Chapter 218

Xi Lan actually knew that under the current situation, they had to hand over the monster.

However, it is unimaginable what danger this monster will face!

Li Huai had no choice but to tell her: "Xi Lan, this is not the king's will, but forced by the situation!"

Once again, she deeply understood that she had no choice but to abide by these rules if she didn't have the title of prince and concubine.
She was silent for a moment, looked up at Li Huai, and said firmly: "It's okay to hand over the monster to them temporarily, but you must send Wangfu guards to guard it, let alone let others see his face!"

She had personally seen what people's hatred would do. Without her persuasion, who would know what Ah Guai would do?

Li Huai agreed, and went to confess to Wang Xian, while Xi Lan turned to look at Ah Kuai.

"Ghost, thank you." If Monster hadn't come out to save her just now, she might have been trampled to death by the horse's hoof!

Ah Guai has saved her more than once, and she has already regarded him as her friend.Or, they were already friends...

Ah Guai looked at him, there was still green liquid dripping from his big hand, he didn't know how painful he was, Xi Lan wanted to help him treat the wound, but he ran out of time!

She took a deep breath and promised: "Ah, I will find out the real murderer and return your innocence. You must be fine!"

A monster buried his head slightly, and he was already ready!

Xi Lan felt a heaviness in her heart that suppressed her breathing. If Ah Guai could talk, she really wanted to ask him why he was so kind to her?Why do you listen to her like this?

What is it that made Ah Wei become like this?

Finally, after Li Huai negotiated with Wang Xian, the army took Ah Guai away in a prison van!

Watching the carriage go away, Xi Lan clenched her fists tightly in her sleeves.

At this moment, there was a deep hatred in her heart. She hated the murderer who caused trouble in the city, and even more hated those who insulted and attacked them with hatred.

Li Huai saw her standing there, with a heavy figure like a dried tree, and called her softly.

"Xi Lan?"

"How did you manage to save these people with your fairy spirit?"

Xi Lan, the fool is sad, but especially hateful, if one day, you are asked to save these people, would you be willing?
When she was eight years old, Father Long asked her.

She did not understand this feeling then, but the answer was yes.

She took her father as an example since she was a child, and wanted to become a hero like her father who slays demons when she grows up.

To be a hero is to ignore all ignorance and to sacrifice oneself.

But if Father Long asked her again now, her answer would be unknown.

At that moment just now, she hated these people from the bottom of her heart, and she actually thought, why didn't they all die?
At this time, Zhu Fuchuan walked over leisurely.

"Is Princess Xu okay?"

Xi Lan's gaze fell on that familiar face, and every time she saw it, she became more certain that this person was Zi Xuyuan, and today, why did he invite herself to Jiangcheng Wharf?

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu, for bringing someone to help!" Although Li Huai arrived later, he already knew exactly what happened.

"Thank you very much, but there is no need. The princess was originally invited by Zhu, so she encountered these accidents."

"Then what do you want to say?" Xi Lan asked straight to the point.

The other party smiled deeply, and replied: "What Zhu wants to say is precisely related to the things that have been causing trouble in the city these two days!"

Xi Lan's eyes lit up. "Do you know what's causing the trouble?"

The smile on Zhu Fuchuan's face did not fade, but he did not say it out.

"It's inconvenient to talk here, I hope you can find a quiet place to talk with me in detail."

"Alright!" The other party nodded in agreement.

Xi Lan was about to go with her, but Li Huai turned around and said to her softly: "This matter, this king will handle it personally, Xi Lan, you go back to the post station now."


"Be obedient!" Li Huai firmly asked her to go back.

She suddenly felt that this kind of Li Huai was a little strange, ever since she found the Broken Moon String.

Later, Li Huai asked Yan Ming and the other two teams of royal guards to escort her back to the station.

She had no choice but to go back to the post station to wait, but after waiting, in the early morning of the next day, Xi Lan lay on the table and had a nightmare.

She dreamed that Li Huai was the murderer who took out his heart. His blood-red eyes were like watching life like a play. She woke up sweating profusely. For sure, Li Huai did not come back.

She got up, not going to wait like this.

But when she opened the door of the wing room, she saw Li Huai lying on the ground covered in blood.

"Li Huai, what's wrong with you? Li Huai?" Her voice quickly attracted Yan Ming and others who were next door.

"My lord!"

She raised her head and said urgently: "Hurry up and carry the prince in, check the wound!"

Yan Ming and Zhang Liao put hands on each other and carried Li Huai to the bed in the wing room.

