Chapter 6

Early on Wednesday morning, Yuan Qing rode Lu Bai's bicycle to the nearest ATM of Bank A to check his salary.

At 7:00 in the morning, the deposit balance shows: "0.00"

Yuan Qing sighed, it was still early, I was too impatient, I should go next door and buy egg-filled biscuits and soy milk for breakfast.

At 8:00 in the morning, the deposit balance shows: "0.00"

Yuan Qing shook his arms and moved his legs, forget it, it's rare to have time, let's go to a park not far away to do morning exercises.

At 9:00 in the morning, the deposit balance shows: "0.00"

Yuan Qing was out of breath, standing in front of the ATM in sweat, and it happened to be working time, so it shouldn't take long for the call to come over.

However, until 06:30 in the evening, the tired bird returned to its nest, and the white-collar, golden-collar and blue-collar workers got off work one by one, and the balance of the deposit remained unchanged, still - zero.

Yuan Qing was so hungry that she called Eva. Eva is not only her supervisor, but also a relative of the boss, so she must know the exact time of salary payment.

"Hello, who is it?" Eva's cold voice came from the phone.

"Eva, I'm Yuan Qing." Probably due to slavishness, Yuan Qing subconsciously lowered his voice when talking to former supervisor Eva, and even the most reasonable question of when to pay salary brought a lot of confusion. A little cautious and ingratiating.

"What's your business?"

"Excuse me... when will this month's salary be paid?"

"You should ask the boss, why do you ask me?"

"But, but, you told me that it would be posted today, today."

"Has today passed?" Eva asked lukewarmly.

"Not yet."

"So just wait and ask the boss if you have any questions. Didn't I call your boss before the company was dissolved?"

"That, that, there is one more question."

"Please finish all the questions at once, I'm going to eat."

"Excuse me... have you received your salary?"

There was a brief silence on the phone, and then it hung up silently.

At that moment, Yuan Qing seemed to see a crow flapping its wings and flying overhead while screaming "croak".

Ever since Abai met Caesar, whose outlook on life and the world was very different from his own, his whole life has been messed up.

Yuan Qing returned to Lu Bai's apartment dejectedly. As soon as he stepped into the entrance, he heard a burst of "barking" dogs and "quack quack" birds. Writer Lu came out of the study with a frown and strode into In the living room, I looked helplessly at the two pets who were so noisy.

Although they often come here to eat and live, the two people's positions were completely equal at that time, and there was no financial debt to each other, but now she is penniless and can't even pay the rent, so she depends on Lu Bai. Give alms.

What should she do if the salary is not paid until tomorrow?
Thinking of the faces of his stepfather Xu Hu and his half-brother, Yuan Qing stopped thinking of calling his mother again. Since his biological father passed away and his mother remarried, Xu Hu tolerated his existence and supported her to go to university. Graduation is really rare, she can't ask for more.

Lu Bai watched the sleepy woman rushing out of the house in high spirits early in the morning, and returning in the evening like a disheveled cabbage in the supermarket, he couldn't help frowning:

"what happened?"

"No, nothing." Yuan Qing instinctively looked away. Could she tell Lu Bai that not only was she unemployed because of the company's bankruptcy, but now she might not even be able to get her salary? ! .

But who is Lu Bai? He has known Yuan Qing since she was wearing a ponytail and humming the ending song of "Chibi Maruko" in a wild voice. Naturally, what Qingmei is thinking about at the moment cannot escape his discerning eyes .

Seeing his master came back, Ah Bai immediately put aside the quarrel with the stinky parrot, and happily ran to the entrance door to meet the master, wagging his tail. Run away under the nose.

"It seems that we need to talk." Lu Bai crossed his arms and stood at the door of the living room like a door god, blocking the woman's way.

"Talk, talk about what?"

"I just received a call from Aunt Wang. She said that your mobile phone has been shut down, and she is worried that something happened to you."

"You, what did you say?"

"I said I would pay attention." The man said lightly, staring at her with a pair of shiny black eyes, and saw the hair growing in her heart.

Yuan Qing didn't know whether he and Writer Lu Da had a grudge in the past or in the next life. From the time he met this guy to the present, as long as he cared about any corner of her life, her future was basically in jeopardy.

"Don't tell my mom that I'm unemployed, anyway, I'm sure I'll find a job soon."

"Then—what about before that?" Lu Bai raised his eyebrows, "You don't want to stay with me forever, do you?"

"Hehehe..." Yuan Qing grinned awkwardly.

If money suffocates a hero, the first ones to be suffocated must be those who leave their hometowns and go out to work.

The moment Yuan Qing came back from the bank, Yuan Qing's remaining strength almost dropped to zero.

