The psychic Xi ​​Lan

Chapter 206 The Monster's Lair

Chapter 206 The Monster's Lair
She could get everything wrong, so how could she get this wrong?

Li Huai didn't insist, but said softly: "Then I will accompany you in the car!"

Xi Lan knew that he was worried about herself, but everyone needed him at the moment, so she was fine, so she said considerately: "Go and see how the road ahead is clear, so that nothing else happens!"

"Alright then!" Li Huai was also a little uneasy, for fear of what would happen to Qinglu.He explained to Yan Ming and the other Wangfu guards, and then he took people away temporarily!
Then, Xi Lan returned to the carriage and used the hexagram device to make a divination.

She illuminated the hexagram with an oil lamp and was confused for a while.In this hexagram, her divine position is to the left, because there is an accident against her, and this accident has another main position, that is to say, the cause is not because of her.

This made her very puzzled. Since it was an accident aimed at her, why was it not caused by her?
"Kang!" With a sound, the carriage door in front of her was blown open by a gust of wind!At the same time, she blew out the oil lamp in her hand. She put the oil lamp down and quickly touched the afterimage sword next to her, but she couldn't find it. She thought it was broken. Could it be the shadow she saw just now? Steal her sword?
What kind of monster is that shadow, and what is it doing to steal her sword?
Thinking about it, she didn't waste too much time, and got out of the carriage in two strokes.

However, she saw that the surrounding dragons were a little boiling, and soon, Yan Ming came to her and said: "Princess, the road is clear, we can set off!"

"Really?" Everyone was very happy that they could finally leave this ghostly place, but Xi Lan looked around, feeling that everything hadn't started yet.

"Really, princess, go get in the carriage, we'll leave here now." Yan Ming made a gesture of invitation respectfully.

Xi Lan was looking for her own sword, and immediately ordered: "My princess's sword is missing, please get someone to help me find it!"

That sword is so precious, it should be regarded as Li Huai's first gift to her, she can't just lose the sword like this!
Upon hearing this, Yan Ming immediately called the people below to find the sword.

Soon, someone shouted loudly from the banyan tree: "Here is the sword of the princess, here is the sword of the princess!"

Everyone ran over to see that the afterimage sword was stuck straight into the banyan tree.

"Why did Jian come here? Which bastard did it?" Someone cursed loudly.

"It's good if you find it, take the sword back and go on the road!" A small captain of the Shenlong Army urged.

The Shenlong Army who was closest to the Remnant Shadow Sword immediately approached and stretched out his hand to pull it out, but he couldn't pull it out no matter what.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!" The other man saw that the sword was stuck in the wood, how could it not be pulled out, spat and poked it on the palm of his hand, wanting to test the water.

As a result, it still couldn't be pulled out, the sword seemed to be embedded in wood.

"Guard Yan, come here quickly!" Those people really had no choice but to call Yan Ming for help, thinking that Yan Ming was as powerful as an ox.

Seeing countless pairs of eyes looking at him expectantly, Yan Ming puffed up his chest, with a sense of pride, he jumped up with big strides.

He yelled brazenly: "Look at your abilities, it seems that Master Ming will not be able to do anything!"

He stretched out his big arms, and stretched his muscles and bones on the spot for a while, before he finally stretched out his hand to pull out the Crescent Moon Sword under the eyes of all the stars.

But just as soon as he exerted force, his expression froze!

"Grandma, what's going on?" The Crescent Moon Sword was inserted firmly into the stake without even moving.

This is impossible in Yan Ming's cognition, he gritted his teeth, and continued to pull out forcefully, his face turned red!

Li Huai and Zhuang Zhimou waited ahead, seeing that they were not going to leave behind, they immediately rode over to look.

Then I saw dozens of people surrounding the wooden stake over there, watching Yan Ming's performance of what is called pulling mountains and rivers!

It's just that before this force could pull out the mountains and rivers, it was stumped by a wooden stake!
He walked to the side of Xi Lan and stopped, and asked suspiciously, "How did your sword get stuck there?"

Xi Lan shook her head, the sword obviously disappeared in the carriage, and when it reappeared, it was inserted into the stake, which is definitely weird.

