Chapter 234
"Wang Fuwei is the king's personal entourage. He has his own discipline and military law. His performance in the past few days is no longer worthy of continuing to be a Wang Fuwei. If it is not because of his brother, this king would not have to wait until today to issue this order. An order?" Li Huai's tone was very straightforward, without any room to speak.Even the other Wangfu guards standing next to him felt lingering fear.

But who would dare to disobey the prince's order?
So the next morning, Yan Ming packed his things and prepared to leave!
The other guards of the palace had official duties, and they had to take care of the prince, so they hurriedly said a few farewell words to him in the morning, and then left!
Yan Ming was still disappointed, he never thought that in his lifetime, he would leave Wangfuwei and become a free man!

He packed his bags, took out the "The Analects of Confucius" which he had read out of date from under the pillow, and stuffed it in together, feeling very reluctant, looked at the Fengyun Pavilion, wondering if the prince was still there?

He thought, I'm afraid the prince is really angry with him, and he probably doesn't want to see him for the last time, so he picked up his big knife in frustration, and was about to go outside, but saw a person walking slowly over the yard.

His eyes were sour, and he called softly: "Princess!"

The concubine is kind and kind, so she came to see him off alone, he was naturally moved.

"Yan Ming, you left Dugu Town, are you planning to go to Gongcheng?" Xi Landuo stopped his provocative words and asked him directly about his plan.

"As long as my brother is likely to be there, I will go."

Xi Lan nodded, and took out a bundle that she had made long ago and handed it to him.

"You know the prince's temperament. He is not really willing to let you go. You should keep these things by your side."

The other party knew that the baggage contained money, so he immediately postponed it.

"Yan Ming made a mistake first. He was expelled from the palace guards. He will not be rewarded for his merits. Please take it back, Wangfei!"

Xi Lan had expected that he would postpone it, so she didn't take back the burden, she said: "Then take it as the salary that my concubine gave you in advance!"

Yan Ming was startled, not understanding what he meant.

She then explained: "Although the prince removed you from the Wangfuwei, it was just a decision made in a fit of anger. He knew that you were eager to save your brother, so he sent you away with this excuse, and you went to Gongcheng to find your brother's whereabouts, but Once there is news, you must send a letter back, don't act rashly, understand?"

These words changed Yan Ming's gloomy mood, and he asked excitedly: "Is this really what the prince meant?"

Xi Lan nodded. In fact, this was what she meant. Li Huai never said these words, and he even forgot that Yan Ming was leaving today. He took people to see the construction of the new city wall early in the morning!

"This subordinate will never let the prince down again!" Yan Ming finished his promise and took the burden over.

"Yan Ming." She still had something to ask, so she stopped him, "There are still a few letters in the package, you send them to them according to the address. These people are all local big families. If you have any help or needs, they will help you." Do your best to help you."

These were all the people she had helped with her father. She never thought that one day she would ask these people for help.She handed these to Yan Ming, hoping to help him, and wanting to know if there was any news about her father.Everything was mentioned in the letter, so there is no need to explain it, Yan Ming received it with tears of gratitude, and the two said goodbye without saying anything else!

Xi Lan was not idle in the afternoon, she took Xiaofeng around the city, hoping to find Uncle Feng's whereabouts.

She only brought Zhang Liao and Xiaofeng with her, and bought candied haws skewers for Xiaofeng on the street.

"Landy, it's delicious, here, it's fun!"

"Xiaofeng, do you remember where you separated from your parents that day?"

Xiaofeng stood still, eating skewers, looking left and right, then shook his head and said, "I don't remember!"

"Didn't you say they were going to buy food for you?" Xi Lan felt strange when she asked. It stands to reason that even if Aunt Fat and Uncle Feng go shopping together, one person should be left to watch Xiaofeng. !
But why did the two of them disappear together?
"Xiaofeng, do you know how you came here?"

"Carriage, big carriage, drive!" Xiaofeng danced and jumped up, imitating a movement of pulling the rein.

They came in a carriage!

She suddenly had a clue in her mind, and she turned to Zhang Liao and asked, "Everyone who enters the city must be registered, and the caravan entering the city will also be registered, right?"


