Glamour star

Chapter 115 Playing Games Has So Much Drama

Chapter 115 Playing Games Has So Much Drama

Our side: Top Lane Swordsman, Jungle Blind Sin, Mid Lane Crow, ADC Delevingne, Support Robot.

Enemies: top laner Alligator, jungler Mantis, mid laner Yasuo, ADC Lucian, support bullhead.

Just now, the WAG team is still playing Yang Fan's hero, and they have dealt with the robbery in the previous game and released Sword Demon, but Yang Fan will not play Sword Demon first, and it is better to play a round of Crow. After all, it is not easy to fight if they are all ADs High explosive, so the crow's choice is very essence.

Ge Jinghong's Ruiwen was taken down, but he still has a lot of top laners who can play. Jian Ji and Ruiwen are his natal heroes, but if there is one thing to say, it is Ruiwen, and his Ruiwen has played beyond the realm.

There is no need to do the hero blind monk, just choose it directly.

But Ji Tiantian chose Delevingne, which made the four of Yang Fan stunned.

She doesn't seem to play this hero very much. She only played two in the previous month's training. At that time, they were all playing their own, but they didn't pay attention.

However, as a support, Han Beibei naturally knew how Ji Tiantian was doing as a hero.

Han Beibei said into the headset: "She is a hero who can play well. It is not a problem to catch the axe. I think she should be able to suppress the opponent's bottom lane."

Hearing what he said, several people nodded, as long as they are steady, they can win.

I hope Ji Tiantian can perform well.

After all, the hero Draven is still very powerful.

The opposing lineup is also very strong, and Yasuo was selected in the mid laner. This is to show off Yang Fan.

But the crow is still worthwhile against Yasuo.

After the game started, the screen of Yang Fan and his team's battle appeared again on the big central screen, which seemed to be intentional.

It may also be because of Yang Fan's great reputation, which can increase the interest of the audience.

All other teams have also entered the game at this moment.

The second knockout round is still very important. Once won, it is likely to advance to the group stage.

There has been some progress on the road of responsibility.

After all, the annual knockout rounds are very cruel. Even if you win two games this year, you might not be able to win even one game next year.

This game is like this. The older the player is, the more difficult it is to play the game, and the thinking cannot keep up with the operation. Compared with young people, it should not be too LOW.

This is why older people can no longer play professionally, because the reaction and operation are not good enough.

Although this parallel world advocates that everyone can participate in professional leagues, there are not many in the end.

After entering the game, it is still the station, which is already the opening route of all high-end games.

I don’t know how to play a first-level group, because once someone gets the head or turns in the summoner skills, the one who takes the head will take off, and the one who turns in the summoner skills will be crazily targeted.

Yang Fan said: "Don't use the jungler to help me, try to help the middle and top, I can kill him alone."

When I first entered the game, I was stunned by the skin of the Crow Demon King. It is so cool, it gives people a feeling that no grass grows wherever the crow goes.

Yang Fan, the hero of Crow, doesn't play much, every time he sees this skin, he will be amazed.

As for the hero skin of Kayn, I don’t know what to do. This is a jungle hero, and Yang Fan has almost never used it.

Mao Xiaofeng said: "Let's see the situation. If you can catch him, you still have to catch him."

A jungler can't break his rhythm, try to help the advantage lane, help the person who can help Kerry, and control Xiaolong well.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Okay, follow your own pace, solve this round quickly, and then go home."

The word home is indeed inspiring. Everyone has the mentality of going home, and home is also a warm harbor.

In addition, it is already afternoon, and I really need to go home for dinner.

Ji Tiantian rolled up her sleeves and said, "It's up to me in this round. I, Delevingne, am not a vegetarian. During school, besides the policewoman, he was my second natal hero."

Mao Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Okay, I'm waiting for you."

As I speak here, the game has been running for 3 minutes.

Yasuo on the opposite side is indeed very handsome, E comes and E goes, it's annoying to watch.

But now Yang Fan's IQ has improved a lot, and his charm is added, and his operation is more delicate and refined.

After inducing Yasuo to use up his W Wind Wall skill, he threw an E directly and accurately, pulling Yasuo back, and then received W Devil's Eye and Q skills, consuming a little HP.

But he has a blood bottle, so he won't go home.

It's a small advantage.

At least Yasuo didn't go back and forth like before, he didn't dare to show off again, wouldn't the blind man be finished once he came out?

Once he dies once, his Yasuo is useless.

A well-deserved backer.

The sword girl on the road is very fierce. Whenever she has a chance, she will Q up and fight the crocodile. As a strong one-on-one hero, it is very easy to fight the crocodile.

Now the crocodile is hiding under the tower and dare not come out.

The same routine as the previous game, the blind monk went around and entered the grass again to prevent the opponent's jungler from coming.Sure enough, no one could stand the temptation, and even though Jian Ji deliberately suppressed it, Mantis still came.Mao Xiaofeng sighed: "You can't blame me for this, you're not good at being a jungler."

The mantis came from the river, and the crocodile followed him no longer, ready to outflank Sword Fairy.

The praying mantis didn't jump up immediately, but walked up.

Mao Xiaofeng said: "Who will be killed this time?"

Praying mantis has E skill and flash, it may not be able to kill.

After all, the two of them have no control, and Jian Ji's W may not be able to stun nausea.

As long as the crocodile does not release the W skill, he cannot be stunned.

Ge Jinghong said: "Let's kill the crocodile first, he's half blood, he will die if I have the same skills as you."

Mao Xiaofeng nodded in agreement.

Just when the two were about to make a move, a good news came from the lower road.

Foster is more than a wave, and takes a blood.

It's a two-on-two kill, very powerful.

Ji Tiantian raised the corner of her mouth and smiled and said, "Am I okay?"

Han Beibei: "It's my assistance. Without my hook, you can't kill it."

Ji Tiantian defended: "It was my ax that caught it well."

Han Beibei: "I hooked it."

Ji Tiantian: "I was the one who dealt enough damage, and used up the flash."

Han Beibei: "I hooked it."

Ji Tiantian: "..."

"You are poisonous. Can you care about girls?"

Han Beibei smiled and said, "I want to care for love, but some people don't allow it!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the person who was killing the crocodile.

Mao Xiaofeng was speechless, playing a game with so many scenes?
Can you respect your opponent?
Ji Tiantian got blood, and the crocodile on the road was also beaten to death, and even handed in a flash.

The blind man is a real veteran, he is just waiting for the crocodile to show up with a second Q!
The mantis was so frightened that he peed, and jumped away the moment the blind man appeared.

A decisive one.

This time the blind man had an advantage again, and he no longer wanted to play against the mantis. He would fight casually in the wild, even if the mantis was passive, it would be useless, because the blind man was one level higher than him at this moment.

With the advantages of bottom lane and top lane, the balance of fairness has tilted again.

The stadium audience cheered again, all excited.

All of them shouted loudly, and there were all kinds of things to shout about.

So much so that the three letters TST appeared on the fluorescent toys in the hands of the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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