Glamour star

Chapter 184 Fire Unicorn

Chapter 184 Fire Unicorn

Following this roar, all three of them were taken aback, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"This... what is this sound?" Meber was shocked.

Wang Meili also felt heart palpitations, looked around, the sound just now came from under the magma, as if trying to suppress the soul.

so horrible.

"This is not the sound of the previous dragons, nor is it a crocodile monster."

Mabel frowned after being shocked.

Yang Fan nodded: "That's right, it's not that voice, there seems to be another monster."

Mei Bo immediately said: "Yang Fan, you should put away the everlasting grass first, in case of accidents."

Yang Fan nodded, and then a system panel appeared in front of him. In the reward column, the crystal tactical chessboard was called out.

appear in the palm of the hand.

This scene shocked Mei Bo and Wang Meili, there is such an operation?
How did this come out?

Fairy means.

Yang Fan didn't explain too much, I don't need to explain, anyway, he is already very good, and he doesn't mind revealing some secrets.

Then the crystal tactical chessboard flew out of Yang Fan's hands and instantly enlarged, covering the longevity grass pool together, and a white light curtain shrouded it, and the chessboard vibrated instantly.


An inconceivable force directly shook the pool, and then the pool shook even more violently, and it seemed that it was about to rise up from the ground, and the long-lived grass was absorbed.

It is simply a fairy arm.

Mei Bo and Wang Meili stared blankly, refreshing their cognition.

This is not the power of a master at all. Could it be that Yang Fan is a master?

But the strength that was revealed before is obviously the true energy of the master.

Once you become a master, it is aura, and now Yang Fan's crystal chessboard is really like aura.

However, these are not important, as long as you get the longevity grass, it will be really against the sky.

Neither of them disturbed Yang Fan, watching him manipulate the chessboard to collect the everlasting grass.

The more the pool sloshed, there was a sudden click under the expectant eyes of the three, and the pool floated up like a flower pot.

But at this moment, the terrifying sound in the magma sounded again, this time even louder.

Even Yang Fan couldn't bear this aura, it was like the aura of a king made people worship.

"What on earth is this coming from? Could it really be a dragon?" Mei Bo's expression changed.

Immediately afterwards, he said loudly: "Quick, this is definitely the beast guarding the everlasting grass roaring, maybe he will come out soon, we must put away the everlasting grass as soon as possible, otherwise, once that thing appears, it will be too late to collect it."

Yang Fan naturally knew the pros and cons of it, and directly shot the charming light on the crystal chessboard. The suction became stronger and more blazing, and the pool was quickly sucked by the crystal chessboard.

Just as soon as they got to the crystal chessboard, the place vibrated directly, and the magma was agitating wildly. The three of them saw a huge black shadow rolling under the magma in an instant, until it reached the surface of the magma. Staring at the three of them made Yang Fan and the three of them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar and their bodies were icy cold.

These two pupils alone occupy half the area of ​​the magma, so how big should the head and body be?
Now, due to the cover of the magma, I can't really see the body below, and I don't know what it is.

For a moment, the faces of the three of them were extremely ugly.

Staring at them, this thing is warning them not to touch the everlasting grass, otherwise it will really come out.

Don't know what the consequences will be?
It was unpredictable.

Yang Fan couldn't predict it either, and didn't know if the system could solve it.

The three of them didn't dare to move, and the trend covering the everlasting grass also stopped, suspended in mid-air, and the scene froze for a moment.

These two huge pupils have also been staring at the three of them.

It seemed that they were waiting for Yang Fan and the others to put the Changsheng Grassland back as it was.

The three of them didn't dare to move, and Mei Bo tremblingly said: "What should we do now? What... is this?"

Wang Meili was also stunned, speechless, because this thing was so terrifying that they couldn't think of resisting at all.

Both eyes fell on Yang Fan, waiting for him to make a decision.

Either put down the everlasting grass and leave here immediately, or if you don't do anything, just harvest the everlasting grass.

The former option might keep them safe, the latter could put them in danger.

What should I do?
Yang Fan was asking the system.

"What is this?"

The system said: 【This is a fire unicorn. 】

Yang Fan was shocked, Fire Qilin?No wonder it makes such a terrifying sound, this is a divine beast.

Yang Fan asked, "Will he come out?"

System: [Not sure, if you don't take away the longevity grass, he may not come out, but once you take it away, he will definitely come out. 】

Yang Fan thought the same way, and fell into a tangle for a while.

After a while, he asked, "Can you deal with him?"

[This is your business. My system is only responsible for providing charm points, upgrading the charm aura, and making you stronger. The rest has nothing to do with me. 】

Yang Fan understood that it was indeed the case.

It was difficult for Yang Fan to make a decision for a while.

The system also kindly reminded [Eternal Life Grass is a rare and peerless medicinal material that can make people live forever. You have to think about it clearly, whether you want to die or live forever, you choose yourself, maybe you may still have a chance if you struggle.If you don't struggle, you will go back and forth from wherever you are. 】

Yang Fan was very speechless, the system's words were simply inducing him.

After Yang Fan thought about it, he made a decision.Then he moved his stiff body, walked up and down the steps, and looked at the pupil, that is, Huo Qilin.

Yang Fan thought, this is definitely not a divine beast, but a magical beast.

Just the staring eyes made him uncomfortable, even full of fear.

But he is a person with a halo of charm, how could the charming water man in his mind bow his head?

So, Yang Fan looked at this pupil and grinned.

That pupil was slightly taken aback, and Mei Bo and Wang Meili were also taken aback.

"Yang Fan, have you decided?" Mei Bo asked.

He is also full of expectations.

But he is also a principled person, and he cannot harm others for the sake of profit.

Yang Fan nodded and said, "I have indeed made a decision."

Then, under the surprised eyes of the two, and the huge pupils burning with anger, Yang Fan mobilized the charm light, let the crystal chessboard cover the everlasting grass and the pool again, and then increased his strength to take away Evergreens and pool.

Then it slowly fell into Yang Fan's palm and disappeared.



"bang bang bang"

Two terrifying roars sounded suddenly, and the pupil instantly left the bottom of the magma, rolled and swam to the deepest part of the magma.

Instantly became quiet.

Yang Fan, Wang Meili, and Mei Bo looked at each other, and left?

Shouldn't it be?

Yang Fan felt his heart skip a beat, and shouted, "Follow me quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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