Chapter 273
Yan Ming hurriedly went to round up her, and when he heard her words, he felt that he was completely overwhelmed!He said: "Princess, we are still far away from Jinling, besides, no one knows we are here."

Xi Lan's expression did not change. She stood up from the fire with the child in her arms, and said to several people, "Did you notice that when we came in, no woman was seen?"

"It's such a cold day, maybe the women in the clan are keeping warm in tents!" Yan Ming guessed.

She added: "Not only that, almost all the people I saw along the way were young people! Since it is a hunting tribe, shouldn't there be people of all ages?"

Several other people heard her remind, and it seems to be true. A guard named Deng Zichao Wangfu echoed: "The princess's concerns are not unreasonable. We happened to encounter such a hunting tribe in this snowy forest. We should be more careful." Some."

"Then how can the subordinate answer the man outside and not go hunting?"

"Just say that your wife is unwell and needs to be taken care of!" Such a simple thing needs to be taught, Xi Lan is really worried about Yan Ming's intelligence.

Then, Yan Ming went out and rejected the other party according to Xi Lan's order. When he came back, he said: "I think the little brother is very good. I heard that Madam is not feeling well, so I greeted him with concern."

Deng Zichao said: "Who knows if his good intentions are true or not!"

"Okay, Deng Zichao, now you and the concubine are of the same mind!" Yan Ming wanted to round up the bear, but he was in a panic, and he didn't know whether the bear was a black bear or a brown bear.

They also often joked on weekdays, Deng Zichao replied with a smile: "Princess is cautious, you really have to learn from this!"

Yan Ming lay on his side beside the fire, and lazily said: "Come on, the prince asked me to be cautious like my brother more than ten years ago, and I am still like this!"

Xi Lan was still worried, and interrupted the chat between the two of them, saying: "Zichao, take the two of you and go outside to investigate quietly, to see if there is any problem in this clan!"

Deng Zichao immediately stood up and called two names: "Gu Changan, Xie Yuan."

The other two didn't hesitate, and immediately took their long swords and followed Deng Zichao out!

There were only four Wangfu guards left in the tent, and because there was nothing to do, everyone chatted without saying a word.

Xi Lan held the child in her arms, patted him gently to comfort him to sleep, Yan Ming leaned over and looked at the little boy's cute and pitiful appearance, and whispered to her: "This child is also lucky, as soon as he is born, he is so lucky to have a princess." Mother!"

"I'm a little bit overwhelmed now! I don't know how the prince will react when he sees this child!"

Hearing her words, the other party smiled awkwardly, and said, "I don't know now, but if it was the former prince, he must have loved the little prince very much. The prince himself likes children."

Xi Lan was taken aback, and asked softly, "Does Li Huai like children?"

"Well, in the past, every time the prince heard that there were children in the mansion of Wang Wang and Qu Wang, he would laugh more."

She didn't have a chance to see these, so she could only listen to them.

Not long after, Deng Zichao brought someone back and said: "We went around and found that in this tribe, there are indeed more young people who hit men, but there are also women who gave us this half sheep."

He happened to be holding an iron basin in his hand, and the roast lamb in the iron basin was so fragrant that the others drool.

"I also heard from them that they still have a tent on the other side of the mountain, where the old people and children are all there."

Hearing this explanation, Yan Ming smiled triumphantly, "I'm telling you, the princess thinks too much!"

He rubbed his stomach and leaned over to share the mutton.

"Don't forget the necessary procedures!" Xi Lan calmly reminded them without much desire for meat.

Deng Zichao took out a poison test object to test whether the roast lamb had been tampered with, and finally confirmed that it was not, and the few people began to eat the lamb with confidence.

"Princess!" Yan Ming dared to forget his master, and brought a huge leg of lamb to Xi Lan.

"I don't want to eat, you can eat!" She had already eaten some dry food that came with her just now, and she was really not hungry.

Yan Ming also knew that she ate less meat, so he didn't persuade her much, and the seven of them quickly ate up the half of the sheep.

