Glamour star

Chapter 119 The Knockout Tournament Ends

Chapter 119 The Knockout Tournament Ends (Ticket Request)
After Wang Meili registered, Yang Fan and the other five sat on their seats, waiting for the game to start.

The gymnasium was still full of people, and it was still a bit noisy at the moment.

Today is the third knockout round, and we will advance from 250 teams.

Almost all of them won two games in a row, even if they won one game and lost one game, they would be eliminated directly.

So these 250 teams are all capable.

Winning two games in a row can illustrate this problem.

Wang Meili came over and said: "The team you are playing against is called GOT team, which means the god of the universe. They have real strength to win two games in a row, so you should not be careless. You can't lose even one knockout match. If you lose It’s gone, so you guys have to take it seriously.”

Yang Fan nodded and said, "We have no problem."

Now Yang Fan is very confident, ten times more confident than before. His IQ is almost monstrous, comparable to that of Einstein, and his understanding and operation of games will be top-notch.

So now he is not afraid of any opponent.

Even if Brother Li came, Yang Fan was sure to defeat him.

Listening to Yang Fan's confident answer, Wang Meili also smiled. When she woke up this morning, she found that Yang Fan was different again. As for the difference, it was his temperament and charm. He seemed to be more handsome, which made her feel a little unworthy. On Yang Fan.

It seems that wherever he goes, he shines. This is the legendary top man.

Ji Tiantian, Mao Xiaofeng, Ge Jinghong, and Han Beibei are all fine.

In the first two games, they crushed their opponents in the form of ranking. It was entirely due to their personal strength, and they did not use their team operations.

However, a few people think that only when they meet a real opponent will they play seriously.

Wang Meili nodded, and then went to the registration office.

At this moment, the gymnasium is full of people, and it looks densely packed. One can imagine how popular this game is.

So many people came to watch even the knockout match.

When it comes to the strong finals in the future, I don't know how many people there will be.

I'm afraid a ticket can sell for two or three thousand.

When the CEO of Tencent Group came to speak on stage, the noisy voices quieted down.

The young CEO smiled and said: "Today is the second day of the knockout round, which is the day when the team advances. I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the team that won two games. Being able to reach the third game proves that you have real strength. As for the teams that were eliminated in the previous two games, I would like to say that there are plenty of opportunities, don’t be discouraged, and fight again in the next year, now I announce the official start of the knockout round, please be prepared.”

After the CEO finished speaking, the audience applauded unanimously, and the fluorescent cards of some teams were also raised and waved to show cheers.

The referee in charge of the battle is also in place, ready to start.

All Clans' players have keyboards and mice installed and are ready to start.

Normally, everyone is nervous. After all, it is not easy to win two games. If you lose the third game, your mentality will definitely collapse. As for whether you have confidence in next year, you don't know.

After the game started, the opposite GOT team looked very ugly. Although you have been contacted for two games, you have some strength, but compared with Yang Fan and his team, they are not good.

Their personal strength alone crushed them, and Yang Fan, the big boss, was simply unlucky.

They even felt that there was no need to fight, and it was fine to surrender.

But as a fan of League of Legends, if you don't even dare to fight, you will be laughed at in the future.

So I can only choose to fight, even if I lose, no one will say anything.

Yang Fan was playing Sword Demon this time, and the opponent didn't do anything. He felt that this hero had been cut several times, and he wasn't that strong.

They also think so psychologically.

But in fact, we all know that there are no weak heroes, only weak players.

Ge Jinghong, the top laner, played a weapon master. The Qinglong Dao was removed some time ago, so it is not that strong, but it is still the most powerful hero in singles, which does not affect Ge Jinghong's performance.

Weapon Master is much easier to operate than Raven.

Mao Xiaofeng's blind man was dealt with, because the blind man was really good in the first two games.

So he played Mantis.

He just trades these two heroes back and forth to play, and he can still play Kerry.

The reason why the blind man was played on the opposite side was because Yang Fan was one less hero.

Ji Tiantian is playing a policewoman, and she still wants to be steady. The hero Delevingne is only good when he takes the head, and he is a bit unstable.

Han Beibei plays Thresh, and he can play almost all auxiliary heroes.

The top laner on the opposite side is the new hero Whisper, jungler Rock Sparrow, mid laner Murloc, ADC Verus, and support Lulu.

Almost all are strong heroes in ranking, individual show, and there is no tactical lineup.

After the start of the game, Yang Fan's sword demon is like a demon descending to earth, beating the little murlocs into half a moon, and waiting for the CD of the next wave of skills, he can kill the murlocs alone.

Sword Demon is very easy to fight against murlocs. As long as the skills are placed correctly, the murlocs are guaranteed to hide under the tower.

In addition, the battle with Yang Fan was a bit timid, so Yang Fan made 5 knives in 50 minutes, without revealing any knives, and the fish made up ten pawns.

The gap widened directly, and there was no room to play at all.

They don't even dare to come to the jungler. If they come, they are likely to be double-killed. Just wait in the spring and wait for the push to finish.

On the road, Mantis cooperated with the weapon to forcefully kill the wrist man, and the head belonged to the weapon master.

Only the bottom lane is quite satisfactory, and the upper middle field has the advantage.

Mantis went to the opposite side to find the jungler when he finished clearing his jungle area. If he could catch it, he would catch it, and if he couldn't catch it, he would go wild.

But the audience likes to see this kind of effect, and it is absolutely unambiguous to be able to torture the opponent to death.

The screen of Yang Fan and his team's game is still displayed on the central big screen, all three rounds, it can be seen that the official is also very optimistic about this team.

Like a dark horse rising rapidly.

The audience has long been accustomed to such a crushing matchup. In addition to being excited about the strength of Yang Fan and his team, they also felt sorry for the opposing team.

When they met the TST team, they were unlucky, so they could only admit that they were unlucky and wait until the next year to fight again.

The audience shouted the slogan again: "TST team is awesome, Yang Fan is amazing."

"Jungle Xiaofeng, I'm already a fan of you, and you will be my idol from now on."

"The only ADC in the professional arena, Britney, I will support you behind your back from now on."

Ji Tiantian: "..."

Will this person speak up and support me behind my back?Is there a culture?Don't know if this sentence is ambiguous?

Yang Fan and the others laughed, it was really interesting to make fun of Ji Tiantian.

In this parallel world, there are indeed very few girls who play professionally, and they are on the same team as the boys.

Most give up halfway.

So now none of the veteran teams are women.

Therefore, if Ji Tiantian follows Yang Fan's team, she may be the only female professional player in the professional arena.

This alone can gain countless fans.

It will also become the idol of all female gamers.

So Ji Tiantian is lucky to be a female player in Yang Fan's team, and it has something to do with her strength.

As for Ge Jinghong and Han Beibei, they are not that famous. Although the top laner and support are very good, after all, they used to be passers-by, and there is no special place, so if they want to be known by all players, they can only enter the strong finals .

Anyone watching now knows that this top laner is very strong.

That alone is enough.

The next step is to crush all the way and directly push away the crystal to win the game.

So far, the knockout round is over, and the next time will be the group stage.

(End of this chapter)

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