"Princess, I'm going to call for a military doctor!"

"Don't go yet, bring the medicine box!" Xi Lan had already felt Li Huai's pulse, and his life was not in danger.

"But, my lord, he left a lot of blood!" Yan Ming saw that his robe was all stained with blood, his heart was in his throat!
Xi Lan ignored her, and skillfully untied Li Huai's robe, and found that the underwear inside was clean and not stained by blood.

Her movements slowed down, her hands half-raised.

"This not the prince's!"

Her voice was very soft, but it carried a breath of despair from the bottom of her heart.

"Wouldn't it be better if it wasn't the prince's? The prince was not injured!" Yan Ming was happy that it was just a false alarm. He turned around and asked, "Where did the brothers of the land team who followed the prince last night go? Where is my brother?"

Xi Lan didn't answer his question. She looked at Li Huai who was sleeping like a slumber, thinking of him sleeping on the coffin bed after being struck by lightning, and the nightmare that woke her up, she couldn't speak for a long time.

"My lord, my lord must have met an assassin, and only my lord came back. I'll take someone to find my brother and the others right away!" Yan Ming just breathed a sigh of relief, but his face became even heavier when he thought of the brothers of the Dizi team.

Xi Lan didn't stop him, leaving Zhang Liao in the room.

"Princess? Let the military doctor take a look?"

She shook her head, "You bring in some clean water, this princess will figure it out!"

Zhang Liao didn't say much anymore, and soon after he exited, he brought Qingshui in.

"Go out!" She didn't look at the other party.

Zhang Liao only thought that she was worried about the consolation of the prince, and persuaded: "Princess, the prince is lucky, and nothing will happen! The brothers of the Dizi team will be back soon!"

"En!" She agreed with a deep voice, stretched out her hand to take off Li Huai's robe, and then carefully washed the blood on Li Huai's hands with clean water.

"Li wake up and tell me that the blood is not from Yan Ming, nor from any of the Wang Fuwei of the ground team. You wake up..." She wiped it over and over again with a wet veil, Those hands she once thought were the most beautiful hands in the world.

But it was the blood on these hands that completely stained a basin of clear water red!
Perhaps, it was these hands that cruelly dug out the hearts of those innocent people.

No, she dared not imagine.

Is everything repeating itself?

She suddenly thought of someone, Zhu Fuchuan!

He was the one who ended up with Li Huai, so he must have something to do with it!

Xi Lan immediately stood up and rushed out of the room door.


She said to Zhang Liao: "Ask more people to guard the prince here!"

"Princess, where are you going?"

She didn't look back, she rushed downstairs quickly, came to the backyard, held her sword, rode on her life-seeking horse, and ran towards the Jiangcheng pier.

Today's Jiangcheng Street is surprisingly deserted, no one is crying or making trouble, as if everything is going on in secret!
So she came to the Jiangcheng pier without any hindrance. On weekdays, there are many fishing boats parked on the pier, but today, there was only one small boat, and the boatman was standing at the stern with a bamboo hat and playing with his oars, There is another person on board, wearing a green skirt, holding a pipa, sitting on the bow.

Xi Lan tied the horse and jumped into the boat.

"Boater, take me to Jiangdao!"

Hearing his voice, the boatman turned his head and said apologetically, "This boat is not for hire!"

Then I heard a shallow voice saying: "No problem, this nobleman is going to the same place as this servant."

As soon as Xi Lan heard the voice, she felt familiar, and immediately looked towards the bow of the boat, and found that it was Mrs. Miaoqu who was playing music at Wang Xiancheng's residence that day.

Mrs. Miaoqu is going to Jiangdao too?

Broken Moon String, Mrs. Miaoqu, Du Caogong, Zhu Fuchuan...

She suddenly discovered that everything seemed to have been arranged when they came to Jiangcheng!
"What's the relationship between you and Mrs. Zhu? What are you colluding with behind the scenes?"

Mrs. Miao Qu sat there as before, holding the pipa in her hands, like a person who has seen through everything.

"The Nu family is just an artist who sells music in Jiangcheng. The princess really thinks highly of the Nu family, but the princess has already found this place, so why come to this conclusion so early?"

As she said that, she lowered her head and played the pipa in her hand. Needless to say, her pipa skills can reach the level of pleasing and convincing as soon as the sound comes out.

Xi Lan didn't know what secrets these people were hiding. Now that they were here, she naturally wanted to go to Jiangdao to see what tricks they were hiding!
(End of this chapter)

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