Chapter 36

"Ah, Ah Bai, my lovely Ah Bai."

"Wow..." Ah Bai couldn't lick his master's face, so he kept wagging his little tail.

Yuan Qing hugged Abai and kissed madly for a while, without any scruples about the eyes of other customers in the "Ama" coffee bar.

Boss Xiao looked at her with his hands on his hips and looked at her speechlessly. When he didn't pay attention, he was pecked hard by Caesar hanging above his head. He covered his head and stared at her sharply. She shook her feathers, twisted her neck, and raised her head, spreading out her gorgeous feathers towards her new owner:
"Writer Lu Da! Writer Lu Da, you are back!"

As a result, all the people in Yica Bar were tricked, lying on the table almost bursting with laughter, only Li Wan's face was darker than the bottom of the pot, it's over, this group of old classmates are gathering, and they have to work overtime again tonight.

"Go back, go back, I can't stand you guys." Boss Xiao couldn't bear it anymore, he packed the two childhood sweethearts and two pets who caused him to die, and rushed to the car, waving his sleeves, not to send away half of the cloud .

Turning around, he suddenly found that his employee Li Wan was staring at him, Xiao Yang was startled:
"What, what's wrong?"

Doubts appeared on Li Wan's incomparably serious face:

"Mr. Lu is so smart, can't he not see that Miss Yuan is secretly in love with him?"

Boss Xiao raised the corners of his mouth and showed a pure smile:

"Wanwan, people should not be judged by appearances. Lu Bai's IQ and EQ have never been directly proportional."

Li Wan glared and shook his head, stroking his imaginary beard in his hands, pretending to be the man Zhuge reincarnated:
"Oh, what does the boss think of your own IQ and EQ?"

Boss Xiao threw a self-righteous peachy eye, and smiled triumphantly:
"Of course the handsome one is unparalleled in the world, and the smart one goes to heaven!"

Li Wan squinted: "Oh, really? Then I like you for a long time, do you know?"

After finishing speaking, she picked up the rag, turned around neatly and went to the front desk to work, leaving Xiao Yang petrified in the wind alone...

Yuan Qing returned to the home she had not seen for a long time, and seeing Caesar's arrogant appearance, she was so kind, she threw her neck up and threw herself on the sofa in the living room, and A Bai followed suit. up.

"Ah, Ah Bai, you are so heavy! What did Xiao Yang feed you to make you gain so much weight!"

Amid Assistant Yuan's wailing and wolf howling, Lu Bai walked into his bedroom with two suitcases. Half an hour later, he took the suitcases away from the assistant who was planted on the sofa like a potted plant, and walked into the bedroom. room.

Three minutes later, Yuan Qing finally remembered the underwear and cups hidden deep in her suitcase, and immediately jumped up like a cat whose tail had been burned, and rushed from the living room into the guest room.

Writer Lu Da casually looked at the assistant who rushed in like a lunatic, and pointed to the unopened suitcase:

"Go and pack my suitcase first."

"Hey, didn't you pack everything up?"

Lu Bai curled the corner of his mouth:

"I just took a shower, didn't you realize that I even changed my clothes?"

Yuan Qing had no choice but to go to Lu Bai's bedroom resignedly, and while helping him pack his luggage, he babbled about commonplaces about enslaving his subordinates.

Lu Bai returned to the study, locked the door, and the phone kept ringing, as if as long as he didn't answer it, it would keep ringing forever.

Lu Bai was silent for a moment, then pressed the call button, a cold voice came from the phone:

"Guess who I am?"

"From the moment I saw the phone number, I knew who you were."

"Hahaha, we really have a good heart! Don't think that you can't hear my voice because I'm locked in a prison!"

"It was Ruan Xinmei's idea to send you to prison."

"So what? Isn't she because of you?"

Lu Bai smiled instead of anger:
"You should know better than me what kind of person she is."

"That's right, Ruan Xinmei is such a poisonous woman. She knows that the old man gave me all the property, but she took the opportunity to send me to jail again. The fool also knows what she is thinking. Isn't she trying to destroy the will and occupy the entire Yaoyang!" Li Yan Grinding his teeth, his expression was ferocious, and even through the phone, he could feel his sinister smile, "But don't be too complacent, I'm not doing well, and no one should think about it!"

Just when he was about to hang up the phone angrily, Lu Bai suddenly said:
"On the night of your father's accident, I saw Ruan Xinmei urging your father to drink on the deck of the yacht. At that time, he was walking unsteadily, shaking his head, and seemed to be very drunk."

Li Yan was silent, and then said coldly:

"What's the use of talking about it now? The old man has been alive and dead for so many years, and now the evidence that he should have has long since disappeared, so what can he do?!"

"That night, besides me, there was another witness." Lu Bai paused and said.

Li Yan choked for breath:
"Who was the witness?"

"Li Xueshan."

