Chapter 240

Xi Lan didn't let Yan Ming come over. This time belongs only to their father and daughter.

"Xi Lan, get up!" Long Xingtian still didn't look at her, it was really uncomfortable, how could he not know what kind of a road of no return a child raised through hard work would take?
"Since you've made up your mind to go, it's useless for me to say more, let's not talk about the future. From now on, I will treat you as my daughter..."

"Father—" Xi Lan's heart felt like a knife was twisted, and tears fell like rain.

This kind of determination is an inseparable family relationship. In Long Xingtian's life, the greatest painstaking effort has been sacrificed. Why is he not sad, his eyes are flushed, but he finally held back!
He taught her that when a man tears, he never flicks it lightly, so he set an example and never shed a single drop.

He taught her that a man has gold under his knees, kneels up to the gods of heaven and earth, kneels down to his parents, and he is like Mount Tai, unstoppable by the wind.

He also taught her that the man said what he said, and what he said was never false.

So Xi Lan knew that after these words were spoken by her father, they were true.

"Father—" Xi Lan felt very sad, this was the only time she cried in front of her father since she was a child.

This time her father will not scold her, because her father is no longer her father!
With a "boom", the thunder drowned out her cries, and the autumn rain, heavy and arrogant, washed her cheeks wantonly.

Tears melted into the rain, and she couldn't tell the difference for a long time. She saw her father's thin and staggering figure, turning around and moving forward in the rain and fog.Gradually disappeared from sight, but she didn't get up, and kept kneeling in the rain, her clothes were completely wet.

"Princess, get up, you'll get sick if you continue to drench like this!" Yan Ming was drenched in the rain with her, but seeing that she was so lost, he didn't know how to persuade her, so he had to run away temporarily to find the rain gear, but only took two steps , he suddenly stopped.

A few meters in front, stood a neat row of people as tall as a wall. They were wearing uniform black ponchos, which were made of special fabrics produced in the Western Regions. Yan Ming once had one, so he recognized it.

And in front of these people stood a man as stern as a mountain, letting the rain wash away his domineering aura.

"My lord..." There was light in Yan Ming's eyes, but after realizing that Li Huai was not looking at him, he dismissed the idea.

At this moment, Li Huai stared at the woman kneeling in the rain. Her bun was disturbed by the rain, and it stuck to her back like ink, which was beautiful and mournful.

There was a trace of pity in his cold eyes, but the words that came out of his mouth were cold and heartless.

"It's time to go back!"

He told her it was time to go back!
As if, this is the responsibility she should fulfill, the process she should go through, that kind of taking it for granted and ignoring it hurt Yan Ming's eardrum.

He saw with his own eyes how the princess severed ties with her father because of the prince. He didn't understand what made the princess so persistent beyond family affection, but he thought that even a stranger would not do this to such a sad person. as indifferent.

"My lord, all the suffering my wangfei has suffered is because of you!" He never thought that one day, he would speak to the lord in such an accusing tone!
Perhaps, respect and inferiority have become a thing of the past for him, and in the arena, he pays more attention to morality and right and wrong.

This is the real strictness!

Li Huai's contemptuous peripheral vision swept over the direction he was standing in. He took all the courage and did not retreat.

"Yan Ming, you know it's not wrong to be stupid, but it's very annoying to be stupid without knowing it!"

Yan Ming lowered his head slightly, and said bluntly: "That's right, I'm Yan Ming, I'm stupid, thanks to the prince's respect for the past ten years, staying by my side for more than ten years is an eyesore!"

Li Huai did not move, but bursts of murderous aura appeared in his eyes.The guards of the palace behind were all worried for Yan Ming, but no one dared to say a word, time passed in this suffocating atmosphere, and they all seemed to smell something ominous.

Suddenly, the slender figure in the rain and fog in front stood up.

She turned around, and on her pale and colorless cheeks washed by the rain, there was persistence after the pain.

Everyone noticed the resolute independence in her, but no one understood what kind of spiritual support it was to be able to do this.

But undoubtedly, many people silently admire her!
Without extraordinary will, who can do this?

She came from the rain, her steps splashed water, she was fearless, she only looked at her husband with those clear and indifferent eyes, and asked: "My lord, how is the scenery in the rain?"

Li Huai's ice-sculpted handsome face didn't melt, he just lifted his arm slightly, and someone handed him an umbrella, and he propped it on top of Xi Lan's head.

"Very good!"

She raised the corner of her mouth and looked up at his cheek carefully.It seems to be recalling their past, the faint smile that will appear on it, and it seems to be admiring, his cold arrogance that overlooks the world and cannot be touched.

"I haven't congratulated the prince yet, I'm about to die again!"

Li Huai was indifferent to her sudden and slightly sarcastic words.

But Xi Lan said again: "Jiazi Ming born in the year of devouring the moon, a man from 47 Yang, repairing the broken moon-breaking magic string, Li Huai, all this has nothing to do with you?"

The other party didn't answer, but the answer was already in Xi Lan's mind.

If it hadn't been for the discovery of Broken Moon String, the ephemeral memory in Li Huai's body would not have been awakened. When the ephemeral memory full of anger and resentment came into play, the former Li Huai became insignificant in this physical body. !

"go back!"

Xi Lan did not disobey the order, and soon they returned to the post house.

Xi Lan went back to the room and took a hot shower. Just as Xiaoman was dressing her, the door was pushed open!
Li Huai came in with that evil spirit, and Xi Lan didn't hide, and she was not ashamed to appear in his eyes wearing only thin single clothes; they hadn't had any skin-to-skin contact for several months, and she knew what she was like at this moment. Husband is just a cold and cruel half-devil who doesn't recognize his relatives. She really wants to know if there are any remaining human lusts in this body.

"Get out!" Li Huai yelled, and Xiao Man ran out with her head down in fear.

As soon as the door was closed, Xi Lan looked at him sideways: "What kind of anger is your lord getting?"

"You built the Guanwang Temple in the city?" Li Huai asked coldly while pinching her chin.

Her thin body was hung by him like this, only her toes touched the ground, her jaw hurt, but she didn't blink her eyes.

"Guanwang Temple? It seems to be some important place for the prince?"

"Don't play tricks with me!"

She sneered, in the past few months, she hadn't left the ancient city of Duo, and she didn't know anything about him, how could she know what the Guanwang Temple was for now?But Li Huai blamed her, he must have doubted himself a long time ago!

"Li Huai, since you are sure that I did it, why do you need to ask me again?"

She questioned him, saying that there was no resentment in her heart, and that was a lie.

But as soon as the words were out of her mouth, she regretted it again!

"No, I shouldn't call you Li Huai, I should call you Shu Shi. Li Huai would not doubt me like this, let alone treat me like this!"

Li Huai suppressed some of the menacing aura in her eyes, her fingers loosened slightly, and her body was like a kite with a broken string, crumbling. Fortunately, she grabbed the bathtub next to her in time.

"The matter has come to this, you don't need to stay anymore, what is the reason? Long Xilan, this king will never allow spies to be around me!"

Finally, he was willing to express his doubts!
(End of this chapter)

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