Glamour star

Chapter 173 Everlasting Grass?

Chapter 173 Everlasting Grass?
The head of the Qingcheng faction looked angry, and looked at these frightened cowards coldly, his face cloudy and uncertain.

After he finished speaking, the disciples behind him all looked at these yelling people coldly, as if they were about to strike at the first sight of disagreement.

"Okay, everyone, don't panic, isn't it a monster? Our masters can deal with it. Now all the masters are ready to fight, and the middle and big heavens are all in the center to protect themselves."

The head of the Qingyang faction said loudly.

For a while, everyone leaned towards the Qingyang faction, because the head of the Qingyang faction was easier to get along with, and was not as domineering as the head of the Qingcheng faction.

All the masters are standing in the front, the mid-day position and the big-day position are in the inner circle.

The surrounding steps were also crowded with people, the steps were densely packed, and there were very few places with gaps.

"Look, everyone, these monsters are about to attack, and they all use true energy to protect them."

The head of the Qingyang faction roared.

Everyone naturally understood that the masters mobilized their true energy in an instant, propped up a cover, and protected everyone inside.

Both the middle heaven and the great heaven looked at all the masters gratefully.

Otherwise they will literally die.

At this moment, the bubbles on the magma were getting thicker and more agitated. These crocodile monsters had extremely vicious eyes and rushed up instantly.

"Here they come, they are here, support me."

All the masters looked solemn, wondering if they could use their true energy to keep the crocodile monster out, which was something they hadn't tried before.

But there is no other way now, if they can't even stop their true energy, then they can only wait to die.

The most powerful person present was Grandmaster Wu Chongtian, who was also the head of the major martial arts sects.

All the crocodile monsters rushed up, densely packed, impacting the protective shields arranged by the masters.

"beep beep"


Ugly voices rang out from time to time, and everyone's expressions were extremely serious, not daring to be careless.

Someone yelled: "It can be protected, true energy can resist these monsters, everyone work harder."

Naturally, everyone saw it at this time, and their faces were full of joy. As long as they can deal with it, then it will be fine. With so many masters, whoever's true energy is almost exhausted can just be replaced.

The masters resisted the monster with true energy, and the disciples of the sect and the aristocratic family swung their swords and slashed in half. The monster fell into the magma.

At this moment, no matter how many monsters there are in the magma, they can't hurt them anymore.

Everyone smiled. There is indeed great power in numbers.

In an hour, the densely packed crocodile monsters lying on the protective cover were all spread out by the true energy and sent into the magma.

Gradually, the crocodile monsters became less and less, and finally disappeared.

All disappeared into the magma.

At the same time, there was another sound of dragon chant just now, which made everyone understand a rule.

"I know, these monsters will appear once the sound of the dragon's chant is heard again, and these monsters will retreat into the magma once the sound of the dragon's chant is heard again."

"Do you still need to remind me? Who doesn't know."

"I do not know."

"I do not know either."

"I didn't know until he told me."


"Okay, everyone, hurry up, this place is not safe."

The head of the Qingyang faction urged.

Everyone nodded, it is really not easy to stay now.

Although so many people are no longer afraid of that monster, they can't keep killing monsters in their hearts forever.

That's too insane.

So more than 1000 people walked to the depths of the Fire Dragon Valley again.


At this time, Yang Fan, Mei Bo, and Wang Meili were sitting in a pavilion, Yang Fan was observing the surroundings, Wang Meili and Mei Bo were recuperating and recovering their true energy.

An hour later, Mei Bo opened his eyes first, his face was rosy, and his breath was solid, and he could tell at a glance that he had recovered to more than [-]%.

"Little friend, I'm sorry for you in time this time, otherwise the miss and I are really doomed."

Mabel said with a smile.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise I would really collapse."

"I see that little friend's zhenqi is very special. I don't know why?" Mei Bo asked curiously.

Yang Fan thought for a while and said, "Well, I am indeed a bit special, but..."

Mei Bo watched Yang Fan hesitate to speak, knowing that he had a secret and it was inconvenient to reveal it, so he smiled and said, "It's okay, everyone has a secret, I have no other intentions."

Yang Fan nodded to express his understanding.

After a while, Wang Meili also recovered, her face was flushed, and she looked very good.

Yang Fan asked: "Shall we go deeper now?"

Wang Meili nodded: "Then go deeper."

Mabel had no objections either.

So the three of them walked to the depths again.

In fact, the three of them at this moment only reached the throat of Fire Dragon Valley, and there is still a long, long distance from the deepest point.

Don't know when it will end.

As it went deeper, the Fire Dragon Valley became hotter and hotter, and the magma surged underneath like water, which was very scary.

If it falls, it will disappear in an instant.

"Huh? What's going on on this wall? There are countless claw marks, so it can't be another monster?" Wang Meili has sharp eyes, and she can see the marks like bird's claws on the rock wall at a glance.

Mei Bo and Yang Fan looked in the direction she pointed, and there were indeed paw prints.

"I don't know, but it's better to resist." Yang Fan said seriously.

Mabel frowned, his eyes wary.

"What do you think is that?" Wang Meili pointed to one of the places again.

The two looked again, but this time they couldn't look away.

After a while, they all exclaimed: "Everlasting grass?"

In the crevice of the rock wall not far away, there is a grass growing quietly, it is extremely emerald green and crystal clear, very fresh and tender.

The breath of the three of them became short of breath. If this was everlasting grass, it would be too heaven-defying.

So easy to be found by them?
Make them feel unreal.

But Mei Bo is more experienced, and has experienced a lot of past events in his life. At this moment, after a brief loss of concentration, he frowned and said: "I think something is wrong."

Yang Fan and Wang Meili looked at him and asked at the same time: "What's wrong?"

"I feel a little strange. How could the everlasting grass grow here? It's absolutely impossible, and I feel a strange aura at the moment, which makes me very uneasy. I don't know why." Mei Bo frowned.

Yang Fan and Wang Meili looked at each other and felt it carefully.

Wang Meili frowned, feeling nothing.

But Yang Fan's complexion changed, and he couldn't help asking the system: "System, why do I feel like I'm being watched now? Who is watching me?"

This feeling was vague, as if he was being stared at by something, which made him unspeakably weird.

This Fire Dragon Valley is really incomparably weird.

The system voice sounded: "You have been under the hallucination of monsters. At this moment, in the hallucination of others, you naturally don't like the feeling of being stared at."

Yang Fan was shocked: "Illusion? What's going on? When did I enter someone else's hallucination? How come I don't know at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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