The psychic Xi ​​Lan

Chapter 253 1 Keeping You as Always

Chapter 253 Keeping You as Always

kill him?

Long Xilan knew that what Li Huai called her to tell her frankly was not to let her kill him.

Seeing that she was in a daze, Li Huai's voice came again.

"Long Xilan, did you hear that?"

In this voice, there was his usual coldness, but there seemed to be something more.In the thin light, Xi Lan saw the calm eyes of the man lying on the couch, and countless emotions surged in his heart.

In the Buddhist formation, she did have a moment when she wished to go to hell with Li Huai and end all of this, but when she saw the past and the love between him and Xilan in her dream, she knew that he There is still love in her heart, he is not the evil demon that people say, he was just lost by the hatred of a hundred years, she can help him resolve those hatreds, maybe, she can also find Li Huai, who once cared about all the people in the world!
Yes, she relented!
She couldn't send Li Huai like this to death, and she knew that the decision she made today might become a decision she regretted for the rest of her life, but she resolutely held Li Huai's hand tightly.

"Li Huai, I will guard you, as always."

Her voice reached Li Huai's ears, completely as expected, he slowly closed his eyes.After a long time, he sat up cross-legged on the couch and asked, "Long Xilan, do you really think that this king will be moved by your kindness? I will be a good person with all my heart in the future?"

"Well, that's what I think." She was as honest as ever, and she didn't intend to hide those little thoughts from the bottom of her heart. She just wanted to know that in this world, there is kindness and unswerving loyalty.

She didn't want to hurt him when he was most vulnerable, let alone let down the little conscience left in his soul.

"Heh!" He chuckled lightly, no need to think, he was laughing at her innocence.

When Long Xilan walked with her former friends and relatives, they also laughed at her like this. Standing between the two, no one can change her. The only thing she can do is not to be changed by anyone.

"Sushi, I know you don't trust anyone, but when you send someone to call me at this moment, it proves that you choose to believe in me, in the goodness in my soul, and will not attack you, and believe that only me , will protect you and guard you at this time, I am very happy, this at least proves that what I have insisted on for so long has changed a little bit, I don’t know when I will be able to completely impress you, but please continue to believe in me, I won't let you down, but please don't make me regret it!"

Regret for everything I did today is inevitable.

And then, maybe she'll make it all over again.

Li Huai looked over with icy eyes, and the corners of his mouth could not be pulled back, "I was almost moved by your words! So, you are threatening me?"

She didn't answer, but the answer was yes.

With just one spell, she can change everything. Now that she knows his weakness, she can return to this moment at any time to change her regret.

The carriage drove forward in the dark for a long time, she broke the silence in the carriage and asked, "How do you need me to help you?"

"This is my king's military badge. These days, you are in charge. The journey to Jinling will take at least seven or eight days. This king cannot use any of his abilities. You should know what this means."

General Xi Lan received the token, and the situation can be roughly guessed, but she still wants to ask more clearly.

"You are like this, is it caused by the battle?"

Li Huai replied coldly: "You don't need to know this."

In the usual way, she was afraid that what she had done would offend this person, and she would vent her anger on others. Now he is relying on her, and Xi Lan is not to be outdone: "Since you choose to trust me, trust me to the end!"

"You really want to know?" Li Huai's tone changed again.

"You said."

So far, why doesn't she dare to know?

Li Huai satisfied her, and replied in a deep voice: "Half a month ago, your life was on the line. This king used his ability to control the evil spirit in your body, but in the empty gate formation, your life was on the verge of death again. This king can only use the spirit to engulf your body." All the evil spirits inhaled into my body, originally it was fine, but to open the empty door array, more mana must be consumed, after that, the evil spirit needs to be accepted by the king, during this period, the king cannot move, If not, it will definitely be damaged by the evil spirit!"

It turned out that he was not unwilling to speak out, but on the contrary.I'm afraid he already knew that if she knew the truth, she would wholeheartedly help him tide over the difficulties.

She was indeed moved, and he did not hesitate to risk his life in order to save her.

Another morning came, and the unglamorous morning light shone through the cracks in the window. Xi Lan stared at the handsome face as before, her heart curled up, and she stretched out her slender fingers to caress the side face that was dyed by the morning light , said softly: "I thought you were really careless!"

It's been a long time since she dared to touch his cheek like this!
But her outstretched hand stopped in mid-air.

The two sat and stood, facing each other like this, and the silence was filled with a kind of melancholy.

Finally, Xi Lan took a deep breath and retracted her hand. She had already buried her feelings for Li Huai at the beginning. When she saw her predecessor's love for Xi Lan in the past, she felt even more inferior. Emotions cannot be compared with the love buried deep in the soul for more than 2000 years. She can love the Seventh Prince Fengluanchai who gave her in her memory, but she does not have the courage to love a powerful fairy and demon spirit that spans the three realms.

After getting out of Li Huai's carriage, she rode on her own horse, went back to the carriage and rested for a while, then got up in person to discuss the marching distance with the captain of the Shenlong Army, Guo Mengjun, who led the team.

