The psychic Xi ​​Lan

Chapter 231 Live the Free Life of Young Master Zhang Long

Chapter 231 Live the Free Life of Mr. Huilong
Of course she heard it right, but the voice was not real.

Just like the voices she heard when the evil energy of the Dragon Ningzhu tore her body, it was illusory and vague.

"Xi Lan?" Li Huai soon realized that she was holding on to the fence on the edge of the attic with difficulty, her body was trembling, and hurried forward to help her.

She closed her eyes with difficulty, gasping for breath, hoping to go through this painful torment sooner.

However, she knows her body well.

Long Ningzhu is consuming her mortal body, how long can she last?
"Go and call the military doctor..." When Li Huai led the army into the city that night, he saw a strange purple light appearing on her body, and he knew where it came from.

"No need!" Xi Lan refused with difficulty. She took a deep breath, resisted the severe pain in her body, and said in a deep voice, "I'm fine!"

Besides Shui Lianzhu, what kind of genius doctor in this world can save her?
Of course it's gone, so why waste all this time.

If you can bear it for the first time, you can bear it countless times!

How could Li Huai fail to see that she was holding on, so he picked her up involuntarily and walked back.

She didn't refuse, she leaned quietly on his chest, and said softly: "Li Huai, I'm really fine, you don't have to worry about me, just do what you should do."

Li Huai has never seen her look so haggard, how can he really feel relieved?
He carried her to the bed, covered her with the quilt carefully, and saw that she was sweating continuously on her forehead, so he knew that she must be very uncomfortable at the moment, so he reached out to take her pulse personally, but the pulse was completely messed up!

Although Xi Lan hadn't touched it, she could imagine it, and said comfortingly: "Fool, I am just like you, I am no longer an ordinary person, how can my pulse be the same as that of ordinary people?"

The other party had already figured out her temperament, lowered her head, and asked probingly: "Xi Lan, have you been to Jiangdao that day?"

After Li Huai woke up, Wang Fuwei should have reported to him everything she did, and naturally she couldn't hide the fact that she went to Jiangdao alone!
She nodded and responded softly, "Yes."

Then Li Huai asked again: "Then you know everything?"

She still nodded.

It can be seen from this that Li Huai should confirm that Zhu Fuchuan is Zixuyuan before her.

That is, when they went out to meet alone that day, Zi Xuyuan had already identified Li Huai.

"What did Zi Xuyuan tell you?" That brat tried to take her away from Li Huai, so he must have said something to Li Huai.

There was a trace of indescribable complexity in Li Huai's eyes. After a long silence, he held her hand and said softly, "He will die because of this king..."

He didn't believe this at first.

But seeing Xi Lan suddenly like this, he believed it a little bit!
"That kid is crazy!" Xi Lan blurted out annoyed, "Don't listen to his nonsense, how could I die?"

The other party didn't believe her words, but asked subconsciously: "What if he didn't talk nonsense? Are you really going to die because of this king?"

Lying on the bed, Xi Lan held Li Huai's cold hand behind her back.

"Li Huai, do you think I, Long Xilan, are the kind of woman who seeks life and death because of love?"

"Of course not! Don't pull it apart on purpose, you know, this king is not referring to this!" He looked at her unchanged, and after a while, he asked very seriously: "If what he said is true, is it true?" Can you get well, my lord?"

Xi Lan's eyebrows tightened, thinking of Li Huai's demonic aura, which almost killed Ning Wanxiu many years ago. At that time, he had to send her to Mongolia. look like?

It turned out that he thought that her physical condition was due to his evil spirit!
"You are a fool! I was born because of you in this life, how can I be hurt by you? Don't worry, I will accompany you and guard you until you defeat the demons and unify the world!"

She spoke so earnestly, so earnestly that she almost believed it herself!

"Of course it's true!" As she spoke, she stretched out her right hand to show him, "Do you know what I have in my hand?"

"have what?"

She replied pretentiously: "This is a mortal mantra that changes everything. If I am about to die, why not chant the mantra and change everything? After all, my little life is precious!"

