The psychic Xi ​​Lan

Chapter 76 Chicken Blood White Candle Lamp

Chapter 76 Chicken Blood White Candle Lamp

She looked back in astonishment, Li Huai's handsome face with distinct features, was illuminated by the setting sun and had a deeper outline.

Sometimes, Xi Lan really wanted to see this face, but at other times, she was afraid of seeing the barrier of respecting each other on that face.

"It's really the prince..." Although she was no longer surprised, she couldn't avoid the surprise on her face.

She asked Li Huai to go to the internal servants to check the list of palace servants who were implicated in the wooden figure case and executed 15 years ago.

And this list is in hand now, Yan Ting brought this list in such a short time, it is obviously a list that has been prepared long ago.

33 names represent 33 innocent souls.

If it wasn't for fraud, Li Huai would have had this list a long time ago.

But why did Li Huai already have this list?
The answer soon appeared in Xi Lan's mind. Li Huai had been secretly investigating the wooden man case long before this, right?
Did he investigate Concubine Yu Gui?Xi Lan didn't dare to ask, and seemed to have an answer in her heart.

"Jin Hua, this is the list you want. Every name on it is fine!" Li Huai knew what she was thinking about at this moment, but he didn't want to say more.

Since he didn't mention it, Xi Lan shouldn't mention it either, so she nodded and smiled and replied, "Then take the brocade painting to Mr. Long!"

The moment she turned around, Li Huai grabbed her back and reminded her softly, "It's time for dinner now!"

When she realized it, she suddenly felt embarrassed, and sometimes she would forget that she was a princess at the moment, and she was really afraid that one day she would not pay attention and say something wrong in front of Li Huai.


For dinner, there were only the two of them, and the whole table was filled with delicacies from the palace, but Xi Lan didn't have much appetite, and kept thinking in her mind, when Li Huai learned that the person who carved her name on the wooden figurine , is my mother and concubine, what kind of mood do you feel?

Even though, the concubine mother didn't really want to harm him, but just borrowed his order to get rid of those 33 innocent palace servants!
She never doubted that Li Huai's heart was pure and kind. It could be said that this was the brightest spot Xi Lan saw from him, so she could feel the powerlessness and shame that came from him.

As a dignified and elegant prince in the eyes of others, his ups and downs in life are unimaginable. Therefore, Xi Lan always feels that she understands his calm and restrained appearance, just like she bears her father's hope to pass on the Longmen.

She also often thought that if she met Li Huai honestly and drank and talked freely like they did in Xuefengding Cave, Li Huai would also understand her, know her, and reward her, right?

"What are you thinking? You don't even have a good meal!" Xi Lan kept lowering her head to eat, and Li Huai who was opposite her had been paying attention to her for a long time!
She raised her head, licked her lips, and explained, "I'm eating!"

Li Huai sat upright, with his straight waist, as if tied to a steel rod, staring at her job that had been ripped open, and asked with a smile, "Do you like to eat plain rice?"

After asking, he put another piece of meat in her bowl.

Xi Lan didn't know how to answer, so she just lowered her head and murmured softly: "Dining with the prince is the same as eating anything."

Even if it is full of delicacies, it is not as attractive as the person in front of you. Isn't everything the same?

Li Huai was speechless, and after a while, he worriedly asked, "Can you really do the ceremony at Haishi?"

She didn't rush to answer, she just stared at Li Huai's bright and deep eyes and asked: "If, Jin Hua is saying that if, Jin Hua can be like Mr. Long, who knows all these Taoist things like the back of his hand, what will happen to the prince?"

Li Huai frowned, and asked very seriously: "Are you really going to make him your teacher?"

Seeing this reaction, she quickly took it back, "No, Jin Hua is just asking, if that is the case, what will the prince think of Jin Hua?"

The other party didn't even think about it, and sneered: "Princess Xu, why don't you go up to the mountain and become a Taoist nun if you want to engage in these tricks and tricks?"

Xi Lan was choked up, the prince's prejudice against their profession was as deep as the ocean, even if he saw it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears, he would not change his opinion!

She lowered her head and said sullenly: "If one day the prince doesn't want Jin Hua, Jin Hua will really go up the mountain to become a Taoist nun!"