Some time ago, everyone saw that she was very ill. Today, seeing her in high spirits, everyone's momentum was very high. First, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief that Prince Xu will no longer supervise the army. Second, it is I really hope the princess is doing well.

"Are we going to pass through some mountainous area today?" Xi Lan started to ask without even looking at the map!
Zhang Liao looked around at the map in his arms, and replied, "Go forward for more than fifty miles and enter the Taiqing Mountains. There are indeed mountains."

"Can you make a detour?"

Someone answered her: "If you want to make a detour, you have to go west for another five hundred miles, but if you go west, there are also mountains!"

She frowned slightly, so she couldn't avoid it!
When she came over, she made a divination in the carriage. She was afraid that the team would be in danger near the mountains. She originally wanted to avoid the mountains and walk on the flat ground, but when she got to the Taiqing Mountains, she couldn't go around.

"Then start early, lest you have to spend the night in the mountains after dark!"

Just leave as soon as you say, the whole team has not lost the time for half a stick of incense, so they move forward.

Officially entering the mountain road, Xi Lan sat in the carriage and stared at Xi Lanhua for a while. After a while, she opened the car window and said to Yan Ming who was riding outside: "Send an order to get the rain gear in the team Take it and cover the grain cart completely, so that it won’t get wet for a while! Also, let this carriage be closer to the prince’s.”

Yan Ming listened and looked at the sky: "Princess, it's a crisp autumn, how can the grain cart get wet?"

She closed the window of the carriage, thinking in her heart that this fellow talks too much, and she probably won't be able to change it in her life!

However, although Yan Ming was talkative, he never neglected to explain to him, so he immediately went to deliver the order!He is happy, the princess has finally captured the prince's heart again.

"Princess, is it going to rain?" Xiao Man in the carriage asked softly.

Xi Lan nodded. Over the past few days, she has discovered that Xilanhua has the ability to predict the weather. As long as its flowers bloom outward, it must be good weather. It will put the flowers away, and the weather will definitely change. I saw this just now, so I asked Yan Ming to go Prepare.

Sure enough, the heavy rain came as soon as it was said, and it was not reserved at all.

"Hey, the concubine is really amazing!" Yan Ming sighed looking at the ghostly weather.

Next, they will suffer!During the march, I am most afraid of rainy days!The road in the mountains was not easy to walk, but this time it rained, the mud was completely soft, and the carriage wheels rolled in the mud. Not to mention the slow speed, it was still difficult. I had to find a few soldiers to hold the carriage, so that it would not be damaged. Overturned on the dirt road, Xi Lan was sitting in the carriage, staggering, almost dizzy from shaking her head!
"Ping An, Ping An, why am I so restless?" She said to the Xilanhua in the vase.

Ping An didn't answer her, and she couldn't sit still any longer, she immediately opened the car door and called Yan Ming outside, "Stop the carriage, my princess wants to get down!"

"It's raining so heavily, princess, you should stay in the car!" Yan Ming suggested as he wiped the rain off his face.

Xi Lan didn't care, took an umbrella, and got off the carriage by herself!

"I'm going to see the prince!" Since seeing Li Huai's appearance at night, she still doesn't know what's going on with him, so it's better for her to keep an eye on her when she's so restless.

The two carriages were close, and outside the carriage, she took off her embroidered shoes that were soiled by mud and water, and walked into the carriage wearing cloth socks.

It was very dark in the carriage, but she could see Li Huai sitting cross-legged on the couch with his eyes closed and his forehead covered in cold sweat.She came in, but he didn't even notice, as if he was in a trance.

"Li Huai?" She called out, but did not answer.

"Shu Shi?" She called another name, but there was still no answer.

Seeing that he was still sitting here safe and sound, she was relieved. She took out a brocade handkerchief from her sleeve, sat next to Li Huai, and gently wiped the sweat off his face. At this moment, the carriage was still bumping , she could clearly feel that the road was becoming more and more difficult to walk, and the rain was too heavy, and the sound of the rain patting on the carport made her dare not take it lightly.

"Yan Ming, it's raining so hard, let the team stop first!" She was afraid that if she continued to move forward, she would encounter other dangers, so she decided to ask everyone to stop and wait for the rain to stop before leaving.

Yan Ming asked in bewilderment: "Princess, are you serious? The rain is so heavy, it's better to keep going if you stop!"

They have been marching for so long, and it is common for them to encounter wind and rain. Generally, Li Huai will not let them stop in this situation.

But Li Huai is Li Huai, Xi Lan has her own decision, she said to Yan Ming angrily: "If you keep yelling, this princess will cut off your tongue!"

Even though he knew that the concubine would not give birth, Yan Ming stuck out his tongue and complained: "The concubine and the prince are really a good couple!"

After finishing speaking, this guy rode to the front to deliver the order!
Sitting in the carriage, Xi Lan watched his figure riding a horse in the rain running forward. The surrounding roads were roads, mountains were mountains, rain was rain, and people were people. No one could have imagined that suddenly "huahua "Sound, Yan Ming's figure was submerged by the sand rolling down from the nearby mountain. With him, there were hundreds of dragon troops...

(End of this chapter)

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