Chapter 73

Everyone was startled, especially Li Huai and the emperor, who were about to rush in immediately.

Zi Xuyuan blocked the front in a matter of seconds, and stopped him: "Your Majesty, Prince Xu, wait a minute, the time has not yet come!"

As soon as his voice fell, several long swords around him had already fallen on his neck.

"Your Majesty, keep people under the sword!" Long Xilan exclaimed, knowing that Zi Xuyuan's next move might separate her head from her body, so she naturally stepped forward to stop her.

In the end, he was grabbed by Li Huai! "The point of the knife has no eyes, why are you rushing up?"

She looked anxiously, only to see Li Huai's eyes were sullen, but she couldn't sit idly by.

Immediately pleaded weakly: "My lord, of course Mr. Long will not harm his concubine mother. Please also ask your lord to intercede with the emperor so that you don't hurt Mr. Long!"

Li Huai's expression changed, and he was a little more unhappy because of the worry in her words.

"My concubine really thinks about Mr. Long! If this king doesn't do something, it will be hard to say!"

Xi Lan's heart tightened, knowing that he was really angry this time!

Here, Zi Xuyuan didn't panic when he saw so many swords around his neck at once, he spread his hands and said helplessly: "If the emperor doesn't want to listen to the grass people, there is nothing the grass people can do! However, this door is open, Everything I have done today will be in vain, what will be the situation at that time, I hope the emperor will think twice—"

The emperor listened attentively, and Concubine Yu Gui stopped screaming in the hall.

Hearing what Zi Xuyuan said, he didn't dare to go in rashly. When he was in a dilemma, he had to ask angrily: "Mr. Long! What happened in there? Why did Concubine Yu scream?"

He sighed and replied: "The imperial concubine didn't follow Cao Min's instructions and opened her eyes hastily. Naturally, she screamed because she saw something she shouldn't have seen!"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the emperor asked again: "Then when can I go in?"

He raised his head and pointed to the sword on his neck: "Xudelong has two free hands, come to open the gate of the palace?"

This request is not too much, too much!
"Retreat all!"

Habayashi guards all put away their weapons and retreated neatly to the side.

Zi Xuyuan's body was free, and his eyes swept over Long Xilan's side, and when he saw her hand being held by Li Huai, he immediately moved away!
He stood upright outside the two palace gates, when he raised one hand, a yellow paper talisman appeared in his finger, he just said a word 'go' lightly, the talisman paper was in his hand, and it ignited !
Everyone was amazed, and Long Xilan was also a little impressed.

Unexpectedly, the brat with the big tongue back then would have practiced the art of controlling transformation so purely that if it were her, she might not be able to easily ignite this boundary-crossing talisman.

What is an out-of-bounds character?To do a ritual similar to the Alternation of Death Curse, the entire ceremony must be sealed. It is a process of making a deal with the ghost who cast the curse, so no living people can enter. The second is that there are other irrelevant living people, which will disrupt the aura of the ceremony, so the whole place is sealed, and three red incense sticks are lit outside the ceremony, and the burning shape of the red incense can be seen to judge the situation of the ceremony transaction. If someone breaks the ceremony in the middle, the cursed person will die suddenly on the spot.

Therefore, Zi Xuyuan recklessly blocked the way just now.

Long Xilan was so frightened that she almost drew her sword to face each other, but luckily the emperor didn't rush in at the critical moment.

Now, using this out-of-bounds talisman to form a battle, and dealing with ghosts, is inseparable from the fire, so this Taoist person has practiced this kind of transformation technique, burning talismans with bare hands, stealing beams and changing posts, and watching things from behind walls are all common .

And like Zi Xuyuan, he is already at the level of a master!

Now, the door is open!
The emperor rushed in first, followed by Li Huai, and when Long Xilan entered, she only saw Concubine Yu sitting on the edge of the bed in shock.

And just now, those black rabbits held by Zi Xuyuan were all pierced with steel needles so that blood flowed freely, and they died grimly!
Seeing this, the emperor hurried over to hug Concubine Yu Gui: "Don't be afraid, Zhen'er, I'm here..."

