Chapter 42
She had no choice but to forcefully break Li Huai's fingers, turned around and walked out quickly.

Walking to the courtyard corridor, I saw Yan Ting holding a lantern, supporting Qinglian on the ground, and a teapot around it, which was broken!

"What's going on?" She walked over quickly and asked.

When Qinglian saw her, she didn't care about the burns on her hands, and said with self-blame: "Young lady is a stupid servant, I overturned the boiling water you asked for!"

Long Xilan also saw that this was the case, and didn't blame her, but asked with concern: "Is your hand okay?"

"No hindrance, no hindrance!" Qinglian shook her head vigorously: "This slave has thick skin and thick hands, it doesn't matter!"

She looked at the broken porcelain pots on the ground and the smoking puddle, and said it was okay, how could it be possible.

"I'll go and boil another pot!" Long Xilan said calmly.

"How can you let the lady do this kind of work, let's do it as a servant!" Qing Lian resolutely disagreed.

Yan Ting at the side said: "Let's go on as a subordinate, the kitchen subordinates in the prince's courtyard are the most familiar!"

Long Xilan took a look at him, she was very capable and alert, and she was still the prince's confidant, she had nothing to worry about, so she nodded!

Then she turned her head and said to Qinglian: "Go and watch in the room, the prince wakes up and calls me!"

Qinglian lowered her head, she didn't blame herself for knocking over the teapot, when she heard her orders, she obediently nodded and went in to guard it!
Only Long Xilan in the blue cloak was left in the courtyard. She sighed softly towards the dark sky outside the eaves, and the vague words echoed in her mind again.

"Ji Hai doesn't want anything... Let's go far away..."

Even the unsmiling and unsmiling Prince Xu gave up all fame and fortune just for one person's heart.I don't know, did he say this to Miss Ning's family, or did she marry into another country before she could say it?

Then, she remembered what Ji Jinjiang and Mo Gongyi said that night in Chunmanlou.

If there were no words about the future that Ji Jinjiang said later, that frivolous prince like an eagle would have resolutely taken his beloved away and flew away?However, power, glory and wealth are the most breathtaking after all. As a carefree and carefree son of a dragon, he may not understand, but when Xi Lan is really in this place, he seems to Feel it!

She didn't stand alone for a long time, she took a few steps to the yard, took some snow with a brocade handkerchief, and went back to the cabin.

Qinglian really obediently guarded the prince, and when she heard her open the door, she looked over with her cute little face.

"Qinglian, come out!" Long Xilan stood behind the curtain and called softly.

Qinglian immediately walked out with light steps. "Miss, what is your order for calling Qinglian?"

"Pull up your sleeves." She lowered her head and said softly, with a calm expression.

The other party didn't move with low self-esteem, so she insisted on stretching out her hand to expose it. On the back of Qinglian's hand, it was scalded by hot boiling water, it was scalded quite red, and there was a blister. When her hand touched the wound, Qinglian suffered from pain. She frowned, but didn't cry out the pain.

Long Xilan pulled her to a chair and sat down, and gently applied the burnt area with a brocade handkerchief wrapped in snow, without saying anything.

Qinglian's eyes sparkled, and immediately became moist, and said in a choked voice: "Miss is so kind to Qinglian!"

She didn't answer, she didn't let go of the girl's hand.

"Miss, you will be rewarded!" Without hearing her answer, Qinglian said this on her own.

Long Xilan's eyeliner slightly raised, good reward?The Long family's life is lonely, how can it be rewarded?
Li Huai in the inner compartment had already slept for a while, and his mouth was dry. In his sleep, he dreamed of looking for water to drink. When he woke up, he saw Long Xilan rubbing hands for the girl through the bead curtain, and for a moment he forgot that his mouth was dry. My tongue is dry!There is only that kind girl in her eyes, looking down and doing things carefully.

It was when Yan Ting came in with freshly boiled water that he realized and moved his body. Long Xilan immediately noticed that he was awake, and asked Qinglian to apply it herself, and she got up and went over.

"Is the prince thirsty?"

Yan Ting followed in with a teapot, and when he saw Wang Ye's sick face, he felt very happy, it's really a good time to be sick!The army of the royal family in the yard was talking after dinner and dinner, when their master Bingshan would be conquered by the beautiful and smart lady general, and even bet with money, Yan Ting himself bet ten taels of wine money, the prince will surely Fallen, no, the opportunity has come, my little wine!

It may be that he was too obvious, his smile was on the bird's nest, even if Li Huai was sick, he saw through his little thoughts!

I asked him, "Have you had a drink?"

Yan Ting immediately jumped up cheekily, offering the teapot with both hands: "My lord, drink water!"

For a moment, Long Xilan didn't know what kind of bureaucratic tone these two were playing, so she took the pot and poured a glass.

She was going to drink it directly for Li Huai, but when she felt the cup was too hot, she took it back.

Li Huai was so thirsty that he had to stare at him with both eyes.

"Too hot!" she explained.

Even when Li Huai swallowed, he felt his throat hurt and felt uncomfortable, so he could only stare when he heard her so plainly.

Long Xilan knew that he wanted to say something urgently, so she held the cup and blew hot air gently on her mouth.

Yan Ting, who was standing aside and hadn't left yet, saw the thoughtful scene, his eyes widened!
This, this... After the two meals tomorrow, Wang Fujun will have something to talk about!

"Are you still going out?" Li Huai asked him hoarsely with a cold face.

"That's right, this subordinate will leave!" He then walked out quickly with the long sword at his waist twirled!
Only Long Xilan and Li Huai were left in the inner room, she handed the water glass to each other, and said softly: "My lord can't see the wind, so just stay indoors for a few days!"

"It's okay, this king is already much better!" Li Huai rarely fell ill, he just recovered from the illness, and didn't take the cold seriously.

Long Xilan didn't say any more, waiting for him to finish drinking the water, she wanted to get up and go out.

"Jin Hua!" Li Huai called her hoarsely.

"Huh?" She looked back.

"The cook will not be sent to Dali Temple tomorrow. If you want to find out the truth yourself, I can send someone to assist you."

Long Xilan's eyes lit up. Li Huai, who doesn't change his mind easily, actually changed his mind and gave her such great power?
She hurriedly lowered her head, and replied as if it was inappropriate: "Isn't that good? Jin Hua is just a guest from another hospital..."

"That day when the king gave you the phoenix hairpin, he already regarded you as his concubine, so you are not a guest here!"

But—the hostess!

At this moment, Long Xilan's unprepared eyes flashed with throbbing light, she thought that she would not be moved, at least, the former Mr. Long would not!
(End of this chapter)

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