my guess is right. This designer, deep down in his heart, still loves His father, he forgave Pharaoh a long time ago. But he was too introverted and not good at expressing, so he hid this heart deeply in the chip scoring. His father didn't realize the deep hidden truth until his death. The love of a son inside himself—it’s such a touching scene.”

"and then?"

"We have no more."

"This damned stinking house!"

(End of this chapter)

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