Chapter 39

When Yuan Qing woke up, the sun was shining on her face during the day, and the full-length mirror on the bed reflected the dazzling light. It turned out that she forgot to close the curtains because she was too upset last night.

Look at the alarm clock again.

Oops, it's 11:30!
Yuan Qingteng jumped up from the bed, and a scruffy woman with disheveled hair and eyes swollen like walnuts was reflected in the dressing mirror.

That was a long, long time ago, so long that even the dream was glowing with an old yellow color.

Oh my god, she actually cried because of that dream, it's so embarrassing!

Nine years ago, the only thing she did was run away from him like a gust of wind, and hid in the dormitory for two days, until Lu Bai came to arrest him himself.

Yuan Qing couldn't remember why he and Lu Bai quickly returned to the previous relationship of more than friends and less than relatives. He thought that after being rejected by him, it should be that even if they meet each other, they should not know each other. status.And when the dormitory administrator called her over and over again, under the eyes of her roommates who were "watching the show", she could only bite the bullet and reluctantly walked from the girls' dormitory to the lobby on the first floor.

Perhaps, when his eyes touched the face of the man waiting in the hall, which was not much better than his own, with messy hairstyle and stubble chin, the knot in his heart became smaller...

Yuan Qing hurried out of the bedroom, and suddenly found that Writer Lu Da was wearing an apron, waiting at the door with his hands crossed, and his face flushed immediately: "You, why didn't you wake me up?"

"What do you want for lunch?" Lu Bai's face was still calm, maintaining his usual calm expression even if he threw a stone into the water.

"Braised eggplant, dry-fried tofu and scrambled eggs with tomato." The words were out of the mouth, and it was hard to get back. I was really ashamed of myself.

Well, habits are a terrible thing.

Yuan Qing sincerely admired himself, even if he went to work right after leaving the bedroom, he would still be late, and he hadn't made a name for himself to give a reasonable explanation to his boss, but what he blurted out was the menu for lunch.

Lu Bai smiled slightly:
"When did you switch to a vegetarian diet?"

Yuan Qing lowered his head, twisted his hands, and muttered secretly:

Wasn't it a redemption for spending so much money in vain?
"Oh, I suddenly forgot." Lu Bai stroked his forehead and said with a slightly regretful expression, "Just 5 minutes ago, an editor with a good relationship with me delivered a box of Australian steak. It's up to me!"

No, withdraw the foreword and make up later, eat the meat now!

After finishing speaking, Lu Bai turned and walked into the kitchen, and Yuan Qing followed involuntarily.

Lu Bai took out the cutting board from the shelf, took out the eggplant, potato, tofu and tomato from the refrigerator, and put them all in a basket.

"I'll cut the eggplants and potatoes." Yuan Xiaogong rolled up his sleeves eagerly, ready to start.

"No need." Lu Bai pointed to the second closet on the right, "I just bought Qilinfang's handmade chocolate biscuits. It's not good to skip breakfast."


Yuan Qing figured it out. From the time she overslept and left the room until now, Writer Lu Da has cared for every word she said, and even omitted the usual ridicule and teasing.

Is he really "pursuing" himself now? !

This is so weird!It almost gave her goosebumps!
"Why are you smiling so happily at the cutting board?"

After being reminded by Lu Bai, Yuan Qing realized that he was holding a kitchen knife, and laughed so hard at a purple eggplant that he almost burst out laughing!
What a shame to throw it in the Pacific.

"No, nothing."

Yuan Qing quickly shook her head and restrained her expression. Until now, if she still doesn't understand her intentions, then she is a complete fool.Women are visual animals just like men, but women are more emotional animals. She likes Lu Bai not only because he is tall and handsome, well, this also accounts for a large part of the reason, more It is because of his silent thoughtfulness and concern for himself, as well as his mutual help and support over the years.

However, for some reason, she is still unable to express her true feelings like nine years ago.

Perhaps, time and circumstances made her timid.

Yuan Qing opened the closet, stood on tiptoe slightly, and when reaching for the tin of biscuits, Lu Bai handed the biscuit box to her as soon as he raised his hand.

The fingertips of the two touched for only a moment, but left an indelible heat.

After all, everything is different from before.

Yuan Qing found herself blushing, and Lu Bai's deep gaze made her embarrassed and unbearable, so she could only leave the kitchen almost as if fleeing.

At this moment, the phone in the living room rang suddenly.

Yuan Qing settled down, made a face at A Bai who was shaking his head and tail at him, and picked up the phone:

"You woman is still here?!"

The voice from the receiver immediately poured cold water on the tenderness in Yuan Qing's heart, it was icy cold to the bone.