"You used this spell to save me?"

It's not that Li Huai has never heard of "The Great Vajra Mantra". When they had that strange dream at the same time, he went to look up the ancient books.

Li Huai was relieved for a while after talking so well!

After recapturing the ancient town of Du, Li Huai had a lot of military affairs to do every day, and the trip back to Jinling seemed to be in the foreseeable future.

Half a month later, news came again from the capital that Yu Guifei was seriously ill.

After Li Huai learned about it, his heart was attached to Jinling day and night, but he had no chance to go back. Every night, he would stand on the attic and look to the east.

Xi Lan continued to cultivate for several days. Although Li Huai collected many tonics for her, she didn't feel better after drinking them. They are all holding on, and they can't even scream.

After dinner, Li Huai took people down to inspect the city wall. When he came back, he saw that she had sent the serving maid outside, so he knew something was wrong. When he opened the door, he saw her curled up in the corner of the bed and trembling.

"Xi Lan!" He rushed over and saw that she was sweating profusely, her teeth were biting her lips and bleeding, which showed how uncomfortable she was, but he couldn't let her bite like this, and opened her mouth forcefully, He stretched out his hand.

"Xi Lan, I know you are uncomfortable, don't bite yourself, if you bite me, I won't hurt!"

Xi Lan was so uncomfortable that he couldn't help himself, and he didn't have the sense to refuse, so he opened his mouth and bit down, and blood flowed from his palm immediately.

Licking the taste of blood in her mouth, she realized that it was Li Huai. She suddenly raised her back in pain, and uttered a few indistinct words, "Li Huai, I... I'm fine."

Li Huai felt sore in front of his eyes, carried her to bed, covered her with the quilt, and strode out.

"Zhuang Zhimou!"

"My lord, what are your orders?"

"You take people to Jiangcheng immediately, and no matter what method you use, bring Zhu Fuchuan to this king!" His tone was full of anxiety. These subordinates also knew that the princess was not in good health recently, and they were about to take over immediately.

But at this time, the door of the back bedroom opened!
Xi Lan came out from the inside and ordered softly, "Don't go!"

As soon as Li Huai saw her coming out, he seemed to be better than before, but he still stretched out his hand to pull her.

"Xi Lan, don't worry about it, go back to your room!"

Zhuang Zhimou naturally listened to the prince's words more, and was about to retreat cautiously, Xi Lan shouted again: "Zhuang Zhimou, you can't find it if you go there, and it's useless to find it, so there's no need to do anything extra!"

After finishing speaking, she pulled Li Huai in and said, "Li Huai, I'm really fine, it's just that my body is slowly getting used to the evil spirit of Long Ningzhu. After a while, I'll be fine!"

The other party saw that her face was extremely ugly, only those agile eyes were shining, and he felt distressed and had nothing to do with her.He had no choice but to hold her in his arms, and said softly: "This king knows what Zi Xuyuan wants to do, but he hasn't really done anything during this period of time. In fact, he still thinks about your childhood friendship."

Xi Lan was a little surprised that he would say these words, but thinking about it carefully, Li Huai is so smart and careful, maybe what he said is right.

Zi Xuyuan may still be thinking about their friendship in the past, but it is impossible to be on the same side anymore!
Even if Zixuyuan had a way to find Shui Lianzhu, she didn't want Li Huai to beg him because of herself. At that time, Zixuyuan saved her but killed Li Huai. Isn't everything going to start all over again?

After this day, Xi Lan's spirit really recovered a lot, and occasionally even rode a horse to inspect the city with him. They laughed freely in the sun, talked about the affairs of the country, sometimes like an intimate couple, and sometimes like a rare confidant .

That day, they went out of the city, rode for a long distance, and finally climbed to a high place and stopped.

"Xi Lan, did you see that stone?"

Xi Lan looked in the direction he pointed and nodded.

"There is the boundary line between Fengwen and Wen. One day, this king will make that line disappear and fulfill the wish of great harmony in the world."

