Chapter 229

They originally thought that Zhu Kuang's people were chasing them, but after a closer look, they found that those who came were wearing exactly the same clothes as them.

"Qin Han!" Zhuang Zhimou called out first.

Xi Lan looked at the past, and the one walking in the front was indeed Qin Han, and the people behind were all from the palace guard.

"It's Qin Han and the others who came to meet us!" Zhuang Zhimou said with joy, and was about to rush forward when Xi Lan stopped him!
"Don't move!"


Everyone looked at her in confusion, and she reprimanded with a cold expression: "Did you all ignore what my princess said just now?"

It was only then that everyone remembered that she had told her just now that no matter what they saw or heard, they should not respond.

At this time, Xi Lan said to everyone: "You also saw it when you entered the city. The gate of Dugu City is several feet high, and there are so many people holding hands. How did Qin Han and the others get in?"

Unless there is a secret passage leading to the city, a few people can only fly in with wings.

After being reminded by her, no one dared to act rashly. They all stood in place and watched Qin Han bring people over.

"Wangfei, Wangfei, Xiaozhuang, we are here to meet you!"

When those people got close, they stopped and waved to them.

The others were unmoved by her reminder, Zhuang Zhimou shouted to Qin Han: "Qin Han, didn't the princess tell you to wait in the camp? Who told you to come out without authorization? How did you enter the city?"

"What time is it now? I can't explain it clearly for a moment, so let's go!"

These people all stopped outside the Jiugong front drawn by Xi Lan, not daring to approach.

Zhuang Zhimou was more sure of Long Xilan's words now, he stepped back and subconsciously asked her: "Princess, what are they all?"

"It's something you don't want to see!" Xi Lan asked everyone to sit down, and began to recite silently: "Five stars illuminate the color, illuminate the dark world, thousands of gods and saints, protect my true spirit. Giant beasts, subdue the five soldiers. The five-day devil will die and disappear. Wherever he is, all gods will welcome him."

As soon as the other palace guards heard her recite, they all recited along with her.

The Taoist exorcism spell came out from their mouths in unison, and then they saw those people in front screaming strangely, turning into a puff of white smoke and dissipating with the wind!
It was the first time for them to see such a scene, and they were all amazed and sighed.

But they didn't ask any other questions. It was still early in the morning, so they could only wait more vigilantly.

After a long time like this, Xi Lan seemed to hear someone talking in her ears.

"Xi Lan! You have aided the evildoers and lured demons into the world. You have committed a heinous crime. Now that you have lost your way, there is still time!"

This voice belongs to her father!

She raised her head, looked around, and immediately looked back, telling herself that her father was far away in Tianling Town, how could she appear here, it must be the evil spirit here that confused her.

In the ghost palace in Jinling back then, she was so weak-willed that Xue Ping'an was killed because of her. She will never make a second mistake again!
She then began to recite: "There is no hindrance in the heart, no hindrances, no fear, far away from reversed dreams, and ultimate nirvana."

I want to use this mantra to clear my heart and get rid of evil thoughts in my heart.

However, not only was there no effect, but I saw a tall and thin person walking slowly in the night fog in front of him.

She hadn't seen her father for several months, and the moment she saw the blue-gray gown, the spell of pure heart stopped in her mouth!
Daddy was holding Sanqingling in his hand, and the night wind was blowing his beard and gown, and the fearless look in his eyes made Xi Lan lose her mind for a moment, she stood up and called softly: "Father... "

"Xi Lan, you've been down the mountain for several months, why didn't you come home so late?"

"Father, have you seen my letter from home?" She was about to walk forward.

But a white light appeared and woke her up!

She shook her head, secretly sighing in her heart that this ghost's mana is really amazing!
Then she touched the Broken Moon Sword on her waist. If Yun Yi hadn't reminded her just now, she might have walked out!
She immediately sat down again, and continued to recite the spell to exorcise ghosts, and the other Wangfu guards followed her.

But Father Long standing in the night mist in front did not disappear. Seeing that she couldn't come out, his eyes sharpened, and he suddenly turned into a female voice and shouted at her pitifully: "Long Xilan! Your father is dead! Long Xilan! You Dad is dead!"

The female voice kept repeating this sentence. Although Xi Lan tried her best to restrain her mind, gradually, she felt that the things in front of her eyes became more and more blurred. Then, all the scenes changed. She saw Tianling Town The gate of the Longjia Mountain Villa was dilapidated, and their house was burned by a raging fire that lit up the entire sky.

"This is fake! It's fake... There is no hindrance in the heart, no hindrance, no terror, stay away from reversed dreams, and finally Nirvana!" She quickly closed her eyes, not daring to look any further.

But that female voice kept appearing and said to her: "Long Xilan, you want to use the Vajra mortal mantra to change the ending of the worldly demon, but the cause and effect cannot be changed, and you will definitely pay a heavier price for this!"

Hearing this, she suddenly pulled out the Broken Moon Sword angrily.

"Princess!" The other Wangfu guards saw that she was about to rush out out of control, and immediately came to stop her.

But her whole body was boiling with purple light, before these people could touch it, they were all forced back again and again by the evil spirit.

"Ah!" At this moment, she felt her whole body was burning like a raging fire, and the ability belonging to Long Ningzhu in her body was flying around. She knelt down on the ground in pain, and the sword was deeply inserted into the ground.

"Bodhi! Bodhi, you have to control Long Ningzhu, don't be controlled by her!" She heard Yun Yi's voice, and at the same time heard another stern voice shouting at her: "Long Xilan! You will pay even more price!"

The power in her body was tearing apart her body and spiritual marriage, she endured it, and kept making uncomfortable moaning sounds.

She is very clear that with her mortal body, it is not easy to persevere until now. I am afraid that tonight will be the day she dies!
But there was a strong idea in her heart that made her persevere, but it was too uncomfortable, she couldn't see anything clearly, and she couldn't hear the voices that kept haunting her!
"Li Huai! Li Huai!" Only with his last strength, he kept calling that name.

Thinking of Li Huai who was still lying in the tent outside the city, if she died like this, who would accompany him in the future?So many people want to kill him, who will protect him, who will advise him?
"Li Huai... where are you?" She really couldn't hold on anymore, she didn't even have the strength to hold the Broken Moon Sword, and her body fell forward.

However, she failed to really fall down, as if a pair of big hands caught her body.

(End of this chapter)

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