The psychic Xi ​​Lan

Chapter 2 General Ji's Mansion

Chapter 2 General Ji's Mansion

This corpse belonged to a young woman, and her face was actually exactly the same as Long Xilan's.

Even Long Xilan had never seen her in women's clothing, but she recognized her clear and beautiful face at a glance, as if she herself was lying in the shroud in women's clothing.

She really couldn't believe what she saw before her eyes, and she was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses, how could there be such a coincidence in this world?Hearing ghosts crying in the middle of the night, she searched all the way, and unexpectedly saw a corpse that looked exactly like herself in this high gate compound?Who is this woman's name?How can I die here?Why, those two people wanted to conceal her death and burn her just now?

All kinds of questions kept flashing in Long Xilan's mind. When she realized that there was a faint breath behind her and turned her head, an iron fist landed heavily on her forehead.

Darkness followed, and when she regained consciousness again, it was already noon the next day!

Sandalwood smells all around, this is not a dark hut, but a high-class and elegant wing.

Long Xilan was lying on the bed, and a girl-like person stood by her side. When she saw her open her eyes, she immediately stood up.

"Miss, are you awake?"

She frowned. In order to inherit the unique knowledge of the Long family, she was born from her mother's womb. Her father Long Tianxing raised her as a son. Suddenly someone called herself Miss. She felt ashamed of her ancestors.

"Who are you?" She sat up quickly from the bed, looking at the girl in front of her vigilantly.

The girl froze for a moment, and replied with a stiff smile: "Miss, I am Qinglian!"

She must have never seen this girl before, but the girl knew her, but Long Xilan immediately realized that this girl didn't know her, but another person who looked exactly like her.

With a "crack", the door of the wing room was pushed open!
A tall and straight figure came in. He was wearing a black silk long gown with a rectangular collar and narrow sleeves, and a dark gray rope belt. It was also seen that he was very skilled.

"Qinglian, you go out first, I have a few words with Miss!" As soon as the man spoke, Long Xilan recognized that it was the person who spoke in the backyard the night before.

"Yes, young master!"

Qinglian backed out, while Long Xilan was still sitting on the bed, covering her body with the brocade quilt.

"You must have a lot of questions, right?" The man's bright eyes fell on Long Xilan's face.

She didn't respond, and she was secretly calculating in her heart, if she wanted to fight the opponent, her chances of winning were [-]%.

The man saw this from her sly eyes, and said, "There are ten guards outside this West Wing, and twenty guards outside the West Garden, all carefully selected by me. Protect your well-rounded soldiers!"

Long Xilan blinked her eyes twice: "I'm not the person you're looking for. If you think you can use me to help you do something, I advise you, it will only ruin your event!"

Just now the servant girl called herself Miss, and called this person the young master. This 'Miss' and this man may be brother and sister. Looking at this bedroom, it is not an ordinary guest room. It is a main room that has been inhabited for a long time. The room where the red-clothed woman she saw last night must have been last night. After the young master knocked her out, he brought her here.

The other party did not immediately respond to her words, paused for a while, and then sighed: "You are so clever, since you already know what my purpose is, then you should also know that Ji Jinhua, the daughter of General Ji, died unexpectedly last night. Mansion, is undoubtedly the biggest suspect, if it wasn't for your face that resembles Jinhua, you would have been decapitated long ago!"

"I don't know her at all, so why kill her?" Long Xilan finally couldn't bear it anymore and retorted.

"Then why did you show up at my Ji's house in the middle of the night?"

"I—" Her throat was choked, and the words she wanted to say were swallowed back.

No one would believe that she came chasing ghosts, and this person in front of her was even less likely.

"I found this on you!" The man took out a chic pink magnolia silver hairpin from his cuff.

It was a token that her father Long Tianxing gave to his mother, Qiao Shi. There were two in total, but 15 years ago, when Qiao Shi ran away from home, he took one with him and left the other for her. Xi Lan traveled across mountains and rivers to Jinling just to find her mother.

"Give it back to me!" Long Xilan jumped off the bed excitedly, reaching out to snatch the hairpin from the other party's hand.

The man didn't move, he just raised his hand lightly and dodged.

"I've seen a hairpin exactly like this one before!"

As soon as the words fell, Long Xilan stopped, "Where is it?"

The corner of the other party's mouth curled up triumphantly, guessing: "The person holding that hairpin is very important to you, right?"

Long Xilan swallowed her saliva, but did not answer.

The man went on to say: "I, Ji Jinjiang, am not a person who can be overpowered by others. As long as you do one thing for me, I will tell you the whereabouts of the owner of the hairpin. And I am sure that there is no one in the world except me." People can help you find this person!"

Long Xilan didn't believe it, but she didn't refuse, she wanted to hear what this person wanted her to do.

"My sister Ji Jinhua is one of the candidates selected by the emperor to select the princess for Prince Xu. The documents in the palace just came down the day before yesterday, and she will enter the palace tomorrow to participate in the selection of the princess, but she was killed at home last night. Her death—— At this moment, it must not be made public, so tomorrow there must be a Ji Jinhua in the palace; if you just find someone to replace it, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor, and our Ji family can't afford it..."

"If you come to me, isn't it the crime of deceiving the emperor?" Long Xilan interrupted him.

"You are different!" Ji Jinjiang looked over and said, "You are [-]% similar to Jin Hua in appearance, as long as you adjust it a little, no one will notice in a short time!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Long Xilan's eyes, and she asked, "Why did your sister die? Why can't it be made public?"

"I won't tell you now, but this is related to the lives of hundreds of people in my Ji family, so I will make such a bad move!" The other party said bluntly, his tone was not as tough as when they first met, and his eyes were much more frank.

"You just need to enter the palace to participate in this selection and deal with it, and our deal will be completed!"

It sounds simple, but Long Xilan is not so confused. "What if I am chosen after entering the palace?"

Ji Jinhua has turned into a hard corpse, is it possible that this corpse should be married?
The other party answered with confidence: "No, King Xu has long wanted to belong, this is just a formality."

Seeing that she was still hesitant, Ji Jinjiang said again: "You can rest assured, our Ji family will never allow you to be selected, after all, you are not a real Jinhua."

Hearing this, Long Xilan thought it was reasonable, after all, being a princess was not a joke, and how could anyone be fooled by it.

In this heavily guarded General's Mansion, if she refuses to agree, Ji Jinjiang will not let her go. Besides, the whereabouts of her mother has been the most important thing for her for a long time. She has decided to make this deal at this moment , but she still didn't know something, so she asked: "Since you are willing to make conditions with me, you must have determined that I have nothing to do with your sister's death. How can you be sure?"

Ji Jinjiang's complexion darkened. This seven-foot man, who is full of blood, actually answered with fear and ambiguity in his eyes when asked about this matter: "Because...she was not killed by someone!"

(End of this chapter)

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