Sitting black and white time

Chapter 9 Time: Brilliant Tibetan Years, Blooming with Light

Chapter 9 Time: Brilliant Tibetan Years, Blooming with Light (1)
writing cat
Text / not summer
For a long time, some friends have come to ask me, what is the standard for writing manuscripts?What kind of manuscripts do you accept?Is the newcomer having a hard time writing the manuscript?

I think, after I tell you this story, maybe you will understand roughly.

When I first joined the company, I didn't have any writer resources. I think I mentioned it to you several times before.So, high-quality writer resources, please come to me soon, please?I am Buxia and I speak for myself!Well no kidding!
Miss Cat, is my first writer.In order to avoid you saying that I am partial to her, I will take the first letter of her name!When I was staring at the empty mailbox every day, Miss Cat sent me her first manuscript.

For the first time I received an article with a length of more than [-] words, I was really excited. I hurriedly sorted out the information and sent it to the editor in charge.Only after handing in the manuscript did I feel that my editorial life had really kicked off, and only then did I have a sense of reality that I had really embarked on this path.

The manuscript was rejected at the time, probably because the plot was a bit old and the text was a bit boring...

I was quite disappointed at the time, after all, this was the first time I submitted a manuscript, and I also felt very sorry for Miss Cat, because I always felt that I hadn't played any role in that manuscript.At that time, the friendship between me and Miss Cat was not as deep as it is now. For her saying "It's okay, I will continue to write next time", I even felt that she was just perfunctory.

Forgive me for ever thinking that, I'm really sorry.

After that, Ms. Cat wrote several articles to me one after another. From the beginning, the style was slightly mature, and the text looked dull, and then she gradually used very delicate brushstrokes to write about the emotions of her youth, lightly and lightly. , but tickled your heart like a feather.

"This one should pass."

"Really? That's good, then I'll wait for your news."

"If you haven't..."

"Then I will continue to write until I finish writing!"

You see, there are too many uncertainties on the road to success, and what you have to do is to believe that you will succeed, and then you only have to work hard.

Miss Cat is always posting about her cats, the cat food eaten by cats, and her daily life on Weibo. Occasionally, she complains about the difficulty of writing manuscripts and why she chose this path.But in the end, after complaining, she would obediently turn on the computer and start the daily coding project.

Dreaming about this kind of thing will sometimes betray you, but hard work will definitely not.

Miss Cat's manuscript has been published in two consecutive issues on "Huahuo", which is really a good achievement for a newcomer.For me, it was fulfilled the promise I made to you at that time, and finally I was able to make your name appear on "Huahuo".

I actually know that you secretly wrote a lot of manuscripts, and then all of them were rejected by yourself, and you only chose the best ones for me.I also know that when you can't write a manuscript, you are very anxious every day, and you will face the computer in the middle of the night thinking about what will be more novel. Those troubled times have turned into stepping stones to today's success.

You always dislike my excerpted quotations on Weibo, saying that I ruined the article and then threatening me not to write the manuscript next time, but you always obediently send the manuscript to my mailbox before the deadline.Although you dislike me for always complaining about the title of your article, you always cooperate with me to revise it.Sometimes success requires not only persistence and hard work, but I think sometimes it requires more love.This is something you like, when it goes in a good direction, you like it; when it goes in a bad direction, you can still insist on liking it, so that you can see your own Wonderful!
So, please send the manuscript, please?Let's also take a look at the beauty of the world you live in, shall we?Ha ha ha ha!

Now you are slim
Text / not summer
While queuing up at the breakfast shop to buy deep-fried dough sticks, I saw that old man coming to buy soy milk again.

I know him only because I often meet him in this store.The old man was slowly buying soy milk and fried dough sticks, but the young man was in a panic all the way, wondering if he could catch the bus that was about to arrive.The possibility of knocking over the soy milk in the hands of the old man is extremely small, but it really happened... The white liquid spilled all over the ground, and the originally clean street seemed to be suddenly splashed with a layer of white paint. It looked very slimy... Fortunately, the old man was not knocked down.I anxiously asked the old man if he was okay, but he waved his hand at me heartily: "I am in good health, not so weak..."

After this incident, they became acquainted with each other.The old man lives in a nearby street. He has been retired for 20 years, and he is more than 80 years old.He is an old man who can't tell his age, and he doesn't have the burnout feeling of old age. On the contrary, he often walks out with his hands behind his back and walks around. Everyone wears reading glasses to read the newspaper, life is simple but comfortable.

It was a later matter to be invited to sit in the old man's house.I have been invited many times, and I always feel that it is impolite not to show up... On a sunny day, I came to visit with the newly released fruit.Compared with the usual hesitation and not knowing what kind of topics to talk about when talking with everyone, the old man's talkativeness made me worry a lot.

