Glamour star

Chapter 135

Chapter 135
Yang Fan looked at the not-so-looking dude in front of him, and felt it was funny.

Playing League of Legends like him is just a matter of killing him.

Not only insulting the game, but also the hero Draven.

Such a powerful hero was turned into a Muggle by this guy.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether this person recognizes him or not, there are many people who don't know him anyway.

But as long as the game is played well, there is no one who doesn't know him.

The game live broadcast alone has 11 billion popularity, this number should be counted as all the game players in Xia Huaguo.

But now is not the time to care about these things, Yang Fan just looks down on him and complains.

"Boy, you said this young master can't play games?" Xiao Sheng was angry again.

"You just don't know how to play games, is there a problem?" Yang Fan looked at him lightly and said.

"You, you can do it, my young master won't talk to you about this."

As he spoke, he glanced at Wang Meili and asked, "Is this the boyfriend you mentioned?"

Wang Meili took Yang Fan's arm and glanced at him, "That's right, he's my boyfriend."

"Bitch, you actually fell in love with this piece of trash behind my back? You're so stubborn. I'll give you a chance to leave him right now. I can forget the past and make eternal friends with your family, otherwise..." Xiao With an ugly face, Sheng said threateningly.

"I have nothing to do with the family anymore, I can do whatever I like, do you care?" Wang Meili said with a disdainful smile.

"Okay, that's what you said, I remember, I told you that your family will be finished because of you."

As he spoke, he glanced at Yang Fan, and said with a cold snort, "Let's go."

Naturally, Yang Fan had no reason to stop him. These people neither spoiled the scene nor did anything excessive. If he didn't stop him, it would be his fault.

The aura he breathed out just now was just to intimidate these people.

Xiao Sheng left with a full face of hostility, and even turned his head to look at Yang Fan when he reached the door and said, "Boy, just wait, you won't just let it go."

Yang Fan casually smiled and said, "Accompany me at any time."

Although Xiaosheng looked at the dude, he still had some brains. He felt the aura on him and knew that he was not easy to provoke, so he left decisively. From this, it can be seen that the Warrior family is still very rational.

Today, it can be regarded as saving him a lot of flesh and blood.

Otherwise, if they do something, Yang Fan doesn't mind teaching them a lesson.

He really wants to test how strong he is now.

Seeing them leave the Internet cafe, Wang Meili frowned and said, "These people are capable of doing anything, and they won't do anything outrageous next year, but in private, it's horribly bad, so we have to be more careful."

Yang Fan nodded, looked at Wang Meili and asked, "Are you sure you have given up on the family? You don't want to have anything to do with them?"

Wang Meili nodded: "That's right, since grandpa passed away and my father and mother disappeared for unknown reasons, I have no relatives in that family, and it's not worth my nostalgia. The reason they want to find me is just for the benefit of the family and marriage. These ancient martial arts families are all the same, all for profit."

He said with a self-deprecating smile: "I used to be too naive. I always thought that as long as I earned enough money, I could get rid of the family and negotiate with them. This is really ridiculous."

"How could those bastards negotiate with me? I'm afraid that as soon as I show up, I will be caught and married to that dude just now."

"Oh, it's really hard to be a man, and it's even harder to be a woman."

"If I hadn't met you, you can imagine how miserable my fate is."

"So, I am very grateful to you for letting me rely on you."

Yang Fan looked at Wang Meili at this moment, she was no longer as strong as before, and her body revealed the beauty of women's fragility, which made him want to protect from the bottom of his heart.

"Actually, I am also very grateful to you. If you hadn't taken me in and let me work as a network administrator in your Internet cafe, I'm afraid I would have starved to death on the street."

"So, I am also very grateful to you for reaching out to save me when I was most desperate."

"This is fate."

The two looked at each other and smiled, only to feel that their hearts were getting closer again.

"Why did you take me in?" Yang Fan asked.

"Because I just escaped at that time, my heart was cold. The moment I saw you reminded me of my fate, so I saved you casually out of enthusiasm. God come."

"It seems that my luck is also good."

"In the darkest time of my life, you are my light."

After leaving the Internet cafe, the two returned home without anything else to do.

Since Xiaosheng won't let him go, let him come.

Anyway, now he feels that he can beat all opponents.

This is the self-confidence brought about by the charismatic aura of a great master.

He felt that as long as he used a little light from the water man in his mind, he would be able to overwhelm the world.

This feeling is very real.

Still live tonight.

And Wang Meili received a call again.

It's still an unfamiliar number, but it's not Xiaosheng's number.

Wang Meili combed her hair in the room, glanced at the caller ID and frowned.

Now the people who call her are basically from the family.

After hesitating for a while, he still connected.

But Yang Fan could still hear Wang Meili's phone call from outside.

This hearing is getting more and more outrageous.

He really doesn't know what will happen to him when his IQ reaches 300?

"Hello? Who is it?" Wang Meili asked.

"I'm your second uncle. I haven't seen you for so many years. You won't forget me, right?" A middle-aged man's shrill voice came from the phone.

"Ah, oh, second uncle, which one? Oh, yes, I remembered, it's the second uncle who hates me so much? I almost forgot." Wang Meili tried hard to think, and finally remembered that he was asleep.

He is the second brother of his missing father.

"You child, when did your second uncle hate you? It's too late to like you." The second uncle laughed.

Wang Meili said in a deep voice: "So you have other ideas about me? You actually like me? Did you make a mistake? I didn't expect you to be such a person."

The second uncle was very speechless, and explained: "I didn't mean that. I like the kind of liking that the elders have for the younger generation, not the liking of you young people."

Wang Meili sneered, and asked lightly: "What do you want from me? Tell me quickly, I have something else to do."

"I can't call you if I have nothing to do? I just want to ask if you are doing well, nothing else."

"If that's the case, let me tell you, I'm fine and you don't need to worry about it. I have something to do now, so I hang up and don't call again. I have nothing to do with the family anymore. Don't disturb my life."

Said directly hung up the phone.

Wang Meili was not in the mood to comb her hair anymore, her eyes were a little red lying on the bed.

It was this second uncle who wanted to get married back then. It can be said that he forced Wang Meili to escape from the family.

(End of this chapter)

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