"What did you say?" Li Huai couldn't help but be surprised when he heard that, she couldn't tell the truth, could she?

Xi Lan shook her head, "Nothing!"

To her, she was no longer a Taoist priest!
After that, the two of them ate in silence, thinking about each other.

After finishing her meal, Xi Lan rested in the side hall for a while, and finally waited until Haishi.

In the entire Luxi Pavilion, those who should have been cleared away have already been cleared away.

Li Huai, his father-in-law and guards all moved outside the Luxi Pavilion, Xi Lan sent them outside the hall, ready to go in to find Zi Xuyuan, Li Huai immediately called her to stop, "Jin Hua, take this!"

He took off a white jade Guanyin from his neck, which he had brought with him since he was born. His concubine often said that this Guanyin was highly spiritual and protected him from disasters many times. He never believed that he could live to this day. It was thanks to the blessing of Guanyin, but tonight, he hoped that this Guanyin could really protect the person who carried it, as the concubine mother said.

He put Avalokitesvara in Xi Lan's hands, not knowing what else to say, he just repeated to tell her to be more careful.

"My lord, Jin Hua will be fine!" Xi Lan assured him, then naturally tiptoed and kissed him lightly on the lips.

The other party didn't expect that she would suddenly kiss him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then saw her walk in and close the door!

The place where Zi Xuyuan chose to practice his affairs happened to be on the high platform where the gate of the courtyard enters.

Two bonfires were lit on both sides of the high platform, and they had been burning since dark.

On both sides of the bonfire, there are two ghost banners, one black and one white.

Time was running out, and Long Xilan knew it very well, so when she walked towards the high platform, she took off the hair ornaments on her bun, put them all away and put them aside.

She also couldn't wear this flashy and gorgeous robe, she took it off at the same time, and put on the black and white gossip magic robe that Zi Xuyuan had prepared long ago.

"We don't need to recruit ghosts!" Putting on the magic robe, she seemed to be a different person, with bright eyes and a heroic spirit.

Zi Xuyuan wasn't surprised, knowing that she must have found a clue from Concubine Yu Gui this afternoon, and immediately took the brush and ink, as well as the name tag made of bamboo, and placed it on the altar: "Name!"

Xi Lan took out the silk handkerchief with the names of 33 people on it, and read: "Cai Wenxiang, Cao Min, Chen Fengyue..."

A name tag is written with a name, so in the end, there will be 33 name tags.

They will draw a huge gossip on a high platform with ink, arrange these dozens of nameplates in a gossip circle, light eight white lanterns around them, put half a bowl of chicken blood in front of each nameplate, and put half a bowl of chicken blood in the bowl. Stand a white candle, do not have to light it.

But in the middle of the writing, a strong wind suddenly came, and the surrounding soul streamers swayed from side to side, and it would be broken after a while.

The hearts of both of them tightened, Zi Xuyuan quickly put down his pen, "You write!"

After finishing speaking, he stood in front of the altar, took out the Sanqing Ling, raised it over his head and shook it quickly, and said in his mouth: "Kemen Jing, Kemen Jing, Kemen Jing to Avalokitesvara, the Eight Great Vajras walk in front, the four magic talismans Then he followed, holding the king of Tota Li on the left, and the Taishang Laojun on the right, kicked and hummed, the blood demon turned into dust, one talisman and two Buddhas, oh Amitabha, I beg the Taishang Laojun to be in a hurry !"

After reading it, the strong wind stopped abruptly.

The surroundings returned to the previous tranquility, and Xi Lan had already written the rest of her name on the nameplate in seal script.

Two people arranged the porcelain bowls, killed several roosters and poured blood into 33 porcelain bowls, arranged them along the line, and put down the nameplates one by one.

The two sat back to back in the gossip universe.

Amidst the crisp sound of the three clear bells, the two silently recited the incantation.

Immediately there was a strong wind blowing around again, the two of them sat still, the wind only lasted for a moment, and then, like before, it suddenly stopped!
The spells continued to come out of the mouths of the two, and then an incredible scene happened.

The white candle in the chicken blood bowl lit up without anyone lighting it!
However, this is not uncommon for the two of Zilong. Turning on a light will attract a ghost.

So, next, the surrounding white candles lit up one by one!

