Cannon fodder female match she became a tyrant's petite bag

Chapter 10 Don't Fall into the Trap of Idiots

Chapter 10 Don't Fall into the Trap of Idiots
Imperial Textile Bureau.

Mu Jinjin stood among a group of concubines, surrounded by a strong smell of makeup.

The concubines complimented Mu Jinjin.

"Jinjin's skin is really fair, you can choose any color here."

"I cherish this red Shu brocade! It's the material worn by the first princess, so let's get a brocade too!"

"I heard that it was sent from Jia country three days ago, one of which was given to Princess Di, and there is only one left."

These women who usually have nothing to do and get together at the Imperial Textile Bureau know a lot about these fabrics.

Mu Jinjin believed what they said, the princess had already chosen a red Shu brocade.

With a push of her small hand, she pushed the red Shu brocade to the side, and waved to the court tailor (female officer of the Imperial Weaving Bureau).

"I don't want such expensive fabrics."

Everyone was startled and looked at each other.

"Isn't it a good thing to be able to wear the same fabric as the first princess?"

"The emperor asked you to choose the most expensive cloth for your dress, how could you not choose this best Shu brocade?"

Mu Jinjin lowered her eyes and shook her head.

She didn't answer these women's questions, but selected a few pieces of cloth with common colors from ordinary cloth in public, and pushed them to the court tailor.

"It's hard work, auntie!"

When the concubines looked at those ordinary fabrics, they lost interest all of a sudden.

"It's so ordinary."

"What a waste of the emperor's reward."

"If the emperor can really reward me to choose expensive fabrics at random, I will definitely choose the most expensive ones! Wear the same fabrics as the queen."

The voices of the concubines continued...

Concubine Jin picked up Mu Jinjin, and walked into the inner room with the court tailor.

The court tailor measured Mu Jinjin's size. After the measurement, he found that Mu Jinjin's arms and legs were long, and his body was a bit shorter than his legs.

Mu Jinjin knew that with this body proportion, she must be a long-legged beauty in the future.

She doesn't have to worry about becoming a dwarf anymore.

After measuring the clothes, Mu Jinjin thanked the court tailor, "Thank you, aunt!"

She looks well-behaved, unlike other princesses who are so arrogant when they get rewarded by the emperor to make clothes.

Mu Jinjin's polite and well-behaved appearance is very popular with the court tailors of the Imperial Weaving Bureau.

Concubine Jin watched her daughter so well-behaved, sensible and polite, her cold eyes bent into two arcs.

Mu Jinjin likes to see Concubine Jin's eyes curled up with a smile, just like the beauty in the painting.

After choosing the fabrics and arranging ten dresses, she and Concubine Jin left the Imperial Weaving Bureau.

On the way back, she was still walking hard, and her toddler appearance still attracted the eyes of her father-in-law and maidservants passing by.

Under the doting eyes of all, Mu Jinjin was in a happy mood, like white clouds floating in the blue sky.

Concubine Jin held her little hand tightly, not letting go for a moment.

Her cold eyes were covered with a layer of warm soft light, and she never left her for a moment.

Mu Jinjin's well-behaved manners were not taught by her, they were born with her, and no one else could learn them.

"Jin Jin!"


"My mother asked one thing."


"Don't you like that red Shu brocade?"

"Like it!" Who doesn't love beautiful and expensive leather?

"Then why didn't you choose it?"

"What does mother think?"

Concubine Jin looked at Mu Jinjin with crooked eyes, "I want to hear Jinjin say it himself."

Mu Jinjin raised his little apple face, his black eyes curved.

"Jinjin likes red brocade, but Jinjin knows that he can't wear that brocade. Firstly, red brocade is the most expensive fabric, and everyone in the palace likes it. It will make people jealous when I wear it. Second, it is The fabric used by the princess to make clothes, if I wear the same clothes as the princess, others will criticize me."

Concubine Jin smiled deeply.

"Jinjin, you are really smart! Mother can rest assured."

Mu Jinjin understands the sinister intentions of those concubines. They are jealous that she has been sealed by the emperor, so they push her into the fire pit, let her choose the most expensive and most beautiful fabrics, and let her compete with the princess. Hope she attracts more jealousy and criticism.

However, these concubines made a mistake in their wishful thinking.

She is 16 years old mentally, not weaker than those concubines.

Furthermore, she has a talented mother by her side who will protect her in times of need.

Today in the Imperial Weaving Bureau, she remembered all the scenes of Concubine Jin protecting her.

She likes the way Concubine Jin protects her.

Pulling Concubine Jin's sleeves and hugging Concubine Jin, "Mother is the best!"

The setting sun stretched the shadows of the mother and daughter very long, and they fell on the green lawn with beautiful outlines.

Back at Jinxiu Palace, the emperor's reward has arrived.

Twenty pairs of jewelry, 50 taels of silver.

Lianbing hugged Mu Jinjin, she was overjoyed.

"The little princess has been rewarded by the emperor, what an eye-opener! Great!"

Sitting in front of the bronze mirror on the dressing table, Mu Jinjin looked at twenty pairs of jewelry, all specially prepared for little girls.

There are lovely hairpins, small animal hostas, tender pink tassels, silver bracelets, silver collars, silver anklets...

Lianbing helped Concubine Jin to dress up Mu Jinjin.

Mu Jinjin stood on the mahogany chair and took a picture in front of the vanity mirror. After wearing the little girl's jewelry, she looked even cuter and more lovable.

Facing the bronze mirror, he smiled, "Hahaha! It's so beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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