Chapter 52

Being used to being picked up by him, Su Qing didn't bother to resist, since it wasn't someone else anyway.

Seeing the male god stepping out of the car door, Xu Rong quickly unbuckled her seat belt and rushed in front of him.

"Oh, I forgot." Shuzimo took out a red card of Grandpa Mao from his pocket and handed it to her, "This is your reward."

This money made Xu Rong feel insulted. She was not short of such a small amount of money. If it wasn't for the male god, how could she let her car carry people.

But still not angry, maybe the male god is too upright.

With a smiling face, "Brother Ming, I don't want the money, please leave me your contact information, and go out for tea together when you have time."

Brother Ming?Su Qing began to hold back the urge to laugh again, winked at Shuzimo, and imitated Xu Rong's mouth shape of Brother Ming.

Shuzimo's face darkened, "I'm sorry. I don't have a mobile phone, and I don't drink tea. Thank you for your kindness, ma'am. We have to leave first."

Saying that, he pulled Su Qing to walk forward quickly.

This is the truth, Su Qing knows that he doesn't have a mobile phone, and he doesn't drink tea but red wine.

Xu Rong's face was a little distorted. Anyone who knew anything knew that drinking tea was just a polite way, and she wanted to associate with him.

He stared fiercely in the direction they were leaving, two people who didn't know what was good or bad.Why don't you just look better, and you don't even have a car, so what are you pretending to do!

He was so angry that he kicked the tires of the car to be discouraged, and then drove away.

"Where are we going? We haven't reached the city yet, why get off so early."

Being dragged by Shuzimo all the way, Su Qing was not used to it at first, and she was usually the one who dragged him away.

"Use your brains. There's a 4S store in front of you. Let's buy a car and drive back by ourselves. That woman is noisier than you."

Shuzimo raised his head again, looking at her with contempt.

"How do you know that there is a 4S store here?" And the modern knowledge is acquired so quickly, so you can change flexibly so quickly.

"Hmph! Do you think everyone is as stupid as you!"

Shu Zimo ridiculed unabashedly, he used his spiritual sense to connect to the network.The navigation and situation of the road conditions here are all in his mind.

"..." Well, after learning modern knowledge, his ability to ridicule people is getting stronger and stronger.Woohoo, she misses Ye Hua who is as warm as light.

An hour later, a very flamboyant Ferrari raced fast on the road.

But the car drove like a snake, crooked, extremely fast, and suddenly stopped.

"Shuzimo, come down. You are the one who drives like this. Fortunately, this place is far away from the urban area, and there are very few vehicles, otherwise they would all be bumped into each other." Su Qing's seat belt was dangling, Speech breaks.

While speaking, the yard speed began to soar to almost two hundred yards again.The scenery on both sides quickly receded, blurred to the point where it was hard to see clearly.The wind poured into the ears, buzzing.

Shuzimo was extremely calm, his eyes were fixed on the front, but his speed did not decrease at all.

"Don't worry, my lord has good skills, don't want it. I can still open it with one hand."

As he said that, he was about to let go of the steering wheel with one hand, and stepped on the accelerator all the way to the bottom.

"Get out! Be honest the first time you drive. If something goes wrong, you will stay in your castle for the rest of your life and don't come out. If you come out, you will harm people's lives."

Su Qing is not the kind of person who is particularly compassionate, but try not to implicate the innocent, once a car or a person hits at this speed, someone will die.There may be a series of car accidents, more people will die, and more families will be implicated.

"You think I look like you, with uncoordinated hands and feet."

Shu Zimo said that Su Qing really wanted to beat him up so badly, this guy would feel uncomfortable if his mouth was not a little bit poisonous, wouldn't he?

Something went wrong, hum.

(End of this chapter)

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