"Why should I leave?" Yuan Qing couldn't help feeling angry when he thought of how Lu Bai was trampled and suppressed in Li Yuan. "What right do you have to let me go?"

"Don't think that you are special in Lu Bai's heart." Li Xueshan smiled slightly, "I have known Lu Bai since I was a child, and I have seen him from childhood, adolescence to adulthood. I understand him better than anyone else, even better than him. He needs to understand it himself, don't you think I am more qualified to say this than you, an 'outsider'?"

Another "outsider", this word made Yuan Qing feel stuck in her throat, she tried her best to keep her voice steady:
"I only trust Lu Bai. If Lu Bai doesn't let me go, I won't leave."

"Okay, then let me see what you are capable of." Li Xueshan said in a nonchalant tone, "This is the end of the chat, let Lu Bai answer the phone."

Yuan Qing put down the receiver and walked into the kitchen with some hesitation: "Li Xueshan called you."

The man's facial expression full of friendship was a little condensed for a moment, and then he regained his composure, and said lightly:
"I see."

" you want to answer this call?"

"Okay." Lu Bai put the kitchen knife in his hand on the cutting board, wiped his hands with a rag, took half a step forward, and then turned back, "The potatoes you sliced ​​are really ugly, so let's wait and eat them obediently. "

Chef Lu had already spoken, so Yuan Xiaogong had no choice but to follow him out of the kitchen.

When he picked up the receiver, he was silent for a moment, hesitant to speak.

At that moment, Yuan Qing had a feeling that deep in Lu Bai's heart, there were still many things hidden, like a black undercurrent blocking between her and him.If she went to the end of the undercurrent regardless of everything, what would be waiting for her?At that time, will he accept her with open arms like a family member, or will he push her away from a distance like a stranger?Every time she thinks about it, she will feel very nervous and anxious.

It wasn't until this moment that Yuan Qing realized that the long-term acquaintance had woven a dense net between her and him. In this net, there was peace of mind, warmth and tacit understanding that belonged to her. She said that from then on, having nothing to do with Lu Bai and being a stranger to her was a hundred times more painful than Lu Bai not loving herself.

So, did Lu Bai also think so?

Therefore, I proposed to communicate with myself.

"Don't go." A voice full of complex emotions suddenly rang in her ears, Yuan Qing was startled, and found that she was walking towards the bedroom involuntarily, she stopped and turned to look at the man.

Lu Bai looked back at her with deep eyes, then removed the hand covering the receiver and put it on his lips:
"Li Xueshan, what's the matter?"

"There are still so many things at home, how can you just walk away and never come back?"

"Ruan Xinmei did all of this by herself. You should know better than me what kind of woman she is."

"Anyway, she is your real mother."

"She never thought of me as her own son."

"That's why you revealed to Li Yan my whereabouts that night nine years ago?"

It turns out that's the point.

Lu Bai raised the corners of his lips coldly:
"So what?"

Li Xueshan was so angry that she was speechless:
"Lu Bai, at least we have been friends since we were young. What kind of person is Li Yan, and who are the gangsters around him? Haven't you thought about my safety at all?"

"Li Xueshan, everything about you has nothing to do with me."


"Don't bother me and Yuan Qing's life again! Li Xueshan, you are right in saying that I hate women, especially women like you who always try to find ways to hate them, no matter when I hear your voice or see I hate your face to the core!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Bai hung up the phone.

Yuan Qing hugged Ah Bai, half curled up on the bed, when he heard the knock on the door, he planned to pretend to be deaf, and pretended he couldn't hear it.

But the knock on the door was never urgent or slow, and it was unrelenting.

Yuan Qing had no choice but to jump out of bed and opened the door.

The door opened, Lu Bai stood at the door with an apologetic face, and was about to speak, but Yuan Qing stopped him:
"Lu Bai, you asked me before: 'Is my heart still the same as it was nine years ago?' I can answer you now. In this world, there is nothing more unbearable than leaving you. You are mine Childhood sweetheart, you are my friend, my family, the person I love, and the best feelings in my heart are all gathered on you. I don’t want to change, and I won’t regret it. So, you don’t have to rush to explain to me, we are like As usual, slowly getting closer, opening up to each other a little bit, when there is no gap between us, nothing will stop us from going on forever."

Lu Baichu stayed in place for a long time, on his upright and serious face, the corners of his mouth began to rise little by little until it was completely lifted up, forming a perfect and brilliant smile. At least in Yuan Qing's memory, the man's eyes had never been so bright and bright. Overheated, like winter melting in the warm spring sun.

(End of this chapter)

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