Chapter 8

"Wow, this is your boyfriend, what's his name, why haven't I heard you mention it before, he's so handsome!"

If it weren't for the white and bulging face in front of him, which resembled the appearance of Zhu Lisha who had been facing each other day and night for three years, Yuan Qing would have doubted whether the woman who was still hurting on the phone just now and the nympho drooling at Lu Da's writer were the same. Not creatures of the same attribute.

"Don't talk nonsense, he's just my old classmate."

"In these days, not all handsome guys are prince charming, and not all men who drive luxury sports cars are prince charming. Only handsome guys who drive Audi, BMW, Porsche and Ferrari are the real prince charming. The women who don't do it are either too ugly to be self-aware, or lack of understanding, or have sexual problems."

Yuan Qing was almost stunned by Zhu Lisha's "Prince Charming" tongue twister, so he could only remind him lightly:

"Don't forget, there is also a so-called prince charming in this world. Although he drives an Audi and looks handsome, he is actually just a driver."

Julia: ...

"Miss, are you done chatting?" Driver Lu sat in the driver's seat through the half-opened car window, looking lukewarmly at the two little girls who were standing at the door of the commercial building not far away, muttering endlessly. , "It's almost noon, and it will take at least two hours to go to the suburbs."

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Zhu Lisha waved her hand to Lu Bai with a beautiful smile, swaggered open the car door, sat in the passenger seat, left Yuan Qing alone in the back seat of the car, and used three or two One sentence completely sold her:

"By the way, Mr. Lu, which company do you drive for?"


"I heard Qingqing say that you are the driver."

"Oh, is that so?" Lu Bai raised his eyelids, and glanced at Yuan Qing through the rearview mirror in a neutral manner.

Although he couldn't see Writer Lu Da's expression, Yuan Qing was so depressed that he wanted to chew his finger.

According to the address provided by Zhu Lisha, Lu Bai gradually drove the car from the bustling city center to the sparsely populated suburbs.

But Zhu Lisha stopped bouncing around in the passenger seat for a long time, and then stopped. When writer Lu Da spoke, he could drive people crazy, and when he was silent, he could drive people crazy.

When we arrived at the fabled Xinghu villa area, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon when the sun was at its highest, and three men in security uniforms stood motionless at the entrance of the gate, with an air of "one man should be the gatekeeper, ten thousand men can't open it".

Yuan Qing and Lisa got out of the car apprehensively. If Lu Bai hadn't followed behind them, they would even have thought of going home.

"Why are you in a daze, go in quickly."

A man's calm and composed voice came from behind. Yuan Qing settled down and hurried to the entrance. Just as he was about to say hello, he was stopped by the security guards.

After Zhu Lisa explained her purpose, one of the security guards said to the other:
"Captain Jiang, what's going on today, why did you leave and come again?"

The corners of Zhu Lisa's eyes twitched, and her facial expression was stiff:

"May I ask how many people came before the three big brothers?"

"It doesn't matter how many people there are, you can't go in anyway!" The security captain surnamed Jiang said impatiently.


"Why, this is a high-end villa area, not a vegetable market People's Square! Those who went in and made a lot of noise seriously affected the daily life and personal safety of the residents in our villa area, and finally drove them away. You are here again It's gone!" Jiang Da's security captain waved his arms at them like chasing away flies, "Let's go, don't make trouble for us!"

Seeing that they were still lingering, Captain Jiang became even more impatient, and kept making large-scale driving movements. By the way, he showed his biceps, and inadvertently slapped Yuan Qing's right hand with his thick bones. On her face, half a red mark was left on her snow-white skin.

Yuan Qing only felt a pain in his cheek, and before he made any reaction, Lu Bai grabbed Captain Jiang's arm with a gloomy expression, and said in a serious tone, "Apologize and let him go, otherwise——wait to be complained."

Perhaps it was because of Lu Da's tall, majestic and domineering character, Captain Jiang was short of breath for an instant, but he still refused to admit it:
"I didn't do it on purpose. If you want to complain, you can vote. You can go in if you want, unless you are a resident of Xinghu Villa, or you can only go in with the consent of the resident, or you can go as far as you can. This is not a place for the poor!"

Poor? !It’s right to have money to live in a villa, but it’s still right to have money to steal other people’s wages?It was the first time in Yuan Qing's life that she felt so angry, the dense anger almost made her head smoke.

Lu Bai raised the corners of his lips, instead of being angry, he smiled:
"Okay, since that's the case, let's go."

After that, he turned around and went straight back to the car.

"Wow, you just left like that!" Zhu Lisha's eyes were burning, "Qingqing, you are too blind, how do you know a man with such soft bones!"

Yuan Qing glanced at Zhu Lisa, wondering who the nympho who was drooling at someone just now was.

Sometimes, not only time flows between childhood sweethearts, but also a godlike mutual understanding.

Based on years of experience with Lu Da's writers' penny-pinching and vengeful personality, Yuan Qing can guess with his toes that this guy will never let it go. As for how not to let it go, it depends on his mood.

Therefore, Yuan Qing followed Lu Bai into the car without any objection. This time she chose to sit in the passenger seat, while Zhu Lisha slammed into the back seat angrily.

