Glamour star

Chapter 158

Chapter 158
On the inner city wall, the giant earth dragon's head stretches across, majestic and domineering, making people afraid to look directly at it.

It seems that the earth dragon's head is alive.

Seeing that Yang Fan and Qian Mian Langjun did not leave, two strong men with shirtless arms and full faces and holding machetes were furious and roared, "If you don't leave, you both will die."

When Lord Qianmian wanted to say something soft, Yang Fan stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Let me do it."

Yang Fan looked indifferent, looked at the two big men and said in a low voice: "I'll give you two a chance, let it go or not."

"The kid is arrogant, looking for death."

"Even the king of heaven, I dare not talk to me like that."

The two big men were anxious, clenched their fists and wanted to rush over.

Yang Fan snorted coldly: "It seems that you two don't cherish this opportunity, so get down."

After speaking, the figure flashed and rushed towards the two big men, each of them punched on the chin, spurting blood wildly.

After two somersaults in the air, he fell heavily to the ground, staring at Yang Fan in disbelief with eyes as big as bull's eyes.

This young man as light as a bamboo pole just knocked them over?
What power is this?
Then there was a surprise, "Are you... a master?"

Yang Fan glanced at the two of them coldly: "The master must not be humiliated, and those who humiliate must die. I don't have time to argue with you two today, otherwise the two of you will be two corpses now."

After speaking, he entered the inner city gate.

Lord Qianmian also came over, kicked each of them in the abdomen, flew upside down again, hit the dirt wall, and became two natives.

Then Qianmianlang let out his true energy, and said in a cold voice: "The master must not be humiliated, and those who humiliate must die. Good luck to you two, otherwise I will really kill you both."

Then followed Yang Fan into the inner city.

The two burly men looked at each other in shock.

"I thought masters could only be achieved by the older generation, but I didn't expect these two young people to be masters. They blinded both of us. They are freaks." One of the burly men smiled wryly.

"I've told you a long time ago that we're just a big heaven. We should keep a low profile and not be too arrogant. If others want to enter the inner city, just let them in. Why do you care so much? Besides, the inner city is more dangerous. It's two different things whether you can go in or not, we just need to watch." Another big man complained.

"Shut up, it's our duty to defend the city. If any cats or dogs are allowed to enter the inner city, the city lord will be the first to refuse, and we will be finished. So we can do whatever we want. I don't believe it. Those who come in are masters."

"Okay, okay, I can't say no to you, but in the future, you should first ask about the strength of others before deciding whether to let them do it, so that we will be beaten less. You see, several of my teeth have been knocked out, all because You reckless man, you always offend people indiscriminately."

Then the two big men glared at each other, and after a while they both sighed silently, who told them not to be masters, the treatment of guarding the gate is good enough.

After Yang Fan and Lord Qianmian entered the inner city, the scene in front of them had completely changed. There were very few people, and there was almost no one on the street, but the lights in the houses with earthen walls were flickering, obviously there were people inside.

Qianmian Langjun said in a low voice, "It doesn't look easy here."

Yang Fan nodded: "It's really not simple. Even the two gatekeepers outside are masters of the Great Heaven rank, and the people inside may all be masters above the rank of Great Heaven, and there are even many masters."

"Then we have to be careful, there is no order here, everyone is extremely dangerous, we can't trust anyone." Thousand Faced Lord said.

Yang Fan nodded, walking on the quiet street, there are earthen houses on both sides, and there is a brazier every ten meters, which makes the inner city very bright.

At this moment, a group of people appeared in front of them, they were soldiers, patrolling.

Qianmian Langjun said in a low voice: "It's easy for people to recognize you like this, especially Xiao Zhen. Once you show up, that old guy will definitely harm you, and maybe even join hands with people here. I think you have to It's better to change your appearance."

Yang Fan asked: "How to change?"

Qianmian smiled calmly: "It's very simple, I'll make it for you."

Then he did not know where he took out a face mask and fake beard to change Yang Fan's face.

Yang Fan felt novelty: "You have everything prepared."

Lord Thousand Faces smiled and said: "That's for sure, that's what I do. I don't have the ability to disguise, how can I be called Lord Thousand Faces."

After talking three times, five times and two times, Yang Fan was covered with face and beard, and he completely changed a person.

Turning into an elegant and easy-going middle-aged man, it is difficult for others to recognize Yang Fan's true face.

This disguise technique is really brilliant.

"Now you can't be called Yang Fan, change your name, and I will change it too."

Yang Fan thought for a while and said, "Let's call him Ye Zhetian."

However, Yang Fan remembered a novel he read in his previous life. It took him a whole month to finish it, which had a great impact on his mind.

Among them, the name Ye Zhetian was remembered in his heart, and he thought it was very cool, and now it just works.

Lord Qianmian nodded, and also named himself Ye Gucheng.

This name made Yang Fan smile slightly, yes.

At the same time, he also made it easier for himself, and took out a folding fan from nowhere, which looked very coquettish.

The two turned around, and the small group of soldiers ran over quickly, looked at the two strangers, and frowned, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

Yang Fan, also known as Ye Zhetian, smiled lightly and said, "He called in."

Lord Qianmian, that is, Ye Gucheng, shook off his folding fan and said with a smile, "It was a call."

There are five soldiers in this team, and all of them are masters in the sky. He heard the words and shouted: "Give up, even the goalkeeper in the inner city dares to fight, you two don't want to live?"

Yang Fan narrowed his eyes and said: "The master must not be humiliated, and those who humiliate must die. Have you heard this sentence?"

The five people were startled and asked, "Could it be that you two are masters?"

Yang Fan and Lord Qianmian snorted coldly at the same time: "Hmph!"

The innocence scattered, and the five soldiers of the Celestial Realm were shocked and immediately apologized: "It turns out that the two are masters, disrespectful and disrespectful, the two watchdogs outside should be beaten, and indeed they should be taught a lesson, they are always defiant."

Both Yang Fan and Qianmian Langjun sneered, it is true that they are talking about people in front of people, and talking nonsense behind people
"The two masters don't have a place to stay yet, right? How about we take them to see the city lord first, who happens to be drinking, and then arrange a place for the two of you. How about it?"

Yang Fan nodded and said, "Then lead the way."

Now he must find Wang Meili immediately, and he doesn't care about other things at all.

So the two followed the five-member team to the depths of the inner city.

I met almost no one along the way, and it was quiet, only the sound of their footsteps, which seemed a little eerie.

After 10 minutes, I finally arrived outside a city tower, and there were many voices from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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