The old man is not a local.During the Anti-Japanese War, he enlisted in the army from his hometown. Later, when he fell ill in the army, he retired from the front line to a position like a clerk, and he has stayed here ever since.

"It's been more than 60 years since I left my hometown. I don't remember how to say it in my hometown dialect. I only know that when I called my little sister, I couldn't understand what she said, and she couldn't understand what I said... "

The old man just sat in the sunlight and chatted about the past, the bright sun shone on his silver hair, the half-read newspapers were stacked on the small chair, and the tea leaves were in the freshly poured boiling water, stretching his shriveled body.The old man's wife, sitting on another chair, looked at us chatting with a smile, and answered a sentence or two from time to time. They seemed to be two old people who were very suitable.

"I don't know how many springs I can survive! The feeling of revival of all things makes my old bones quite energetic."

"So what if spring comes. I haven't climbed the mountain for more than ten years. Even if I think about it, I can't climb it. Young people say every year to see the cherry blossoms, how beautiful the cherry blossoms are, and we hold hands together. Don't Saying that we are holding hands, I haven't even seen the cherry blossoms..." The old lady suddenly complained a little more in her tone.

"Let grandpa take you there, hand in hand." I didn't have too many worries, just like a sewer that has been unplugged, such words are as natural as water.

"Then I won't go, holding hands, I'm so ashamed." As she spoke, the old lady covered her face with her hands, her shy expression looked very cute.The old man drank his tea very calmly: "It's not impossible to go!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the old lady was going out to take courses in the university for the elderly, the grandfather let out a long breath, and then slowly said: "It's been hard for her these years."

The grandfather's original partner died 30 years ago, and the old lady married him 30 years ago.

"At that time, her family was very opposed. After all, there is an age difference between me and her, and I have also been married. The important thing is that I may leave before her at any time... All parents are one heart, one heart I hope my children live well. No one wants to marry someone who may stop breathing at any time in the future!"

The teacup held in the old man's hand was gently placed on the small table, and there was a trace of solemnity in the air.

"Even going hiking with her and seeing the cherry blossoms seems to be a luxury... I owe her so much!"

Flooding in the yard, only the emotion of the old man remained, and the eyes that had been staring at the gate of the compound since the old lady left the house...

In a short life, meeting people, crossing the age and distance between each other, and becoming the closest person is really an incredible thing.

"You were born before I was born, and I was old when I was born. I wish I was born at the right time, and we will be good to each other every day." Turning regrets into mutual protection is such a beauty, which is also rare.

Suddenly began to admire the old lady's courage.Maybe she has made up her mind from the very beginning, if the old man goes ahead of her, she also has the courage to live alone in her heart?

As the evening approached, I couldn't bear to disturb the old man's life anymore, so I got up and said goodbye.The old gentleman insisted on sending me out, and said that he could go to the intersection to pick up the old lady by the way.Walking on the road, I saw the old lady returning from get out of class with her flower bag on her back.The old lady immediately went forward to support the old man, and the two of them cuddled up to each other and walked on the road at four o'clock in the afternoon. They couldn't help but remind people of the boys and girls walking side by side on the road after school. They were all accompanied and sweet.

I wish a journey of flowers blooming
Text / not summer
Before I entered "Huahuo", my impression of Little Lion was always on the paper man in the magazine.The perfect profile sitting in the office, and the editor-in-chief who created "Huahuo" and various best-selling books.

When I came to the company on the first day, I arrived a little early and sat on the sofa in the reception room waiting anxiously.The anticipation for this job, as well as the longing for the legendary "Huahuo" studio, have long filled my thin body, full of energy for a big fight.

It was still a little early before the normal working hours, and when I was wandering around, a man wearing glasses passed by me, turned around and said to me: "Are you here for an interview?" Although I have never seen him before In person, but the aura at that moment and the gentle but majestic tone made me confirm his identity at that moment.

I shook my head and said in an unclear voice: "No, I'm here for work."

I just remember that person said softly "Welcome to join us" before turning and disappearing into the corridor.I stretched out my head and took a look. The office at the corner of the corridor was full of books about Meili Culture.

Afterwards, I seldom saw Mr. Lion, and I saw him occasionally when receiving water, and there was always a group of shivering female editors behind him, discussing why Mr. Lion was so handsome even drinking water...

It was my first job to work as an editor at Huahuo. I gave up my major in design and entered the world of magazines. Before that, I didn't know much about this industry.With the enthusiasm of watching "Starlight Girl" and "Huahuo" back then, I "killed" the editorial department, but the actual operation is not as simple as imagined.Whether it's from a complete newcomer to receive manuscripts, write interactions, think about titles, or edit those small details with Mei, it's a new world for me.I stood outside the gate of the new world, wandering around not knowing where to go.Whether it is the title or the interaction that is returned again and again, it is like a monster with infinite rebirth function, putting pressure on me again and again, shouting like a repeater: "You can't, you trash, hurry up!" give up!"