Xi Lan immediately said, "Let's go to the city defense."

They arrived at Chengfang soon, and everyone here knew her. When they heard that she wanted to enter the city's merchant's name booklet, they didn't hesitate, and quickly brought it to her!
"Because the past few months were not peaceful, the number of caravans who dared to fight here has decreased a lot, so only Jin Taifeng has fought here in the past few months. Look, princess, this is all the records of caravans entering the city."

She looked carefully, and found that Jin Taifeng transported grain, and it was clearly written how much grain, horses, horses and people entered the city.

"That's it! The last one to enter the city was the night before yesterday. This caravan hasn't left the city yet, right?"

The city guard replied: "They will stay for three days, and they will leave the city in the afternoon."

After speaking, Xi Lan led them to the place where the caravan was staying.

This is a renovated inn. Jin Taifeng's caravan is gathering and ready to go.

As soon as Xiaofeng saw a carriage parked outside, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Big carriage! Landy! Big carriage!"

"Go and find their manager!" Xi Lan knew that she had found the right place, and hurriedly asked Zhang Liao to find someone.

If a person enters the city alone, he will definitely be found, but if he hides the person in the goods, the city guards sometimes fail to check clearly, and they don't know that there are other people in the carriage. Xiaofeng must have entered the city like this. What's the history?
While hesitating, Xiaofeng sneaked to the back, as if talking to someone, Xi Lan stepped over to look curiously, but before she got close, she felt that the world suddenly spun in front of her.

At the same time, she also smelled a strange fragrance, and suddenly felt bad.

"Xiaofeng...Xiaofeng..." Zhang Liao went to find someone, and all she could see was Xiaofeng!

However, Xiaofeng lay down on the ground one step ahead of her. She persisted for a long time, and saw several figures walking towards her. He got into the carriage, closed the door, and didn't know where he was going.

It was also at this moment that she realized that Xiaofeng was just a bait, and the person who designed all of this knew her well enough to throw Xiaofeng in front of her, and she would definitely search for the answer, but in the end the answer led her here Take her away.

She lay in the dark carriage for a long time in a daze, and she could feel the bumpy body and what kind of road surface she was going through.

"My lord, this is Jin Taifeng's grain cart." Someone outside the cart spoke.

Xi Lan's numb hands and feet moved, she knew that when she left the city gate, she would not know where she would be taken, and she had to attract the attention of the city guards.So she reached out and touched, and there were neatly stacked grain bags all around her. With all her strength, she kicked out a bag of grain, and the grain was scattered all over the place.

Seeing this, the two soldiers who were checking the grain bags immediately asked, "What's going on?"

The leader of the caravan greeted him with a smile, and explained: "It must be that the people below have not tied up the food, which is causing trouble to the military master!"

When he said that, two people had already stepped forward to put the remaining half bag into the carriage.

The city guard also seemed to feel a little strange, and asked, "Why do you have soybeans in your covered car?"

Generally, covered cars are human beings.

The leader immediately replied: "There are not enough cars, so this one is on top!"

"Wait, Old Wang, check the inside of the car!"

"The official's car is full of soybeans, my little heart hurt your hand!" The leader was a little guilty when he spoke, but the city guard didn't listen at all.

Xi Lan was overjoyed, it seemed that she was about to be saved!
"Why doesn't the car in front leave?" At this time, another voice came, and she was surprised when she heard it. It was Zhuang Zhimou's voice.

"Zhuang Zhimou..." She opened her mouth to shout, but no sound came out of her throat.

Zhuang Zhimou rode a horse nearby: "The gate of the city is about to be closed, don't waste your time here, hurry up if you want to get out of the city!"

When the other city guards heard that they wanted to check the carriage, they canceled it!

"Let's go, hurry up!"

The leader smiled slightly, and did not forget to say to Zhuang Zhimou: "The official has worked hard!"

Xi Lan in the carriage never expected this to happen. Zhuang Zhimou has always been cautious in doing things, so why was he in such a hurry to drive the carriage out?
Also, she disappeared in the city, Zhang Liao was with her, the news should have spread long ago, shouldn't the whole city be searching for her whereabouts right now?
(End of this chapter)

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