It's hard to find a job these days, and it's even more difficult for her with a full degree of education. She originally wanted to stick to it and move out of Lu Bai's house when she was paid, but now it seems that this idea is going to fail again.The sum of all the forests in the pockets is less than 14 yuan and 5 cents. I don’t want to embarrass my mother, but if I am driven out by Lu Bai to live, I will starve to death on the street, not to mention there is an extra dog to raise.

Thinking of this, Yuan Qing had no choice but to ask brazenly:

"Don't worry, I won't live for free. I can cook, wash clothes, make quilts, feed dogs and birds..."

Lu Bai glanced at Qingmei:
"The meals you cook can choke a healthy adult to death, the clothes you wash look like they were just out of washing powder, the quilts you make are not dried tofu but fermented bean curd, and what's more, let those two The guys are full of food and drink, do you want to make them more energetic and noisy?"

"So... you want to drive me away?" Yuan Qing looked up at Lu Bai at a 45-degree angle, with a flattering smile on his lips and suspicious tears in his eyes.

Lu Bai's face twitched, and his right eyelid couldn't help jumping wildly:

"I don't keep idlers here, but Xia Weiwei is planning to hire an assistant, you can try it."

"Isn't Xia Weiwei your assistant?"

"She's been too busy recently and needs an assistant."

Yuan Qing was stunned for a moment, and quickly grasped the point:
"In other words, I am your assistant's assistant, and I am at the bottom of the ecological pyramid."

Lu Bai raised the corners of his lips and smiled like a fox:
"Don't be too happy, it's not easy to pass her level."

"How much is the salary for that month? Can I pay in advance? Is there a meal sticker or a car sticker? Is there a year-end bonus and commission?" Yuan Qing's tears dried up in an instant.

Lu Bai rubbed his temples:

"Xia Weiwei has always been in charge of the finances, you can ask her."

"Writer Lu Da, where is your dear assistant Weiwei now?"

Lu Bai: " can call her directly."

Therefore, Yuan Qing used Lu Bai's landline to call Xia Weiwei, and Mao recommended himself.

Didn't it mean that the near-water tower gets the moon first, but instead of helping her pick the moon, Xia Weiwei emailed the test questions.

Yuan Qing turned on the laptop in the study, looked at the eight-page interview question, and was dazzled.

"Are you sure this is the assistant interviewing your assistant, not CEOCFOCOO?" Yuan Qing turned her head and rolled her eyes at the man who was standing behind her with a gloating smile.

Lu Bai curled his lips into a smile: "With Xia Weiwei's perfectionist character, this is already showing mercy.

At this time, the naughty A Bai took advantage of Lu Bai's inattention, sneaked into the study, and silently crawled under the master's feet, hooking her trouser legs with his little claws from time to time.

In order to divert Lu Bai's attention and prevent him from discovering the truth, Yuan Qing had no choice but to bite the bullet and start doing the test questions.

"1. May I ask which works of the famous suspense writer Lu Bai have you read?"

A: I have read every book, but I dare not read the ending, it is too scary.

"2. Which work impressed you the most? Please tell the name and reason."

Answer: The impression is very scary, just look at the cover to know.

"3. What are the classic quotations in Lu Bai's works, please write 3-5 sentences."

Answer: ...Baidu, where are you?

"4. Which character in Lu Bai's novel do you like the most?"

Answer: Please... There is no solution.

"5. What is the name of Lu Bai's latest novel?"

Answer: I will never forget, the last thing I want to do every morning - "Wake Up".

"6. If you were Xiao Ran, the protagonist of "Blindness", when you regained your eyesight, you suddenly found that your family, love and career were nothing but empty walls, what would you do?"

What a heartless plot is this!
Yuan Qing beat the table speechlessly, and after a long time of contemplation, wrote five words:

Close your eyes again.

"I guess you can't even get duck eggs from these answers." A man's deep voice suddenly came from behind, because the air current generated by the smile made Yuan Qing's hairs stand on end, and the roots of his ears itched.

Yuan Qing pointed to the seventh question "Which publishing houses cooperate with Lu Bai?" and the eighth question "Which novels by Lu Bai are serialized in which magazines?" and said frantically:

"Can I have a small stove?"

Lu Bai hooked the corners of his lips:
"Actually, I'm looking for a life assistant this time. I don't need to know too much about my job content. Just help me cook three meals a day, clean up, take care of Caesar, make coffee and answer the phone, manage fan groups and WeChat. My blog account, and occasionally help me book cheap train tickets, plane tickets and hotels, in short, it is an assistant to help Xia Weiwei share some of the daily work."

"Did Xia Weiwei help you make breakfast, clean up, and answer the phone?"

"If there is no major incident, she will basically not come to my house to disturb me."

"Then why do you suddenly want to recruit a life assistant now?"

Lu Bai looked at Qingmei's stupid look with her head up and her eyes staring at him, and immediately became angry, pointing to the puppy hiding under the table as a potted plant:
"You have five seconds to let it disappear from the study, otherwise - you will disappear with it!"

(End of this chapter)

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