Cannon fodder female match she became a tyrant's petite bag

Chapter 100 Can't wake up because of the strange fragrance of the Western Regions

Chapter 100 Can't wake up because of the strange fragrance of the Western Regions

Xiao Tangyuan ran to Jinxiu Hall in a panic.

Seeing Mr. Xiaoyang hurriedly said: "Where is your mother!"

Little Yang Gonggong sighed: "Don't mention it! My little princess got an evil spirit in the Duobao Pavilion, and she fell asleep when she came back, and she slept until now and hasn't woken up yet."

Xiao Tangyuan sighed and said, "Hey! That's not it! That's not it! Take me to see your mother!"

Mr. Little Yang rushed to the east room with the little glutinous rice balls, "Your Majesty is chanting scriptures!"

In the empress's room, Mr. Yang couldn't go in, so Xiao Tangyuan ran in by himself.

"Your Majesty! It's not good! The little princess's picture yesterday was the strange fragrance of the Western Regions. It is the strange fragrance that my parents and princesses got from the princes of the Western Regions. There is only a little bit of it, and I have been reluctant to use it. This time, let Princess Muyingsi use it on us. The little princess is here!"

"Extraordinary fragrance from the Western Regions?" Jin Naiqing was a little confused, having never heard of it before, "What is that?"

Xiao Tangyuan blinked her watery eyes twice at Jin Naiqing.

The little glutinous rice balls are not here to help, but to make money.

You will be charged for every message you provide or every question you answer.

Jin Naiqing turned around and took a silver ingot from the table, and stuffed it into the little glutinous rice balls.


Xiao Tangyuan kicked the silver ingot into her sleeve, slapped her thigh, and said it.

"The prince of the Western Regions once met the eldest princess at the Ninghua Temple where the queen mother worshiped Buddha. A lot of good things came."

Jin Naiqing understood that the strange fragrance of the Western Regions was obtained by the eldest princess when she was in contact with the princes of the Western Regions.

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling a rush of fire in his heart.

"It's no wonder that the imperial doctor couldn't find anything wrong yesterday. There is no antidote for this strange fragrance from the Western Regions in the Central Plains! What should we do!"

Xiao Tangyuan sighed, and said, "That's right! There is no antidote for this strange fragrance from the Western Regions in the Central Plains. After using it on the body, it will make people sleepy and lack energy, and it will last forever."

"This is impossible!" Jin Naiqing slapped the table!
With great difficulty, Mu Jinjin escaped from the harm of Ruanjinhua, and grew into a little girl with a tiger's head and a tiger's brain.

Don't be ruined by the strange fragrance of the Western Regions again!

He hurriedly led Xiaotangyuan to Yechen's room to find Mu Jinjin.

As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw Mu Jinjin running from the backyard in white pajamas and pajamas.

The little girl was alive and well, humming powerfully when she ran, and her waist-length black long hair fluttered from side to side.

The little short legs hopped and jumped, the little arms waved in the air, and the little round head swayed from side to side.

On the emerald green grass, Mu Jinjin was like a romping little white rabbit, making others' eyes follow her all the time.

Jin Naiqing asked the little glutinous rice ball beside her, and said, "Are you sure my little princess has fallen in love with the strange fragrance of the Western Regions?"

Xiao Tangyuan nodded very seriously, but there was confusion between her brows.

"I heard what the eldest princess and Her Highness Princess Muyingsi said last night. I can't hear it wrong. It was inconvenient for me to run out last night. I took the opportunity of going to the imperial dining room to report the news this morning."


Looking at Mu Jinjin's lively appearance, it really doesn't look like he has fallen in love with the fragrance of the Western Regions.

Mu Jinjin ran up to Jin Naiqing, hugged Jin Naiqing's body, and raised her round face.

"Mother! Where did you go, Jinjin wanted to find you as soon as she opened her eyes."

