The psychic Xi ​​Lan

Chapter 259 Mangshan Pass

Chapter 259 Mangshan Pass

So I could only stand aside silently with my head bowed, like a child who did something wrong.

Yan Ming finally had enough of crying, wiped away the tears on his face with a big palm, got up, and went back on the way back and forth.

Zhuang Zhimou came forward and said softly to her, "Princess, it's time for us to go back!"

She nodded and took another look at the tombs before turning around and leaving with them.

The team set off again, and they didn't know what dangers were waiting for them ahead. In short, she forced herself to cheer up in her depressed mood. After walking in the mountains for a day, she finally walked out of that gloomy place.

The further east you go, the colder it gets. When traveling at night, she often wakes up from the cold in the shaking carriage.

The cold moonlight came in through the curtain of the car, and she was able to see Li Huai's silhouette in the dark, and the familiar coldness.

She hadn't spoken to him all day, and she was afraid that if she spoke, she would hear the heart-piercing alienation.

But today, he asked her surprisingly: "Xi Lan, are you dreaming again?"

"Did you see that?"


She lay on the narrow bed in the carriage, turned her head away, stopped looking at him, and said with a smirk, "Since I saw it, why do you need to ask me?"

The dream is full of Li Huai's gentle appearance, and every word he said to her. It's not so much a dream, it's better to say that she is thinking about it in her heart, and she can only recollect it in her dream!

There was still that person by his side, but he wasn't that person either. Li Huai was far from the awakened life in the first place.

One is an enchanted immortal, and the other is a prince with a heart for the world. In one body, there are two personalities, and the weak one has been completely eliminated!
She can no longer find a trace of what she used to be, and she still has to guard him, living like years.

She felt hands hugging her, and her body stiffened in the darkness, thinking of the countless days and nights in the past, Li Huai hugged her from behind like this, but that body was warm, and the coldness at this moment, Like coming from an extremely cold abyss.


Seemingly hearing Yun Yi's voice, she stood up and walked out of the carriage.

Originally, they were driving at night, but at this moment, there was no one outside, and the sky above the wilderness was full of stars.

"Yunyi? Where are we?"

Yun Yi smiled at her and replied, "In your dream."

No wonder, everything seemed illusory, different from what she remembered.

"So it was you who entered my dream!" She sighed softly.

Yun Yi told her: "Actually, I came to say goodbye to you..."

"Farewell?" Surprised on her face, she hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

"The Crescent Moon Sword is broken, the sword is broken and the spirit is scattered, that's where I will go!"

Xi Lan was startled, "Jian Duan Ling San?"Is Yunyi going to disappear like Xilan a thousand years ago?

"How can I help you?"

Yun Yi shook her head, accepting her own fate, a tear dripped down the corner of her eye, she said to Xi Lan in a deep voice, "I have worked hard for 400 years, it's time to end!"

That voice echoed in the night sky, and then Yun Yi disappeared into wisps of white light!
"No!" Xi Lan woke up from the dream, the carriage was still shaking, and the sky was already bright.

Long Xilan, who was still disturbed, turned her head to look, Li Huai was still sitting cross-legged on the couch, with her eyes closed, as if she was asleep.

She clearly remembered that Li Huai had hugged her before she had a dream about Yunyi. Was what Yunyi said in the dream true or false?

She immediately went to look for the broken Crescent Moon Sword. Li Huai slowly opened his eyes, saw her movement, and said in a deep voice, "There's no need to look for it, the king has already ordered someone to bury it!"

"Buried?" She looked puzzled and annoyed. "why?"

"Jian Duan Ling San, it's useless to keep it!"

It was as if Xi Lan had been stabbed in the heart by his own hands. Although he knew that he was cold-blooded and cruel, but this was really ruthless!

"That was the first gift Li Huai gave me..." She cherished it so much, even if it was broken, she wanted to keep it by her side for a while, but just like that, he took Li Huai away, and even Li Huai stayed Give her the last item, and take it away!

Li Huai answered her indifferently: "It's meaningless now!"

She responded with a sneer: "If it is useless to you, it is discarded!"

The other party didn't answer, and continued to close their eyes. There was no sound in the carriage for a moment, only the sound of the wheels rolling over fallen leaves. This autumn is really depressing!
It was two days before they arrived at Jinling. The Shenlong Army marched to Mangshan Pass, but they were sheltered outside the pass.The general guarding the pass refused to switch it on and off because Prince Xu didn't have the customs clearance documents. Don't think about it, he also knew that it was the reason why the East Palace prevented him from returning to Beijing.He came back this time to go to a funeral, so he was delayed for a long time on the way, Yu Guifei had already been buried in the imperial mausoleum.