Because I don't want to add trouble to my predecessors, after get off work, I always work overtime silently by myself to modify those returned interactions and titles, trying different things, so I often forget the time.When the office door was closed that day, the elevator was about to go down, and I ran to press the elevator, but unexpectedly saw Mr. Lion in the elevator who also just walked out of the office.

I was too cautious to say hello, and stood at the elevator entrance with my head down. It was Mr. Lion who broke the silence first: "You are the boy I saw in the negotiation room two days ago! How do you feel about working here? Are you used to it?"

At that time, I didn’t think much about it. The lion president has to deal with so many things every day. How could he have time to listen to the troubles of a newcomer like me, but he still said it out of his head. It doesn’t matter if he is not very good at interaction. The title has been changed over and over again. It doesn't matter how cruel it is, these troubles that have been suppressed in my heart are all poured out in the elevator at seven o'clock, like pouring water.

"Not bad, if you encounter obstacles, it means you are making progress! Young people are very motivated! I, although I don't know what other people think, but every time I want to make a book that makes readers feel moved, Or if this magazine has a point in their hearts, it is considered a success for me. But recently I am also a little distressed, and I feel that my works seem to be not as good as before, so I am also thinking about continuing to work hard. Put! Whether it’s the title or the interaction, as long as you work hard, you will be able to convey what you want to express to the readers. Therefore, it’s not a bad thing to have worries and things you can’t do .Looking forward to your title and interaction, and you can perform better next time!"

People at the top and those at the bottom of the pyramid actually have only one goal, which is to do a good job in what they are doing and to bring readers a better and better work.Everyone is troubled by the same thing, as if there is one more teammate around, one more person who can discuss and become more confident.Whether it's an annoying title or an interaction that isn't funny, thinking that after countless revisions, everyone can smile knowingly, all the efforts seem to have the meaning of "worth it".

Thank you for the encouragement you gave me inadvertently. Although we all know that your works are not getting worse and worse. You, who can sell every book, are indeed implementing what you said, "bring everyone warm and uplifting" positive energy".

Youth is just right, I only hope that there will be a journey of flowers blooming.

Anecdotes about the two men

Text / not summer
When I started writing this, I said to Mu Mu: "I, you have to write [-] words this time." She rolled my eyes at me: "How can you blackmail me to write [-] words... ...Is this the rhythm to make me popular? Let me tell you, there are many girls who think I am a man, and then want to talk about life and ideals with me, be careful that your status will not be guaranteed!"

People who should feel that they have a lot to say can't say anything when they are faced with the document.I have forgotten all the lines such as "Mu Mu, you accept the move, I will cry for you..." It is a bit unpleasant to start with such trivial thoughts.

I just finished my second meal with Mumu.In fact, sometimes I really think she is a man. Don't ordinary girls worry after eating a bowl of rice, "Oh, I will gain weight if I eat more! I don't want to eat it to maintain my figure", but she doesn't I don't care about this question: "Buxia, you're fine anyway, so you can go to KFC with me!" The so-called company is probably equivalent to the concept of me paying to watch her eat.Two pairs of New Orleans grilled wings, a serving of French fries and a cup of Coke, by the way, let me tease you for saying encouragement as encouraging you...

Mumu and I met for the first time at KFC, a foodie who was always hungry and didn’t gain weight, and a foreigner who came to Changsha alone and was not stable enough to meet for the first time after leaving the company... That day after get off work, he hesitated about what to eat and took advantage of the trend Entering KFC, after ordering a hamburger, I met Mu Mu who was also washing her hands: "Hey, Buxia, shall we have dinner together?" She had just cut her hair short, with a youthful smile, and her Apple Red, who has been selling cute for 30 years, doesn't look like a girl at all, just like the little angel next door.By coincidence, I took the dinner plate and made a table with her.

After getting to know each other gradually, the story immediately turned into a story between a very thin female man and a very thin real man.

"Buxia, please bring me breakfast!"

"Bu Xia Da, this is so heavy, I can't lift it as a girl!"

I said Mumu, didn't you say you are a boy?How come you weren't so arrogant before!You are so arrogant, can we still be friends?
Kaka, and then I received an order from Mumu, "Da Buxia, help me buy some lo-mei at the lo-mei shop near your home when you get back from get off work."I feel that I am a controlled robot, and I will be commanded by Mu Mu, the commander-in-chief anytime, anywhere...

(End of this chapter)

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