What Xi Lan, who has psychic eyes, saw was the soul of the dead who died tragically behind the candlelight, and Zi Xuyuan judged the soul of the dead through the candlelight.

Seeing these dead souls wearing palace uniforms from 15 years ago appearing in front of them one by one, Xi Lan's speed of chanting slowed down. Among these palace people, except for the maids and eunuchs, judging from the appearance of their spirit bodies, they were all killed , a lot of the tongue fell on the chin, and the eyeballs bulged out.

But at this moment, her mind is not on the miserable appearance of these dead souls at all, because there is a chicken blood lamp, which is not lit no matter what.

She stood up, looked at the name on the name tag, and shouted three times: "Chen Fengyue! Chen Fengyue! Chen Fengyue!"

The remaining 32 dead souls have all arrived. Why is this one named Chen Fengyue taking so long to arrive?
Zi Xuyuan saw that she couldn't call Chen Fengyue for a long time, so he whispered to her: "Don't worry about it so much, look here, is there any murderer who cast a curse!"

After finishing speaking, he got up and read out the past and present, and put the wooden figure with the name 'Yu Zhenqi' written in blood on the ground.

"Ask the gods and ask the ghosts, ask the ghosts and ask the gods, whoever's blood is whose blood, let the cursed ghost claim it quickly!"

San Qingling shook above his head, Zi Xuyuan recited it eight times in a row, and the white candles around him were no different.

Seeing this, they can be sure that among the 32 dead souls, there is no murderous ghost who cast a curse!

But since the souls of the dead were attracted, they naturally wanted to send them on their way. Zi Xuyuan took out yellow paper money from the corner of his sleeve and scattered them into the sky.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, yang life is over, yin life continues, soul dies, soul dies, ghosts pass, bull's head and horse's face lead to another life..."

"Wait a minute!" Xi Lanshen shouted.

Zi Xuyuan's voice also stopped, and he turned his head to look at her.

In the dark night, the light from the bonfire illuminated her extraordinary handsome face.

She said: "I want to see what happened to them before they were alive?"

Zi Xuyuan hesitated, and reminded: "If there is no one we are looking for, why do you go to psychic?"

It's fine to waste your mana, every psychic channeling actually carries a risk, for example, the evil spirit in her hands and body.

"Since you want to save them, you must know why they died, right?"

The other party didn't want to refute her, so he allowed her.

She didn't ask these ghosts if they were willing this time, she walked to the chicken blood white candle lamp in front of her, closed her eyes, and gently touched the forehead of the undead.

In the dark night, it was split by lightning, and the blood flowed all over the floor. There were piles of corpses piled up in a room, so hideous. The dead appearance of those corpses looked familiar. Where had she seen them?
Suddenly, there was nothing in front of my eyes, and all 32 chicken blood candles went out together.

Both of them were startled, how could all the dead souls who were about to be saved suddenly retreat?

"The patriarch passed down the order, the king kong lined up on both sides, and the soul-detaining disease of thousands of miles, return to the original position quickly! The soul-detaining disease of thousands of miles, return to the original position quickly!"

This soul curse can summon the soul back to its place!
But Zi Xuyuan read a few times, but there was no movement.

He was about to open his mouth to read again, Xi Lan grabbed his sleeve robe with one hand, "Shhh!"

At this moment, a gust of wind came from the pavement, and the two of them covered their cheeks with their sleeves at the same time, so that their eyes were not covered by the wind and sand. After the wind passed, the two of them looked around again, and couldn't help being shocked again!
The chicken blood candle is lit!
However, it is not the 32 lamps!
It was the chicken blood candle with the name 'Chen Fengyue' written on it!
Seeing this, Zi Xuyuan sighed inwardly, what a vicious ghost!When ghosts hear about it, they retreat, and when people see it, they get angry!

It was him who started the battle, so he naturally bore the brunt of it. He put Sanqingling on his waist, drew out the money sword, pointed it at the chicken blood candle, and shouted his name: "Chen Fengyue! Chen Fengyue!"

After Xi Lan stared at the chicken blood candle, she said in a deep voice: "Stop shouting, it's not Chen Fengyue who came!"

She was so sure, naturally she saw the appearance of the fierce spirit coming, Zi Xuyuan's heart tightened suddenly, it wasn't Chen Fengyue who came, so who was it?
(End of this chapter)

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