Xi Lan told Li Huai exactly what the guards had said after closing the door. This was the first time they had spoken in three days. After listening calmly, he opened the window of the car and whispered to her, "The autumn scenery at Manling Pass is especially charming. , will you go out with me for a walk?"

She was naturally surprised, it was the sun coming out from the west, and they were all stuck at Mangshan Pass, but they had leisure time to see the scenery?But she didn't delay, and followed Li Huai out of the camp.

Mangshan Pass is built in the Mang Mountain Range. Apart from this pass, there are mountains on both sides. Thousands of years of wind and rain have formed countless dangerous cliffs. The scenery is beautiful. The most worth mentioning is the maple forest in the mountains. Li Huai is right. Mangshan Pass in autumn is a fairyland on earth. When all the flowers are gone, the red leaf forests burned by flames will make you forget your feelings.

I don't know whether it was the Seventh Prince Li Huai who came here, or the Su Shi who came here thousands of years ago. He found a beautiful cliff and stopped. Looking down, it was the great mountains and rivers of Wen Kingdom. She stared at Li Huai's face from the side. Their eyes seem to have returned to the way they looked at the border a few months ago. This way, they most resemble Li Huai!

"Here it is!" he said.

Xi Lan didn't know what he was referring to, but the feng shui of this place was impressive, and it was the place where the catastrophe began for thousands of years.

Later, she found out that it was here that the 500-year war between the world and the world was swallowed up. He used the seven great artifacts to open the gate of the demon world, and then he was sealed here together.

"Sushi, have you found a way to clear the level?" Finally, she couldn't help it, and she broke his interest in admiring the beautiful scenery.

Li Huai raised his eyebrows. She didn't know when she stopped calling him 'Li Huai', as if she had given up and picked up something else again. In short, at this moment, Li Huai felt a little strange.

"Clear the customs?" He replied casually: "How can a small Mangshan pass block the road to my king's great cause? Whoever blocks it will die!"

Xi Lan couldn't help pinching cold sweat in her hands, and asked subconsciously, "Could it be that you plan to send troops directly to capture Mangshan Pass?"

Mangshan Pass originally had 2 garrisons, but in order to prevent Li Huai from returning to Beijing, another 3 troops were sent over, so there are [-] troops at the pass.If Li Huai used troops rashly, it would be a crime of treason and he would be scolded by the world!

In the past, Li Huai would definitely not do this, but Xi Lan really couldn't see how he would do it now.

That night, Xi Lan had another dream, but this time the dream was extremely real. She dreamed that under the full moon half covered by clouds, Li Huai and a woman in yellow were standing in the red leaf forest and talking. She couldn't hear them. See what they're talking about, but feel ominous.

At this moment, she was sitting alone on the army couch wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, wondering why she had such a strange dream, so she got up and went out from the tent.

Looking at the night sky, she couldn't help but frown. The full moon hanging above her head was just half covered by the clouds, exactly the same as in her dream!
Without the slightest hesitation, she immediately walked towards Li Huai's camp. The guards of the Wangfu guarding outside saw her coming, and hurriedly stood in front of her and asked, "Princess is so late, what's the matter?"

"I'm here to see the prince!"

"My lord has fallen asleep!"

These palace guards usually talk to her very well, and it is a bit unbearable to reject her like this. Therefore, Xi Lan is sure that Li Huai is not in the tent. Could it be that Li Huai is really in the red tent in front of him as she saw in her dream? Talking to a woman in yellow in the woods?

Xi Lan immediately turned around and walked outside the camp. Qin Han chased her out and asked her, "Princess, where are you going?"

"I'll go find Li Huai!" If what she saw in her dream is true, then who is the woman Li Huai saw in the mangrove forest, and what are they talking about?
"Princess, the prince is in the camp!" Qin Han said helplessly.

She didn't believe that these people must have been coaxed by the master's order to coax her. As they walked forward, they heard a faint voice from a distance behind them asking her: "Where are you going to find this king?"

After hearing this sound, she turned around and saw Li Huai, who was neatly dressed, standing between the two tents, with clear eyes.

"Are you really..." Xi Lan was a little embarrassed for a moment, she actually took a dream as real?
Li Huai did not respond to her, his deep eyes seemed to have seen through her, maybe, he saw her dream again?

Xi Lan approached him, seeing that the devilish energy around him was still weak, she felt a little relieved, but she never expected that he would take the initiative to reach out to hold her hand, just like before.

(End of this chapter)

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