In Xi Lan's heart, she sighed a little, the emperor really cherished Concubine Yu Guifei, and Concubine Yu Guifei was completely stuck there, her eyes couldn't find a focus, she hugged the emperor's arm, and said: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty... ... Zhen'er will definitely live up to your trust, Zhen'er has always been..."

"I know, I know, I'm here, no one can hurt you!"

Li Huai stood silently. Although it was his cold face, Xi Lan could still feel that he was moved by the scene of his parents.He turned his face, his attitude had changed, and his tone was a little more respectful and he asked Zi Xuyuan: "What's the matter with these rabbits?"

Zi Xuyuan was so calm that he stayed out of the matter, and when asked, he easily replied: "The noble concubine has been cursed to death, the grass people can only use these rabbits to continue her life."

Therefore, these rabbits died for the imperial concubine!
Concubine Yu Gui, who was supposed to be pierced by steel nails, opened her eyes just now and saw the process of these rabbits dying. After he died, he became like this after being afraid.

Li Huai asked again: "Then is this murder over?"

Zi Xuyuan shook his head: "No, it's just the beginning!"

After hearing this, the emperor raised his head slowly, with a puzzled expression on his face. "Young Master Long, how could it be just the beginning? Haven't these rabbits already replaced Aifei?"

"This death curse has been cast. To save the noble concubine, the curse must be undone. However, before the grassroots can find a way to break the curse, they must first help the noble concubine survive. These rabbits are only temporarily protecting the noble concubine's life! "Zi Xuyuan explained carefully.

After getting this answer, the emperor became impatient: "If there weren't these rabbits just now, the one who was stabbed to death by the steel needle... Mr. Long, hurry up and find a way to break this death curse. No matter what you want, I will promise you! "

What the emperor can give is nothing more than gold and silver treasures, Zi Xuyuan is not interested in those vulgar things!
Looking at Xi Lan from the corner of his eye, he thought, you agree to whatever I want, then I will take your daughter-in-law away, will you agree?allow?
Of course you don't allow it, you might want my head right away!
He sighed, and replied: "Your Majesty, it is not easy to unravel this curse. You have to wait until the time of Haishi, when Long will perform a ritual ceremony."

"What kind of ceremony?"

Zi Xuyuan glanced at the people in the hall, most of them were the emperor and Li Huai's close servants.

Because there was a lot of commotion in the palace at the moment, everyone knew that there was something dirty in Luxi Pavilion, and the masters of all the palaces avoided it. Only Chang Le came, but was stopped by the emperor.

"To break the death curse, you must find the person who cast the curse."

It's people begging people, it's ghosts begging ghosts!
Therefore, this ceremony is of course a ghost summoning!

Zi Xuyuan didn't want to say it out, and scared the old and the young in the palace, so he didn't say anything later.

The emperor nodded and replied: "Since Mr. Long is doing a ritual, he can find the person who cast the curse. It's really great. Mr. Long will definitely bring this person to me, and I will peel his skin!"

The emperor was so angry that his concubine was tortured and frightened, and it was not an exaggeration to peel her skin.

But the murderer has no skin to peel, how do you peel it?

Zi Xuyuan thought about it, but he just laughed it off, and after a while, he said: "Since the emperor said that no matter what the grass people ask, he will agree, so the grass people will boldly make some requests, and the grass people don't want others to disturb the ceremony in Haishi. , In addition, the Caomin needs Princess Xu to condescend to be the Caomin's helper!"

"No!" Li Huai flatly refused, his face sank again!
Seeing him like this, Xi Lan didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Seeing Aizi's reaction so fiercely, the emperor felt rather embarrassed, and said, "Young Master Long, there are everyone in this palace? It's not right for the princess to do such a thing!"

Zi Xuyuan didn't mean to challenge this time, it's really just looking for a needle in a haystack by recruiting ghosts this time, he wants to set up a formation to recruit ghosts and invite countless ghosts, he must get the help of Xi Lan's psychic skills, otherwise he will be fine White move!

He is also a master who is not afraid of death, his expression remains unchanged, he lowers his head and emphasizes in a deep voice: "The emperor keeps his promises, and the grassroots believe that the emperor will never go back on what he says!"

(End of this chapter)

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