Chapter 42

"Lu Bai! Lu Bai! Lu Bai!"

The exhaustion of rushing to draft and Chang Shan's visit made Lu Bai sleepless all night. He finally fell asleep when he heard a crying voice in a trance, beating his heart like a ghost.

Lu Bai opened his eyes abruptly. Because of his poor eyesight, he could only see a vague figure in the darkness:

"Yuan Qing?"

"Lu Bai, something happened to my mother."

"What's wrong?" Lu Bai got up and half sat down, and turned on the desk lamp.

"I don't know, I don't know, my mother's cell phone is no longer available, and my stepfather seems to be ... beating her." Yuan Qing said almost crying, although she couldn't see her description clearly in the dark, she could clearly understand Feel the distress in her voice.

Lu Bai jumped up from the bed, picked up the clothes beside the pillow:

"Anyway, I can't buy a train ticket now. You go to wash and change clothes first. After I call the police, we will drive to Anqing."

Lu Bai's calm voice calmed Yuan Qing's heart. Like a wooden figure, she instinctively followed his orders one by one.

"Since you're going by car, take Caesar and Abai with you."

"it is good."

Feeling a rustling sound at the trousers, he lowered his head and saw A Bai wagging his tail and pulling at his trousers, in a daze, he even forgot about this little guy.Yuan Qing bent down and hugged it into her arms. The short, warm fluff rubbed her cheeks itchy, but she felt an indescribable peace of mind.

Caesar let out a cry of dissatisfaction in the cage, and obediently shrank his head under the feathers under the cold eyes of the host.

"Don't worry too much. I've already called the police. The Anqing police should arrive at Xu's house soon. I've turned off the gas switch before going to bed. Don't forget to remind me to turn off the electric switch outside later. In addition, the wallet, ID card and some important documents are all brought together in case of emergencies."


Under the dim light in the entrance, the man's hair was a bit messy, his face was not looking good, and there were bloodshot eyes. He was holding the cage in one hand, and the plastic bag containing water and food in the other. The two looked at each other, Yuan Qing felt guilt and pain. Her mother was being bullied, and she had nothing to do. Fortunately, Lu Bai was by her side. Otherwise, what should I do?
There is movement in the stillness of the spring night, and everything is quietly growing in the air filled with the fragrance of flowers.

On the way to Anqing, Yuan Qing kept calling Wang Yuqian, but the phone was in a state of no one answering, and then turned off directly.

When she dialed again anxiously, Lu Bai pressed her hand:

"Our mobile phones are almost out of battery, and we forgot to bring the charger, or wait, in case there is an important call?"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Bai's cell phone rang:
"Excuse me, is this Comrade Lu Bai?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Hello, I'm An Ran Police Officer from the Anqing Public Security Bureau. I received your report at [-]:[-] in the morning, saying that your girlfriend's mother, Ms. Wang Yuqian, is suffering domestic violence from her husband Xu Hu, so she called for help. That's it. ?"

"Yes, I reported the case."

"It's like this. When we arrived at the scene, Ms. Wang Yuqian had fallen to the ground, unconscious, and her husband, Xu Hu, was nowhere to be seen. Only their son was sitting on the ground and crying loudly."

"What? My mother is unconscious? What's wrong with her? Injured, or...?"

"According to the on-site investigation, Ms. Wang Yuqian lost consciousness after being hit by a beer bottle. We sent an ambulance to take her to the emergency room of No. 1 People's Hospital in Anqing City. Ms. Wang Yuqian's son was also taken away by the child's grandmother. But the patient has no one to take care of him at present, and his family members are urgently needed to show up, so please come here as soon as possible!"

"Okay, thank you." Lu Bai glanced at the toll ramp on the expressway. "We are currently on the Lunan Expressway and are about to turn to the Luqing Expressway. We will come as soon as possible within about an hour!"

The sky was slightly bright, Yuan Qing hugged A Bai, opened his eyes wide and looked at the road that was quickly left behind, his thoughts seemed to be frozen in the moment when his mother asked for help on the phone, imagined that his mother was knocked unconscious by Xu Hu, and fell to the ground. She was no longer able to call for help in the pool of blood, and the blood in the pool of blood seeped into her heart little by little...

It was her selfishness that ruined her mother's peaceful life.

She thought that as long as she pushed her, her mother would return to her, and she would be able to monopolize all her mother's love as before.

She is so selfish, so selfish, really... so regretful!

"Wang woo..."

Ah Bai cried out uneasily, its back was wet and hot, as if the owner had shed hot tears.

When they arrived at the No.1 People's Hospital in Anqing City, it was already dawn and the hospital was bustling with activity.

The two got out of the car, rushed into the information desk of the emergency center as if they were fighting, and soon found Wang Yuqian's bed in the emergency room.After asking the nurse, I learned that Wang Yuqian has not yet undergone any medical examination and is under observation in the hospital because there is no family member's signature.

Looking at the pale and frail mother on the hospital bed, Yuan Qing had never been so angry like today. She clenched her fists and opened her eyes wide, meeting her mother's sad eyes.

In an instant, sparks flew everywhere.

"I'll make him pay!"

Yuan Qing spoke in a low voice like a small animal, with a ferocious light in his eyes.

"Qing..." Wang Yuqian tremblingly raised her hand, wanting to touch her daughter's face.

However, Yuan Qing turned his face away, strode out of the emergency room, and bumped into Lu Bai who came back after paying the brain CT fee.

Since Lu Bai has known Yuan Qing for so long, he has never seen this sweet and soft girl have such ferocious eyes, as if she wanted to burn everything up.

"Lu Bai, my mother will entrust you to take care of me for the time being. I still have some things to do."

Lu Bai grabbed Yuan Qing's arm:

"Don't do stupid things. Brain injury is not a trivial matter. Even if there are no slight symptoms, something serious may happen. The most important thing you should do now is to stay with your aunt. I have completed the hospitalization procedures and the deposit. Here is a card , in case of emergencies, I know what you are going to do, I will do what you are going to do, and - give me the address of Grandma Xu Feng's home."

Yuan Qing raised her head and looked up at the man who was a head taller than her. Li Yan, a scoundrel, only said one thing correctly, Lu Bai is her god, and she, Yuan Qing, will regard Lu Bai as her god for the rest of her life. Wuling Tiandihe will not change!
(End of this chapter)

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