Glamour star

Chapter 145 Fu Bo's Shock

Chapter 145 Fu Bo's Shock

The bald man wearing sunglasses got out of the car with a click, walked towards Yang Fan, and said disdainfully like a hooligan, "What's wrong with you?"

Yang Fan's expression remained unchanged, he looked at the people and said, "You guys are waiting for me in the car."

Then he got out of the car directly, Wang Meili was not worried, but Ji Tiantian worried: "Brother Fan will be fine, right? This bald head doesn't look like a good person."

Ge Jinghong also frowned: "Yes, it seems that there is not only this bald man in their car, but there seem to be several of them."

Mao Xiaofeng said: "I'll go down and have a look too."

As he spoke, he glanced at Han Beibei, he was fatter, "Look at them."

Han Beibei nodded.

But Wang Meili stopped him and said, "You don't have to go, Yang Fan can take care of it, but if you go, you will make him more trouble."

Wang Meili is the boss after all, Mao Xiaofeng frowned and said: "But the other party is obviously looking for trouble, if there is a fight, I can help."

Wang Meili smiled and said, "Even if there is a fight, Yang Fan will be fine, so don't worry."

Mao Xiaofeng wanted to say more, Wang Meili glanced at him, Mao Xiaofeng had to shut up.

Since Wang Meili believes in Yang Fan, then he should too.

He still remembered that Yang Fan cured his mother's illness inexplicably, and had special abilities, maybe he could really fight.

Although he can also fight, he can't beat two of them.

Still depends on the situation.

Yang Fan watched the fat man in the sunglasses approaching, looked at him coldly and said, "Is it from the Xiao family? Tell me what you want to do, I don't have so much time to talk to you guys here."

The fat man in sunglasses shrugged his shoulders and said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand. Since you don't want to talk shit, then I'll talk shit to you here."

Seeing his arrogance, Yang Fan still said indifferently: "It seems that you are looking for a fight."

The fat man in the sunglasses turned cold, "It's crazy, you still want to hit me? Do you have that ability?"

Yang Fan said, "Just try it and you'll know."

As he spoke, he walked towards the bald head of the sunglasses step by step.

The bald head is really not afraid, Yang Fan squinted his eyes, this man seems to be a warrior, and his martial arts are not low.

Until Yang Fan walked in front of him, he stretched out his hand to grab the bald collar and throw him away.

The bald head punched him in the chest.

Yang Fan was already prepared, and another fist greeted him.


There was a cracking sound.

The bald man's face changed drastically in an instant. Looking at the deformed palm, it took him a long time to react, and let out a howl like a pig being killed.


It was extremely miserable, and the bald head was sweating in pain, and he lay directly on the ground.

Yang Fan kicked him away, and said coldly: "Seeing that you are only about the strength of a big star, you dare to be arrogant in front of me. The grandson of Xiao Sheng never told you about my strength."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the Mercedes-Benz without looking at the bald and grinning face.

"People in the car, come out. I know you belong to the Xiao family. It seems that you still don't give up. Then you can't blame me."

Yang Fan said lightly.

As the voice fell, there was a burst of applause in the car.

"clap clap"

"Young people really have some strength, but young people are still young and energetic. They don't know how to keep a low profile. If they offend someone they shouldn't, they may die prematurely."

A slightly older voice came from inside the car, slightly mocking.

Yang Fan frowned: "Okay, don't rely on the old to sell the old, you are not a good guy, come out and let me see who you are, if you can take a punch from me."

After Yang Fan's words fell, another angry voice sounded: "Boy, you are looking for death."

Yang Fan continued: "It's just a group of rats, what kind of shit is hiding in the car, if you have the ability to come out and challenge each other, of course you can go together, I will take them all."

"Boy, court death."

The car door opened, and three middle-aged men in exercise uniforms came out, all with angry faces.

"It wasn't you who spoke just now, but an old guy, let him come out too." Yang Fan continued.

Inside Wang Meili's car, Ji Tiantian and the others listened to Yang Fan's arrogant words, and opened their eyes wide, as if they couldn't believe that the usually gentle Yang Fan had such a domineering side.

Today is a long experience.

Stars appeared in Ji Tiantian's eyes: "Brother Fan is so cool, he is my idol."

Ge Jinghong was also surprised and said: "Brother Fan is really a genius. Not only is he good at playing games, but he can even be arrogant to such an extent. It is worth learning from me."

Wang Meili gave him a blank look: "Yang Fan has real ability to be arrogant. If you are arrogant, you will scream like that bald-headed pig."

Ge Jinghong nodded in agreement again: "Whatever you say makes sense."

Mao Xiaofeng looked out of the car window, wondering what he was thinking.

"Hmph! You are not qualified to see Uncle Fu." One of the middle-aged men said in a deep voice.

Yang Fan chuckled: "Not qualified to meet? Well, I will go to meet him in person later and see how much face he has for me to meet."

"Come on, get rid of him." One of the villain-like middle-aged men shouted.

Then these three people made three exaggerated movements and rushed towards Yang Fan.

A volley jumped up and kicked with one foot at a high speed. This is not the power possessed by ordinary people at all.

One hit with his fist raised, and it also flew.

The other one got into the bottom and didn't know where it went.

Yang Fan was slightly surprised. These three were very powerful, and they were not comparable to the bodyguards of Xiao Sheng before.

"Could it be that this is a master of the heavenly realm?"

"Looking at their strength, it should be."

"The Xiao family is serious about dealing with me. Even the masters have been sent out. It's interesting."

"It seems that I have to use three-tenths of my strength."

Thinking of this, Yang Fan closed his eyes and mobilized the light on the charismatic halo of the extraordinary master in his mind, only mobilizing three-tenths of the power.


Under the circumstances that no one else could see, Yang Fan exuded a dazzling master's light, which was extremely bright, and he felt that his whole body was full of infinite power.

It was really enlightening, the power pouring into his body gave him the urge to yell.

And the three Celestial Realm masters all showed cruel smiles when they saw Yang Fan close his eyes, thinking that this kid didn't dare to resist anymore and was ready to die.

But Yang Fan turned his back to Wang Meili and the others, so he couldn't see Yang Fan's expression.

At this moment, only Fu Bo, the old man in the Mercedes-Benz car, saw the terrifying power emanating from Yang Fan's body when he closed his eyes, his calm pupils suddenly widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

"This... is this a super master of the Primordial Realm, a strong master?"

"how can that be?"

"How old is he? How could he be like this?"

"It's over, I provoked a master who shouldn't be provoked."

Forbe shouted: "You three come back quickly, hurry up."

But it was too late, the two had already arrived in front of Yang Fan, ready to tear him apart, one of them popped up from the ground, right at Yang Fan's feet.

When the three of them had just made a move, they heard Uncle Fu's shout, and after being slightly taken aback, they chose to continue to make a move.

And Uncle Fu looked at this scene and scolded angrily: "Idiot."

Then he ordered the driver: "Drive, go, drive as fast as you want."

The driver was also dumbfounded, but he didn't dare to disobey, and nodded immediately: "Yes."

Then he coaxed the accelerator and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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