Chapter 15
Mu Jinjin grabbed Ye Chen's sleeve and begged, "Brother Ye Chen, don't throw Jin Jin out! Jin Jin is here to watch the show, not to seek death!"

Go to a play? !
Yechen was stunned for a moment, then he hugged Jinjin back and gently placed it on the desk, he sat on the chair facing Jinjin.

Touch the tip of Mu Jinjin's small nose, "Don't be naughty, tell the truth!"

Mu Jinjin said very seriously: "I really didn't lie. I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. If I ask you to help me with this, you will also get benefits."

Then, Mu Jinjin told Yechen everything he saw and heard in Shibi Palace during the day.

After hearing this, Yechen hesitated.

Why did he have to help this little guy?
He saved her out of kindness, and couldn't bear to see such a small child be beheaded.

Next came the conflict of interests between Mu Jinjin and Mu Yan'er, why did he have to help this Mu Jinjin?
Besides, this Mu Jinjin is really weird!
Obviously, everyone in the palace said that she was an idiot, but she acted with a cleverness that did not match a three-and-a-half-year-old child, and it was even more impossible for her to be really an idiot.

Yechen didn't speak, just looked at Mu Jinjin quietly.

A pair of black eyes are like jewels, reflecting Mu Jinjin's petite and lovely appearance.

"Mu Jinjin, tell brother first, what benefits can brother get?"

Ye Chen in the comic book is indeed a person with clear interests, he will never help others easily, let alone promise anything to anyone easily.

Yechen seems to be protecting himself so much that he doesn't trust others, but Yechen's heart is kind.

Mu Jinjin wanted to gamble, so he gambled on Yechen's kindness.

She suddenly looked very pitiful, and grabbed Ye Chen's sleeve and begged: "Brother Ye Chen, you also have parents, you should be able to understand the filial piety of a filial daughter to your father, and you just want your father to have a good body." .”

Sniffing, "Look at my father, he has a lot of affairs in his day and night, dealing with state affairs day and night, staying up late and coughing badly, I just want daddy to drink a bowl of white fungus soup that nourishes yin and nourishes qi, and nourishes his body , but it is so difficult in this deep palace."

Dou Da's teardrops fell, "I can't give Father a bowl of white fungus soup in person, because I don't want to make troubles in the harem again, but brother, you live so close to Father, you can say that you made the white fungus soup! In the future, you You can bring white fungus soup to my father for me in an open and honest way!"

Mu Jinjin is now a petite and poor filial daughter.

The word filial piety is deeply rooted in Yechen's bones. It is because of the word filial piety that he was able to be a hostage. He must obey his father's will and fight everything for the country of Gui.

He could understand Mu Jinjin who was in a dilemma because of filial piety.

"Seeing that you are so pitiful, I promise you, and the benefits are useless."

Mu Jinjin took out a little rabbit hosta from his sleeve and stuffed it into Yechen's hand.

Sniffing, he said, "I beg Yechen brother to help me, and I won't let Yechen brother do this for nothing. This jade hairpin was gifted to me by my father. It's a fine emerald jade. Please take it away and keep it. Give it to the girl my brother likes."

Yechen nodded, "Okay! Even if you still think about my brother. My brother will not treat you badly. What else do you want my brother to help you with? Let's talk about it together!"

Mu Jinjin pointed to the imperial study room, and pleaded: "I want to go over there and have a look, and see how Mu Yan'er made a fool of herself in front of her father."

Yechen carried Mu Jinjin in his arms, went to the back of the screen in the imperial study room, and put her on the soft cushion behind the screen.

Yechen sat behind Mu Jinjin and put his arms around her, holding the screen with her to look outside.

Mu Yan'er and Eunuch Zhang stood in front of the tyrant, the room was very quiet, and the sound of coal burning could be clearly heard.

Eunuch Zhang said to the tyrant: "Your Majesty, the servant has found the owner of the purple jade bowl. She is a smart and kind princess. She wanted to do her filial piety for her father. That's why she thought of tremella nourishing yin and nourishing qi and made a gift for the emperor." A bowl of white fungus soup. Because I was afraid of the emperor, I didn’t dare to serve the white fungus soup in person, so I had to sneak into the imperial study at night at the risk of beheading, and quietly put the white fungus soup on the emperor’s desk.”

When the words fell, pull Mu Yan'er.

Mu Yan'er was very sensible and immediately knelt down in front of the tyrant.

"I beg your father to forgive Yan'er's recklessness. Yan'er didn't intend to deceive her father on purpose. Yan'er is still worried that her father will blame Yan'er for her sister Jinjin's affairs, so she dare not meet her father."

Hearing this, Mu Jinjin couldn't help rolling her eyes, this Mu Yaner acted as she was acting, and she just wanted to get involved with others.

It's just that Mu Yan'er doesn't know that the more realistic the acting is now, the worse the slap will be in the future.

Mu Jinjin was sure that Mu Yan'er's face would be very painful later.

Ye Chen's voice sounded next to her ear, "This Mu Yan'er won't blush even when she tells a lie." She couldn't help nodding vigorously, feeling that Ye Chen was right.

Mu Yan'er thought she could turn her hands around and win the favor of the tyrant since then. After all, the tyrant's gloomy eyes were covered with a layer of tenderness.

He also brought white fungus that had been soaked in cold water, cooked a bowl of white fungus soup in front of the tyrant, and brought it to the tyrant himself.

Looking at this scene, Mu Jinjin thought she would be the one who cooked the white fungus soup for the tyrant herself!She just wanted to thank her father for the reward and tell her father that she is a filial daughter.

But in this deep palace, in the eyes of many people, being filial to the emperor has become a utilitarian thing.

She clenched her fists tightly and her mind became heavy.

Suddenly, Yechen's arms hugged her even tighter, as if Yechen felt the same way as her.

Mu Jinjin's dark eyes are wide open. Perhaps, in this deep palace, the best friend she can make is this young man from a foreign country. Both of them have souls that are incompatible with this deep palace.

In front of Mu Jinjin was the picture of father and daughter being harmonious. The tyrant took the white fungus soup Mu Yaner handed over, patted Mu Yaner's head, showing an unbelievable tenderness.

Mu Yan'er was cute and cute, raised her smiling face, and said heart-warming words to the tyrant.

"Father manages all kinds of affairs every day, correcting memorials day and night, he is the hardest emperor in the whole world. As the daughter of such a brave emperor, Yan'er naturally has to do more filial piety for her father, learn more from her skills, and relieve her father's worries."

He looked like he thought he was very good at talking, and he was secretly happy.

The tyrant raised his head and drank the white fungus soup, then suddenly frowned and threw the bowl hard.

The bowl landed at Mu Yan'er's feet, and there was a loud "pop", and the fragments splashed onto Mu Yan'er's dress, scaring Mu Yan'er into crying immediately.

"Father, I didn't want to lie to you. Eunuch Zhang told me to lie to you. Eunuch Zhang also taught me how to make this tremella soup. Please spare my life, please don't cut off Yan'er's head!"

Kneeling on the plop, kneeling on the shards of the porcelain bowl, blood stained the hem of the skirt.

(End of this chapter)

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