But not long after they ate, their eyes began to straighten. Xi Lan secretly screamed, and immediately shouted: "Gu Chang'an! Deng Zichao!"

Deng Zichao looked back in a daze, only then realized that he must have been drugged. He was just about to stand up, when he became unsteady and went down again.

Xi Lan stood up in panic, looked at Yan Ming, the only one who was safe among the seven, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you okay?"

The other party also wondered, everyone seemed to be drugged, they all ate mutton together, why was Yan Ming the only one who was fine?And just now they were all tested for drugs, but how could everyone still be tricked?She immediately noticed that there was a small knife in the iron basin. She walked over to pick up the knife and smelled it. With her keen sense of smell, she immediately smelled a smell of medicine. No wonder Yan Ming was fine. He just divided the leg of lamb He didn't use this knife, but tore it off with his hands. Xi Lan didn't eat the leg of lamb, so he ate it!
At this moment, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and several strong men in furs rushed in from the outside, each with a long sword in his hand. Looking carefully, they were all uniformly made military swords. Xi Lan was already sure, These people were not hunters at all, they were probably sent by Donggong to kill her.

Yan Ming held a big knife and blocked her behind, and these people surrounded them, they didn't attack immediately, as if they were waiting for something.

At this time, another person came in from outside the account. Although this person was also wearing a fur sweater, the black and white sweater was so finely crafted, which emphasized the noble status of the person wearing the fur coat. Xi Lan quickly saw After seeing this person's face, he was shocked. He thought that he met someone sent by the Eastern Palace, but he never expected that the person who ambushed them was Lou Kuo, the Fourth Prince of Mongolia!
How could he be in Wenguo?Also disguised as a hunter and appeared in this snowy forest?

Countless questions flashed through Xi Lan's mind, and Lou Kuo who was opposite had already spoken!

"I originally didn't believe in this cause and effect, but Princess Xu, I was just hunting in the snowy forest, so why did I meet you? Do you think this is God's will?"

What the other party meant was that it was a coincidence that they bumped into this place?
Yan Ming raised his knife to guard against the people around Lou Kuo. Although he was facing a big enemy, he was not afraid at all.He said angrily: "Lou Kuo, you are a prince after all, what kind of skill is bullying women and children?"

Being reminded by him, Lou Kuo smiled coldly, looked at the baby in Xi Lan's arms, and said doubtfully: "This king doesn't remember that the princess is pregnant, let alone that there is a baby in the mansion of Prince Xu. Yes, where did the wild species come from?"

"The fourth prince left in a hurry when he left last time, and his appearance this time is really unexpected." Xi Lan comforted the child, knowing that the other party's visitor was not kind, and there was no sarcasm in her words.

Lou Kuo saw that she and Yan Ming, the main guard, were surrounded by his own people, and they could still speak calmly and freely. He couldn't help thinking of being fooled by her pretending thief a few months ago, and a stern look appeared in his eyes, "This Didn't you feel that after listening to your idea, there is always a long-cherished wish gone?"

"Lou Kuo, I am indeed wrong about what happened in the past." Xi Lan also knew that the other party was worried about many things in the past, and even sent someone to catch her when she left last time. Keep calm and want to find a chance for the child and others, so he asked in a deep voice, "How can you calm down? We..."

"How can I get rid of my anger?" Lou Kuo asked with sharp eyes: "Li Huai has caused this king to lose face, and my Mongolian country has lost face. Princess Xu—how do you think I can get rid of this king's anger?"

"Those things were not done on purpose by him. The Fourth Prince is an open-minded person, so he shouldn't be obsessed with the past and be unwilling to extricate himself from it."

Lou Kuo hates Li Huai so much, and Xi Lan knows all this is nonsense, but she can say that she is determined not to do anything, because everyone else has been drugged, Yan Ming is alone, and there is no chance of winning if she does it.

"Hehe!" The other party sneered, and said with a little playfulness: "You have a small mouth that is quite good at speaking, but I don't know how to use it in other ways?"

(End of this chapter)

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