Jin Naiqing put her arms around Mu Jinjin's small shoulders, and looked down at Mu Jinjin's lovely face.

Gently said: "Has Jinjin woke up? Is she refreshed? Still sleepy?"

Mu Jinjin shook his head vigorously twice, his black eyes opened round.

"Jinjin is very energetic and not sleepy at all!"

Eunuch Liu and Lian Bing ran after Mu Jinjin. When they saw Jin Naiqing, they hurriedly taught Jin Naiqing what happened in the morning.

"This maltose is also amazing!"

Jin Naiqing shook her head, thinking that maltose could not be so magical.

She told everyone about the strange fragrance of the Western Regions.

Mu Jinjin blinked his round black eyes and listened carefully, only then did he know what happened from yesterday afternoon to this morning.

When she and Mu Yingsi were in the sedan chair yesterday afternoon, a drop of fragrance dripped from Mu Yingsi's sleeve, which happened to land on Mu Jinjin's face, releasing a peculiar fragrance, and the strange fragrance of the Western Regions followed Her seven orifices entered the body.

After another thought, maltose is different from other sugars.Maltose has "malt", and other sugars do not contain malt ingredients.

Thinking in terms of chemical reactions, the molecular components in the malt can just detoxify the poison of the strange fragrance of the Western Regions.

But others don't understand why.

Her round little head was tilted to one side, thinking about it, the chemical reaction between this maltose and the strange fragrance of the Western Regions is quite interesting.

At this moment, Little Eunuch Yuan ran into the Hall of Splendid Embroidery, ran to the sixth Eunuch and said in a panic, "It's not good! Just now the emperor received news from the frontier that the soldiers on the battlefield in the Western Regions were controlled by a strange perfume. Everyone stopped fighting. Now the emperor calls you back, and asks you to properly arrange for the envoys of the Kingdom of Gui, and the emperor will take the crown prince to the battlefields of the Western Regions!"

Mu Jinjin blinked his dark eyes, and after listening to Eunuch Xiaoyuan's words, he realized that Yun Country was at war with the Western Regions.

The situation of the soldiers in the country of Yun happened to be poisoned by the strange fragrance from the Western Regions.

Thinking of this, Mu Jinjin gasped and tightened his small shoulders.

Fortunately, she is in this comic book at this time!Otherwise, the comic book tyrant losing an arm is about to happen.

The tyrant lost an arm on the battlefield in the Western Regions.

On the battlefield of the Western Regions, the tyrant did not find a way to detoxify the soldiers, so he had to send the general of Zhen Guo to deal with the enemy with ferocious beasts.

Lost his left arm in battle.

"I want to go to see the father with the sixth father-in-law!" She pulled the sixth father-in-law, "You must take me to see the father."

Who would let a three-year-old child participate in the national community, such a major event as the war between the two countries!

Let's stop Mu Jinjin from making trouble for the sixth father-in-law.

Eunuch Six and Eunuch Xiaoyuan quickly left the Hall of Splendid Embroidery.

Afraid that Mu Jinjin would catch up, he quickened his pace.

Mu Jinjin avoided everyone's obstruction, ran to the front of the little koi's shed, and untied the little koi's rope.

The little girl climbed onto the back of the little koi and ordered: "Little koi, rush to the duck!"

The little koi ran out of the Hall of Splendid Brilliance with a roar of long silver-white furry wolf legs.

Running wildly all the way, the wind blew up and the fresh grass flew apart.

When the sixth father-in-law was exceeded, the sixth father-in-law was dumbfounded.

He stood there in a daze and watched the little girl gallop past on the iceberg snow wolf with a "whoosh".

Then, in the imperial palace, he ran wildly and recklessly, heading straight for Hongxiang Hall.

The sixth father-in-law shouted: "Slow down! Little princess!"

Mu Jinjin turned a deaf ear to it, and then he yelled vigorously: "Little koi, charge the duck! Charge the duck! Charge the duck!"

(End of this chapter)

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