After a long while, there was no sound from the other end of the phone. I don't know if it was because of surprise or being immersed in memories, but Li Yan didn't respond.

"Hey, Li Yan, are you listening?"


"On the day when the incident happened, I just passed by by accident, and Li Xueshan should know the truth of the whole incident better than me."

Li Yan's voice seemed to have returned to its original cynicism and indifference:

"What's the purpose of telling me this now? Oh, you want to protect someone, hehehe... Do you think I'll let her go like this?"

Lu Bai gripped the phone tightly, and said coldly:
"She is innocent and has nothing to do with us. If you dare to hurt her, I promise to put you in a situation that is ten thousand times more miserable than it is now!"

"This is your true face, Lu Bai, you are so good, like a mother like a son!"

Li Yan laughed out loud, and then cut off the call.

After all, there is no escape, no avoidance, and the only way to go is to keep going.

It was all because of being soft-hearted and indulging her feelings for a moment that got her into the vortex.It was his fault, it was his calamity, and the retribution would be on her in the end.

What can we do now?
What else can I do?
If he could, how much he wanted to keep her in his arms all the time, so that he would be fearless. Anyone who tried to hurt her would be stepped on by him in time!
Lu Baichu stayed where he was, took a few deep breaths, adjusted his mood and walked out of the study.

Yuan Qing was packing clothes in the guest room, when she looked up, she found a man standing beside her silently, staring at her deeply.

"What, what's the matter? Don't rush to draft?"

"It's nothing." Lu Bai said lightly, "The person before is free and wants to see you."

Yuan Qing straightened up quickly, the clothes in his hands fell to the ground, and it took him a long time to pick up his voice:


"The blind date I mentioned before."

"There have been too many things recently, and I don't want to see them."

Lu Bai's expression was a bit complicated:

"Auntie always hopes that someone can take care of you and care about you for the rest of your life."

Yuan Qing raised his eyes to look at Lu Bai, who was a head and a half taller than him. The thousand words in his heart were like the light reflected by the sun, hidden in the silent shadow of the man, and he opened his mouth with difficulty and said:
"Okay, but I just saw it, so I can't guarantee anything."

Lu Bai smiled, with a rare gentle smile on his handsome face:
"Then I will accompany you to the street this Saturday, and go on a blind date when everything is ready."

"Aren't you going to attend some fashionable dinner party, do you need to make a grand appearance?"

"No, no, no, this time, I personally selected the man for you. Of course, he must be well-dressed, otherwise how can he show my vision and taste?"

If she didn't understand the oblique meaning of writer Lu Da, she would have known this guy in vain all these years, and she dared to let her paint on the blind date just to avoid embarrassing him!

Sometimes, Yuan Qing felt that the reason why Lu Bai became a writer of suspense novels was entirely due to his extremely arrogant and narcissistic personality. Everything that happened in the misty world he constructed with words was seen by only him. He is the clearest, the most thorough, and seeing the characters in his pen being swayed by fate and at a loss, this guy must have an indescribable sense of accomplishment, right?

"Before the blind date, you also need to completely renovate, choose some cosmetics, do your hair by the way, wear decent clothes, and completely change your image."

"Why bother?"

"Of course in order to increase the success rate..."

Taking advantage of Lu Da's writer's eloquence, Assistant Yuan raised the most important question in the entire universe for her:

"Who pays the bill?"

Writer Lu Da lowered his brows and rested his cheeks in thought for three seconds, then spread his five fingers:

"I can consider lending you this amount first."

For three whole days, as soon as Yuan Qing was free, he began to imagine n kinds of endings for this terrible blind date.

Ending A: The handsome guy drank his first cup of coffee at the Ama Cafe, and after expressing inspiring views such as "life is long, love requires hard work", he waved his sleeves and left without taking half a cloud.

Ending B: The handsome guy gave her a mobile phone number, but she never called. When she accidentally dialed this number by accident, she suddenly found that it was an empty number...

Ending C: Lu Da's writer Gao Leng's eyes fell into a mud pit. The handsome guy has the appearance of a handsome guy, the heart of a dinosaur and the conversation of his mother boy. Within 10 minutes of meeting, the great writer himself couldn't bear it anymore, and played an unprecedented skill of poisonous tongue Automatically chase people away.

Ending D: When we met for the first time, our eyes met, and the handsome Juju actually...expressed his willingness to associate with her!

Ahhh, ending D is definitely the weirdest and most sci-fi ending of the year. Just thinking about it, Yuan Qing has the urge to go crazy.

She doesn't want a blind date, doesn't want a blind date, doesn't want a blind date!
But thinking of Xia Weiwei's ending, Yuan Qing lost the courage to confess to Lu Bai.

At this moment, her heart is like a seemingly beautiful and peaceful lawn, with the turbulent sky above her head, and the feelings she has hidden for many years under the ground, like a clear and fierce spring, gushing out every moment. out!

(End of this chapter)

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