She withdrew her gaze from afar, and turned her head to look at that handsome face carefully.But I couldn't help but think in my heart, will I have to wait three years or five years?At that time, was she still there?

From the corner of his eyes, Li Huai noticed her eyes locked on his face, and lowered his eyes to look at her, "Xi Lan, what are you thinking?"

She smiled lightly: "I was thinking, how can there be such a face in this world that you can't get tired of seeing!"

Hearing her words, Li Huai was overjoyed, grabbed her shoulders and said, "That's the best, you'd better never get tired of looking at this king's face for the rest of your life!"

When Xi Lan heard this, she deliberately put away her smile and said, "That's not okay. If one day, everything is over and I don't want to see you anymore, don't tie me up. I'm still going to live my son Long's freedom." Live a comfortable life, and you will be your emperor, and no one in Sangong Sixth Court will control you!"

She said it in a joking tone, but half of it was what she thought in her heart.

She was afraid that one day she would be gone, and Li Huai would be sad, right?
However, it is unknown whether Li Huai will be sad at that time. In short, when she thinks about it now, she will feel sad herself.

After hearing this, Li Huai's expression immediately froze, and he asked her seriously: "What you said is true?"

She was stunned for a moment, then asked with a stiff smile: "Otherwise, do you want to keep me, a domineering woman, in your palace forever? I'll tell you, I don't share my husband with other women." , even if this person is the emperor!"

The other party was able to affirm that what she said was true.

"When did this king say that you want the Sangong Sixth Court?" He seriously turned her body over and faced him.

"It's true that you never said that, but isn't this something that every emperor would have?" She said, "Look at my concubine, she has been infatuated with her father all her life. It can't be changed after all!"

Li Huai frowned slightly, not to mention her, even he himself would never forget the distraught figure of his mother and concubine when his father left with the seriously injured queen in his arms that night.

To love someone, like his mother and concubine, love to the bone marrow and give everything, isn't it a kind of sadness?
"Xi Lan, you will be the only one in my harem from now on!"

He suddenly made such a promise to her, but Xi Lan froze, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

"Anyway, this king already has heirs. In the future, this king will spend most of his time on how to benefit the people. You are enough!"

He believed that with Xi Lan's wisdom, she would definitely be a good empress who mothered the world.

Xi Lan also believed that he would be a good emperor, and she didn't want to continue talking, which would only add to the sadness. She patted Li Huai's shoulder freely, and suggested, "Let's talk about it then!"

"No!" Li Huai frowned deeply, and took her hand off his body very seriously.

"Now you have to promise me that from now on, you will never say that kind of thing again!"

Xi Lan looked at him, not knowing how to answer him for a while.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Li Huai was even more frightened, so he grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "Didn't you say that if you are a human, you will guard the king, if you are a devil, you will go to hell together?"

"Yes, I said it!" She laughed suddenly, and laughed at him, "Li Huai, you don't look like you at all!"

"You're still laughing!" He angrily picked her up and put her on the horse. The two of them rode on the same horse and went to and from town.

When we returned to Dugu Town, it was already dark!

Yan Ming stood at the gate of the city and waited. Seeing them coming back, he immediately ran up and called out: "My lord!"

When the two of them saw his expression, they knew what had happened. Counting the days, it's time for news from the capital again!

Li Huai then asked: "But... about the concubine mother?"

Yan Ming glanced at Xi Lan who was on the horse, shook his head and said, "No, it's Duan Sheng who came back from Tianling Town!"

Xi Lan immediately asked nervously, "Has Duan Sheng seen my father?"

The other party's eyes were somewhat unbearable, but he still answered truthfully: "Duan Sheng didn't see the Dragon Gate Master... The Dragon Gate Villa was destroyed by a fire!"

After Xi Lan heard the news, if it wasn't for Li Huai's support behind her, she almost fell off her horse!
"Destroyed by a fire?" She thought of the fantasy she saw when she was trapped by that evil ghost that day, and she thought it was fake!

But how could this be?
(End of this chapter)

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