Cannon fodder female match she became a tyrant's petite bag

Chapter 32 Yan Wang He Only Protects Mu Jinjin

Chapter 32 Yan Wang He Only Protects Mu Jinjin

Everyone agreed happily, but their minds were always on Mu Yan'er.

Mu Yan'er looked delirious, sitting on the ground and throwing up all the time, it was so eye-catching that people had to look at her.

Wu Shaofu felt that everyone was watching Mu Yan'er, and only by letting Mu Yan'er leave the martial arts academy could everyone calm down and practice boxing.

The prince who lives closest to Mu Yan'er is Mu Jingyan.

Wu Shaofu looked at Mu Jingyan, "His Royal Highness Jing Yan, I have an idea, I want His Highness Jing Yan to send Princess Yan'er back to Shibi Palace to recover from her injuries, so as to delay boxing practice for now."

Wu Shaofu must not leave the martial arts academy at this time, and must stay in the martial arts academy to watch the princes and princesses practice boxing. This is Wu Shaofu's duty.

Mu Jingyan also understood Wu Shaofu's thoughts, his cunning eyes were bent, and he said to Wu Shaofu: "I will help Shaofu with a few good words."

After saying that, Mu Jingyan went to Mu Yan'er's side, and together with Wu Shaofu carried Mu Yan'er on his back, and took a piece of silver from Wu Shaofu's hand.

Mu Jinjin was standing beside Wu Shaofu, and he could see clearly that Wu Shaofu gave Mu Jingyan money.

Mu Jingyan sent Mu Yan'er back to Shibi Palace and also searched for money from Wu Shaofu. No wonder Mu Jingyan will become the most business-like prince when he grows up.

Mu Jingyan's ending was learned by Mu Jinjin while reading the comic book, but Mu Jinjin changed the main line of the comic book. I don't know if Mu Jingyan's ending will change.

Mu Jinjin watched Mu Jingyan carry Mu Yan'er away, narrowed his black eyes slightly, and looked at the princes and princesses who were standing there.

By this time her anger had dissipated.

Her anger was only directed at Mu Yan'er, she was not angry at the people in front of her who had not harmed her.

She just doesn't like to hear these people say something that is beneficial to Mu Yan'er.

The high momentum just now stopped, but at this moment, Mu Jinjin standing in front of everyone looked obedient and pleasant again.

Everyone felt that Mu Jinjin's momentum had weakened, so they finally breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, they were always worried that Mu Jinjin would continue to beat someone.

Seeing that Mu Jinjin was well, Yechen led the little koi back to the shade of the tree, half lying on a big rock and watching Mu Jinjin from a distance.

Seeing that Mu Jinjin had regained his composure and began to lead the princes and princesses to practice boxing, he felt relieved.

Wu Shaofu had never been so flustered like today. The three and a half year old Mu Jinjin beside him was so powerful that he couldn't imagine it. He couldn't take his eyes off Mu Jinjin for a moment.

He couldn't figure it out, how could such a petite body swing such a powerful fist?

The way Mu Jinjin beat Mu Yan'er shocked everyone who saw it.

After practicing boxing with Mu Jinjin, everyone was unwilling to walk away, and they were all looking at Mu Jinjin.

Standing in the eyes of many, Mu Jinjin is cute and cute, looking up at the royal brothers and sisters.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, not knowing what to say.

Wu Shaofu also followed the children and looked at Mu Jinjin in a daze, as if he could see from Mu Jinjin why his fist was so powerful.

Yechen led the little koi over and broke the silence.

The young man said in a deep voice: "Jinjin, after practicing boxing, I'm going back to Jinxiu Palace."

The young man's voice is very nice, usually you can't hear such a nice voice in the palace, so who owns such a nice voice?
Everyone turned to look at the boy.

He has a strong frame, broad shoulders, and is tall. He is the tallest among them.

The boy's face was so visible that everyone couldn't take their eyes off it.

Yechen seldom appears alone on weekdays, and has always kept a low profile, never getting Mu Heng's children to really pay attention.

The good-looking boy stood in front of everyone, reflected in everyone's eyes, and was scrutinized from head to toe.

Look at the boy holding the Iceberg Snow Wolf again. He is covered in thick silver fur, which is fluffy and swaying in the wind, making people want to touch it.

The boy and the iceberg snow wolf standing together is so beautiful, it is the only scenery in the imperial palace of Yun country that looks like a fairy picture scroll.

The eyes of the princesses were a little blurred.

The princes were a little disgusted with Ye Chen, after all, this boy was so good-looking that the princes' beauty was covered up.

The boy was talking to Mu Jinjin just now.

Everyone looked at Mu Jinjin, a little envious that this short kid had the best-looking boy to pick him up.

Mu Xinzi asked: "Sister Jinjin, is this person from your palace?"

Mu Jinjin happily walked up to Ye Chen, and introduced to Mu Xinzi: "Brother Ye Chen is temporarily staying in our Jinxiu Palace, which was arranged by the emperor."

Yechen didn't want to be thought too much by everyone, so he explained one more sentence, "The emperor asked me to protect Xiao Jinjin at all times."

Wow ~
Everyone looked at Mu Jinjin enviously. His father doted on Mu Jinjin too much, and even arranged for the best-looking young man to protect Mu Jinjin.

The princesses' eyes were full of caution, and they kept their eyes on Yechen.

The iceberg snow wolf next to Yechen is also so pretty.

Mu Xinzi has seen the Bingshan Snow Wolf before, he once asked his mother Qing Guifei to beg for the Bingshan Snow Wolf from the emperor, and the answer he got was that he was better than Mu Yan'er before begging for it.

Mu Xinzi's ability is not enough, he can only envy Mu Yan'er's good ability, but he has never seen Mu Yan'er get an iceberg snow wolf.

Seeing a proton holding the Bingshan Snow Wolf now, Mu Xinzi felt very uncomfortable.

He walked towards Yechen, pointed to the iceberg snow wolf and asked, "Is it the reward from the father?"

Yechen curled his lips into a smile, laughing that Mu Xinzi didn't know the emperor too well, the emperor would rather slaughter all the iceberg snow wolves than give a single iceberg snow wolf to the enemy's child.

The boy asked in a deep voice, "What do you think?"

Mu Xinzi looked around at Yechen with mature eyes, "Young Master Ye of Gui Kingdom, you probably don't have the ability to get an iceberg snow wolf from your father. I'm just curious who owns this iceberg snow wolf?"

"its mine!"

Mu Jinjin really couldn't listen to the conversation between Mu Xinzi and Yechen anymore.

Mu Xinzi assumed that he was the master and Ye Chen was an outsider, stepping on Ye Chen to interrogate him, which made people feel uncomfortable.

This lovely answer stopped Mu Xinzi.

Mu Xinzi froze on the spot, unable to utter a word, staring blankly at Bingshan Snow Wolf with eyes full of love.

He didn't expect that Mu Jinjin, who was three and a half years old, could have a snow wolf on ice that was raised by his father himself, which was beyond the reach of princes and princesses.

The old eyes were covered with a layer of envy.

"Sister Jinjin, can you let Brother Huang touch this iceberg snow wolf?"

Although Mu Xinzi spoke rudely to Mu Jinjin just now, and he didn't speak very nicely to Yechen, but Mu Jinjin is not the kind of narrow-minded person who pays close attention to every word.

Seeing that Mu Xinzi really liked Bingshan Snow Wolf, she also made a request very politely, and she would not make things difficult for Mu Xinzi.

She nodded to Mu Xinzi, "Brother Huang, please wait a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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