Lu Bai threw the mineral water in the trunk to Yuan Qing:
"Quickly apply it, and your face will turn red like a monkey's ass."

No woman would be happy to hear a man describe her face as that part, but Yuan Qing looked at Writer Lu's elongated face and tight lips, and came to a conclusion:

At this moment, at this moment, at this moment, Lu Bai is unhappy, very unhappy, extremely unhappy.

There is a kind of person in this world, as long as he is unhappy, someone will be unlucky.

Yuan Qing shivered involuntarily, Lu Bai picked up the mobile phone plugged into the base, dialed a few numbers, and after a while, a few words popped out, "Yes, Lao Zhang, it's me, open the door", and cut off the call. Gu Zi stepped on the accelerator and started the car.

Soon, Yuan Qing saw Captain Jiang pick up the walkie-talkie and mutter a few words, and then ordered to open the door with a pale face.

As the ramp slowly ascended, Lu Bai stopped at the gate, and a handsome expressionless face leaned out of the car window and said lightly to Captain Jiang:

"Do you remember what I said?"

"What, what did you say?"

"It's okay, even if you forget, I just remember."

Seeing that Audi was about to drive away, Captain Jiang finally panicked. Although he was full of displeasure, he still respectfully said:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I don't are a resident of our community, please forgive me. After all, I am thinking about the living environment and safety of your residents. I have some inappropriate words and actions for a while. Be careful next time , must be improved."

Captain Jiang smiled obsequiously, but Lu Bai was completely indifferent:
"The person you should apologize to is not me, but the young lady beside me."

Even if there were 1 people who were not happy, but for the sake of their jobs, the security captain still patiently apologized to Yuan Qing.

Lu Bai interrupted him:
"But it's not necessary now."


"An insincere apology is the same as no apology."

After finishing speaking, Writer Lu Da slammed on the gas pedal, and the car drove into the Xinghe villa area like a whirlwind, leaving only a wisp of exhaust gas floating into Captain Jiang's half-open mouth.

After a brief silence, Lu Bai felt a paw pulling his clothes, and when he turned his head, he found that his green plum was looking at him with bright eyes, almost wagging its tail.

"When did you become tall, rich and handsome?"

"How do you say it?" Lu Bai glanced lightly at Qingmei who had turned into a dog's leg in a second.

"You still want to hide it from me, when did you already earn a villa?"

Lu Bai raised the corners of his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes. There was an inexplicable strangeness in his expression. Yuan Qing was about to ask what happened when the back of his head was hit hard by an external force. When he turned around, he found that there was an extra star behind him. A woman who shimmers like a thief.

Zhu Lisa grabbed the back of the co-pilot's sofa and smiled obsequiously:

"Mr. Lu, I know that the real rich and handsome are all in the private sector. In fact, you not only own a villa, but even the entire Xinghu villa area is yours, right?"

Yuan Qing stared at Zhu Lisa with wide eyes, opened his mouth and couldn't speak. After working as a colleague for three years, he realized that this woman turned out to be such an associative woman.

Lu Bai didn't talk to him, but just turned the steering wheel and drove the car into the spacious villa area. Without much trouble, he found the villa where Boss Cao lived.

Before Yuan Qing and Zhu Lisha got out of the car, they saw the front door of the villa was opened. Boss Cao stood at the door and looked around furtively for a while, then walked out with a beer belly, followed by A beautiful woman with big wavy hair wearing a pink cashmere coat, wearing high-top boots, and holding Hermes in her hand.

Compared with the usual high-ranking and unattainable appearance, the scene just now was actually quite funny, but when he thought that he couldn't even pay the employees' salaries, and his girlfriend's full-body equipment was enough to pay N times their wages, it was really It makes people laugh a little.

No, Yuan Qing heard Lu Bai raise his chin, and let out a cold snort from his nasal cavity.

Since ancient times, literati have looked down on businessmen the most.No evil, no business is basically the most incisive summary of the business circle in the literary and art circles, and Lu Da's writers are not exempt from it.

"Mr. Lu, do you think Cao will give us his salary?"

"Don't worry, people will be rewarded by heaven." Lu Bai said lightly: "If heaven doesn't accept it, I will do it."

After all, Zhu Lisha is a common man, and her heart skipped a beat when she was frightened by Lu Bai's harsh words:
"Why, how to charge?"

Lu Bai took a gloomy look at Zhu Lisa through the reflection of the lenses of the black-rimmed glasses:
"Let him lie in the bathtub as if he fell asleep, a deep knife mark can be seen faintly on his wrist submerged in the warm water, and the bath water soaked in blood silently flows through the bathtub, bathroom, living room and hallway, along the The steps at the door meander down, and the residents of the villa who pass by by chance may take a curious look, and then walk away with suspicion and speculation that it has nothing to do with them.”

Zhu Lisha shut her mouth in an instant, her facial expression changed from continuous admiration like a surging river to panic when she saw the abnormal schizophrenia, wishing she could vacate her whole body ninety-eight thousand feet away from Lu Bai.

Yuan Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at the man with the occupational disease, and said with relief:

It seems that she is not the only one who cannot get married in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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