Glamour star

Chapter 176 Civil turmoil

Chapter 176 Civil turmoil
Everyone was horrified, and seeing the living fossil giant birds breaking away from the surrounding rock walls bit by bit, their complexions changed drastically.

The terrifying ancient coercion alone made it impossible for everyone to think of resisting.

Terrible, what on earth is this?
Why does it give them a feeling that their souls are being suppressed?And there is an urge to worship!

The heads of the Qingcheng faction and the Qingyang faction looked extremely stern, and shouted: "Go, go deep, these living fossil birds are going to live."

At this moment, all the places they passed by were blocked by this living fossil giant bird, peeling off the walls one after another, accompanied by countless loud cries, as if from ancient times.

Ancient and vicissitudes.

The star-level masters were all horrified, and wanted to run forward, trying to get among the people as much as possible, so that if something happened later, it would be the celestial-level masters and masters who stood up.

They are looking for death when they enter the star realm.

Everyone was horrified, but the masters at this moment and the masters of the heavenly realm themselves were not sure about dealing with these giant living fossil birds that suddenly appeared. How could it be possible to prevent disasters for these weak people?

"Go to the back, all of you, why do you weak people let me wait for you to block?"

A burly man stared at the star-level martial artist who ran to the middle of his side with round eyes and scolded angrily.

His scolding also made all the frowning Celestial Realm fighters and masters around him give a step up, and I all frowned and scolded: "You all follow behind, don't overstep, or I will throw you down."

Even the sects and aristocratic families at the moment did not say anything to stop them, and gradually showed disgust.

Now these living fossils of giant birds are extremely terrifying, and they are not something they can deal with at all, so why should these star-level warriors be protected by them?

It is almost used as cannon fodder now.

A martial artist at the star level argued: "You are all masters, is there a problem with us hiding among you? You are masters, you can't leave us behind."

"Yes, although we are weak, we are also fighters and human beings. You cannot discriminate against us."

"Although our personal strength is not high, we are strong in numbers, and we also have our role. You should protect us."

"I just want to get a little something and leave, so we won't rob you of treasures at all."

"If there is any danger now, you will abandon us. Are you masters still worthy of the word master?"

All the masters of the astral realm made excuses one after another, with ugly expressions on their faces. Although they did not dare to offend these masters and masters of the heaven realm, there was nothing they could do in the current situation. Only by relying on them could they survive.

The burly man sneered: "You guys came in greedily. If you are weak and dare to come in, isn't it courting death?"

"Now it's dangerous and you want us to protect you? It's ridiculous, why do you?"

"Yes, as the weak, you should follow behind. You have to do what we want you to do. Now you are just following behind. Don't you want to sit back and enjoy the rewards without taking risks? What are you? Are you worthy of letting me wait?" Master protects you from risks?"

The masters scolded, with disdain on their faces, if these star-level warriors still make progress, they don't mind obliterating them.

In this kind of place, it doesn't matter if all these star-level realms are killed.

The masters of the sect and the aristocratic family also maintained an indifferent attitude at the moment. Those words when they first entered Fire Dragon Valley were just polite words. Who cares about other people's life and death when it comes to crisis!

"You, you, you can really do it."

"At this moment, I can see you clearly."

"Let's make it up, everyone, whoever makes us weak, don't say a few words."

"Okay, just follow behind, it's no big deal."

For a while, all the star-level warriors were extremely angry, but there was no way, who made them weak?
Cuisine is the original sin, no wonder others, if they become masters or masters of the heavenly realm, they will have the same attitude, there is no need to fight with them, or it will arouse the anger of these masters and deal with them.

So much so that after a brief noise, all the astral-level warriors quieted down, and consciously followed behind the master and the celestial-level masters, looking in horror at the living fossil giant bird protruding from the rock wall.

"What the hell are these? Why are they in the rock wall?"

"And these giant birds shouldn't be dead? Why can the bones move? Can they also make sounds?"

"I feel like we've arrived in a fantasy world."

"It's horrible. I have a bad feeling that something is about to happen."

"Shut up all of them, now, immediately, immediately, all of them run to me, and run to the center of Fire Dragon Valley."

The head of the Qingcheng faction at the front roared, and ran towards the central area in the lead.

A roar woke everyone up, and they all came back to their senses and ran with all their strength. At this time, being in a daze is courting death.

For a while, the masters were in front, the sky realm was in the middle, and the star realm was at the back. Everyone had ugly faces and dared not stop at all.

"Run, run, run, run."

Sect disciples and aristocratic family disciples have the most right to speak and have the lowest status. It seems that they are superior to others. Even these ordinary masters are ignored by them.

In particular, some disciples in the astral realm had their eyes higher than the roof, and scolded the master: "Don't block my way, what right do you have to run in front of me? Get behind me."

The master suddenly became angry, how dare the little star level scold him?
A master must not be humiliated, and those who humiliate must die. Does this sentence not work on the disciples of these sects and aristocratic families?

No one dares to sanction them?
The master who was scolded clenched his fists and glared at the disciple.

If he wanted to kill him, a burst of true energy would do, and this disciple would surely die.

Although he is a sect disciple, his strength is about the same as that of ordinary disciples outside.

Only the identity of sect is more powerful.

The number one of the Qingcheng sect looked at the master with a sneer, and said, "What? You can't be angry? You dare to stare at me for nothing? Are you clenching your fists now and trying to kill me? Come on, hit here, You beat me hard."

The master's anger rose up, his face turned red, and fire could come out of his eyes.

"Don't think that you can insult the master because you are a disciple of the sect. Once you do something, it will become a cause and effect, and once you say something, you can't take it back." The master let out a breath, and loosened his clenched fist. Kai came and said something coldly.

He didn't need to offend the sect for a star-level disciple, it wasn't worth it. There were hundreds of masters in these sects alone, and he couldn't fight against one of them.

Hold back this tone for now, as long as he finds an opportunity, this sect disciple will die.

"A turtle with a shrunken head." The disciple sneered again and continued to run with the team.

(End of this chapter)

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