Glamour star

Chapter 186 Shocked Countless People

Chapter 186 Shocked Countless People (Please subscribe, this month will be finished)

In just the past 2 minutes, Yang Fan Baoya's live broadcast room has already gained 1000 million popularity, which is simply unreasonable.

Yang Fan turned off the barrage directly to keep the picture clear on the phone screen, leaving only the picture of his live broadcast.

Only the popularity in the upper left corner is growing at a terrifying speed.

Wang Meili and Mei Bo were also shocked. Wang Meili was only surprised for a moment and then relieved. In the past, Yang Fan's live broadcast had more than one billion popularity, so what is a mere 1000 million?
Basically, everyone who came in subscribed, and Yang Fan would be notified as soon as the broadcast started, and they clicked in naturally.

Not surprising at all.

Only Mei Bo was still dazed, he couldn't believe it was true, how could a person's popularity be so high?

It's impossible for those big stars in the entertainment circle.

But Mei Bo and Wang Meili didn't speak, and now they had to race against time. Once the monster rushed out, they really couldn't survive.

This magma seems to be a seal, but as time goes by, the magma loosens, and the monsters underneath may rush out soon.

Now we must seize every opportunity and seek life.

Following Yang Fan's series of magical operations, they were amazed, and they pinned their hopes on him.

It seems that the real horror of Fire Dragon Valley is not the magma, but the monsters below the magma.

Perhaps there is more than one monster.

Both of them looked at Yang Fan's mobile phone screen, and at the same time watched the movement below Fire Dragon Valley.

At this moment, everyone who came in on the screen was holding question marks. If the screen was switched back to full screen, the subtitles would be densely packed with question marks.

It wasn't until half a minute later that a question was asked.

"Brother Fan, where is this?"

"Why do you see fire all around you?"

"Why haven't you seen anyone these days? Why aren't you broadcasting live? What are you doing? No games these days?"

"We, Brother Fan is starting the broadcast, Brother Fan is starting the broadcast, I'm so lucky to have to wait, my daily wish is to watch Brother Fan's live broadcast."

"Everyone, look at the background behind Brother Fan. What kind of place is this? Why does it look a little scary?"

"I think it's just the background wall. Brother Fan, don't make these fakes. Hurry up and play games. Since watching your live broadcast, my game skills have risen sharply, and I am now a master."


On the half-screen barrage, there were so many questions, Yang Fan got a headache watching it, so he switched to full-screen and turned off the barrage.

Yang Fan looked at the phone, showed a smiling face, and said hello: "Hi, everyone."

"I am back again."

"Now what you see is not the background wall, but the real place. If you don't believe me, you will know it in a while."

"The purpose of my broadcast is to let everyone see my experience and open everyone's horizons."

"Originally, I couldn't let you know this, but I can't help it now, I can't be too selfish, so I took the risk to let you see it."

"Okay, now let you see what happened to me."

After Yang Fan finished speaking, he took the phone and turned the head of Hue, facing the surroundings.

In an instant, the live broadcast room was blown up. Although Yang Fan played it completely, he could think of their shocked and gasping voices, and it would refresh their worldview, making them start to doubt life.

It turns out that the world they live in is the most ordinary world, and there are things they don't know still exist in the world.

Yang Fan Now I don't want to care about the distinction between warriors and ordinary people. Now his life is important, and he only wants the charm value to complete the upgrade of the charm aura.

As for the consequences, let's wait until we live.

Yang Fan believes that this live broadcast will bring a lot of impact to the world.

There will be countless people to study warriors.

From today onwards, warriors will not be a secret.

This Fire Dragon Valley will also be exposed to everyone's sight, and I don't know how many people will come to explore in the future.

Wang Meili and Mei Bo watched quietly, looking forward to it, not understanding what Yang Fan was going to do in the live broadcast now?
Can you bring them any help?

Even if someone came to rescue them now, it would be too late.Besides, ordinary people come here to seek death.

But now I can only trust Yang Fan, no matter what he does, they don't want to interfere, just don't help them.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is still rising crazily. It only took 1000 minutes to go from 5 million to the current [-] million, and the speed does not slow down.

Yang Fan only hopes that Baoya Company can be stabilized and the database will not be paralyzed.

I believe they are both shocked and busy now.

At this moment, Baoya's headquarters were really shocked. The employees of the company immediately notified Mr. Chen Chuang when they discovered Yang Fan's live broadcast.

Chen Chuang was leisurely watching TV dramas in the office, but when he heard the news, he immediately turned on the live broadcast, and watched Yang Fan's live broadcast room, he gasped and showed shock.

What the hell is this place?
How did Yang Fan go to the volcano?

But seeing the popularity in the live broadcast room change, he yelled at the walkie-talkie: "Hurry up, increase the data for me, put the 20 billion database on it, Yang Fan is live broadcasting outdoors, this is going against the sky!" , this popularity is simply exploding."

For a while, all the employees were busy, some were dealing with the database, and some were already attracted by Yang Fan's live broadcast, and couldn't take their eyes off.

Some don't care about the situation in other live broadcast rooms, and directly switch to Yang Fan's live broadcast room for maintenance.

Now just one Yang Fan is worth all the live broadcasts in the studio.

In other words, Yang Fan can support the owners of Baoya Company.

Can you ignore it!
At this moment, not only Baoya's live broadcast was shocked, but other platforms were also shocked. Whether it was gamers or others, they all poured into Yang Fan's live broadcast room.

The live broadcast at this moment gave them an extremely shocking effect.

They stared at the magma and the huge Fire Dragon Valley in a daze.

This look is not a background wall, otherwise how could a mobile phone be so realistic.

There is only one result, these pictures are real.

For a moment, no one was shocked, staring at the live broadcast without blinking.

At this moment, they also saw Wang Meili and Mei Bo, both of them looked very serious, staring at the bottom of the magma, Yang Fan also frowned, but said a few words from time to time to adjust the atmosphere.

For a while, everyone didn't understand what was going to be broadcast live. Could it be that they were only allowed to watch magma?
However, this magma is also very rare, so it doesn't hurt to have a look.

The outside world was shocked. They didn't know about the casual cultivators from the inner sect sects in Fire Dragon Valley. They didn't have mobile phones, and they were still some distance away from Yang Fan and the others. However, they were traveling at a faster speed, and almost all of them were running.

At this moment, the sound of the dragon chant sounded again in the entire Fire Dragon Valley, which was so clear that they changed their expressions slightly. They stopped and listened carefully to the source of the sound.

It seems that this voice is clearer than the previous dragon's chant, and it seems to appear soon.

(End of this chapter)

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