So she has been standing aside watching these people draw their swords, thinking carefully, what method can be used to pull out the sword!
At this time, Li Huai read thoughtfully: "Is the sword pointing to something?"

She turned her head to look at Li Huai's face, which was clearly defined in the firelight.

"Li Huai, why don't you try it?" Thinking of Li Huai's yearning for this place, and the condition of the banyan tree growing on the rock due to the mysterious power, her eyes lit up.

Her sword was stuck inside, and so many people couldn't pull it out, so it must be related to that power.

So she guessed that Li Huai might have the ability to pull her sword out of the treetops.

"Don't you think that the sword is waiting for this king, who is destined?"

Xi Lan nodded, "I don't know if you are destined or not, it's okay to try, what if?"

"Then stand still and don't run around!" Li Huai heard her words, and immediately walked past Wang Fuwei.

At this moment, Yan Ming was still drawing his sword. He had exhausted all his skills, and he almost gnawed all the wood with his mouth!
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the prince was coming, and he immediately wiped his sweat and stepped aside.

"My lord, there is something wrong with this sword, and there is something wrong with this tree, otherwise I can't pull it out!"

Li Huai also wanted to see what was wrong with the tree and the sword, so he squatted down and carefully observed the situation between the sword and the treetop.

"It's nothing special!" He touched the hilt of the sword, but before he could use much force, the afterimage sword followed his hand and came out!
Everyone was amazed, even Li Huai himself was surprised.

He frowned and stared at the sword in his hand, then turned back to look for Xi Lan in disbelief.

However, where is her figure?

"Where did the princess go? Where is the princess?"

As soon as everyone heard his voice, they all turned to look in the direction where Long Xilan was standing just now.

There are two palace guards who are just a foot away from where the princess is, and they didn't even notice when the princess disappeared!

"Look for the concubine!" Li Huai's face had already changed, and he secretly struggled while holding the sword in his hand, looking for Xi Lan's figure in the surrounding darkness.


In the dark cave, a little mountain spring dripped continuously along the rock wall.

The sound of the sound of water rising gradually echoes in the cave.

The place where Xi Lan was lying on her stomach was covered with dry grass. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a light coming in from a high place above her head.

where is this?

She didn't know, but she only remembered the last consciousness before she fell into a coma, which was her seeing Li Huai's back drawing his sword, and then she felt a tall figure approaching, and when she wanted to look back, she had already lost consciousness.

It's that guy!Then this place should be the lair of that monster!

She touched it with her hand and found that the sword stuck in her ankle was still there. She quickly pulled it out gently and slowly, and held it tightly in her hand. She began to search for the monster that brought her back in the dark, but the surroundings were too crowded. It was dark, and she couldn't see anything clearly, and even her mind was blank for a while.

"Dong dong dong——" No matter how hard she tried to calm herself down, her heart beat faster and faster when she thought of how that monster had killed so many people and stuck the corpses in the banyan tree.

In an unknown dark environment, it is impossible not to be afraid!

Xi Lan could feel the danger lurking in the darkness, maybe, she was the monster's next meal!
No, I can't stay here and wait for death. The monster should not be in this dark cave. I can find the exit before it comes back!
After making up her mind, she let herself breathe as calmly as possible, and reached out to touch the cloth bag at her waist again.

There were some small items she carried with her in there. This time, she was also very lucky to find that everything in the cloth bag was there, and the monster didn't take it away for her. She successfully took out the fire pocket from it.

With a light swipe, the surrounding caves lit up in the firelight!
Xi Lan saw that the surrounding area was full of puddles and puddles, but the area where she was lying was dry and had hay!

She immediately felt a little puzzled, did the monster not intend to kill her?Instead, lock yourself here like humans raise pigs?
Anyway, no matter what it was, she had to leave immediately.

So she got up and jumped over the several puddles in front of her. When the fire was extinguished, she lit it again, and continued to search for the exit in the dark and complicated cave.

After tossing like this for a long time, she became more and more anxious. This cave is like a maze, composed of countless caves, each of which can move forward, but each seems to go deeper and deeper, and she doesn't know where the exit is. .

At this moment, her flame went out again!

The surrounding light dimmed in an instant, and she was about to stretch out her hand to scratch again, but she clearly felt that there was a living creature in the darkness, just a short distance in front of her...

(End of this chapter)

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